shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /bin/ [ dr-xr-xr-x ]

name : sg_opcodes
ELF>�0@k@8@@@@hh����[�[ X\X\ X\ �� p\p\ p\ ���  ���DDS�td���  P�tdpXpXpXddQ�tdR�tdX\X\ X\ ��/lib64/�GNUGNU�Q��zy~����Z�T�7�/�D!/12BE���|�qX2����gu�~5� �D$�������=�. ��SKW��1�E�h�&= �q��"Y���b ��b ��b �b n�b�ii
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�^ �^ �^ 
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H�=���/ �H�=�1 H��1 H9�tH��. H��t	�����H�=�1 H�5�1 H)�H��H��H��?H�H�tH��. H��t��fD�����=�1 u+UH�=�. H��tH�=�* ����d����m1 ]������w����AWAVAUATUSH��(dH�%(H�D$1������F�H��L�zL�l�H�D$L�%�$L�5C
H�D$�H�u(H����H�](I��M9���I�H���W���~�;-u�fDH����t���Q���7����Ic�L�>���E�E ���E	���E
��E��E1�H�|$dH3<%(��H��([]A\A]A^A_��E�]����E�T����E�K����L��H�������t}�H��H�=K	�6������H��H�=5	�������H��H�=:	���������H��H�=(	1��5�H�=N1��'���,���H�T$H�{H�5��������D$=����E�Y���1���H��H�=�1����H�=�
1���������H�T$H�{H�5k�3���uc�D$�P�� wW�, ���H�T$H�{H�5����uJ�D$�E����H�=�1��S�H�=l
1��E���J���H�=�1��-���2���H�=����D��H�H�H��tYH��tTD�1��@t�pf�����:1�Bt�Jf���ɸ����A9�|"�1�9κ������L��fD������f���USH��H�dH�%(H��$1�H�H����H�����81��@t�pf����H���* ���$I�����;1��CuUH��$���* ��Ƅ$�I���Z���H��H����H��$dH3%(u#H��[]�D�sf����랸��������ff.�@AWI�����AVAUI��ATA��UH��SH��!H��XdH�%(H�D$H1�H�D$ L�t$H�$DM��H�
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1��=������H�=I�5������f�AWAVAUATUSH��1�H��xL�L$A��L��$�dH�%(H�D$h1�f�|$H�D$fD�L$@��t�D$���tT$��~�L$E��~fA��fD�D$��$�A�L�l$ȉD$��$�����H��H�l$ ����L��H���G��H��@H���w����$�H�t$H��������$��<H�߾�������H�T$I��H��R��$���A�H�50Q��$��;��ZY�Ń�����������$�A�~����1�H�\$hdH3%(��H��x[]A\A]A^A_�L�l$H�5�1�H�=�M��M�e���H�-�A�7H��1�I���n��M9�u�H�=�1��[������fD�D$�P��r����k���H��������	���V���@H�5AH�=y1����H�|$����z���%���������AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%�  UH�-�  SL)�H���?��H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���o=%xBad number after 'o=' option
p=%ds=Bad number after 's=' option
-oldUnrecognized option: %s
acehHmMnNo:Op:qrRs:tuvVbad argument to '--opcode'
-1bad argument to '--sa'
    %s cdb: %02x %s response:
NOT supportednot currently availablereserved [CDLP=3]SG3_UTILS_OLD_OPTS0.62 20180626Version string: %s
No DEVICE argument given
SCSI command:Unable to allocate memory
Out of memory (ro)
  %.8s  %.16s  %.4s
  Peripheral device type: %s
Out of memory (rw)
    %s: %s: %s
    Abort task    Abort task set    Clear ACA    Clear task set    Logical unit reset    Query task    Target reset (obsolete)    Wakeup (obsolete)    Query asynchronous event    Query task set    I_T nexus reset  Extended parameter data:    TMFTMOV=%d

Opcode,sa  Name  (hex)        %-4x%4x %.2x%c%.4s %.2x     %.4s       %3d          -   %8u    %s
 %.2x%c%.4s   %s
             usage:         cdb usage: %.2x 
  Opcode=0x%.2x  Service_action=0x%.4x  Command_name: %s
support reserved [0x%x]  Command %s, [%s]
  Usage data: no nominal timeout, nominal timeout: %u secs, no recommended timeoutrecommended timeout: %u secsalphacompactenumeratehelphexmaskmluno-inquiryno_inquirynewopcodepdtrawrctdrepdsatmfunsortedverboseversionUsage:  sg_opcodes [-a] [-c] [-e] [-H] [-m] [-M] [-n] [-o=OP] [-p=DT]
                   [-q] [-r] [-R] [-s=SA] [-t] [-u] [-v] [-V] DEVICE
    -a    output list of operation codes sorted alphabetically
    -c    more compact output
    -e    use '--opcode=' and '--pdt=' to look up name, ignore DEVICE
    -H    print response in hex
    -m    show cdb usage data (a mask) when all listed
    -M    show MLU bit when all listed
    -n    don't output INQUIRY information
    -o=OP    first byte of command to query (in hex)
    -p=DT    alternate source of pdt (normally obtained from inquiry)
    -q    set REPD bit for tmf_s
    -r    output response in binary to stdout
    -R    set RCTD (return command timeout descriptor) bit
    -s=SA    in addition to opcode (in hex)
    -t    output list of supported task management functions
    -u    output list of operation codes as is (unsorted)
    -v    verbose
    -V    output version string
    -N|--new   use new interface
    -?    output this usage message

FUNCTIONS) command
Bad number after 'p=' option, expect -1 to 31
too many arguments, got: %s, not expecting: %s
argument to '--opcode' too long
bad OP argument to '--opcode'
bad SA argument to '--opcode'
Usage:  sg_opcodes [--alpha] [--compact] [--enumerate] [--help] [--hex]
                   [--mask] [--mlu] [--no-inquiry] [--opcode=OP[,SA]]
                   [--pdt=DT] [--raw] [--rctd] [--repd] [--sa=SA] [--tmf]
                   [--unsorted] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE
    --alpha|-a      output list of operation codes sorted alphabetically
    --compact|-c    more compact output
    --enumerate|-e    use '--opcode=' and '--pdt=' to look up name,
                      ignore DEVICE
    --help|-h       print usage message then exit
    --hex|-H        output response in hex
    --mask|-m       show cdb usage data (a mask) when all listed
    --mlu|-M        show MLU bit when all listed
    --no-inquiry|-n    don't output INQUIRY information
    --opcode=OP|-o OP    first byte of command to query
                         (decimal, prefix with '0x' for hex)
    --opcode=OP,SA|-o OP,SA    opcode (OP) and service action (SA)
                         (decimal, each prefix with '0x' for hex)
    --pdt=DT|-p DT    give peripheral device type for '--no-inquiry'
    --raw|-r        output response in binary to stdout
    --rctd|-R       set RCTD (return command timeout descriptor) bit
    --repd|-q       set Report Extended Parameter Data bit, with --tmf
    --sa=SA|-s SA    service action in addition to opcode
                     (decimal, prefix with '0x' for hex)
    --tmf|-t        output list of supported task management functions
    --unsorted|-u    output list of operation codes as is
                     (def: sort by opcode (then service action))
    --verbose|-v    increase verbosity
    --old|-O        use old interface (use as first option)
    --version|-V    print version string then exit

bad argument to '--pdt=DT', expect -1 to 31
unrecognised option code %c [0x%x]
Unexpected extra argument: %s
Report supported operation codesReport supported task management functionssupported [conforming to SCSI standard]supported [in a vendor specific manner]no command duration limit mode pagecommand duration limit A mode pagecommand duration limit B mode pageNot in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
When '-s' is chosen, so must '-o' be chosen
warning: unsorted ('-u') and alpha ('-a') options chosen, ignoring alpha
warning: task management functions ('-t') chosen so alpha ('-a'),
          unsorted ('-u') and opcode ('-o') options ignored
enumerate not supported with task management functions [opcode=0x%x, sa=0x%x, pdt=0x%x]
sg_opcodes: error opening file (ro): %s: %s
--no-inquiry ignored because --pdt= not given
  Peripheral device type: 0x%x
sg_opcodes: %s doesn't respond to a SCSI INQUIRY
sg_opcodes: error opening file (rw): %s: %s

Task Management Functions supported by device:when REPD given, byte 3 of response should be >= 12
    tmf long timeout: %u (100 ms units)
    tmf short timeout: %u (100 ms units)
sg_opcodes: command data length=%d, allocation=%d; truncate
sg_opcodes: no commands to display
Opcode,sa  Nominal  Recommended  Name  (hex)    timeout  timeout(sec)     
Opcode  Service    CDB   Nominal  Recommended  Name(hex)   action(h)  size  timeout  timeout(sec)     ----------------------------------------------------------------
Opcode  Service    CDB    CDLP,  Name(hex)   action(h)  size   MLU        -----------------------------------------------
Opcode  Service    CDB    CDLP   Name(hex)   action(h)  size              sg_opcodes: no memory to sort operation codes, try '-u' %.2x%c%.4s                        %s
 %.2x     %.4s       %3d                         %s
 %.2x     %.4s       %3d   %2d,%d    %s
 %.2x     %.4s       %3d     %2d    %s
  Multiple Logical Units (MLU): %d
command timeout descriptor length %d (expect 10)$��0��0��0��0��0��0��0��0����0��0��0��0�������x��0��0�����0��0��0�����0��0��0��0��0��0��0��0��0��0�����0�����0�����0��0��$��0��0��0��0��������0��0��������0��������������������������������������������i�����`�������W���������������������N���E���<���������������3�*�f������
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8A0A(B BBBA����n(�@���E�A�G��
AAFL���B�I�B �E(�D0�D8�K�
8A0A(B BBBA\PD��0B�B�B �B(�A0�A8�I���W�M�A�C
8A0A(B BBBD���&F�F�B �B(�D0�J8�G��
8A0A(B BBBA��K�N�B�@	�G�K�E�V�X�R�F�B�S�~�[�G�B�:�S�H�A�Dd`�eF�E�E �E(�H0�H8�G@n8A0A(B BBB����1P1h\ �
<X\ `\ ���o0Hh
!p^ � 8�	���o���o����o�oj���op\ @P`p�������� 0@P`p�������� 0@P`p����������0Aa6Ac>AeHAhMAHQAmVAMZAneAnpANtAox<O{ApAr�AR�Aq�As�At�Au�Av�AVGA$3a1�0GA$3p1029�<GA*GA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$plugin name: annobinGA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA!
GA*FORTIFY�1<GA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONSsg_opcodes-1.44-6.el8.x86_64.debug�#�Q�7zXZ�ִF!t/��w�]?�E�h=��ڊ�2N��j� ��Fgxoة��,ܣ��?���r��Y���Cm'��Қ�S]2kY
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Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
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Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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