shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /lib64/python2.7/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name :
#! /usr/bin/python2.7

"""The Tab Nanny despises ambiguous indentation.  She knows no mercy.

tabnanny -- Detection of ambiguous indentation

For the time being this module is intended to be called as a script.
However it is possible to import it into an IDE and use the function
check() described below.

Warning: The API provided by this module is likely to change in future
releases; such changes may not be backward compatible.

# Released to the public domain, by Tim Peters, 15 April 1998.

# XXX Note: this is now a standard library module.
# XXX The API needs to undergo changes however; the current code is too
# XXX script-like.  This will be addressed later.

__version__ = "6"

import os
import sys
import getopt
import tokenize
if not hasattr(tokenize, 'NL'):
    raise ValueError("tokenize.NL doesn't exist -- tokenize module too old")

__all__ = ["check", "NannyNag", "process_tokens"]

verbose = 0
filename_only = 0

def errprint(*args):
    sep = ""
    for arg in args:
        sys.stderr.write(sep + str(arg))
        sep = " "

def main():
    global verbose, filename_only
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "qv")
    except getopt.error, msg:
    for o, a in opts:
        if o == '-q':
            filename_only = filename_only + 1
        if o == '-v':
            verbose = verbose + 1
    if not args:
        errprint("Usage:", sys.argv[0], "[-v] file_or_directory ...")
    for arg in args:

class NannyNag(Exception):
    Raised by process_tokens() if detecting an ambiguous indent.
    Captured and handled in check().
    def __init__(self, lineno, msg, line):
        self.lineno, self.msg, self.line = lineno, msg, line
    def get_lineno(self):
        return self.lineno
    def get_msg(self):
        return self.msg
    def get_line(self):
        return self.line

def check(file):

    If file_or_dir is a directory and not a symbolic link, then recursively
    descend the directory tree named by file_or_dir, checking all .py files
    along the way. If file_or_dir is an ordinary Python source file, it is
    checked for whitespace related problems. The diagnostic messages are
    written to standard output using the print statement.

    if os.path.isdir(file) and not os.path.islink(file):
        if verbose:
            print "%r: listing directory" % (file,)
        names = os.listdir(file)
        for name in names:
            fullname = os.path.join(file, name)
            if (os.path.isdir(fullname) and
                not os.path.islink(fullname) or
                os.path.normcase(name[-3:]) == ".py"):

        f = open(file)
    except IOError, msg:
        errprint("%r: I/O Error: %s" % (file, msg))

    if verbose > 1:
        print "checking %r ..." % file


    except tokenize.TokenError, msg:
        errprint("%r: Token Error: %s" % (file, msg))

    except IndentationError, msg:
        errprint("%r: Indentation Error: %s" % (file, msg))

    except NannyNag, nag:
        badline = nag.get_lineno()
        line = nag.get_line()
        if verbose:
            print "%r: *** Line %d: trouble in tab city! ***" % (file, badline)
            print "offending line: %r" % (line,)
            print nag.get_msg()
            if ' ' in file: file = '"' + file + '"'
            if filename_only: print file
            else: print file, badline, repr(line)

    if verbose:
        print "%r: Clean bill of health." % (file,)

class Whitespace:
    # the characters used for space and tab
    S, T = ' \t'

    # members:
    #   raw
    #       the original string
    #   n
    #       the number of leading whitespace characters in raw
    #   nt
    #       the number of tabs in raw[:n]
    #   norm
    #       the normal form as a pair (count, trailing), where:
    #       count
    #           a tuple such that raw[:n] contains count[i]
    #           instances of S * i + T
    #       trailing
    #           the number of trailing spaces in raw[:n]
    #       It's A Theorem that m.indent_level(t) ==
    #       n.indent_level(t) for all t >= 1 iff m.norm == n.norm.
    #   is_simple
    #       true iff raw[:n] is of the form (T*)(S*)

    def __init__(self, ws):
        self.raw  = ws
        S, T = Whitespace.S, Whitespace.T
        count = []
        b = n = nt = 0
        for ch in self.raw:
            if ch == S:
                n = n + 1
                b = b + 1
            elif ch == T:
                n = n + 1
                nt = nt + 1
                if b >= len(count):
                    count = count + [0] * (b - len(count) + 1)
                count[b] = count[b] + 1
                b = 0
        self.n    = n
        self.nt   = nt
        self.norm = tuple(count), b
        self.is_simple = len(count) <= 1

    # return length of longest contiguous run of spaces (whether or not
    # preceding a tab)
    def longest_run_of_spaces(self):
        count, trailing = self.norm
        return max(len(count)-1, trailing)

    def indent_level(self, tabsize):
        # count, il = self.norm
        # for i in range(len(count)):
        #    if count[i]:
        #        il = il + (i/tabsize + 1)*tabsize * count[i]
        # return il

        # quicker:
        # il = trailing + sum (i/ts + 1)*ts*count[i] =
        # trailing + ts * sum (i/ts + 1)*count[i] =
        # trailing + ts * sum i/ts*count[i] + count[i] =
        # trailing + ts * [(sum i/ts*count[i]) + (sum count[i])] =
        # trailing + ts * [(sum i/ts*count[i]) + num_tabs]
        # and note that i/ts*count[i] is 0 when i < ts

        count, trailing = self.norm
        il = 0
        for i in range(tabsize, len(count)):
            il = il + i/tabsize * count[i]
        return trailing + tabsize * (il + self.nt)

    # return true iff self.indent_level(t) == other.indent_level(t)
    # for all t >= 1
    def equal(self, other):
        return self.norm == other.norm

    # return a list of tuples (ts, i1, i2) such that
    # i1 == self.indent_level(ts) != other.indent_level(ts) == i2.
    # Intended to be used after not self.equal(other) is known, in which
    # case it will return at least one witnessing tab size.
    def not_equal_witness(self, other):
        n = max(self.longest_run_of_spaces(),
                other.longest_run_of_spaces()) + 1
        a = []
        for ts in range(1, n+1):
            if self.indent_level(ts) != other.indent_level(ts):
                a.append( (ts,
                           other.indent_level(ts)) )
        return a

    # Return True iff self.indent_level(t) < other.indent_level(t)
    # for all t >= 1.
    # The algorithm is due to Vincent Broman.
    # Easy to prove it's correct.
    # XXXpost that.
    # Trivial to prove n is sharp (consider T vs ST).
    # Unknown whether there's a faster general way.  I suspected so at
    # first, but no longer.
    # For the special (but common!) case where M and N are both of the
    # form (T*)(S*), M.less(N) iff M.len() < N.len() and
    # M.num_tabs() <= N.num_tabs(). Proof is easy but kinda long-winded.
    # XXXwrite that up.
    # Note that M is of the form (T*)(S*) iff len(M.norm[0]) <= 1.
    def less(self, other):
        if self.n >= other.n:
            return False
        if self.is_simple and other.is_simple:
            return self.nt <= other.nt
        n = max(self.longest_run_of_spaces(),
                other.longest_run_of_spaces()) + 1
        # the self.n >= other.n test already did it for ts=1
        for ts in range(2, n+1):
            if self.indent_level(ts) >= other.indent_level(ts):
                return False
        return True

    # return a list of tuples (ts, i1, i2) such that
    # i1 == self.indent_level(ts) >= other.indent_level(ts) == i2.
    # Intended to be used after not self.less(other) is known, in which
    # case it will return at least one witnessing tab size.
    def not_less_witness(self, other):
        n = max(self.longest_run_of_spaces(),
                other.longest_run_of_spaces()) + 1
        a = []
        for ts in range(1, n+1):
            if self.indent_level(ts) >= other.indent_level(ts):
                a.append( (ts,
                           other.indent_level(ts)) )
        return a

def format_witnesses(w):
    firsts = map(lambda tup: str(tup[0]), w)
    prefix = "at tab size"
    if len(w) > 1:
        prefix = prefix + "s"
    return prefix + " " + ', '.join(firsts)

def process_tokens(tokens):
    INDENT = tokenize.INDENT
    DEDENT = tokenize.DEDENT
    NEWLINE = tokenize.NEWLINE
    JUNK = tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL
    indents = [Whitespace("")]
    check_equal = 0

    for (type, token, start, end, line) in tokens:
        if type == NEWLINE:
            # a program statement, or ENDMARKER, will eventually follow,
            # after some (possibly empty) run of tokens of the form
            #     (NL | COMMENT)* (INDENT | DEDENT+)?
            # If an INDENT appears, setting check_equal is wrong, and will
            # be undone when we see the INDENT.
            check_equal = 1

        elif type == INDENT:
            check_equal = 0
            thisguy = Whitespace(token)
            if not indents[-1].less(thisguy):
                witness = indents[-1].not_less_witness(thisguy)
                msg = "indent not greater e.g. " + format_witnesses(witness)
                raise NannyNag(start[0], msg, line)

        elif type == DEDENT:
            # there's nothing we need to check here!  what's important is
            # that when the run of DEDENTs ends, the indentation of the
            # program statement (or ENDMARKER) that triggered the run is
            # equal to what's left at the top of the indents stack

            # Ouch!  This assert triggers if the last line of the source
            # is indented *and* lacks a newline -- then DEDENTs pop out
            # of thin air.
            # assert check_equal  # else no earlier NEWLINE, or an earlier INDENT
            check_equal = 1

            del indents[-1]

        elif check_equal and type not in JUNK:
            # this is the first "real token" following a NEWLINE, so it
            # must be the first token of the next program statement, or an
            # ENDMARKER; the "line" argument exposes the leading whitespace
            # for this statement; in the case of ENDMARKER, line is an empty
            # string, so will properly match the empty string with which the
            # "indents" stack was seeded
            check_equal = 0
            thisguy = Whitespace(line)
            if not indents[-1].equal(thisguy):
                witness = indents[-1].not_equal_witness(thisguy)
                msg = "indent not equal e.g. " + format_witnesses(witness)
                raise NannyNag(start[0], msg, line)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
This course was published already and you can check the main course
Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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