shell bypass 403
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Vonage\Entity; use Laminas\Diactoros\Request; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use RuntimeException; use Vonage\Entity\Filter\EmptyFilter; use Vonage\Entity\Filter\FilterInterface; use function array_merge; use function count; use function http_build_query; use function is_null; use function json_decode; use function strpos; /** * Common code for iterating over a collection, and using the collection class to discover the API path. */ trait CollectionTrait { /** * Index of the current resource of the current page * * @var int */ protected $current; /** * Current page data. * * @var array */ protected $page; /** * Last API Response * * @var ResponseInterface */ protected $response; /** * User set page index. * * @var int */ protected $index; /** * User set page size. * * @var int */ protected $size; /** * @var FilterInterface */ protected $filter; abstract public static function getCollectionName(): string; abstract public static function getCollectionPath(): string; /** * @param $data * @param $id */ abstract public function hydrateEntity($data, $id); /** * Return the current item, expects concrete collection to handle creating the object. */ public function current() { return $this->hydrateEntity($this->page['_embedded'][static::getCollectionName()][$this->current], $this->key()); } /** * No checks here, just advance the index. */ public function next(): void { $this->current++; } /** * Return the ID of the resource, in some cases this is `id`, in others `uuid`. * * @return string|int */ public function key() { return $this->page['_embedded'][static::getCollectionName()][$this->current]['id'] ?? $this->page['_embedded'][static::getCollectionName()][$this->current]['uuid'] ?? $this->current; } /** * Handle pagination automatically (unless configured not to). */ public function valid(): bool { //can't be valid if there's not a page (rewind sets this) if (!isset($this->page)) { return false; } //all hal collections have an `_embedded` object, we expect there to be a property matching the collection name if (!isset($this->page['_embedded'][static::getCollectionName()])) { return false; } //if we have a page with no items, we've gone beyond the end of the collection if (!count($this->page['_embedded'][static::getCollectionName()])) { return false; } //index the start of a page at 0 if (is_null($this->current)) { $this->current = 0; } //if our current index is past the current page, fetch the next page if possible and reset the index if (!isset($this->page['_embedded'][static::getCollectionName()][$this->current])) { if (isset($this->page['_links']['next'])) { $this->fetchPage($this->page['_links']['next']['href']); $this->current = 0; return true; } return false; } return true; } /** * Fetch the initial page */ public function rewind(): void { $this->fetchPage(static::getCollectionPath()); } /** * Count of total items */ public function count(): ?int { if (isset($this->page)) { return (int)$this->page['count']; } return null; } /** * @param $index * * @return $this */ public function setPage($index): CollectionTrait { $this->index = (int)$index; return $this; } /** * @return int|mixed */ public function getPage() { if (isset($this->page)) { return $this->page['page_index']; } if (isset($this->index)) { return $this->index; } throw new RuntimeException('page not set'); } /** * @return int|mixed */ public function getSize() { if (isset($this->page)) { return $this->page['page_size']; } if (isset($this->size)) { return $this->size; } throw new RuntimeException('size not set'); } /** * @param $size * * @return $this */ public function setSize($size): CollectionTrait { $this->size = (int)$size; return $this; } /** * Filters reduce to query params and include paging settings. * * @return $this */ public function setFilter(FilterInterface $filter): self { $this->filter = $filter; return $this; } public function getFilter(): FilterInterface { if (!isset($this->filter)) { $this->setFilter(new EmptyFilter()); } return $this->filter; } /** * Fetch a page using the current filter if no query is provided. * * @param $absoluteUri */ protected function fetchPage($absoluteUri): void { //use filter if no query provided if (false === strpos($absoluteUri, '?')) { $query = []; if (isset($this->size)) { $query['page_size'] = $this->size; } if (isset($this->index)) { $query['page_index'] = $this->index; } if (isset($this->filter)) { $query = array_merge($this->filter->getQuery(), $query); } $absoluteUri .= '?' . http_build_query($query); } $request = new Request( $this->getClient()->getApiUrl() . $absoluteUri, 'GET' ); $response = $this->client->send($request); if ((int)$response->getStatusCode() !== 200) { throw $this->getException($response); } $this->response = $response; $this->page = json_decode($this->response->getBody()->getContents(), true); } }