shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /bin/ [ dr-xr-xr-x ]

name : sg_verify
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���� ���D�����L��H�=H��1������[���H�l$`�$�߾PH�����H�t$ H��1�H�=����L��L��1�H�=��������<$u�|$0�����H�t$ H�=�1��]������H�t$ L��H�=�1��B����p���D��H�=�
�.����������������H�l$`�8���L�L$0H��L��
�ù�1����H����������؉lj��}���H�=#H��1�����5������U����T$HH�t$ H�=~1��������}��D$=������1�I��^H��H���PTL�FH�
�H�=x����B$ �H�=�& H��& H9�tH�$ H��t	�����H�=�& H�5�& H)�H��H��H��?H�H�tH��# H��t��fD�����=U& u+UH�=�# H��tH�=�  ����d����-& ]������w������AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%l  UH�-l  SL)�H���O�H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���stdinVERIFY(16)VERIFY(10)b:B:c:dE:g:hi:l:n:P:qrSvVbad argument to '--bpc'
bad argument to '--count'
bad argument to '--ebytchk'
bad argument to '--group'
bad argument to '--lba'
bad argument to '--ndo'
1.25 20180628sg_verify: version: %s
bpc-sg_set_binary_modeabout to wait on STDIN
missing device name!
%s reported MISCOMPARE
%s: %s
close error: %s
sg_verify failed: count16dpoebytchkgrouphelplbanbondoquietreadonlyverboseversionvrprotectUsage: sg_verify [--16] [--bpc=BPC] [--count=COUNT] [--dpo] [--ebytchk=BCH]
                 [--group=GN] [--help] [--in=IF] [--lba=LBA] [--ndo=NDO]
                 [--quiet] [--readonly] [--verbose] [--version]
                 [--vrprotect=VRP] DEVICE
    --16|-S             use VERIFY(16) (def: use VERIFY(10) )
    --bpc=BPC|-b BPC    max blocks per verify command (def: 128)
    --count=COUNT|-c COUNT    count of blocks to verify (def: 1).
                              If BCH=3 then COUNT must be 1 .
    --dpo|-d            disable page out (cache retention priority)
    --ebytchk=BCH|-E BCH    sets BYTCHK value, either 1, 2 or 3 (def: 0).
                            BCH overrides BYTCHK=1 set by '--ndo='. If
                            BCH is 3 then NDO must be the LBA size
                            (plus protection size if DIF active)
    --group=GN|-g GN    set group number field to GN (def: 0)
    --help|-h           print out usage message
    --in=IF|-i IF       input from file called IF (def: stdin)
                        only active if --ebytchk=BCH given
    --lba=LBA|-l LBA    logical block address to start verify (def: 0)
    --ndo=NDO|-n NDO    NDO is number of bytes placed in data-out buffer.
                        These are fetched from IF (or stdin) and used
                        to verify the device data against. Forces
                        --bpc=COUNT. Sets BYTCHK (byte check) to 1
    --quiet|-q          suppress miscompare report to stderr, still
                        causes an exit status of 14
    --readonly|-r       open DEVICE read-only (def: open it read-write)
    --verbose|-v        increase verbosity
    --version|-V        print version string and exit
    --vrprotect=VRP|-P VRP    set vrprotect field to VRP (def: 0)
Performs one or more SCSI VERIFY(10) or SCSI VERIFY(16) commands. sbc3r34
made the BYTCHK field two bits wide (it was a single bit).
bad argument to '--vrprotect'
'--vrprotect' requires a value from 0 to 7 (inclusive)
unrecognised option code 0x%x ??
Unexpected extra argument: %s
Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
'bpc' argument ignored, using --bpc=%lu
count exceed 31 bits, way too large
count must be 1 when bytchk=3
when the 'ebytchk=BCH' option is given, then '--bytchk=NDO' must also be given
'%s' exceeds 65535, so use VERIFY(16)
'lba' exceed 32 bits, so use VERIFY(16)
group number ignored with VERIFY(10) command, use the --16 option
failed to allocate %d byte buffer
sg_verify: could not open %s for readingreading from %s failed at file offset=%d
sg_verify: open error: %s: %s
bad field in %s cdb, near lba=0x%lx
%s medium or hardware error near lba=0x%lx
%s medium or hardware error, reported lba=0x%lx
%s medium or hardware error, reported lba=0x%x
    failed near lba=%lu [0x%lx]
Verified %ld [0x%lx] blocks from lba %lu [0x%lx]
    without error
Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information
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�GA$3p1029�GA*GA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$plugin name: annobinGA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA!
GA*FORTIFYGA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONSsg_verify-1.44-6.el8.x86_64.debug,-�L�7zXZ�ִF!t/���g]?�E�h=��ڊ�2N�$V���1�z�{��������Q	���&cx����܅�;�_З֩��Xi5�_�BiB�^�I�l����	2hH��G�x'}�5\u�l�t�OUb<�C��%�f|19�����N���9[��m�ϙk�G�/�M��)\�c�ER�)��c0zQ�b������ه�偬R�\�T'�r�W�v�"b��T�̢�~R�4{U��y�3��-�np�iT�ށ ��pi��ܚJΉ������S�ٱn~ʒ����Ľh�iU��SJ�'�i�ߎ�G!��H=i��I��(�s�^���X˱I<�?t�,��ο*W�[�(�
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