shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /lib64/python2.7/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : ntpath.pyo
zfc$@spdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlTddlmZddddd	d
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rknXdS(Ks�Common pathname manipulations, WindowsNT/95 version.

Instead of importing this module directly, import os and refer to this
module as os.path.
splitdrivetsplittsplitexttbasenametdirnametcommonprefixtgetsizetgetmtimetgetatimetgetctimetislinktexiststlexiststisdirtisfiletismounttwalkt
expandvarstnormpathtabspathtsplitunctcurdirtpardirtseptpathseptdefpathtaltseptextseptdevnulltrealpathtsupports_unicode_filenamestrelpatht.s..s\t;t/s.;C:\bintces\Windowstos2tnulcCs|jdd�j�S(saNormalize case of pathname.

    Makes all characters lowercase and all slashes into backslashes.R(s\(treplacetlower(ts((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR+scCs*t|�d}|dko)|d dkS(sTest whether a path is absoluteits/\(R(R.((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR8scGst|�\}}x�|D]�}t|�\}}|ri|ddkri|sT|r]|}n|}qnE|r�||kr�|j�|j�kr�|}|}qn|}n|r�|ddkr�|d}n||}qW|r|ddkr|r|ddkr|t|S||S(s>Join two or more pathname components, inserting "\" as\/i����s\t:(RR-R(tpathtpathstresult_drivetresult_pathtptp_drivetp_path((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR?s*

cCst|�dkr�|jtt�}|dd!tdkr�|dd!tkr�|jtd�}|dkrvd|fS|jt|d�}||dkr�d|fS|dkr�t|�}n|| ||fS|ddkr�|d |dfSnd|fS(s�Split a pathname into drive/UNC sharepoint and relative path specifiers.
    Returns a 2-tuple (drive_or_unc, path); either part may be empty.

    If you assign
        result = splitdrive(p)
    It is always true that:
        result[0] + result[1] == p

    If the path contained a drive letter, drive_or_unc will contain everything
    up to and including the colon.  e.g. splitdrive("c:/dir") returns ("c:", "/dir")

    If the path contained a UNC path, the drive_or_unc will contain the host name
    and share up to but not including the fourth directory separator character.
    e.g. splitdrive("//host/computer/dir") returns ("//host/computer", "/dir")

    Paths cannot contain both a drive letter and a UNC path.

    iiiii����R/R0(tlenR,R Rtfind(R5tnormptindextindex2((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR`s*

cCs�|dd!dkrd|fS|dd!}|dksB|dkr�|jdd	�}|jd	d�}|dkr|d|fS|jd	|d�}||dkr�d|fS|d
kr�t|�}n|| ||fSd|fS(s?Split a pathname into UNC mount point and relative path specifiers.

    Return a 2-tuple (unc, rest); either part may be empty.
    If unc is not empty, it has the form '//host/mount' (or similar
    using backslashes).  unc+rest is always the input path.
    Paths containing drive letters never have a UNC part.


cCs�t|�\}}t|�}x(|rH||ddkrH|d}q!W|| ||}}|}x$|r�|ddkr�|d }qgW|p�|}|||fS(s~Split a pathname.

    Return tuple (head, tail) where tail is everything after the final slash.
    Either part may be\i����(RR8(R5tdtitheadttailthead2((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR�scCstj|ttt�S(N(tgenericpatht	_splitextRR R!(R5((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR�scCst|�dS(s)Returns the final component of a pathnamei(R(R5((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR�scCst|�dS(s-Returns the directory component of a pathnamei(R(R5((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR	�scCstS(sNTest for symbolic link.
    On WindowsNT/95 and OS/2 always returns false
    (tFalse(R1((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR�scCsRt|�\}}|r"|dkSt|�d}t|�dkoQ|ddkS(s?Test whether a path is a mount point (defined as root of drive)R/R(s\iis/\(R/R(s\(RRR8(R1tunctrestR5((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR�s

r=dSX||||�x<|D]4}t||�}t|�rUt|||�qUqUWdS(sIDirectory tree walk with callback function.

    For each directory in the directory tree rooted at top (including top
    itself, but excluding '.' and '..'), call func(arg, dirname, fnames).
    dirname is the name of the directory, and fnames a list of the names of
    the files and subdirectories in dirname (excluding '.' and '..').  func
    may modify the fnames list in-place (e.g. via del or slice assignment),
    and walk will only recurse into the subdirectories whose names remain in
    fnames; this can be used to implement a filter, or to impose a specific
    order of visiting.  No semantics are defined for, or required of, arg,
    beyond that arg is always passed to func.  It can be used, e.g., to pass
    a filename pattern, or a mutable object designed to accumulate
    statistics.  Passing None for arg is common.s4In 3.x, os.path.walk is removed in favor of os.walk.t
cCs|d dkr|Sdt|�}}x*||krS||dkrS|d}q*Wdtjkrstjd}nsdtjkr�tjd}nTdtjkr�|Sytjd}Wntk
r�d}nXt|tjd�}|dkrtt|�|d|!�}n|||S(	sLExpand ~ and ~user constructs.

    If user or $HOME is unknown, do\tHOMEtUSERPROFILEtHOMEPATHt	HOMEDRIVER/(R8RKtenvirontKeyErrorRR	(R1R?tntuserhometdrive((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyRs&

c	s�d|krd|kr|Sddl}|j|jd}t|t�ritj���fd�}n	d�}d}d	}t|�}x:||kr�||}|d
||d }Wq�t	k
r|||}|d}q�Xn�|dkr�||d|d!dkr_||}|d}q�||d}t|�}y|jd�}Wn)t	k
r�|d|}|d}q�X|| }y|||�}Wq�t
r�|d|d}q�Xn�|dkr�||d|d!dkr=||}|d}q�||d|d!d
kr�||d}t|�}yW|jd�}|| }y|||�}Wn#t
r�|d|d}nXWq�t	k
||}|d}q�W|S(sfExpand shell variables of the forms $var, ${var} and %var%.

    Unknown variables are left unchanged.t$t%i����Ns_-cstj|j��j��S(N(RKRXtencodetdecode(tvar(tencoding(s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pytgetenvQscSstj|S(N(RKRX(Ra((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyRcTsR/is'iit{t}s${(tstringt
ValueErrorRY(	R1RftvarcharsRctresR;tpathlentcRa((Rbs/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyRGs�	




cCs�t|t�rdnd
\}}|jd�r4|S|jdd�}t|�\}}|dkr�xV|d	 dkr�||}|d	}qgWn+|jd�r�||}|jd�}n|jd�}d
krP||d	dkrP||d	|d	5|d	8}q�|d
kru|jd�ru||=q�|d	7}q�|d	7}q�W|r�|r�|j	|�n||j
|�S(s0Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc.u\u.s\R&s\\.\s\\?\R(R/iis..(u\u.(s\R&(s\\.\s\\?\(R&R/(RiRt
startswithR,RtlstripRR8tendswithtappendR(R1t	backslashtdottprefixtcompsR?((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR�s8!


(t_getfullpathnamecCsRt|�sHt|t�r*tj�}ntj�}t||�}nt|�S(s&Return the absolute version of a path.(RRiRRKtgetcwdutgetcwdRR(R1tcwd((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR�scCsa|r-yt|�}WqWtk
r)qWXn*t|t�rKtj�}ntj�}t|�S(s&Return the absolute version of a path.(RytWindowsErrorRiRRKRzR{R(R1((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR�s
tgetwindowsversioniicCsztt|��}t|�\}}t|�}|sKt|�\}}n||g|jt�D]}|ra|^qafS(N(RRRtboolRRR(R1tabsRwRGtis_unctx((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyt_abspath_split�scCs1|std��nt|�\}}}t|�\}}}||Arbtd||f��n|j�|j�kr�|r�td||f��q�td||f��nd}xCt||�D]2\}	}
|	j�|
j�kr�Pn|d7}q�Wtgt|�|||}|s'tSt|�S(s#Return a relative version of a pathsno path specifieds,Cannot mix UNC and non-UNC paths (%s and %s)s,path is on UNC root %s, start on UNC root %ss&path is on drive %s, start on drive %sii(RlR�R-tzipRR8RR(R1tstarttstart_is_unctstart_prefixt
start_listtpath_is_unctpath_prefixt	path_listR?te1te2trel_list((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyR%�s,
(t_isdir(/t__doc__RKRjtstatRCRIRt__all__RRR!RRR Rtbuiltin_module_namesR"RRRRRRRRDRR	RRRRRRRRtntRytImportErrorRR#thasattrR~R$R�R%R�R(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/ntpath.pyt<module>sp
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