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: /scripts/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : xfertool

# cpanel - scripts/xfertool                        Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

package scripts::xfertool;

use cPstrict;

=encoding utf-8

=head1 USAGE

    xfertool ( --help | <COMMAND> <USERNAME> [ARGS..] )


This script is part of an automated process that WHM uses for account

We B<do> B<not> recommend calling this script manually.

Possible COMMAND values are:


=item * C<allowlogins> and C<disallowlogins>

Control the user’s ability to log in.

=item * C<blockdynamiccontent> and C<unblockdynamiccontent>

Control httpd’s handling of files with certain well-known extensions
that correlate with dynamic web content. For example, after
C<blockdynamiccontent>, C<.php> files will no longer function normally.

=item * C<setupmaildest>

Sets the user’s mail routing. Takes an additional argument that
can be C<primary>, C<secondary>, or C<remote>.


    xfertool setupmaildest howard primary

=item * C<swapip>

Replaces one IP address for another in the user’s DNS zones. Takes
the source & target IP addresses as additional arguments.


    xfertool swapip howard

=item * C<changenameservers>

Sets the user’s nameservers, given as additional arguments.


    xfertool changenameservers howard

(As many nameservers can be given as needed.)




use parent 'Cpanel::HelpfulScript';

use Cpanel::DnsUtils::Fetch                 ();
use Cpanel::Hostname                        ();
use Cpanel::Encoder::URI                    ();
use Cpanel::DnsUtils::Stream                ();
use Cpanel::DnsUtils::AskDnsAdmin           ();
use Cpanel::ZoneFile                        ();
use Cpanel::OS                              ();
use Cpanel::PwCache                         ();
use Cpanel::Config                          ();
use Cpanel::Config::CpUserGuard             ();
use Cpanel::ConfigFiles                     ();
use Cpanel::AccessIds::ReducedPrivileges    ();
use Cpanel::Config::WebVhosts               ();
use Cpanel::Config::userdata::Load          ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::Domain               ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::Owner                ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny    ();
use Cpanel::MailTools::DBS                  ();
use Cpanel::Config::HasCpUserFile           ();
use Cpanel::Team::Config                    ();
use Cpanel::Team::Constants                 ();
use Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Constants ();

use constant {
    _ENOENT => 2,


use constant _OPTIONS => ();


__PACKAGE__->new(@ARGV)->script() if !caller;

sub script ($self) {

    my @args = $self->getopt_unnamed();

    my $opt  = shift(@args) or die $self->help('Need a COMMAND.');
    my $user = shift(@args) or die $self->help('Need a USERNAME.');

    my @DOMAINS;
    if ( !Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam($user) ) {

        # check if user looks like a valid domain
        if ( $user !~ /.\../ ) {
            print "Supplied user '$user' is not found.\n";
            exit 1;

        @DOMAINS = ($user);

        # can return 'root' if no other owner found
        $user = Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny::getdomainowner( $DOMAINS[0] );
        if ( $user eq 'root' ) {
            print "Domain '$DOMAINS[0]' cannot be transferred.\n";
    elsif ( Cpanel::Config::HasCpUserFile::has_cpuser_file($user) ) {
        my $cpu_ref = Cpanel::Config::loadcpuserfile($user);
        @DOMAINS = ( $cpu_ref->{'DOMAIN'} );
        if ( ref $cpu_ref->{'DOMAINS'} ) {
            push @DOMAINS, @{ $cpu_ref->{'DOMAINS'} };
    else {
        print "Supplied user '$user' is not found.\n";
        exit 1;

    if ( $user eq 'root' ) {
        print "Cannot use 'root' user.\n";

    if ( $opt =~ /(dis)?allowlogins/i ) {
        my $dis = $1;
        if ( !$user ) {
            print "Usage: $0 --(dis)?allowlogins user\n";
        if ($dis) {
        else {
    elsif ( $opt =~ /(un)?blockdynamiccontent/i ) {
        my $un = $1;
        shift @args;    # $dest
        if ( !scalar @DOMAINS ) {
            print "Usage: $0 --(un)?blockdynamiccontent domain/user\n";
        _block_dynamic_content( $user, \@DOMAINS, ( $un ? 1 : 0 ) );
    elsif ( $opt =~ /setupmaildest/i ) {
        my $dest = shift(@args);
        if ( !scalar @DOMAINS ) {
            print "Usage: $0 --setupmaildest domain/user primary/secondary/remote\n";
        _setmaildest( \@DOMAINS, $dest );
    elsif ( $opt =~ /swapip/i ) {
        my $sourceip = shift(@args);
        my $targetip = shift(@args);
        if ( !scalar @DOMAINS || !$sourceip || !$targetip ) {
            print "Usage: $0 --swapip domain/user sourceip destip\n";
        _changezones( 'SWAPIP', \@DOMAINS, $sourceip, $targetip );
    elsif ( $opt =~ /changenameservers/i ) {
        if ( !scalar @DOMAINS ) {
            print "Usage: $0 --changenameservers domain/user NS1 NS2 NS3 ...\n";
        my @NSLIST = @args;
        _changezones( 'NAMESERVERS', \@DOMAINS, \@NSLIST );
    else {
        die $self->help("Unrecognized COMMAND ($opt) given.");


sub _changezones {
    my $op        = shift;
    my $domainref = shift;

    my %ZONES = %{ Cpanel::DnsUtils::Fetch::fetch_zones( 'zones' => $domainref ) };

    if ( $op eq 'SWAPIP' ) {
        my $sourceip = shift;
        my $destip   = shift;
        foreach my $zone ( keys %ZONES ) {
            my $zf = Cpanel::ZoneFile->new( text => $ZONES{$zone}, domain => $zone );
            if ( $zf->{'status'} ) {

            if ( !$sourceip || $sourceip == -1 ) {
                my @main_a_records = $zf->find_records( 'type' => 'A', 'name' => $zone . '.' );
                $sourceip = $main_a_records[0]->{'address'};

            my @arecords = $zf->find_records( 'type' => 'A' );
            if ( !$sourceip ) {
                $sourceip = $arecords[0]->{'address'};

            for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#arecords; $i++ ) {
                if ( $arecords[$i]->{'address'} eq $sourceip ) {
                    $arecords[$i]->{'address'} = $destip;

            $zf->replace_records( \@arecords );

            my $zref = $zf->serialize();
            $ZONES{$zone} = $zref;
    elsif ( $op eq 'NAMESERVERS' ) {
        my $nsref = shift;

        foreach my $zone ( keys %ZONES ) {
            my $zf = Cpanel::ZoneFile->new( text => $ZONES{$zone}, domain => $zone );
            if ( $zf->{'status'} ) {

            my @soarecords = $zf->find_records( 'name' => $zone . '.', 'type' => 'SOA' );

            $soarecords[0]->{'mname'} = $nsref->[0];
            $zf->replace_records( \@soarecords );

            my @nsrecords    = $zf->find_records( 'name' => $zone . '.', 'type' => 'NS' );
            my $first_record = $zf->get_first_record( \@nsrecords );

            my $first_record_line = $first_record->{'Line'};
            my $first_record_ttl  = $first_record->{'ttl'};

            $zf->remove_records( \@nsrecords );
            foreach my $nameserver ( @{$nsref} ) {
                        'ttl'     => $first_record_ttl,
                        'name'    => $zone . '.',
                        'class'   => 'IN',
                        'type'    => 'NS',
                        'nsdname' => $nameserver
                    $first_record_line - 1

            my $zref = $zf->serialize();
            $ZONES{$zone} = $zref;

    my $zdata;
    foreach my $zone ( keys %ZONES ) {
        if ( !$ZONES{$zone} ) {
        my $zonedata = join( "\n", @{ $ZONES{$zone} } );
        $zonedata =~ s/\n{4}/\n/g;
        if ( $zonedata eq '' ) { next(); }

        #we should just edit the soa?
        $zonedata = Cpanel::DnsUtils::Stream::upsrnumstream($zonedata);    #increase serial number

        push @RELOADLIST, $zone;
        $zdata .= 'cpdnszone-' . Cpanel::Encoder::URI::uri_encode_str($zone) . '=' . Cpanel::Encoder::URI::uri_encode_str($zonedata) . '&';

    Cpanel::DnsUtils::AskDnsAdmin::askdnsadmin( 'SYNCZONES', 0, '', '', '', $zdata );
    Cpanel::DnsUtils::AskDnsAdmin::askdnsadmin( 'RELOADZONES', 0, join( ',', @RELOADLIST ) );

sub _setmaildest {
    my $domainref = shift;
    my $dest      = shift;
    if ( !$dest || ( $dest ne 'primary' && $dest ne 'secondary' ) ) {
        $dest = 'remote';

    my @setup;

    foreach my $domain ( @{$domainref} ) {
        print "Setting mail handling for $domain to : $dest\n";

        # NB: This duplicates logic in
        # Whostmgr::Transfers::Systems::MailRouting; it would be nice to
        # normalize it.
        if ( $dest eq 'primary' ) {
            push @setup, [ $domain, 'localdomains' => 1, 'remotedomains' => 0, 'secondarymx' => 0, 'update_proxy_subdomains' => 1 ];
        elsif ( $dest eq 'secondary' ) {
            push @setup, [ $domain, 'localdomains' => 0, 'remotedomains' => 1, 'secondarymx' => 1, 'update_proxy_subdomains' => 1 ];
        else {
            push @setup, [ $domain, 'localdomains' => 0, 'remotedomains' => 1, 'secondarymx' => 0, 'update_proxy_subdomains' => 1 ];

    Cpanel::MailTools::DBS::setup_mail_routing_for_domains( \@setup );


sub _block_dynamic_content {
    my $user      = shift;
    my $domainref = shift;
    my $unblock   = shift;

    my @DYNAMIC_EXTS = qw(dynamiccontent pl plx perl cgi php php4 php5 php6 php3 shtml);
    my $host;
    my $owner = Cpanel::AcctUtils::Owner::getowner($user);
    $owner =~ s/\n//g;
    if ( $owner eq '' || $owner eq 'root' || $user eq $owner ) {
        $host = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname();
    else {
        $host = Cpanel::AcctUtils::Domain::getdomain($owner);
    if ( !$host ) { $host = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname(); }

    my $dynamic_regex = '\.(' . join( '|', @DYNAMIC_EXTS ) . ')$';

    my $privs = Cpanel::AccessIds::ReducedPrivileges->new($user);

    my $wvh = Cpanel::Config::WebVhosts->load($user);

    my %seen_vhost;

    for my $domain (@$domainref) {
        my $vhost_name = $wvh->get_vhost_name_for_domain($domain) or do {
            warn "“$user” has no web vhost for domain “$domain”!\n";

        next if $seen_vhost{$vhost_name};

        my $vh_conf = Cpanel::Config::userdata::Load::load_userdata_domain( $user, $vhost_name );
        if ( !$vh_conf || !%$vh_conf ) {
            warn "“$user”’s web vhost “$vhost_name” has no configuration!\n";

        my $docroot = $vh_conf->{'documentroot'} or do {
            warn "Configuration for “$user”’s web vhost “$vhost_name” has no document root!\n";

        my $htaccess = "$docroot/.htaccess";

        if ($unblock) {
            next if !-e $htaccess;

            if ( open my $htaccess_fh, '+<', $htaccess ) {
                my @HT = <$htaccess_fh>;
                @HT = grep( !/^\s*redirectmatch\s+[\.\\\(]*dynamiccontent/i, @HT );

                # Clear final empty line. Previously there was
                # a bug in this logic that would leave an extra line in the
                # file after every block/unblock cycle.
                pop @HT if @HT && ( $HT[-1] eq "\n" );

                seek( $htaccess_fh, 0, 0 );
                print {$htaccess_fh} join( '', @HT );
                truncate( $htaccess_fh, tell($htaccess_fh) );
                close $htaccess_fh;
            elsif ( $! != _ENOENT() ) {
                warn "Failed to update htaccess @ $docroot file: $!";

        else {
            if ( open my $htaccess_fh, '>>', $htaccess ) {
                print {$htaccess_fh} "\nRedirectMatch $dynamic_regex http://$host/cgi-sys/movingpage.cgi\n";
                close $htaccess_fh;
            else {
                warn "Failed to update htaccess @ $docroot file: $!";

        $seen_vhost{$vhost_name} = 1;


sub _allow_logins {
    my $user = shift;

    $user =~ s/\\//g;


    if ( -e '/usr/sbin/pw' ) {
        system( '/usr/sbin/pw', 'unlock', $user );
    else {
        system( 'passwd', '-u', $user );

    # restore user's cron if previously suspended
    my $user_crontab_dir = Cpanel::OS::user_crontab_dir();
    my $suspended_cron   = "${user_crontab_dir}.suspended/$user";
    if ( -e $suspended_cron ) {
        link( $suspended_cron, "$user_crontab_dir/${user}" ) && unlink $suspended_cron;

    my $cpuser_guard = Cpanel::Config::CpUserGuard->new($user);
    delete $cpuser_guard->{'data'}->{'SUSPENDED'};

sub _disallow_logins {
    my $user = shift;

    $user =~ s/\///g;

    # very similar to the code in scripts/suspendacct,
    #   but cannot be used as webserver & co still need to be available
    if ( !-d '/var/cpanel/suspended' ) {
        my $original_umask = umask(022);
        my $mail_gid       = ( getgrnam('mail') )[2] // 13;
        mkdir( '/var/cpanel/suspended', 0710 );
        chown( 0, $mail_gid, '/var/cpanel/suspended' );

    require Cpanel::FileUtils::Write;
    Cpanel::FileUtils::Write::overwrite( "/var/cpanel/suspended/${user}", $Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Constants::USER_TRANSFERRED_MESSAGE, 0640 );


    if ( -e '/usr/sbin/pw' ) {
        system( '/usr/sbin/pw', 'lock', $user );
    else {
        system( 'passwd', '-l', $user );

    # temporarily suspend crontab


    # suspend the team user on source server once transferred.

    my $cpuser_guard = Cpanel::Config::CpUserGuard->new($user);
    $cpuser_guard->{'data'}->{'SUSPENDTIME'} = time();
    $cpuser_guard->{'data'}->{'SUSPENDED'}   = 1;

sub _generate_account_suspension_include {
    require "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/generate_account_suspension_include";    ## no critic qw(Modules::RequireBarewordIncludes) -- refactoring this is too large
    return 1;

sub _suspend_cron_for {
    my ($user) = @_;

    return unless $user;
    my $user_crontab_dir = Cpanel::OS::user_crontab_dir();
    my $cron             = "$user_crontab_dir/$user";
    return unless -e $cron;

    # create cron.suspended dir if missing
    my $suspended_dir = "${user_crontab_dir}.suspended";
    mkdir( $suspended_dir, 0700 ) unless -e $suspended_dir;

    # set the cron as suspended
    link( $cron, "${suspended_dir}/${user}" ) && unlink($cron);

sub _suspend_ftp_for {
    my $user   = shift || return;
    my $ftpdir = $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::FTP_PASSWD_DIR;    # this same directory is used for both proftpd and pure-ftpd
    return if !-d $ftpdir;
    my $ftpfile = $ftpdir . '/' . $user;
    rename $ftpfile, $ftpfile . '.' . 'suspended';
    system '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/ftpupdate', $user;

sub _suspend_team_for {
    my $user = shift || return;
    return if !-e "$Cpanel::Team::Constants::TEAM_CONFIG_DIR/$user";
    require Cpanel::Exception;
    eval {
        my $team_obj = Cpanel::Team::Config->new($user);

    if ($@) {
        my $error_as_string = Cpanel::Exception::get_string($@);
        print "Unable to suspend team user due to an exception: $error_as_string\n";

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