shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /bin/ [ dr-xr-xr-x ]

name : mpicalc
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 H)�H��H��H��?H�H�tH�� H��t��fD�����=
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?----version--help--print-config--disable-hwf1.6.0stack underflow
stack overflow
checking prime failed: %s
stack is empty[%2d]: invalid operator
scanning input failed: %s
invalid number
input too large - truncated
note: Non ASCII characters are ignored
%s 2.0
libgcrypt %s
Copyright (C) 1997, 2013  Werner Koch
License LGPLv2.1+: GNU LGPL version 2.1 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Syntax: mpicalc [options]
Simple interactive big integer RPN calculator

  --version           print version information
  --print-config      print the Libgcrypt config
  --disable-hwf NAME  disable feature NAME
%s: unknown hardware feature `%s' - option ignored
usage: %s [options]  (--help for help)
%s: Libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)
+   add           [0] := [1] + [0]          {-1}
-   subtract      [0] := [1] - [0]          {-1}
*   multiply      [0] := [1] * [0]          {-1}
/   divide        [0] := [1] - [0]          {-1}
%   modulo        [0] := [1] % [0]          {-1}
<   left shift    [0] := [0] << 1           {0}
>   right shift   [0] := [0] >> 1           {0}
++  increment     [0] := [0]++              {0}
--  decrement     [0] := [0]--              {0}
m   multiply mod  [0] := [2] * [1] mod [0]  {-2}
^   power mod     [0] := [2] ^ [1] mod [0]  {-2}
I   inverse mod   [0] := [1]^-1 mod [0]     {-1}
G   gcd           [0] := gcd([1],[0])       {-1}
i   remove item   [0] := [1]                {-1}
d   dup item      [-1] := [0]               {+1}
r   reverse       [0] := [1], [1] := [0]    {0}
b   # of bits     [0] := nbits([0])         {0}
P   prime check   [0] := is_prime([0])?1:0  {0}
c   clear stack
p   print top item
f   print the stack
#   ignore until end of line
?   print this help
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