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UnknownSec Shell

: /home/anyleson/public_html/app/Models/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : Webinar.php

namespace App\Models;

use App\Mixins\Certificate\MakeCertificate;
use App\Models\Traits\CascadeDeletes;
use App\User;
use Astrotomic\Translatable\Contracts\Translatable as TranslatableContract;
use Astrotomic\Translatable\Translatable;
use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Services\SlugService;
use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Sluggable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Jorenvh\Share\ShareFacade;
use Spatie\CalendarLinks\Link;

class Webinar extends Model implements TranslatableContract
    use Translatable;
    use Sluggable;
    use CascadeDeletes;

    protected $table = 'webinars';
    public $timestamps = false;
    protected $dateFormat = 'U';
    protected $guarded = ['id'];

    public $morphsFunctions = ['productBadgeContent', 'relatedCourses', 'deleteRequest'];

    static $active = 'active';
    static $pending = 'pending';
    static $isDraft = 'is_draft';
    static $inactive = 'inactive';

    static $webinar = 'webinar';
    static $course = 'course';
    static $textLesson = 'text_lesson';

    static $statuses = [
        'active', 'pending', 'is_draft', 'inactive'

    static $videoDemoSource = ['upload', 'youtube', 'vimeo', 'external_link', 'secure_host'];

    public $translatedAttributes = ['title', 'description', 'seo_description'];

    public function getTitleAttribute()
        return getTranslateAttributeValue($this, 'title');

    public function getDescriptionAttribute()
        return getTranslateAttributeValue($this, 'description');

    public function getSeoDescriptionAttribute()
        return getTranslateAttributeValue($this, 'seo_description');

    public function getPriceAttribute()
        $result = $this->attributes['price'] ?? null;

        $user = auth()->user();

        if (!empty($this->attributes['organization_price']) and !empty($user) and $this->creator->isOrganization() and $user->organ_id == $this->creator_id) {
            $result = $this->attributes['organization_price'];

        return $result;

    public function creator()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\User', 'creator_id', 'id');

    public function teacher()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\User', 'teacher_id', 'id');

    public function category()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Category', 'category_id', 'id');

    public function filterOptions()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\WebinarFilterOption', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function tickets()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Ticket', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function chapters()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\WebinarChapter', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function sessions()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Session', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function files()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\File', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function assignments()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\WebinarAssignment', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function textLessons()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\TextLesson', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function faqs()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Faq', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function webinarExtraDescription()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\WebinarExtraDescription', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function prerequisites()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Prerequisite', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function quizzes()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Quiz', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function webinarPartnerTeacher()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\WebinarPartnerTeacher', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function tags()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Tag', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function purchases()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Purchase', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function comments()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Comment', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function reviews()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\WebinarReview', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function sales()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Sale', 'webinar_id', 'id')
            ->where('type', 'webinar');

    public function feature()
        return $this->hasOne('App\Models\FeatureWebinar', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function noticeboards()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\CourseNoticeboard', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function forums()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\CourseForum', 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function productBadgeContent()
        return $this->morphMany(ProductBadgeContent::class, 'targetable');

    public function relatedCourses()
        return $this->morphMany('App\Models\RelatedCourse', 'targetable');

    public function deleteRequest()
        return $this->morphOne(ContentDeleteRequest::class, 'targetable');

    public function waitlists()
        return $this->hasMany(Waitlist::class, 'webinar_id', 'id');

    public function getRate()
        $rate = 0;

        if (!empty($this->avg_rates)) {
            $rate = $this->avg_rates;
        } else {
            $reviews = $this->reviews()
                ->where('status', 'active')

            if (!empty($reviews) and $reviews->count() > 0) {
                $rate = number_format($reviews->avg('rates'), 2);

        if ($rate > 5) {
            $rate = 5;

        return $rate > 0 ? number_format($rate, 2) : 0;

     * Return the sluggable configuration array for this model.
     * @return array
    public function sluggable(): array
        return [
            'slug' => [
                'source' => 'title'

    public static function makeSlug($title)
        return SlugService::createSlug(self::class, 'slug', $title);

    public function bestTicket($with_percent = false)
        $ticketPercent = 0;
        $bestTicket = $this->price;

        $activeSpecialOffer = $this->activeSpecialOffer();

        if ($activeSpecialOffer) {
            $bestTicket = $this->price - ($this->price * $activeSpecialOffer->percent / 100);
            $ticketPercent = $activeSpecialOffer->percent;
        } else {
            foreach ($this->tickets as $ticket) {

                if ($ticket->isValid()) {
                    $discount = $this->price - ($this->price * $ticket->discount / 100);

                    if ($bestTicket > $discount) {
                        $bestTicket = $discount;
                        $ticketPercent = $ticket->discount;

        if ($with_percent) {
            return [
                'bestTicket' => $bestTicket,
                'percent' => $ticketPercent

        return $bestTicket;

    public function getDiscount($ticket = null, $user = null)
        $activeSpecialOffer = $this->activeSpecialOffer();

        $discountOut = $activeSpecialOffer ? $this->price * $activeSpecialOffer->percent / 100 : 0;

        if (!empty($user) and !empty($user->getUserGroup()) and isset($user->getUserGroup()->discount) and $user->getUserGroup()->discount > 0) {
            $discountOut += $this->price * $user->getUserGroup()->discount / 100;

        if (!empty($ticket) and $ticket->isValid()) {
            $discountOut += $this->price * $ticket->discount / 100;

        return $discountOut;

    public function getDiscountPercent()
        $percent = 0;

        $activeSpecialOffer = $this->activeSpecialOffer();

        if (!empty($activeSpecialOffer)) {
            $percent += $activeSpecialOffer->percent;

        $tickets = Ticket::where('webinar_id', $this->id)->get();

        foreach ($tickets as $ticket) {
            if (!empty($ticket) and $ticket->isValid()) {
                $percent += $ticket->discount;

        return $percent;

    public function getWebinarCapacity()
        $salesCount = !empty($this->sales_count) ? $this->sales_count : $this->sales()->count();

        $capacity = $this->capacity - $salesCount;

        return $capacity > 0 ? $capacity : 0;

    public function getExpiredAccessDays($purchaseDate, $giftId = null)
        if (!empty($giftId)) {
            $gift = Gift::query()->where('id', $giftId)
                ->where('status', 'active')

            if (!empty($gift) and !empty($gift->date)) {
                $purchaseDate = $gift->date;

        return strtotime("+{$this->access_days} days", $purchaseDate);

    public function checkHasExpiredAccessDays($purchaseDate, $giftId = null)
        // true => has access
        // false => not access (expired)

        if (!empty($giftId)) {
            $gift = Gift::query()->where('id', $giftId)
                ->where('status', 'active')

            if (!empty($gift) and !empty($gift->date)) {
                $purchaseDate = $gift->date;

        $time = time();

        return strtotime("+{$this->access_days} days", $purchaseDate) > $time;

    public function getSaleItem($user = null)
        if (empty($user)) {
            $user = auth()->user();

        if (!empty($user)) {
            return Sale::query()->where('buyer_id', $user->id)
                ->where('webinar_id', $this->id)
                ->where('type', 'webinar')
                ->where('access_to_purchased_item', true)
                ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')

        return null;

    public function checkUserHasBought($user = null, $checkExpired = true, $test = false): bool
        $hasBought = false;

        if (empty($user) and auth()->check()) {
            $user = auth()->user();

        if (empty($user)) {
            $user = apiAuth();

        if (!empty($user)) {
            $sale = $this->getSaleItem($user);

            if (!empty($sale)) {
                $hasBought = true;

                if ($sale->payment_method == Sale::$subscribe) {
                    $subscribe = $sale->getUsedSubscribe($sale->buyer_id, $sale->webinar_id);

                    if (!empty($subscribe)) {
                        $subscribeSaleCreatedAt = null;

                        if (!empty($subscribe->installment_order_id)) {
                            $installmentOrder = InstallmentOrder::query()->where('user_id', $user->id)
                                ->where('id', $subscribe->installment_order_id)
                                ->where('status', 'open')

                            if (!empty($installmentOrder)) {
                                $subscribeSaleCreatedAt = $installmentOrder->created_at;

                                if ($installmentOrder->checkOrderHasOverdue()) {
                                    $overdueIntervalDays = getInstallmentsSettings('overdue_interval_days');

                                    if (empty($overdueIntervalDays) or $installmentOrder->overdueDaysPast() > $overdueIntervalDays) {
                                        $hasBought = false;
                        } else {
                            $subscribeSale = Sale::where('buyer_id', $user->id)
                                ->where('type', Sale::$subscribe)
                                ->where('subscribe_id', $subscribe->id)

                            if (!empty($subscribeSale)) {
                                $subscribeSaleCreatedAt = $subscribeSale->created_at;

                        if (!empty($subscribeSaleCreatedAt)) {
                            $usedDays = (int)diffTimestampDay(time(), $subscribeSaleCreatedAt);

                            if ($usedDays > $subscribe->days) {
                                $hasBought = false;
                    } else {
                        $hasBought = false;

                if ($hasBought and !empty($this->access_days) and $checkExpired) {
                    $hasBought = $this->checkHasExpiredAccessDays($sale->created_at, $sale->gift_id);

            if (!$hasBought) {
                $hasBought = ($this->creator_id == $user->id or $this->teacher_id == $user->id);

                if (!$hasBought) {
                    $partnerTeachers = !empty($this->webinarPartnerTeacher) ? $this->webinarPartnerTeacher->pluck('teacher_id')->toArray() : [];

                    $hasBought = in_array($user->id, $partnerTeachers);

            if (!$hasBought) {
                $hasBought = $user->isAdmin();

            if (!$hasBought) {
                $bundleWebinar = BundleWebinar::where('webinar_id', $this->id)

                if ($bundleWebinar->isNotEmpty()) {
                    foreach ($bundleWebinar as $item) {
                        if (!empty($item->bundle) and $item->bundle->checkUserHasBought($user)) {
                            $hasBought = true;

            /* Check Installment */
            if (!$hasBought) {
                $installmentOrder = $this->getInstallmentOrder();

                if (!empty($installmentOrder)) {
                    $hasBought = true;

                    if ($installmentOrder->checkOrderHasOverdue()) {
                        $overdueIntervalDays = getInstallmentsSettings('overdue_interval_days');

                        if (empty($overdueIntervalDays) or $installmentOrder->overdueDaysPast() > $overdueIntervalDays) {
                            $hasBought = false;

            /* Check Gift */
            if (!$hasBought) {
                $gift = Gift::query()->where('email', $user->email)
                    ->where('status', 'active')
                    ->where('webinar_id', $this->id)
                    ->where(function ($query) {
                        $query->orWhere('date', '<', time());

                if (!empty($gift)) {
                    $hasBought = true;

        return $hasBought;

    public function getInstallmentOrder()
        $user = auth()->user();

        if (!empty($user)) {
            return InstallmentOrder::query()->where('user_id', $user->id)
                ->where('webinar_id', $this->id)
                ->where('status', 'open')

        return null;

    public function getFilesLearningProgressStat($userId = null)
        $passed = 0;

        if (empty($userId)) {
            $userId = auth()->id();

        $files = $this->files()
            ->where('status', 'active')

        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $status = CourseLearning::where('user_id', $userId)
                ->where('file_id', $file->id)

            if (!empty($status)) {
                $passed += 1;

        return [
            'passed' => $passed,
            'count' => count($files)

    public function getSessionsLearningProgressStat($userId = null)
        $passed = 0;

        if (empty($userId)) {
            $userId = auth()->id();

        $sessions = $this->sessions()
            ->where('status', 'active')

        foreach ($sessions as $session) {
            $status = CourseLearning::where('user_id', $userId)
                ->where('session_id', $session->id)

            if (!empty($status)) {
                $passed += 1;

        return [
            'passed' => $passed,
            'count' => count($sessions)

    public function getTextLessonsLearningProgressStat($userId = null)
        $passed = 0;

        if (empty($userId)) {
            $userId = auth()->id();

        $textLessons = $this->textLessons()
            ->where('status', 'active')

        foreach ($textLessons as $textLesson) {
            $status = CourseLearning::where('user_id', $userId)
                ->where('text_lesson_id', $textLesson->id)

            if (!empty($status)) {
                $passed += 1;

        return [
            'passed' => $passed,
            'count' => count($textLessons)

    public function getAssignmentsLearningProgressStat($userId = null)
        $passed = 0;

        if (empty($userId)) {
            $userId = auth()->id();

        $assignments = $this->assignments()
            ->where('status', 'active')

        foreach ($assignments as $assignment) {
            $assignmentHistory = WebinarAssignmentHistory::where('assignment_id', $assignment->id)
                ->where('student_id', $userId)
                ->where('status', WebinarAssignmentHistory::$passed)

            if (!empty($assignmentHistory)) {
                $passed += 1;

        return [
            'passed' => $passed,
            'count' => count($assignments)

    public function getQuizzesLearningProgressStat($userId = null)
        $passed = 0;

        if (empty($userId)) {
            $userId = auth()->id();

        $quizzes = $this->quizzes()
            ->where('status', 'active')

        foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) {
            $quizHistory = QuizzesResult::where('quiz_id', $quiz->id)
                ->where('user_id', $userId)
                ->where('status', QuizzesResult::$passed)

            if (!empty($quizHistory)) {
                $passed += 1;

        return [
            'passed' => $passed,
            'count' => count($quizzes)

    public function getProgress($isLearningPage = false)
        $progress = 0;

        if (
            auth()->check() and
            $this->checkUserHasBought() and
                !$this->isWebinar() or
                ($this->isWebinar() and $this->isProgressing()) or
        ) {
            $user_id = auth()->id();

            $filesStat = $this->getFilesLearningProgressStat($user_id);
            $sessionsStat = $this->getSessionsLearningProgressStat($user_id);
            $textLessonsStat = $this->getTextLessonsLearningProgressStat($user_id);
            $assignmentsStat = $this->getAssignmentsLearningProgressStat($user_id);
            $quizzesStat = $this->getQuizzesLearningProgressStat($user_id);

            $passed = $filesStat['passed'] + $sessionsStat['passed'] + $textLessonsStat['passed'] + $assignmentsStat['passed'] + $quizzesStat['passed'];
            $count = $filesStat['count'] + $sessionsStat['count'] + $textLessonsStat['count'] + $assignmentsStat['count'] + $quizzesStat['count'];

            if ($passed > 0 and $count > 0) {
                $progress = ($passed * 100) / $count;

                $this->handleLearningProgress100Reward($progress, $user_id, $this->id);
        } else if (!is_null($this->capacity)) {
            $salesCount = $this->getSalesCount();

            if ($salesCount > 0) {
                $progress = (!empty($this->capacity) and $this->capacity > 0) ? (($salesCount * 100) / $this->capacity) : 0;

        return round($progress, 2);

    public function checkShowProgress($isLearningPage = false)
        $show = false;

        if (
            auth()->check() and
            $this->checkUserHasBought() and
                !$this->isWebinar() or
                ($this->isWebinar() and $this->isProgressing()) or
        ) {
            $show = true;
        } else if (!is_null($this->capacity)) {
            $show = true;

        return $show;

    public function handleLearningProgress100Reward($progress, $userId, $itemId)
        if ($progress >= 100) {
            $rewardScore = RewardAccounting::calculateScore(Reward::LEARNING_PROGRESS_100);
            RewardAccounting::makeRewardAccounting($userId, $rewardScore, Reward::LEARNING_PROGRESS_100, $itemId, true);

    public function getImageCover()
        return $this->image_cover;

    public function getImage()
        return $this->thumbnail;

    public function getUrl()
        return url('/course/' . $this->slug);

    public function getLearningPageUrl()
        return url('/course/learning/' . $this->slug);

    public function getNoticeboardsPageUrl()
        return $this->getLearningPageUrl() . '/noticeboards';

    public function getForumPageUrl()
        return $this->getLearningPageUrl() . '/forum';

    public function isCourse()
        return ($this->type == 'course');

    public function isTextCourse()
        return ($this->type == 'text_lesson');

    public function isWebinar()
        return ($this->type == 'webinar');

    public function canAccess($user = null)
        $result = false;

        if (!$user) {
            $user = auth()->user();

        if (!empty($user)) {
            if ($this->creator_id == $user->id or $this->teacher_id == $user->id) {
                $result = true;

            // Allow Access To Partner Teachers
            if (!$result and $this->isPartnerTeacher($user->id)) {
                $result = true;

        return $result;

    public function checkCapacityReached()
        $result = false;

        if (!is_null($this->capacity)) {
            $salesCount = !empty($this->sales_count) ? $this->sales_count : $this->sales()->count();

            $result = $salesCount >= $this->capacity;

        return $result;

    public function canSale()
        $result = true;

        if (!is_null($this->capacity)) {
            $salesCount = !empty($this->sales_count) ? $this->sales_count : $this->sales()->count();

            $result = $salesCount < $this->capacity;

        if ($result and $this->type == 'webinar') {
            $result = ($this->start_date > time());

        return $result;

    public function canJoinToWaitlist()
        $hasBought = $this->checkUserHasBought();

        return ($this->enable_waitlist and !$hasBought and !$this->canSale());

    public function cantSaleStatus($hasBought)
        $status = '';

        if ($hasBought) {
            $status = 'js-course-has-bought-status';
        } else {

            if (!is_null($this->capacity)) {
                $salesCount = !empty($this->sales_count) ? $this->sales_count : $this->sales()->count();

                if ($salesCount >= $this->capacity) {
                    $status = 'js-course-not-capacity-status';
            } elseif ($this->type == 'webinar' and $this->start_date <= time()) {
                $status = 'js-course-has-started-status';

        return $status;

    public function addToCalendarLink()

        $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('j M Y H:i', dateTimeFormat($this->start_date, 'j M Y H:i', false));

        $link = Link::create($this->title, $date, $date); //->description('Cookies & cocktails!')

        return $link->google();

    public function activeSpecialOffer()
        $activeSpecialOffer = SpecialOffer::where('webinar_id', $this->id)
            ->where('status', SpecialOffer::$active)
            ->where('from_date', '<', time())
            ->where('to_date', '>', time())

        return $activeSpecialOffer ?? false;

    public function nextSession()
        $sessions = $this->sessions()
            ->orderBy('date', 'asc')
        $time = time();

        foreach ($sessions as $session) {
            if ($session->date > $time) {
                return $session;

        return null;

    public function lastSession()
        $session = $this->sessions()
            ->orderBy('date', 'desc')

        return $session;

    public function isProgressing()
        $lastSession = $this->lastSession();
        //$nextSession = $this->nextSession();
        $isProgressing = false;

        if (!empty($lastSession)) {
            $agoraHistory = AgoraHistory::where('session_id', $lastSession->id)

            if (
                ($lastSession->session_api != "agora" and $lastSession->date > time()) or
                ($lastSession->session_api == "agora" and ($lastSession->date > time() and (empty($agoraHistory) or empty($agoraHistory->end_at))))
            ) {
                $isProgressing = true;

        if ($this->start_date > time()) {
            $isProgressing = true;

        return $isProgressing;

    public function getShareLink($social)
        $link = ShareFacade::page($this->getUrl(), $this->title)

        return !empty($link[$social]) ? $link[$social] : '';

    public function isDownloadable()
        $downloadable = $this->downloadable;

        if ($this->files->count() > 0) {
            $downloadableFiles = $this->files->where('downloadable', true)->count();

            if ($downloadableFiles > 0) {
                $downloadable = true;

        return $downloadable;

    public function isOwner($userId = null)
        if (empty($userId)) {
            $userId = auth()->id();

        return (($this->creator_id == $userId) or ($this->teacher_id == $userId));

    public function isPartnerTeacher($userId = null)
        if (empty($userId)) {
            $userId = auth()->id();

        $partnerTeachers = !empty($this->webinarPartnerTeacher) ? $this->webinarPartnerTeacher->pluck('teacher_id')->toArray() : [];

        return in_array($userId, $partnerTeachers);

    public function getPrice()
        $price = $this->price;

        $specialOffer = $this->activeSpecialOffer();
        if (!empty($specialOffer)) {
            $price = $price - ($price * $specialOffer->percent / 100);

        return $price;

    public function getStudentsIds()
        $studentsIds = Sale::query()->where('webinar_id', $this->id)

        // get users by installments
        $installmentOrders = InstallmentOrder::query()
            ->where('webinar_id', $this->id)
            ->where('status', 'open')

        foreach ($installmentOrders as $installmentOrder) {
            if (!empty($installmentOrder)) {
                $hasBought = true;

                if ($installmentOrder->checkOrderHasOverdue()) {
                    $overdueIntervalDays = getInstallmentsSettings('overdue_interval_days');

                    if (empty($overdueIntervalDays) or $installmentOrder->overdueDaysPast() > $overdueIntervalDays) {
                        $hasBought = false;

                if ($hasBought) {
                    $studentsIds[] = $installmentOrder->user_id;

        // get users by gifts
        $gifts = Gift::query()
            ->where('status', 'active')
            ->where('webinar_id', $this->id)
            ->where(function ($query) {
                $query->orWhere('date', '<', time());

        foreach ($gifts as $gift) {
            $user = User::query()->select('id', 'email')->where('email', $gift->email)->first();

            if (!empty($user)) {
                $studentsIds[] = $user->id;

        // get users by bundle
        $bundleWebinar = BundleWebinar::where('webinar_id', $this->id)

        if ($bundleWebinar->isNotEmpty()) {
            foreach ($bundleWebinar as $item) {
                if (!empty($item->bundle)) {
                    $bundleStudents = $item->bundle->getStudentsIds();

                    $studentsIds = array_merge($studentsIds, $bundleStudents);

        return array_unique($studentsIds);

    public function sendNotificationToAllStudentsForNewQuizPublished($quiz)
        $studentsIds = $this->getStudentsIds();

        $notifyOptions = [
            '[q.title]' => $quiz->title,
            '[c.title]' => $this->title

        if (count($studentsIds)) {
            foreach ($studentsIds as $studentId) {
                sendNotification("new_quiz", $notifyOptions, $studentId);

        $gifts = Gift::query()
            ->where('status', 'active')
            ->where('webinar_id', $this->id)
            ->where(function ($query) {
                $query->orWhere('date', '<', time());

        foreach ($gifts as $gift) {
            $user = User::query()->select('id', 'email')->where('email', $gift->email)->first();

            if (empty($user)) {
                sendNotificationToEmail("new_quiz", $notifyOptions, $gift->email);

    public function makeCertificateForUser($user)
        if (!empty($user) and $this->certificate and $this->getProgress(true) >= 100) {
            $check = Certificate::where('type', 'course')
                ->where('student_id', $user->id)
                ->where('webinar_id', $this->id)

            if (empty($check)) {
                $makeCertificate = new MakeCertificate();
                $userCertificate = $makeCertificate->saveCourseCertificate($user, $this);

                $certificateReward = RewardAccounting::calculateScore(Reward::CERTIFICATE);
                RewardAccounting::makeRewardAccounting($userCertificate->student_id, $certificateReward, Reward::CERTIFICATE, $userCertificate->id, true);

    public function getSalesCount()
        $count = $this->sales()->count();

        if (!is_null($this->sales_count_number)) { // Add fake sales numbers
            $count += $this->sales_count_number;

        return $count;


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Digital Photography | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Digital Photography

Digital Photography

in Design
Created by Waplia
3 Users are following this upcoming course

What you will learn?

How to hold your camera correctly, which helps you to get sharp photos every time.

Which lenses to use for which photos, so that you can best capture a specific subject or scene.

Why and when you should support your camera on tripods and bean bags.

How to take photos in diffused light on overcast days.

Course description

This course is divided into two broad components: first, we cover all the technical aspects, like camera equipment and support, as well as the camera's most important settings. After that we look at the artistic side of photography, which focuses on light, composition, and creativity.

It has been structured in such a way that you won't ever feel overwhelmed by technical jargon, complicated camera functions or obscure principles. The aim is to keep everything as clear and simple as possible, and this was achieved by tackling each important photographic element separately in short and concise lectures that last between 2 and 5 minutes each. The majority of lectures consist of both teacher-style video clips (where I explain a setting, principle or tip) and slides, both of which contain photographic examples and audio (where I interpret each photographic example).


You need a Canon or Nikon DSLR camera (the kind that has interchangable lenses) - any model will do.

You don't need any prior photographic experience.

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