shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /bin/ [ dr-xr-xr-x ]

name : sg_read_attr
ELF>p/@h�@8@@@@hh����a�a PlPl Pl 
 hlhl hl ���  ���DDS�td���  P�td<^<^<^ddQ�tdR�tdPlPl Pl ��/lib64/�GNUGNU�E����Lԟ6`�`����!�0�D!�024BE���|fUa�qX2����M�h�{\ ��1��\h��2,�. ����p�W���:���/= H��"o8	�`y ��y `y �`y �hy Fpy�ii
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�9����A�T$H�5��1����A�T$H�5�1����������x�41�I�OD��H�5��y���{,�����H�D$(E�����PA9�����������������D��H�5A�1��5���u����{$�-�{�����1҉�L���@������{,����H�=:���I�1�D������'����	H��H�D$����H�L$H����H��H�D$�1�H)�H�5q���L�D$H�51��I�P��������H�5��1��n���I����x�|���L�L$H�HL�@D��D��L���t����H��H�5��1��)���8����{,������E����������H�=m1������o���H�=H�������H�5��1��������H�5<�1�����x��������AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%4, UH�-4, SL)�H������H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���SA_value	Acronym	Description  %d:		%s	%s
Unknown device attribute 0x%xUnknown medium attribute 0x%xUnknown host attribute 0x%xReserved attribute 0x%x%sSupported aA%sttribute list: [len=%d]
%sttribute list:
  0x%.4x:	  %.*s -
[r%c] <unknown [fe]>%lx    Load count: %lu
    Load count: %u
  In hex:<unknown> [ff]Attribute values: [len=%d]
Attribute values:      %s: 0x%lx
Logical volume list:Partition number list:  First partition number: %u
ceE:f:F:hHi:l:m:p:qrRs:vV1.11 20180523version: %s
  0x%04x:	%d	%s					%s
sg_set_binary_moderead from binary file %s: %s
%4x 	0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF ,	%s: array length exceeded
missing device name!
open error: %s: %s
    Read attribute cdb: %02x %s: out of memory
read attributeRead attribute command: %s
sg_read_attr failed: close error: %s
binaryasciitextformat[0x3]TapeAlert flagsLoad countMAM space remaining [B]Assigning organizationFormat density codeInitialization countVolume identifierVolume change referenceTotal MiB read in medium lifeMedium usage historyPartition usage historyMedium manufacturerMedium serial numberMedium length [m]Medium width [0.1 mm]Medium density codeMedium manufacture dateMAM capacity [B]Medium typeMedium type informationNumeric medium serial numberApplication vendorApplication nameApplication versionUser medium text labelDate and time last writtenText localization identifierBarcodeOwning host textual nameMedia poolPartition user text labelLoad/unload at partitionApplication format versionVolume coherency informationavattribute valuesalattribute listlvllogical volume listplpartition listsmcSMC-2 should define thissasupported attributescacheenumerateelementfilterfirsthelphexinlvnmaxlenquietrawreadonlyverbose------------------------------------------Vendor specific device attribute 0x%xVendor specific medium attribute 0x%xVendor specific host attribute 0x%x%s: id=0x%x, len=%d, anip->format=%d, anip->len=%d
%s: expected 90 bytes, got %d
    Current amount of data written [MiB]: %lu
    Current write retry count: %lu
    Current amount of data read [MiB]: %lu
    Current read retry count: %lu
    Previous amount of data written [MiB]: %lu
    Previous write retry count: %lu
    Previous amount of data read [MiB]: %lu
    Previous read retry count: %lu
    Total amount of data written [MiB]: %lu
    Total write retry count: %lu
    Total amount of data read [MiB]: %lu
    Total read retry count: %lu
    Total change partition count: %lu
    Total partition initialization count: %lu
%s: expected 60 bytes, got %d
    Current amount of data written [MiB]: %u
    Current write retry count: %u
    Current amount of data read [MiB]: %u
    Current read retry count: %u
    Previous amount of data written [MiB]: %u
    Previous write retry count: %u
    Previous amount of data read [MiB]: %u
    Previous read retry count: %u
    Total amount of data written [MiB]: %u
    Total write retry count: %u
    Total amount of data read [MiB]: %u
    Total read retry count: %u
    change partition count: %u
    partition initialization count: %u
%s: unknown attribute id: 0x%x
 <<< T10 length (%d) differs from length in response (%d) >>>
Attribute id lookup failed, in hex:warning: iterate of attributes should end a residual of %d
>>> response length unexpectedly short: %d bytes
  First logical volume number: %u
  Number of logical volumes available: %u
  Number of partitions available: %u
Used by SMC-2, not information, output in hex:Unrecognized service action [0x%x], response in hex:
bad argument to '--element=EA', expect 0 to 65535
bad argument to '--filter=FL', expect -3 to 65535
bad argument to '--first=FAI', expect 0 to 65535
Usage: sg_read_attr [--cache] [--element=EA] [--enumerate] [--filter=FL]
                    [--first=FAI] [--help] [--hex] [--in=FN] [--lvn=LVN]
                    [--maxlen=LEN] [--partition=PN] [--quiet] [--raw]
                    [--readonly] [--sa=SA] [--verbose] [--version]
    --cache|-c         set CACHE bit in cdn (def: clear)
    --enumerate|-e     enumerate known attributes and service actions
    --element=EA|-E EA    EA is placed in 'element address' field in
                          cdb [SMC-3] (def: 0)
    --filter=FL|-f FL    FL is parameter code to match (def: -1 -> all)
    --first=FAI|-F FAI    FAI is placed in 'first attribute identifier'
                          field in cdb (def: 0)
    --help|-h          print out usage message
    --hex|-H           output response in hexadecimal; used twice
                       shows decoded values in hex
    --in=FN|-i FN      FN is a filename containing attribute values in
                       ASCII hex or binary if --raw also given
    --lvn=LVN|-l LVN    logical volume number (LVN) (def:0)
    --maxlen=LEN|-m LEN    max response length (allocation length in cdb)
                           (def: 0 -> 8192 bytes)
    --partition=PN|-p PN    partition number (PN) (def:0)
    --quiet|-q         reduce the amount of output, can use more than once
    --raw|-r           output response in binary
    --readonly|-R      open DEVICE read-only (def: read-write)
    --sa=SA|-s SA      SA is service action (def: 0)
    --verbose|-v       increase verbosity
    --version|-V       print version string and exit

Performs a SCSI READ ATTRIBUTE command. Even though it is defined in
SPC-3 and later it is typically used on tape systems.
bad argument to '--lvn=LVN', expect 0 to 255
argument to '--maxlen' should be %d or less
bad argument to '--pn=PN', expect 0 to 255
bad argument to '--sa=SA', expect 0 to 63
unrecognised option code 0x%x ??
Unexpected extra argument: %s
Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
Attribute ID	Length	Format	Namesince '--in=FN' given, ignoring DEVICE
unable to sg_memalign %d bytes
unable to open binary file %s: %s
read 0 bytes from binary file %s
Unable to open %s for reading
%s: carry_over error ['%s'] around line %d
%s: syntax error at line %d, pos %d
%s: hex number larger than 0xff in line %d, pos %d
%s: error in line %d, at pos %d
--in=%s only decoded %d bytes (needs 4 at least)
Response length (%d) too short
ra_len available is %d, response length is %d
Read attribute command not supported
Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information
Remaining capacity in partition [MiB]Maximum capacity in partition [MiB]Density vendor/serial number at last loadDensity vendor/serial number at load-1Density vendor/serial number at load-2Density vendor/serial number at load-3Total MiB written in medium lifeTotal MiB written in current/last loadTotal MiB read in current/last loadLogical position of first encrypted blockLogical position of first unencrypted block	after first encrypted blockMedium globally unique identifierMedia pool globally unique identifieru������L��O��_��!��l��l��l��l��l��������l�����l��l��l��l��l��l��l��l��l�����l��l��l�����l��l��l��l��l��l��l��l��l��l��l��l�����l�����V��l��!��E��l��l�������l��l�����������;��l��l��,��helper_full_attrsg_ll_read_attrf2hex_arr;`��������T����4��|$����������8�������8���4�,zRx����/D$4H����FJw�?:*3$"\���$tH��iA�H�D YAA8����I�D�D ��
ABAL�d���B�B�B �B(�D0�D8�I�E
8A0A(B BBBH�(���B�B�B �B(�D0�C8�G@
8H0A(B BBBKH�D��=B�B�B �B(�D0�C8�J�k
8A0A(B BBBA\$Ƚ���F�F�B �E(�D0�H8�G��
8A0A(B BBBA��U�T�A�D����eF�E�E �E(�H0�H8�G@n8A0A(B BBB���P00`l �
x@Pl Xl ���o0�p
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Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
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Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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