shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /bin/ [ dr-xr-xr-x ]

name : sg_modes
ELF>p<@ȧ@8@@@@hh���xx P�P� P� Ph ���� �� ���  ���DDS�td���  P�td{{{��Q�tdR�tdP�P� P� ��/lib64/�GNUGNU^5��-�W\�r�P�/{u�(�D!(*+BE���|�qX2�����^�h� �����#/�L�E. {�L�W��b���A= 2p&6"�c�� v�� j�� ��� 
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t�|$����t	E���Y���]H�D$hdH3%(��H��x[]A\A]A^A_�fDL��M������A�OM�GA�����H�5� �1������D$���D$����I��L��L	����@M���O������@E1����DM���/����D$���D$������E1��g���@L��H�5Q �1��j������DL��H�5a �1��J������DL��H�5A �1��*���D$���D$���<���L��E1����@�@������H�=�����L���@���H��H�������L�-��3H�5��1�����D$���D$���P���H���F����ML�E�U��u�L��L��1��x���H�=�j��L��
���I��H����L�=U�8�H�5+�1��-���D$���D$�������I�������A�MM�EA�U��u�L��L���1�����뿉�H�T$ �@���H�5��H��1�������L���+���H��H���f���H�-��6fDH�5��1�����D$���D$���1���H���'����KL�C���u�L��H��1��Q�����z��f.���AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%�: UH�-�: SL)�H���?��H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���Usage: sg_modes [--all] [--control=PC] [--dbd] [--dbout] [--examine]
                [--flexible] [--help] [--hex] [--list] [--llbaa]
                [--maxlen=LEN] [--page=PG[,SPG]] [--raw] [-R] [--readwrite]
                [--six] [--verbose] [--version] [DEVICE]
    --all|-a        get all mode pages supported by device
                    use twice to get all mode pages and subpages
    --control=PC|-c PC    page control (default: 0)
                       0: current, 1: changeable,
                       2: (manufacturer's) defaults, 3: saved
    --dbd|-d        disable block descriptors (DBD field in cdb)
    --dbout|-D      disable block descriptor output
    --examine|-e    examine pages # 0 through to 0x3e, note if found
    --flexible|-f    be flexible, cope with MODE SENSE 6/10 response mixup    --help|-h       print usage message then exit
    --hex|-H        output full response in hex
                    use twice to output page number and header in hex
    --list|-l       list common page codes for device peripheral type,
                    if no device given then assume disk type
    --llbaa|-L      set Long LBA Accepted (LLBAA field in mode sense (10) cdb)
    --maxlen=LEN|-m LEN    max response length (allocation length in cdb)
                           (def: 0 -> 4096 or 252 (for MODE SENSE 6) bytes)
    --page=PG|-p PG    page code to fetch (def: 63). May be acronym
    --page=PG,SPG|-p PG,SPG
                       page code and subpage code to fetch (defs: 63,0)
    --raw|-r        output response in binary to stdout
    -R              mode page response to stdout, a byte per line in ASCII
                    hex (same result as '--raw --raw')
    --readwrite|-w    open DEVICE read-write (def: open read-only)
    --six|-6        use MODE SENSE(6), by default uses MODE SENSE(10)
    --verbose|-v    increase verbosity
    --old|-O        use old interface (use as first option)
    --version|-V    output version string then exit

Performs a SCSI MODE SENSE (10 or 6) command. To access and possibly change
mode page fields see the sdparm utility.Usage:  sg_modes [-a] [-A] [-c=PC] [-d] [-D] [-e] [-f] [-h] [-H] [-l] [-L]
                 [-m=LEN] [-p=PG[,SPG]] [-r] [-subp=SPG] [-v] [-V] [-6]
   -a    get all mode pages supported by device
   -A    get all mode pages and subpages supported by device
   -c=PC    page control (def: 0 [current], 1 [changeable],
                               2 [default], 3 [saved])
   -d    disable block descriptors (DBD field in cdb)
   -D    disable block descriptor output
   -e    examine pages # 0 through to 0x3e, note if found
   -f    be flexible, cope with MODE SENSE 6/10 response mixup   -h    output page number and header in hex
   -H    output page number and header in hex (same as '-h')
   -l    list common page codes for device peripheral type,
         if no device given then assume disk type
   -L    set Long LBA Accepted (LLBAA field in mode sense 10 cdb)
   -m=LEN    max response length (allocation length in cdb)
             (def: 0 -> 4096 or 252 (for MODE SENSE 6) bytes)
   -p=PG     page code in hex (def: 3f). No acronym allowed
   -p=PG,SPG    both in hex, (defs: 3f,0)
   -r    mode page output to stdout, a byte per line in ASCII hex
   -subp=SPG    sub page code in hex (def: 0)
   -v    verbose
   -V    output version string
   -6    Use MODE SENSE(6), by default uses MODE SENSE(10)
   -N|--new     use new interface
   -?    output this usage message

Performs a SCSI MODE SENSE (10 or 6) commandBad page control after 'c=' option
Bad argument after 'm=' option
Old format doesn't accept mode page acronyms: %s
Bad page code value after 'p=' option
Bad subpage code value after 'p=' option
Bad page code, subpage code sequence after 'p=' option
Bad sub page code after 'subp=' option
too many arguments, got: %s, not expecting: %s
Bad second value in argument to '--page='
unrecognised option code %c [0x%x]
Unexpected extra argument: %s
 Couldn't match acronym '%s', try '-p xxx' for list
%s: sanity check trip, invalid pc_desc table

    Attached enclosure services processor
    Attached medium changer deviceNot in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
page acronynm: '%s' maps to page_code=0x%x    Assume peripheral device type: disk    peripheral device type: %s
can't give '-e' and a page number
LLBAA not defined for MODE SENSE 6, try without '-L'
For Mode Sense (6) maxlen cannot exceed 255
Unable to allocate %d bytes on heap
%s doesn't respond to a SCSI INQUIRY
    %.8s  %.16s  %.4s   peripheral_type: %s [0x%x]
>>>>>> try again without the '-6' switch for a 10 byte MODE SENSE command
MODE SENSE (6) failed, device not ready
>>>>>> try again with a '-6' switch for a 6 byte MODE SENSE command
MODE SENSE (10) failed, device not ready
%s: MS(10) resid=%d implies negative response length (%d)
'-R' requires a specific (sub)page, not all
'-r' requires a specific (sub)page, not all
invalid field in cdb (perhaps subpages not supported)
invalid field in cdb (perhaps page control (PC) not supported)
invalid field in cdb (perhaps page 0x%x not supported)
>>> msense(10) but resp[0]=%d and not msense(6) response so fix length
Mode parameter header from MODE SENSE(%s):
 >>> Mode parameter header from MODE SENSE(%s),
     decoded as %s byte response:
MS(%s) resid=%d implies negative response length (%d)
MS(6) resid=%d implies abridged header length (%d)
MS(10) resid=%d implies abridged header length (%d)
MS(%s): sg_msense_calc_length() failed
Invalid block descriptor length=%d, ignore
  Mode data length=%d, medium type=0x%.2x, WP=%d, DpoFua=%d, longlba=%d
  Mode data length=%d, medium type=0x%.2x, specific param=0x%.2x, longlba=%d
Only fetched %d bytes of response, truncate output
> longlba direct access device block descriptors:> Direct access device block descriptors:> General mode parameter block descriptors:Unexpectedly received extra mode page responses, ignore
>>> Seen 3 unit attention pages (only one should be at end)
     and mpage length=%d, looks malformed, try '-f' option
>> page_code=0x%x, subpage_code=0x%x, page_control=%d
>> page_code=0x%x, page_control=%d
>>> page length (%d) > %d bytes, unlikely, trim
    Try '-f' option
Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information
>> page_code: %s, page_control: %s
Protocol specific logical unit (SAS)Phy control and discover (SAS)Out of band management control (SAS)Saved training configuration valueCD device parameters (obsolete)Fault/failure reporting control (mmc)MM capabilities and mechanical status (obsolete)Device configuration extensionInformational exceptions control (tape version)Rigid disk geometry (obsolete)Medium types supported (obsolete)Notch and partition (obsolete)Power condition (obsolete, moved to 0x1a)Unit Attention condition [vendor specific format]Informational exceptions control[yields all supported pages and subpages]c=m=%d%x,%xsubp=-oldUnrecognized option: %s
6aAc:dDefhHlLm:NOp:rRsvVbad argument to '--control='
bad argument to '--maxlen='
xxxMode pages group: %s:
[0x%x,0x%x][0x%x]  %s: %s  %s
Bad argument to '--page='
Page[,subpage]   Name===================== 0x%02x,0x%02x    *  %s
 0x%02x         *  %s
 0x%02x,0x%02x       %s
 0x%02x            %s

    Transport protocol: %s
610SG3_UTILS_OLD_OPTS1.66 20180909Version string: %s
, subpage_code=0x%x
No DEVICE argument given

sg_set_binary_modeerror opening file: %s: %s
%s: out of heap
Discovered mode pages:    [0x%x]
MODE SENSE (%s) failed: %s
  Block descriptor length=%d
   Density code=0x%x
0x%x, subpage_code: 0x%xsg_modes failed: >> %s, page_control: %s
currentchangeabledefaultsavedcommondisktapecd/dvdmedia changerscsi controllerenclosurereduced blockadctransport: FCPtransport: SPItransport: SAStransport: ADCaddtTarget deviceaddpDT device primary portadluLogical unitpsluProtocol specific lupspoProtocol specific portProtocol specific port (SAS)pcdspcShared port control (SAS)sepEnhanced phy control (SAS)oobmlucLU controlppPort control short formatmcMargin controlstcnsNegotiated settingsrtcReport transfer capabilitiesplPort controladtdadtsTarget device serial numberrbcRBC device parametersesmEnclosure services managementsslmLUN mappingeaaElement address assignmenttgpTransport geometry parametersdcsDevice capabilitiesedcExtended device capabilitiesRead-Write error recoverymrwMount Rainer rewritablewpWrite parametersveVerify error recoverycaCachingcddpcdaCD audioPower condition (mmc)ffrctpTimeout and protectcmscdpControl data protectiondacData CompressionDevice configurationmpaMedium Partition [1]mpa2Medium Partition [2]mpa3Medium Partition [3]mparMedium Partition [4]iemcoMedium configurationfoFormat (obsolete)rdfgFlexible geometry (obsolete)atagApplication tagioadIO advice hints groupingbopBackground operation controlpatParallel ATA control (SAT)mtsnotpcoxoXOR controlapoATA Power conditionBackground controllbpLogical block provisioninguadrDisconnect-ReconnectpdPeripheral device (obsolete)ControlcoeControl extensioncdlaCommand duration limit AcdlbCommand duration limit Bext_ExtendededtsExtended device-type specificpsPower consumptionasmp[yields all supported pages]asmspalldbddboutexamineflexiblehelphexlistllbaamaxlennewpagerawread-writeread_writereadwritesixverboseversionf��p��p��p��p��p��p��p��p��\��p��R��p��p��H��p��p��p��>��p��p��p��4��p��
�����p��p��p��p��p��p����p��p��p��p��p��p��p��p��p��p�����p��p�����������p��>��p��p��p�����p��p��p��p��p�����p��p��p��������P��P��P��P��P��P��P��P��G��P��>��P��P��5��P��P��P��,��P��P��P��#��P��l�����P��P�����P��P��P�����P��P��P��P��P��P��P��P��P��P�����P��������������P��G��P��P��P�����y��P��P�����P��������P��P��������������|��|��������|��������<�����������<��������������������examine_pagescount_desc_elems;�����L����|���\����L���l�����$���t�������,��D���x����|�����LzRx�����/D$4P���@FJw�?:*3$"\h���0tP��� DW�X��� DWL�`���B�B�B �B(�A0�A8�D�
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The Future of Energy

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Health And Fitness Masterclass

Health And Fitness Masterclass

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1 Jul 2021
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Learn and Understand AngularJS

Learn and Understand AngularJS

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10 Dec 2023
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Effective Time Management

Effective Time Management

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