shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /lib/.build-id/67/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : c8c45c96e9e37a276b3de5601900128c9a625a
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�1��m��l��������A����H��H�5��1��7��6���f�H�5��1��������H�5i�1�������E�ҋL$L�ڿH��L��D�T$LE�H�5I1���D�T$������uc��u�EA����D	�D�MA	��t$E��H�څ���H�5�1��k��j���fDH�5��1��M��L���1���H�UD��@�ƍD6H�tfD�I��H��I	�H9�u�D$��tLH��E��H�581�����L��1�H�5�������H�5��1��������M��E��H�ڿH�5,1������H�5��1����������AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%�# UH�-�# SL)�H���'�H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���Usage: sg_luns    [--decode] [--help] [--hex] [--linux] [--lu_cong]
                  [--maxlen=LEN] [--quiet] [--raw] [--readonly]
                  [--select=SR] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE
       sg_luns    --test=ALUN [--decode] [--hex] [--lu_cong] [--verbose]
    --decode|-d        decode all luns into component parts
    --help|-h          print out usage message
    --hex|-H           output response in hexadecimal; used twice
                       shows decoded values in hex
    --linux|-l         show Linux integer lun after T10 representation
    --lu_cong|-L       decode as if LU_CONG is set; used twice:
                       decode as if LU_CONG is clear
    --maxlen=LEN|-m LEN    max response length (allocation length in cdb)
                           (def: 0 -> %d bytes)
    --quiet|-q         output only ASCII hex lun values
    --raw|-r           output response in binary
    --readonly|-R      open DEVICE read-only (def: read-write)
    --select=SR|-s SR    select report SR (def: 0)
                          0 -> luns apart from 'well known' lus
                          1 -> only 'well known' logical unit numbers
                          2 -> all luns
                          0x10 -> administrative luns
                          0x11 -> admin luns + non-conglomerate luns
                          0x12 -> admin lun + its subsidiary luns
    --test=ALUN|-t ALUN    decode ALUN and ignore most other options
                           and DEVICE (apart from '-H')
    --verbose|-v       increase verbosity
    --version|-V       print version string and exit

Performs a SCSI REPORT LUNS command or decodes the given ALUN. When SR is
0x10 or 0x11 DEVICE must be LUN 0 or REPORT LUNS well known logical unit;
when SR is 0x12 DEVICE must be an administrative logical unit. When the
--test=ALUN option is given, decodes ALUN rather than sending a REPORT
LUNS command.
%sLogical unit _not_ specified
        since Subsidiary element is 0x0000%sPeripheral device addressing: %sSince LU_CONG=1, unexpected Flat space addressing: lun=0x%04x
%sFlat space addressing: lun=0x%04x
%sFlat space addressing: lun=%d
%sSince LU_CONG=1, unexpected lu addressing: bus_id=0x%x, target=0x%02x, lun=0x%02x
%sLogical unit addressing: bus_id=0x%x, target=0x%02x, lun=0x%02x
%sLogical unit addressing: bus_id=%d, target=%d, lun=%d
%sExtended flat space addressing: lun=0x%06x
%sExtended flat space addressing: lun=%d
%sLong extended flat space addressing: lun=0x%010lx
%sLong extended flat space addressing: lun=%lu
%sLogical unit _not_ specified addressing
%sExtended logical unit addressing: length=%d, e.a. method=%d, value=0x%06x
%sExtended logical unit addressing: length=%d, e.a. method=%d, value=%d
%sExtended logical unit addressing: length=%d, e. a. method=%d, %sExtended logical unit addressing: length=%d, e. a. method=%d, value=%lu
%s<<unexpected data at next level, continue>>
argument to '--maxlen' should be %d or less
bad argument to '--select', expect 0 to 255
unrecognised option code 0x%x ??
Unexpected extra argument: %s
Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
Unable to read Linux style LUN integer given to --test=
expected a hex number, optionally prefixed by '0x'
64 bit LUN in T10 (hex, dashed) format: 64 bit LUN in T10 preferred (hex) format: Linux 'word flipped' integer LUN representation: 0x%016lx
Linux 'word flipped' integer LUN representation: 0x%lx
Linux 'word flipped' integer LUN representation: %lu
in order to decode LUN and since --lu_cong not given, do standard
INQUIRY to find LU_CONG bit
fetching standard INQUIRY response failed
LU_CONG bit set in standard INQUIRY response
unable to sg_memalign %d bytes
Lun list length = %d which imples %d lun entr%s
  <<too many luns for internal buffer, will show %d lun%s>>
Report luns [select_report=0x%x]:
Report Luns command not supported (support mandatory in SPC-3)
Report Luns command has bad field in cdb
Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information
SecondThirdFourthtargetlun%s>>>> Administrative LU
%s>>Subsidiary element:
%s>>%s level addressing:
%s>>Administrative element:
%sSimple lu addressing: %s0x%04x
%sbus_id=0x%02x, %s=0x%02x
%sbus_id=%d, %s=%d
%s%s 0x%02x
%s%s %d
iesdhHlLm:qrRs:t:vV1.42 20180626version: %s
 %lx %lu%2x%c%02x%02x %02xDecoded LUN:missing device name!
sg_set_binary_modeopen error: %s: %s
      Report Luns, aborted command
Report Luns command: %s
close error: %s
sg_luns failed: 
Output response in hex
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