shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /proc/thread-self/root/usr/bin/ [ dr-xr-xr-x ]

name : h2ph
    eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
	if $running_under_some_shell;

BEGIN { pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.' }

use strict;

use Config;
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use Getopt::Std;

# Make sure read permissions for all are set:
if (defined umask && (umask() & 0444)) {
    umask (umask() & ~0444);

use vars qw($opt_D $opt_d $opt_r $opt_l $opt_h $opt_a $opt_Q $opt_e);
die "-r and -a options are mutually exclusive\n" if ($opt_r and $opt_a);
my @inc_dirs = inc_dirs() if $opt_a;

my $Exit = 0;

my $Dest_dir = $opt_d || $Config{installsitearch};
die "Destination directory $Dest_dir doesn't exist or isn't a directory\n"
    unless -d $Dest_dir;

my @isatype = qw(
	char	uchar	u_char
	short	ushort	u_short
	int	uint	u_int
	long	ulong	u_long
	FILE	key_t	caddr_t
	float	double	size_t

my %isatype;
@isatype{@isatype} = (1) x @isatype;
my $inif = 0;
my %Is_converted;
my %bad_file = ();

@ARGV = ('-') unless @ARGV;


sub reindent($) {
    my($text) = shift;
    $text =~ s/\n/\n    /g;
    $text =~ s/        /\t/g;

my ($t, $tab, %curargs, $new, $eval_index, $dir, $name, $args, $outfile);
my ($incl, $incl_type, $incl_quote, $next);
while (defined (my $file = next_file())) {
    if (-l $file and -d $file) {
        link_if_possible($file) if ($opt_l);

    # Recover from header files with unbalanced cpp directives
    $t = '';
    $tab = 0;

    # $eval_index goes into '#line' directives, to help locate syntax errors:
    $eval_index = 1;

    if ($file eq '-') {
	open(IN, "-");
	open(OUT, ">-");
    } else {
	($outfile = $file) =~ s/\.h$/.ph/ || next;
	print "$file -> $outfile\n" unless $opt_Q;
	if ($file =~ m|^(.*)/|) {
	    $dir = $1;
	    mkpath "$Dest_dir/$dir";

	if ($opt_a) { # automagic mode:  locate header file in @inc_dirs
	    foreach (@inc_dirs) {
		chdir $_;
		last if -f $file;

	open(IN, "<", "$file") || (($Exit = 1),(warn "Can't open $file: $!\n"),next);
	open(OUT, ">", "$Dest_dir/$outfile") || die "Can't create $outfile: $!\n";

    print OUT
        "require '';\n\n",
        "no warnings qw(redefine misc);\n\n";

    while (defined (local $_ = next_line($file))) {
	if (s/^\s*\#\s*//) {
	    if (s/^define\s+(\w+)//) {
		$name = $1;
		$new = '';
		s/\(\w+\s*\(\*\)\s*\(\w*\)\)\s*(-?\d+)/$1/; # (int (*)(foo_t))0
		if (s/^\(([\w,\s]*)\)//) {
		    $args = $1;
		    my $proto = '() ';
		    if ($args ne '') {
			$proto = '';
			foreach my $arg (split(/,\s*/,$args)) {
			    $arg =~ s/^\s*([^\s].*[^\s])\s*$/$1/;
			    $curargs{$arg} = 1;
			$args =~ s/\b(\w)/\$$1/g;
			$args = "my($args) = \@_;\n$t    ";
		    $new =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;       #"]);
		} else {

		    $new = 1 if $new eq '';

		    # Shunt around such directives as '#define FOO FOO':
		    next if $new =~ /^\s*&\Q$name\E\s*\z/;

		    $new = reindent($new);
		    $args = reindent($args);
		    $new =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;        #']);

	    	    print OUT $t, 'eval ';
		    if ($opt_h) {
			print OUT "\"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n\" . ";
		    print OUT "'sub $name () {$new;}' unless defined(&$name);\n";
	    } elsif (/^(include|import|include_next)\s*([<\"])(.*)[>\"]/) {
                $incl_type = $1;
                $incl_quote = $2;
                $incl = $3;
                if (($incl_type eq 'include_next') ||
                    ($opt_e && exists($bad_file{$incl}))) {
                    $incl =~ s/\.h$/.ph/;
		print OUT ($t,
			   "eval {\n");
                $tab += 4;
                $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
                    print OUT ($t, "my(\@REM);\n");
                    if ($incl_type eq 'include_next') {
		print OUT ($t,
			   "my(\%INCD) = map { \$INC{\$_} => 1 } ",
			           "(grep { \$_ eq \"$incl\" } ",
		print OUT ($t,
			           "\@REM = map { \"\$_/$incl\" } ",
			   "(grep { not exists(\$INCD{\"\$_/$incl\"})",
			           " and -f \"\$_/$incl\" } \@INC);\n");
                    } else {
                        print OUT ($t,
                                   "\@REM = map { \"\$_/$incl\" } ",
                                   "(grep {-r \"\$_/$incl\" } \@INC);\n");
		print OUT ($t,
			   "require \"\$REM[0]\" if \@REM;\n");
                $tab -= 4;
                $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
                print OUT ($t,
		print OUT ($t,
			   "warn(\$\@) if \$\@;\n");
                } else {
                    $incl =~ s/\.h$/.ph/;
                    # copy the prefix in the quote syntax (#include "x.h") case
                    if ($incl !~ m|/| && $incl_quote eq q{"} && $file =~ m|^(.*)/|) {
                        $incl = "$1/$incl";
		    print OUT $t,"require '$incl';\n";
	    } elsif (/^ifdef\s+(\w+)/) {
		print OUT $t,"if(defined(&$1)) {\n";
		$tab += 4;
		$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
	    } elsif (/^ifndef\s+(\w+)/) {
		print OUT $t,"unless(defined(&$1)) {\n";
		$tab += 4;
		$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
	    } elsif (s/^if\s+//) {
		$new = '';
		$inif = 1;
		$inif = 0;
		print OUT $t,"if($new) {\n";
		$tab += 4;
		$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
	    } elsif (s/^elif\s+//) {
		$new = '';
		$inif = 1;
		$inif = 0;
		$tab -= 4;
		$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
		print OUT $t,"}\n elsif($new) {\n";
		$tab += 4;
		$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
	    } elsif (/^else/) {
		$tab -= 4;
		$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
		print OUT $t,"} else {\n";
		$tab += 4;
		$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
	    } elsif (/^endif/) {
		$tab -= 4;
		$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
		print OUT $t,"}\n";
	    } elsif(/^undef\s+(\w+)/) {
		print OUT $t, "undef(&$1) if defined(&$1);\n";
	    } elsif(/^error\s+(".*")/) {
		print OUT $t, "die($1);\n";
	    } elsif(/^error\s+(.*)/) {
		print OUT $t, "die(\"", quotemeta($1), "\");\n";
	    } elsif(/^warning\s+(.*)/) {
		print OUT $t, "warn(\"", quotemeta($1), "\");\n";
	    } elsif(/^ident\s+(.*)/) {
		print OUT $t, "# $1\n";
	} elsif (/^\s*(typedef\s*)?enum\s*(\s+[a-zA-Z_]\w*\s*)?/) { # { for vi
	    until(/\{[^}]*\}.*;/ || /;/) {
		last unless defined ($next = next_line($file));
		chomp $next;
		# drop "#define FOO FOO" in enums
		$next =~ s/^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)\s+\1\s*$//;
		# #defines in enums (aliases)
		$next =~ s/^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*$/$1 = $2,/;
		$_ .= $next;
		print OUT "# $next\n" if $opt_D;
	    s/#\s*if.*?#\s*endif//g; # drop #ifdefs
	    s/\s+/ /g;
	    next unless /^\s?(typedef\s?)?enum\s?([a-zA-Z_]\w*)?\s?\{(.*)\}\s?([a-zA-Z_]\w*)?\s?;/;
	    (my $enum_subs = $3) =~ s/\s//g;
	    my @enum_subs = split(/,/, $enum_subs);
	    my $enum_val = -1;
	    foreach my $enum (@enum_subs) {
		my ($enum_name, $enum_value) = $enum =~ /^([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(=.+)?$/;
		$enum_name or next;
		$enum_value =~ s/^=//;
		$enum_val = (length($enum_value) ? $enum_value : $enum_val + 1);
		if ($opt_h) {
		    print OUT ($t,
			       "eval(\"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n",
			       "sub $enum_name () \{ $enum_val; \}\") ",
			       "unless defined(\&$enum_name);\n");
		    ++ $eval_index;
		} else {
		    print OUT ($t,
			       "eval(\"sub $enum_name () \{ $enum_val; \}\") ",
			       "unless defined(\&$enum_name);\n");
	} elsif (/^(?:__extension__\s+)?(?:extern|static)\s+(?:__)?inline(?:__)?\s+/
	    and !/;\s*$/ and !/{\s*}\s*$/)
	{ # { for vi
	    # This is a hack to parse the inline functions in the glibc headers.
	    # Warning: massive kludge ahead. We suppose inline functions
	    # are mainly constructed like macros.
	    while (1) {
		last unless defined ($next = next_line($file));
		chomp $next;
		undef $_, last if $next =~ /__THROW\s*;/
			       or $next =~ /^(__extension__|extern|static)\b/;
		$_ .= " $next";
		print OUT "# $next\n" if $opt_D;
		last if $next =~ /^}|^{.*}\s*$/;
	    next if not defined; # because it's only a prototype
	    # violently drop #ifdefs
		and print OUT "# some #ifdef were dropped here -- fill in the blanks\n";
	    if (s/^(?:\w|\s|\*)*\s(\w+)\s*//) {
		$name = $1;
	    } else {
		warn "name not found"; next; # shouldn't occur...
	    my @args;
	    if (s/^\(([^()]*)\)\s*(\w+\s*)*//) {
		for my $arg (split /,/, $1) {
		    if ($arg =~ /(\w+)\s*$/) {
			$curargs{$1} = 1;
			push @args, $1;
	    $args = (
		? "my(" . (join ',', map "\$$_", @args) . ") = \@_;\n$t    "
		: ""
	    my $proto = @args ? '' : '() ';
	    $new = '';
	    s/\breturn\b//g; # "return" doesn't occur in macros usually...
	    # try to find and perlify local C variables
	    our @local_variables = (); # needs to be a our(): (?{...}) bug workaround
		use re "eval";
		my $typelist = join '|', keys %isatype;
		$new =~ s['
		  (?{ push @local_variables, $1 })
		 [my \$$1]gx;
		$new =~ s['
		  ' \s+ &(\w+) \s* ;
		  (?{ push @local_variables, $1 })
		 [my \$$1;]gx;
	    $new =~ s/&$_\b/\$$_/g for @local_variables;
	    $new =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;       #"]);
	    # now that's almost like a macro (we hope)
    $Is_converted{$file} = 1;
    if ($opt_e && exists($bad_file{$file})) {
        unlink($Dest_dir . '/' . $outfile);
        $next = '';
    } else {
        print OUT "1;\n";
	queue_includes_from($file) if $opt_a;

if ($opt_e && (scalar(keys %bad_file) > 0)) {
    warn "Was unable to convert the following files:\n";
    warn "\t" . join("\n\t",sort(keys %bad_file)) . "\n";

exit $Exit;

sub EMIT {
    my $proto = shift;

    $new = reindent($new);
    $args = reindent($args);
    if ($t ne '') {
    $new =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;   #']);
    if ($opt_h) {
        print OUT $t,
                    "eval \"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n\" . 'sub $name $proto\{\n$t    ${args}eval q($new);\n$t}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
    } else {
        print OUT $t,
                    "eval 'sub $name $proto\{\n$t    ${args}eval q($new);\n$t}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
    } else {
              print OUT "unless(defined(\&$name)) {\n    sub $name $proto\{\n\t${args}eval q($new);\n    }\n}\n";
    %curargs = ();

sub expr {
    if (/\b__asm__\b/) {	# freak out
	$new = '"(assembly code)"';
    my $joined_args;
    if(keys(%curargs)) {
	$joined_args = join('|', keys(%curargs));
    while ($_ ne '') {
	s/^\&\&// && do { $new .= " &&"; next;}; # handle && operator
	s/^\&([\(a-z\)]+)/$1/i;	# hack for things that take the address of
	s/^(\s+)//		&& do {$new .= ' '; next;};
	    && do {my $hex = $1;
		   $hex =~ s/^0+//;
		   if (length $hex > 8 && !$Config{use64bitint}) {
		       # Croak if nv_preserves_uv_bits < 64 ?
		       $new .=         hex(substr($hex, -8)) +
			       2**32 * hex(substr($hex,  0, -8));
		       # The above will produce "erroneous" code
		       # if the hex constant was e.g. inside UINT64_C
		       # macro, but then again, h2ph is an approximation.
		   } else {
		       $new .= lc("0x$hex");
	s/^(-?\d+\.\d+E[-+]?\d+)[FL]?//i	&& do {$new .= $1; next;};
	s/^(\d+)\s*[LU]*//i	&& do {$new .= $1; next;};
	s/^("(\\"|[^"])*")//	&& do {$new .= $1; next;};
	s/^'((\\"|[^"])*)'//	&& do {
	    if ($curargs{$1}) {
		$new .= "ord('\$$1')";
	    } else {
		$new .= "ord('$1')";
        # replace "sizeof(foo)" with "{foo}"
        # also, remove * (C dereference operator) to avoid perl syntax
        # problems.  Where the %sizeof array comes from is anyone's
        # guess (c2ph?), but this at least avoids fatal syntax errors.
        # Behavior is undefined if sizeof() delimiters are unbalanced.
        # This code was modified to able to handle constructs like this:
        #   sizeof(*(p)), which appear in the HP-UX 10.01 header files.
        s/^sizeof\s*\(// && do {
            $new .= '$sizeof';
            my $lvl = 1;  # already saw one open paren
            # tack { on the front, and skip it in the loop
            $_ = "{" . "$_";
            my $index = 1;
            # find balanced closing paren
            while ($index <= length($_) && $lvl > 0) {
                $lvl++ if substr($_, $index, 1) eq "(";
                $lvl-- if substr($_, $index, 1) eq ")";
            # tack } on the end, replacing )
            substr($_, $index - 1, 1) = "}";
            # remove pesky * operators within the sizeof argument
            substr($_, 0, $index - 1) =~ s/\*//g;
	# Eliminate typedefs
	/\(([\w\s]+)[\*\s]*\)\s*[\w\(]/ && do {
	    my $doit = 1;
	    foreach (split /\s+/, $1) {  # Make sure all the words are types,
	        unless($isatype{$_} or $_ eq 'struct' or $_ eq 'union'){
		    $doit = 0;
	    if( $doit ){
		s/\([\w\s]+[\*\s]*\)// && next;      # then eliminate them.
	# struct/union member, including arrays:
	s/^([_A-Z]\w*(\[[^\]]+\])?((\.|->)[_A-Z]\w*(\[[^\]]+\])?)+)//i && do {
	    my $id = $1;
	    $id =~ s/(\.|(->))([^\.\-]*)/->\{$3\}/g;
	    $id =~ s/\b([^\$])($joined_args)/$1\$$2/g if length($joined_args);
	    while($id =~ /\[\s*([^\$\&\d\]]+)\]/) {
		my($index) = $1;
		$index =~ s/\s//g;
		if(exists($curargs{$index})) {
		    $index = "\$$index";
		} else {
		    $index = "&$index";
		$id =~ s/\[\s*([^\$\&\d\]]+)\]/[$index]/;
	    $new .= " (\$$id)";
	s/^([_a-zA-Z]\w*)//	&& do {
	    my $id = $1;
	    if ($id eq 'struct' || $id eq 'union') {
		$id .= ' ' . $1;
		$isatype{$id} = 1;
	    } elsif ($id =~ /^((un)?signed)|(long)|(short)$/) {
		while (s/^\s+(\w+)//) { $id .= ' ' . $1; }
		$isatype{$id} = 1;
	    if ($curargs{$id}) {
		$new .= "\$$id";
		$new .= '->' if /^[\[\{]/;
	    } elsif ($id eq 'defined') {
		$new .= 'defined';
	    } elsif (/^\s*\(/) {
		s/^\s*\((\w),/("$1",/ if $id =~ /^_IO[WR]*$/i;	# cheat
		$new .= " &$id";
	    } elsif ($isatype{$id}) {
		if ($new =~ /\{\s*$/) {
		    $new .= "'$id'";
		} elsif ($new =~ /\(\s*$/ && /^[\s*]*\)/) {
		    $new =~ s/\(\s*$//;
		} else {
		    $new .= q(').$id.q(');
	    } else {
		if ($inif) {
		    if ($new =~ /defined\s*$/) {
			$new .= '(&' . $id . ')';
		    } elsif ($new =~ /defined\s*\($/) {
			$new .= '&' . $id;
		    } else {
			$new .= '(defined(&' . $id . ') ? &' . $id . ' : undef)';
		} elsif (/^\[/) {
		    $new .= " \$$id";
		} else {
		    $new .= ' &' . $id;
	s/^(.)// && do { if ($1 ne '#') { $new .= $1; } next;};

sub next_line
    my $file = shift;
    my ($in, $out);
    my $pre_sub_tri_graphs = 1;

    READ: while (not eof IN) {
        $in  .= <IN>;
        chomp $in;
        next unless length $in;

        while (length $in) {
            if ($pre_sub_tri_graphs) {
                # Preprocess all tri-graphs
                # including things stuck in quoted string constants.
                $in =~ s/\?\?=/#/g;                         # | ??=|  #|
                $in =~ s/\?\?\!/|/g;                        # | ??!|  ||
                $in =~ s/\?\?'/^/g;                         # | ??'|  ^|
                $in =~ s/\?\?\(/[/g;                        # | ??(|  [|
                $in =~ s/\?\?\)/]/g;                        # | ??)|  ]|
                $in =~ s/\?\?\-/~/g;                        # | ??-|  ~|
                $in =~ s/\?\?\//\\/g;                       # | ??/|  \|
                $in =~ s/\?\?</{/g;                         # | ??<|  {|
                $in =~ s/\?\?>/}/g;                         # | ??>|  }|
	    if ($in =~ /^\#ifdef __LANGUAGE_PASCAL__/) {
		# Tru64 disassembler.h evilness: mixed C and Pascal.
		while (<IN>) {
		    last if /^\#endif/;
		$in = "";
		next READ;
	    if ($in =~ /^extern inline / && # Inlined assembler.
		$^O eq 'linux' && $file =~ m!(?:^|/)asm/[^/]+\.h$!) {
		while (<IN>) {
		    last if /^}/;
		$in = "";
		next READ;
            if ($in =~ s/\\$//) {                           # \-newline
                $out    .= ' ';
                next READ;
            } elsif ($in =~ s/^([^"'\\\/]+)//) {            # Passthrough
                $out    .= $1;
            } elsif ($in =~ s/^(\\.)//) {                   # \...
                $out    .= $1;
            } elsif ($in =~ /^'/) {                         # '...
                if ($in =~ s/^('(\\.|[^'\\])*')//) {
                    $out    .= $1;
                } else {
                    next READ;
            } elsif ($in =~ /^"/) {                         # "...
                if ($in =~ s/^("(\\.|[^"\\])*")//) {
                    $out    .= $1;
                } else {
                    next READ;
            } elsif ($in =~ s/^\/\/.*//) {                  # //...
                # fall through
            } elsif ($in =~ m/^\/\*/) {                     # /*...
                # C comment removal adapted from perlfaq6:
                if ($in =~ s/^\/\*[^*]*\*+([^\/*][^*]*\*+)*\///) {
                    $out    .= ' ';
                } else {                                    # Incomplete /* */
                    next READ;
            } elsif ($in =~ s/^(\/)//) {                    # /...
                $out    .= $1;
            } elsif ($in =~ s/^([^\'\"\\\/]+)//) {
                $out    .= $1;
            } elsif ($^O eq 'linux' &&
                     $file =~ m!(?:^|/)linux/byteorder/pdp_endian\.h$! &&
                     $in   =~ s!\'T KNOW!!) {
                $out    =~ s!I DON$!I_DO_NOT_KNOW!;
            } else {
                if ($opt_e) {
                    warn "Cannot parse $file:\n$in\n";
                    $bad_file{$file} = 1;
                    $in = '';
                    $out = undef;
                    last READ;
                } else {
		die "Cannot parse:\n$in\n";

        last READ if $out =~ /\S/;

    return $out;

# Handle recursive subdirectories without getting a grotesquely big stack.
# Could this be implemented using File::Find?
sub next_file
    my $file;

    while (@ARGV) {
        $file = shift @ARGV;

        if ($file eq '-' or -f $file or -l $file) {
            return $file;
        } elsif (-d $file) {
            if ($opt_r) {
            } else {
                print STDERR "Skipping directory '$file'\n";
        } elsif ($opt_a) {
            return $file;
        } else {
            print STDERR "Skipping '$file':  not a file or directory\n";

    return undef;

# Put all the files in $directory into @ARGV for processing.
sub expand_glob
    my ($directory)  = @_;

    $directory =~ s:/$::;

    opendir DIR, $directory;
        foreach (readdir DIR) {
            next if ($_ eq '.' or $_ eq '..');

            # expand_glob() is going to be called until $ARGV[0] isn't a
            # directory; so push directories, and unshift everything else.
            if (-d "$directory/$_") { push    @ARGV, "$directory/$_" }
            else                    { unshift @ARGV, "$directory/$_" }
    closedir DIR;

# Given $file, a symbolic link to a directory in the C include directory,
# make an equivalent symbolic link in $Dest_dir, if we can figure out how.
# Otherwise, just duplicate the file or directory.
sub link_if_possible
    my ($dirlink)  = @_;
    my $target  = eval 'readlink($dirlink)';

    if ($target =~ m:^\.\./: or $target =~ m:^/:) {
        # The target of a parent or absolute link could leave the $Dest_dir
        # hierarchy, so let's put all of the contents of $dirlink (actually,
        # the contents of $target) into @ARGV; as a side effect down the
        # line, $dirlink will get created as an _actual_ directory.
    } else {
        if (-l "$Dest_dir/$dirlink") {
            unlink "$Dest_dir/$dirlink" or
                print STDERR "Could not remove link $Dest_dir/$dirlink:  $!\n";

        if (eval 'symlink($target, "$Dest_dir/$dirlink")') {
            print "Linking $target -> $Dest_dir/$dirlink\n";

            # Make sure that the link _links_ to something:
            if (! -e "$Dest_dir/$target") {
                mkpath("$Dest_dir/$target", 0755) or
                    print STDERR "Could not create $Dest_dir/$target/\n";
        } else {
            print STDERR "Could not symlink $target -> $Dest_dir/$dirlink:  $!\n";

# Push all #included files in $file onto our stack, except for STDIN
# and files we've already processed.
sub queue_includes_from
    my ($file)    = @_;
    my $line;

    return if ($file eq "-");

    open HEADER, "<", $file or return;
        while (defined($line = <HEADER>)) {
            while (/\\$/) { # Handle continuation lines
                chop $line;
                $line .= <HEADER>;

            if ($line =~ /^#\s*include\s+([<"])(.*?)[>"]/) {
                my ($delimiter, $new_file) = ($1, $2);
                # copy the prefix in the quote syntax (#include "x.h") case
                if ($delimiter eq q{"} && $file =~ m|^(.*)/|) {
                    $new_file = "$1/$new_file";
                push(@ARGV, $new_file) unless $Is_converted{$new_file};
    close HEADER;

# Determine include directories; $Config{usrinc} should be enough for (all
# non-GCC?) C compilers, but gcc uses additional include directories.
sub inc_dirs
    my $from_gcc   = `LC_ALL=C $Config{cc} -v -E - < /dev/null 2>&1 | awk '/^#include/, /^End of search list/' | grep '^ '`;
    length($from_gcc) ? (split(' ', $from_gcc), $Config{usrinc}) : ($Config{usrinc});

# Create "", if it doesn't exist or was built by a different
# version of h2ph.
sub build_preamble_if_necessary
    # Increment $VERSION every time this function is modified:
    my $VERSION     = 4;
    my $preamble    = "$Dest_dir/";

    # Can we skip building the preamble file?
    if (-r $preamble) {
        # Extract version number from first line of preamble:
        open  PREAMBLE, "<", $preamble or die "Cannot open $preamble:  $!";
            my $line = <PREAMBLE>;
            $line =~ /(\b\d+\b)/;
        close PREAMBLE            or die "Cannot close $preamble:  $!";

        # Don't build preamble if a compatible preamble exists:
        return if $1 == $VERSION;

    my (%define) = _extract_cc_defines();

    open  PREAMBLE, ">", $preamble or die "Cannot open $preamble:  $!";
	print PREAMBLE "# This file was created by h2ph version $VERSION\n";
        # Prevent non-portable hex constants from warning.
        # We still produce an overflow warning if we can't represent
        # a hex constant as an integer.
        print PREAMBLE "no warnings qw(portable);\n";

	foreach (sort keys %define) {
	    if ($opt_D) {
		print PREAMBLE "# $_=$define{$_}\n";
	    if ($define{$_} =~ /^\((.*)\)$/) {
		# parenthesized value:  d=(v)
		$define{$_} = $1;
	    if (/^(\w+)\((\w)\)$/) {
		my($macro, $arg) = ($1, $2);
		my $def = $define{$_};
		$def =~ s/$arg/\$\{$arg\}/g;
unless (defined &$macro) { sub $macro(\$) { my (\$$arg) = \@_; \"$def\" } }

	    } elsif
		($define{$_} =~ /^([+-]?(\d+)?\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?)[FL]?$/) {
		# float:
		print PREAMBLE
		    "unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { $1 } }\n\n";
	    } elsif ($define{$_} =~ /^([+-]?\d+)U?L{0,2}$/i) {
		# integer:
		print PREAMBLE
		    "unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { $1 } }\n\n";
            } elsif ($define{$_} =~ /^([+-]?0x[\da-f]+)U?L{0,2}$/i) {
                # hex integer
                # Special cased, since perl warns on hex integers
                # that can't be represented in a UV.
                # This way we get the warning at time of use, so the user
                # only gets the warning if they happen to use this
                # platform-specific definition.
                my $code = $1;
                $code = "hex('$code')" if length $code > 10;
                print PREAMBLE
                    "unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { $code } }\n\n";
	    } elsif ($define{$_} =~ /^\w+$/) {
		my $def = $define{$_};
		if ($isatype{$def}) {
		  print PREAMBLE
		    "unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { \"$def\" } }\n\n";
		} else {
		  print PREAMBLE
		    "unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { &$def } }\n\n";
	    } else {
		print PREAMBLE
		    "unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { \"",
		    quotemeta($define{$_}), "\" } }\n\n";
	print PREAMBLE "\n1;\n";  # avoid 'did not return a true value' when empty
    close PREAMBLE               or die "Cannot close $preamble:  $!";

# %Config contains information on macros that are pre-defined by the
# system's compiler.  We need this information to make the .ph files
# function with perl as the .h files do with cc.
sub _extract_cc_defines
    my %define;
    my $allsymbols  = join " ",
	@Config{'ccsymbols', 'cppsymbols', 'cppccsymbols'};

    # If optimizing -O2 is used, add the definition
    if ($Config{'ccflags'} =~ /(?:\s+|^)-O([\d]+)(?:\s+|$)/) {
	$allsymbols .= " __OPTIMIZE__=$1";

    # Split compiler pre-definitions into 'key=value' pairs:
    while ($allsymbols =~ /([^\s]+)=((\\\s|[^\s])+)/g) {
	$define{$1} = $2;
	if ($opt_D) {
	    print STDERR "$_:  $1 -> $2\n";

    return %define;



=head1 NAME

h2ph - convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files


B<h2ph [-d destination directory] [-r | -a] [-l] [-h] [-e] [-D] [-Q]


converts any C header files specified to the corresponding Perl header file
It is most easily run while in /usr/include:

	cd /usr/include; h2ph * sys/*


	cd /usr/include; h2ph * sys/* arpa/* netinet/*


	cd /usr/include; h2ph -r -l .

The output files are placed in the hierarchy rooted at Perl's
architecture dependent library directory.  You can specify a different
hierarchy with a B<-d> switch.

If run with no arguments, filters standard input to standard output.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -d destination_dir

Put the resulting B<.ph> files beneath B<destination_dir>, instead of
beneath the default Perl library location (C<$Config{'installsitearch'}>).

=item -r

Run recursively; if any of B<headerfiles> are directories, then run I<h2ph>
on all files in those directories (and their subdirectories, etc.).  B<-r>
and B<-a> are mutually exclusive.

=item -a

Run automagically; convert B<headerfiles>, as well as any B<.h> files
which they include.  This option will search for B<.h> files in all
directories which your C compiler ordinarily uses.  B<-a> and B<-r> are
mutually exclusive.

=item -l

Symbolic links will be replicated in the destination directory.  If B<-l>
is not specified, then links are skipped over.

=item -h

Put 'hints' in the .ph files which will help in locating problems with
I<h2ph>.  In those cases when you B<require> a B<.ph> file containing syntax
errors, instead of the cryptic

	[ some error condition ] at (eval mmm) line nnn

you will see the slightly more helpful

	[ some error condition ] at line nnn

However, the B<.ph> files almost double in size when built using B<-h>.

=item -e

If an error is encountered during conversion, output file will be removed and
a warning emitted instead of terminating the conversion immediately.

=item -D

Include the code from the B<.h> file as a comment in the B<.ph> file.
This is primarily used for debugging I<h2ph>.

=item -Q

'Quiet' mode; don't print out the names of the files being converted.



No environment variables are used.

=head1 FILES



=head1 AUTHOR

Larry Wall

=head1 SEE ALSO



The usual warnings if it can't read or write the files involved.

=head1 BUGS

Doesn't construct the %sizeof array for you.

It doesn't handle all C constructs, but it does attempt to isolate
definitions inside evals so that you can get at the definitions
that it can translate.

It's only intended as a rough tool.
You may need to dicker with the files produced.

You have to run this program by hand; it's not run as part of the Perl

Doesn't handle complicated expressions built piecemeal, a la:

    enum {
    #ifdef ABC

Doesn't necessarily locate all of your C compiler's internally-defined


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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
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Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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