shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /home/anyleson/www/lang/en/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : public.php

return [

    | General Translations

    'title' => 'Title',
    'sub_title' => 'Subtitle',
    'name' => 'Name',
    'seo_description' => 'SEO Meta Description',
    'cover_image' => 'Cover Image',
    'thumbnail_image' => 'Thumbnail',
    'image' => 'Image',
  	'images' => 'Images',
    'demo_video' => 'Demo Video',
    'optional' => 'Optional',
    'description' => 'Description',
    'summary' => 'Summary',
    'study_time' => 'Study Time',
    'date_time' => 'Date/Time',
    'availability_times' => 'Availability Times',
    'available' => 'Available',
    'available_for_meetings' => 'Available for Meetings',
    'meeting' => 'Meeting',
    'meetings' => 'Meetings',
    'link' => 'Link',
    'duration' => 'Duration',
    'minutes' => 'Minutes',
    'min' => 'Min',
    'view' => 'View',
    'view_profile' => 'View Profile',
    'review_or_edit' => 'Review/Edit',
    'review' => 'Review',
    'invited' => 'Invited',
    'try_again' => 'Try again',
    'you_can_try_again' => 'Don\'t be worried, you can try again.',
    'start' => 'Start',
    'volume' => 'Volume',
    'file_type' => 'File Type',
    'accessibility' => 'Accessibility',
    'choose_accessibility' => 'Free or Paid?',
    'attachments' => 'Attachments',
    'choose_attachments' => 'Choose related files as lesson attachments',
    'paid' => 'Paid',
    'paid_amount' => 'Paid Amount',
    'instructor' => 'Instructor',
    'instructors' => 'Instructors',
    'students' => 'Students',
    'students_and_instructors' => 'Students and Instructors',
    'search_instructors' => 'Search Instructors...',
    'publish_date' => 'Date Published',
    'forced' => 'Forced',
    'yes' => 'Yes',
    'no' => 'No',

    'course_sessions' => 'Class Sessions',
    'previous_lesson' => 'Previous Lesson',
    'next_lesson' => 'Next Lesson',

    'drag_to_change_order' => 'Drag to change order',

    'controls' => 'Actions',
    'phone' => 'Phone',
    'mobile' => 'Phone',
    'email' => 'Email',

    'add_time' => 'Add Time',
    'clear_all' => 'Clear All',
    'additional_information' => 'Additional Information',
    'capacity' => 'Capacity',
    'start_date' => 'Start Date',
    'time' => 'Time',
    'date' => 'Date',
    'date_created' => 'Date Created',
    'partner_instructor' => 'Partner Instructor',
    'subscribe' => 'Subscribe',
    'add_to_cart' => 'Add to Cart',
    'add_to_calendar' => 'Add to Calendar',
    'add_to' => 'Add to',
    'reminder' => 'Reminder',
    'calendar' => 'Calendar',
    'price' => 'Price',
    '0_for_free' => 'Enter 0 for Free',
    'free' => 'Free',
    'enroll_on_webinar' => 'Enroll on Course',
    'free_meetings' => 'Free Meetings',
    'select_a_partner_teacher' => 'Select a partner instructor',
    'select_a_teacher' => 'Select an Instructor',
    'choose_instructor' => 'Select an Instructor',
    'search' => 'Search',
    'search_instructor' => 'Search instructor name, email or phone',
    'search_user' => 'Search user',
    'tags' => 'Tags',
    'type_tag_name_and_press_enter' => 'Type tag name and press enter',
    'moderator_password' => 'Moderator Password',

    'category' => 'Category',
    'choose_category' => 'Select a Category',
    'category_filters' => 'Category Filters',
    'tickets' => 'Tickets',
    'add_ticket' => 'New Pricing Plan',
    'add_plan' => 'New Plan',
    'add_new_ticket' => 'New Pricing Plan',
    'discount' => 'Discount',
    'ticket_no_result' => 'No pricing plan!',
    'ticket_no_result_hint' => 'By creating pricing plans you can add time and capacity-depended prices for your course.',

    'edit' => 'Edit',
    'delete' => 'Delete',
    'remove' => 'Remove',

    'list' => 'List',
    'reservation' => 'Reservation',
    'my_reservation' => 'My reservations',
    'result' => 'Result',
    'results' => 'Results',
    'my_results' => 'My results',

    'all' => 'All',
    'sessions' => 'Sessions',
    'add_session' => 'New Session',
    'add_new_sessions' => 'New Live Session',
    'sessions_no_result' => 'No live sessions!',
    'sessions_no_result_hint' => 'You can create live sessions so students will be able to join and start learning.',
    'create_join_link' => 'Create join link',

    'newest' => 'Newest',
    'expensive' => 'Highest Price',
    'inexpensive' => 'Lowest Price',
    'bestsellers' => 'Bestsellers',
    'best_rates' => 'Best Rated',

    'files' => 'Files',
    'file' => 'File',
    'source' => 'Source',
    'add_files' => 'New File',
    'add_new_files' => 'Add new file',
    'files_no_result' => 'No file is defined!',
    'files_no_result_hint' => 'You can define course video parts, projects, attachments and exercises as files.',

    'test_lesson' => 'Text Lesson',
    'lesson' => 'Lesson',
    'add_test_lesson' => 'New text lesson',
    'add_new_test_lesson' => 'Add new text lesson',
    'text_lesson_no_result' => 'No text lesson!',
    'text_lesson_no_result_hint' => 'Create text lessons so students will be able to enroll on them and start learning.',

    'prerequisites' => 'Prerequisites',
    'add_prerequisites' => 'New Prerequisite',
    'add_new_prerequisites' => 'Add new prerequisite',
    'select_prerequisites' => 'Select Prerequisite',
    'search_prerequisites' => 'Search for prerequisites',
    'prerequisites_no_result' => 'No prerequisite is defined!',
    'prerequisites_no_result_hint' => 'You can create forced or suggested prerequisites for students to learn better.',

    'basic_information' => 'Basic Information',
    'extra_information' => 'Extra Information',
    'pricing' => 'Pricing',
    'content' => 'Content',

    'faq' => 'FAQ',
    'add_faq' => 'New FAQ',
    'answer' => 'Answer',
    'answers' => 'Answers',
    'view_answers' => 'View answers',
    'faq_no_result' => 'No FAQ is defined!',
    'faq_no_result_hint' => 'By creating FAQs you will help users to know more about your course.',

    'quiz_certificate' => 'Quiz & Certification',
    'certificate' => 'Certificate',
    'certificate_id' => 'Certificate ID',
    'certificate_and_documents' => 'Certificates & Documents',
    'add_quiz' => 'New Quiz',
    'add_new_quizzes' => 'New Quiz',
    'select_a_quiz' => 'Select a Quiz',
    'quiz' => 'Quiz',
    'questions' => 'Questions',
    'total_mark' => 'Total Mark',
    'pass_mark' => 'Pass Mark',
    'mark' => 'Mark',
    'not_participated' => 'Not Participated',
    'dont_have_quiz' => 'You do not have a quiz, please define a quiz.',
    'quizzes_no_result' => 'No Quizz is selected for this course.',
    'quizzes_no_result_hint' => 'By creating quizzes you can evaluate students and award certificates to them.',

    'agree_rules' => 'I agree with terms & rules.',

    'message_to_reviewer' => 'Message to reviewer',

    'send_for_review' => 'Send for Review',
    'save_as_draft' => 'Save as Draft',
    'draft' => 'Draft',
    'waiting' => 'Waiting',
    'done' => 'Done',
    'reject' => 'Reject',
    'rejected' => 'Rejected',

    'close' => 'Close',
    'save' => 'Save',
    'continue' => 'Continue',
    'submit' => 'Save',
    'new' => 'New',
    'history' => 'History',
    'item_id' => 'Item ID',
    'export_list' => 'Export students list',
    'duplicate' => 'Duplicate',

    'updated_at' => 'Updated Date',
    'from' => 'From',
    'to' => 'To',
    'show_results' => 'Show Results',
    'status' => 'Status',
    'published' => 'Published',
    'type' => 'Type',
    'active' => 'Active',
    'verified' => 'Verified',
    'not_verified' => 'Not Verified',
    'inactive' => 'Disable',
    'disabled' => 'Disabled',
    'disable' => 'Disable',
    'open' => 'Open',
    'invoice' => 'Invoice',
    'feedback' => 'Feedback',
    'by' => 'By',
    'finish' => 'Finish',
    'finished' => 'Finished',
    'pending' => 'Pending',
    'selected' => 'Selected',
    'select' => 'Select',
    'required' => 'Required',
    'not_bought' => 'Not Purchased!',
    'not_access' => 'Access Denied!',
    'not_access_to_this_content' => 'You dont have access to this content!',
    'play' => 'Play',
    'play_online' => 'Play (Stream)',
    'read' => 'Read',

    'are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure?',
    'deleteAlertHint' => "This action cannot be undone!",
    'deleteAlertConfirm' => 'Delete',
    'deleteAlertFailHint' => 'Error while deleting item!',
    'deleteAlertSuccessHint' => 'Item successfully deleted.',
    'cancel' => 'Cancel',
    'canceled' => 'Canceled',
    'success' => 'Success',
    'fail' => 'Failed',

    'unavailable' => 'Unavailable',
    'unavailable_description' => 'Unavailability message',

    'not_defined' => 'Not defined',

    'days' => 'Days',
    'day' => 'Day',
    'hr' => 'Hr',
    'sec' => 'Sec',
    'off' => 'Off',
    'offer' => ':off% Offer',

    'sort_by' => 'Sort by',
    'in' => 'in',
    'created_by' => 'Created by',
    'created_at' => 'Created Date',
    'created' => 'Created',
    'create' => 'Create',
    'save_change' => 'Save',
    'ratings' => 'Ratings',

    'share' => 'Share',
    'share_this_course_with_others' => 'Share course with your friends',
    'profile' => 'Profile',
    'telegram' => 'Telegram',
    'facebook' => 'Facebook',
    'whatsapp' => 'Whatsapp',
    'twitter' => 'Twitter',
    'book_a_meeting' => 'Book a Meeting',
    'author_posts' => 'Author Posts',
    'reserve_a_meeting' => 'Reserve a Meeting',
    'go_to_class' => 'Go to Course',
    'go_to_settings' => 'Go to Settings',
    'course_page_title' => 'Course',

    'duplicate_review_for_webinar' => 'Duplicate review for course',
    'creator' => 'Creator',
    'manual' => 'Manual',
    'automatic' => 'Automatic',
    'start_payment' => 'Start Payment',
    'pay' => 'Pay',
    'saturday' => 'Saturday',
    'sunday' => 'Sunday',
    'monday' => 'Monday',
    'tuesday' => 'Tuesday',
    'wednesday' => 'Wednesday',
    'thursday' => 'Thursday',
    'friday' => 'Friday',
    'all_days' => 'All Days',

    'my_panel' => 'My Panel',
    'my_profile' => 'My Profile',
    'user_profille_page_title' => 'User Profile',
    'edit_selected_image' => 'Crop selected image',

    'request_failed' => 'Request Failed',
    'request_success' => 'Request done successfully!',

    'cart_page_title' => 'Cart',
    'checkout_page_title' => 'Checkout',
    'channel_payment_disabled' => 'Payment gateway is disabled.',
    'income_los_then_minimum_payout' => 'Your income is less than minimum payout amount. Please wait to pass limitation.',

    'paid_form_online_payment' => 'Online payment',
    'paid_form_credit' => 'Paid form credit',
    'paid_for_sale' => 'Paid for sale',
    'tax_get_form_buyer' => 'Tax form buyer',
    'income_sale' => 'Sales income',
    'paid_for_commission' => 'Paid for commission',
    'get_commission_from_seller' => 'Seller commission',
    'get_commission_from_referral' => 'Affiliate income',
    'get_amount_from_referral' => 'Affiliate income',
    'refund_money_to_buyer' => 'Refunded to buyer',
    'refund_tax' => 'Refunded tax',
    'refund_commission_to_seller' => 'Refunded commission to seller',
    'refund_commission' => 'Refunded commission',
    'refund_income' => 'Refunded income',
    'charge_account' => 'Charge account',
    'withdraw_account' => 'Withdraw balance',
    'income_for_subscribe' => 'Item subscription income',
    'paid_form_subscribe' => 'Paid using subscription',
    'income_for_promotion' => 'Paid for promotion',

    'ticket_for_students_until_date' => 'For first :students students until :date',
    'ticket_until_date' => 'until :date',

    'about' => 'About',
    'specifications' => 'Specifications',
    'educations' => 'Education',
    'experiences' => 'Experiences',
    'occupations' => 'Skill Topics',
    'identity_and_financial' => 'Identity & Financial',

    'copy' => 'Copy',
    'copied' => 'Copied',
    'user_role' => 'User Type',
    'all_roles' => 'All Types',

    'error_404_page_title' => 'Page not found',
    'i_passed_this_lesson' => 'I passed this lesson',
    'course_learning_change_status_success' => 'Your learning status successfully changed.',
    'course_learning_change_status_error' => 'Failed to change learning status.',
    'course_learning_passed' => ':percent% of the course is passed.',

    'not_login_toast_lang' => 'Restricted Content',
    'not_login_toast_msg_lang' => 'Please login to access the content.',
    'not_access_toast_lang' => 'Access denied',
    'not_access_toast_msg_lang' => 'You dont have access to this content.',
    'can_not_try_again_quiz_toast_lang' => 'Reched out',
    'can_not_try_again_quiz_toast_msg_lang' => 'You can not take this quiz again.',
    'can_not_download_certificate_toast_lang' => 'Download failed',
    'can_not_download_certificate_toast_msg_lang' => 'You can not download this certificate.',
    'session_finished_toast_title_lang' => 'Session Finished',
    'session_finished_toast_msg_lang' => 'You are too late, this session finished.',

    'zoom_api' => 'Zoom API',
    'zoom_jwt_token' => 'Zoom JWT Token',
 	  'how_zoom_jwt_token' => 'How to create Zoom JWT token',
    'instructor_is_not_available' => 'Instructor is temporarily unavailable.',
    'chapter' => 'Section',
    'chapters' => 'Sections',
    'add_new_chapter' => 'Add New Section',
    'add_text_lesson' => 'New Text Lesson',
    'new_chapter' => 'New Section',
    'edit_chapter' => 'Edit Section',
    'chapter_title' => 'Section Title',
    'topic' => 'Topic',
    'parts' => 'Parts',
  	'content_defined' => 'Content Defined',
    'no_chapter' => 'No Section',
  	'add_file' => 'New File',
    'topic_post' => 'Topic Post',

    'forbidden_request_toast_lang' => '"FORBIDDEN" Request',
    'forbidden_request_toast_msg_lang' => 'You not access to this content.',


© 2025 UnknownSec
Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
This course was published already and you can check the main course
Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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