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name : php_fpm_config

# cpanel - scripts/php_fpm_config                  Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

package scripts::php_fpm_config;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long ();

use Cpanel::Config::Httpd::EA4 ();
use Cpanel::JSON               ();
use Cpanel::Logger             ();
use Cpanel::PHPFPM::Constants  ();
use Cpanel::PHPFPM::ConvertAll ();
use Cpanel::PHPFPM::Inventory  ();
use Cpanel::PHPFPM::Utils      ();
use Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny    ();

use Try::Tiny;

sub usage {
    my ($msg) = @_;

    print "$msg\n" if defined $msg;

    print <<"EOF";
$0 --rebuild [--domain=domain]

Rebuild all the php fpm config files, also removes domains w/o a config file.
Optionally rebuilds only the files for a particular domain.

This will call build_apache_conf, and restart Apache.

$0 --check

   Displays an inventory of FPM files and health status.

$0 --check --json

   Output above check in JSON format.

$0 --convert_all [--noprompt]

   Converts all accounts to PHP-FPM
   With optional --noprompt arg, the script will not prompt before starting conversion

$0 --help

Show this message.


    return 0;

our ( $rebuild, $help, $domain, $check, $json, $convert_all, $logfile_path, $noprompt, $schedule_rebuild, $schedule_ensure );

sub _check {
    my $ref = Cpanel::PHPFPM::Inventory::get_inventory();

    my @users = keys %{$ref};
    foreach my $user (@users) {
        next if ( $user eq "orphaned_files" );

        my $user_ref = $ref->{$user};

        my $domains_ref = $user_ref->{'domains'};

        my @domains = keys %{$domains_ref};

        foreach my $domain (@domains) {
            my $dref       = $domains_ref->{$domain};
            my $phpversion = $dref->{'phpversion'};

            next if !defined $phpversion;    # cruft file

            print "User $user Domain $domain PHP Version $phpversion\n";
            if ( $dref->{is_overquota} ) {
                print "    WARNING Account is OVER QUOTA and may not work correctly\n\n";

            foreach my $conf ( @{ $dref->{'conf_files'} } ) {
                print "    Conf File $conf->{'file'}\n";
                print "    YAML File $conf->{'yaml_path'}\n";
                print "        Socket :" . $conf->{'socket_status'} . ": :" . $conf->{'socket'} . ":\n";

                my $status = "Status is Good";
                $status = "Status is in Error" if $conf->{'status'} == 0;

                print "        $status $conf->{'msg'}\n";

                if ( $conf->{'msg'} =~ m/CONF IS OLDER/ ) {
                    print "    Conf MTIME $conf->{'conf_mtime'}\n";
                    print "    YAML MTIME $conf->{'yaml_mtime'}\n";

    foreach my $user (@users) {
        next if ( $user ne "orphaned_files" );
        last if ( @{ $ref->{$user} } == 0 );

        print "\nOrphaned Files (PHP FPM Config files without the cPanel YAML file)\n";
        foreach my $file ( sort @{ $ref->{$user} } ) {
            print "$file\n";

    my @cruft_files = ( @{ $ref->{'cruft'}->{'yaml_files'} }, @{ $ref->{'cruft'}->{'conf_files'} } );
    my $header      = 0;
    foreach my $cruft_file (@cruft_files) {
        if ( !$header ) {
            $header = 1;
            print "\nCruft files (files that should be removed)\n";

        print "$cruft_file\n";


sub _convert_all {
    my ( $logfile_path, $noprompt ) = @_;

    my $logger;

    if ( defined $logfile_path ) {
        $logger = Cpanel::Logger->new( { 'alternate_logfile' => $logfile_path } );
    else {
        $logger = Cpanel::Logger->new();

    # Check system usage, prompt for continuing
    my $information_hashref = Cpanel::PHPFPM::Utils::get_fpm_count_and_utilization();
    if ( $information_hashref->{'show_warning'} == 1 ) {
        print "Warning:\n";
        print "Your server may run out of memory if you enable PHP-FPM on all domains and accounts.\n";
        print "Make certain that your server possesses enough memory to continue, or you may experience severe data loss.\n";
        print "This action would enable " . $information_hashref->{'domains_to_be_enabled'} . " domains but can only safely support ";
        print $information_hashref->{'number_of_new_fpm_accounts_we_can_handle'} . "\n";
    else {
        print "This operation will attempt to convert all domains on the server to use PHP-FPM.\n";
        print "While it appears the server has enough memory to support all the new domains, you should still be careful not to exceed server resources by proceeding.\n";

    if ( !$noprompt ) {
        print "Are you sure you would like to enable PHP-FPM for all domains on this server? (y/n)\n";
        chomp( my $input = <STDIN> );
        if ( $input !~ m/^y/i ) {
            print "Aborting PHP-FPM conversion.\n";
            return 0;

    # Check the touchfile to be sure it's not stale / left over from a misfortunately killed conversion process
    my $pid_obj               = Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny->new();
    my $convert_pid           = $pid_obj->get_pid_from_pidfile($Cpanel::PHPFPM::Constants::convert_all_pid_file);
    my $conversion_in_process = Cpanel::PHPFPM::Utils::is_task_still_running( $convert_pid, '^\[php_fpm_config' );

    # If it was a stale pidfile, remove it so we can start anew
    if ( !$conversion_in_process ) {
        $pid_obj->pid_file( $Cpanel::PHPFPM::Constants::convert_all_pid_file, $$, {} );
        local $0 = '[php_fpm_config] Converting all accounts to use PHP-FPM';
        try {
        catch {
            print "Error while converting: $_\n";
    else {
        print "A conversion of all domains to PHP-FPM is currently underway.\n";


sub script {
    my (@argv) = @_;

    # using return (usage()) for testability
    return ( usage("This is not an Easy Apache 4 System") ) if !Cpanel::Config::Httpd::EA4::is_ea4();
    return ( usage("Must be run as root") )                 if $> != 0;

    local $| = 1;

    my $opts = Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray(
        'rebuild'          => \$rebuild,
        'domain=s'         => \$domain,
        'help'             => \$help,
        'check'            => \$check,
        'json'             => \$json,
        'convert_all'      => \$convert_all,
        'logfile_path=s'   => \$logfile_path,
        'noprompt'         => \$noprompt,
        'schedule_rebuild' => \$schedule_rebuild,
        'schedule_ensure'  => \$schedule_ensure,
    ) or return ( usage("Invalid parameters") );

    if ( defined $help ) {
        return ( usage() );

    if ($rebuild) {
        require Cpanel::PHPFPM::Tasks;
        require Cpanel::Hooks;
        if ($domain) {
            require Cpanel::PHPFPM::RebuildQueue::Adder;
                    'category' => 'scripts',
                    'event'    => 'php_fpm_config::rebuild',
                    'stage'    => 'pre',
                { 'rebuild' => $domain }
        else {
                    'category' => 'scripts',
                    'event'    => 'php_fpm_config',
                    'stage'    => 'pre',
                { 'rebuild' => 'all' }
        if ($domain) {
                    'category' => 'scripts',
                    'event'    => 'php_fpm_config',
                    'stage'    => 'post',
                { 'rebuild' => $domain }
        else {
                    'category' => 'scripts',
                    'event'    => 'php_fpm_config',
                    'stage'    => 'post',
                { 'rebuild' => 'all' }
    elsif ( $check && $json ) {
        my $ref = Cpanel::PHPFPM::Inventory::get_inventory();

        print Cpanel::JSON::pretty_dump ($ref);
    elsif ($check) {
    elsif ($convert_all) {
        require Cpanel::Hooks;
                'category' => 'scripts',
                'event'    => 'php_fpm_config',
                'stage'    => 'pre',
            { 'convert_all' => 1 }
        _convert_all( $logfile_path, $noprompt );
                'category' => 'scripts',
                'event'    => 'php_fpm_config',
                'stage'    => 'post',
            { 'convert_all' => 1 }
    elsif ($schedule_rebuild) {
        require Cpanel::ServerTasks;
        Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task( ['PHPFPMTasks'], $Cpanel::PHPFPM::Constants::delay_for_rebuild, 'rebuild_fpm' );
        Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task( ['PHPFPMTasks'], 240,                                           'ensure_fpm_on_boot' );
    elsif ($schedule_ensure) {
        require Cpanel::ServerTasks;
        Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task( ['PHPFPMTasks'], 240, 'ensure_fpm_on_boot' );
    else {
        return ( usage("Invalid Action") );

    return 0;

exit( script(@ARGV) ) unless caller();


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