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: /scripts/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : cpuser_port_authority

# cpanel - scripts/cpuser_port_authority           Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

use strict;
use warnings;

package scripts::cpuser_port_authority;

use Cpanel::JSON                    ();
use Cpanel::Transaction::File::JSON ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadUserDomains ();
use Cpanel::Debug                   ();
use Cpanel::Validate::Username      ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Write        ();
use Cpanel::PwCache                 ();

our $port_authority_conf = "/etc/cpanel/cpuser_port_authority.json";

my $cmds = {
    give => {
        code     => \&give,
        clue     => "give <user> <number of ports> [--service=my_app]",
        abstract => 'Give a user 1 or more ports.',
        help     => "Give a user 1 or more ports, that only they can run a service on.\n  --service=<NAME>  this will tie a service name, as appropriate for scripts/cpuser_service_manager, to the ports for reference",
    take => {
        code     => \&take,
        clue     => "take <user> <port-number> [<port-number> <port-number> …]",
        abstract => "Take 1 or more ports from a user.",
        help     => "Take 1 or more ports from a user. Errors out completely if any of the given ports do not belong to them.",
    list => {
        code     => \&list,
        clue     => "list [<user>]",
        abstract => "List port assignment information.",
        help     => "List port assignment information. If given a user it lists only that user’s information. The output is in human friendly JSON format.",
    fw => {
        code     => \&fw,
        clue     => "fw",
        abstract => "Setup Firewall",
        help     => "Setup the firewall rules to match the configured port assignments",
    user => {
        code     => \&user,
        clue     => "user (remove|change) <user> [<new_user>]",
        abstract => "Operate on a given user’s port assignments",
        help     => "Remove all ports owned by the given user. Change port ownership from <user> to <new_user>.",

my $hint_blurb = "Usage: `$0 {command} …`.\n\tThis tool supports the following commands:";
my $opts       = {
    'help:pre_hint'  => $hint_blurb,
    'help:pre_help'  => "Various user-assigned-port related admin utilities\n\n$hint_blurb",
    default_commands => "help",
    alias            => { free => "take", firewall => "fw" },

run(@ARGV) if !caller;

sub run {
    my (@argv) = @_;
    die "This script should only be called as root\n" if $> != 0;

    local $ENV{TERM} = $ENV{TERM} || "xterm-256color";    # non-CLI modulino avoid needless: Cannot find termcap: TERM not set at …/Term/ line 373.
    require App::CmdDispatch;
    import App::CmdDispatch;

    # need to have App::CmdDispatch do this automatically see CPANEL-22328
    if ( @argv && grep { defined && m/\A\-\-help\z/ } @argv ) {
        App::CmdDispatch->new( $cmds, $opts )->help();

    my $orig_command_hint = \&App::CmdDispatch::command_hint;
    no warnings "redefine";
    local *App::CmdDispatch::command_hint = sub {
    no warnings 'once';
    require App::CmdDispatch::IO;
    local *App::CmdDispatch::IO::print = sub {
        if ( ref($@) && $@ =~ m/^App::CmdDispatch::Exception/ ) {
            CORE::print STDERR @_;
    local *App::CmdDispatch::MinimalIO::print = \&App::CmdDispatch::IO::print;
    use warnings 'once';

    # ^^^ /need to have App::CmdDispatch do this automatically see CPANEL-22328

    if ( $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'help' ) {
        require Cpanel::Services::Firewall;
        if ( Cpanel::Services::Firewall::is_firewalld() ) {
            $opts->{'help:post_help'} = _get_firewalld_caveat();

    my $app = App::CmdDispatch->new( $cmds, $opts );
    if ( ref( $app->{io} ) eq "1" ) {    # To work around
        $app->{io} = bless {}, "App::CmdDispatch::MinimalIO";
    return $app->run(@argv);

#### commands ##

sub give {
    my ( $app, $user, $count, @flags ) = @_;
    _validate_user_arg( $app, $user );

    if ( !defined $count || $count !~ m/^[1-9][0-9]*$/ ) {
        _bail( $app, "The number of ports you want assigned must be a whole number greater than 0." );

    my @ports = _get_next_n_ports($count);          # dies if it can't get $count ports
    _add_conf( $app, $user => \@ports, @flags );    # dies if port is already assigned (i.e. raced from _get_next_n_ports()), dies if it can’t save

    for my $port (@ports) {
        print "$port\n";


sub take {
    my ( $app, $user, @ports ) = @_;
    _validate_user_arg( $app, $user );

    die "No ports given.\n" if !@ports;

    my $transaction = Cpanel::Transaction::File::JSON->new(
        path        => $port_authority_conf,
        permissions => 0640,

    my $data = $transaction->get_data();
    my $hr   = ref($data) eq 'HASH' ? $data : {};

    for my $port (@ports) {
        if ( !defined $port || $port !~ m/^[1-9][0-9]*$/ ) {
            die "Invalid port.\n";
        elsif ( !exists $hr->{$port} ) {
            die "“$port” is not assigned.\n";
        elsif ( $hr->{$port}{owner} ne $user ) {
            die "“$port” is not owned by “$user”.\n";
        else {
            delete $hr->{$port};


sub user {
    my ( $app, $action, $user, $new_user ) = @_;

    die "invalid action for `user` subcommand\n" if !defined $action || ( $action ne "remove" && $action ne "change" );

    # This function is used in 2 ways, from the command line where multiple actions are
    # allowed.   And from the Task processor, where it is in reaction to a modify account.
    # In the latter case, the action will be "change", and the original user will have
    # already been changed to new_user, and is no longer valid.

    if (   $action eq "change"
        && defined $user
        && defined $new_user
        && Cpanel::Validate::Username::user_exists($new_user)
        && !Cpanel::Validate::Username::user_exists($user) ) {
        _validate_user_arg( $app, $new_user );
    else {
        _validate_user_arg( $app, $user );

    if ( $action eq "change" ) {
        die "New username is not valid.\n" if !defined $new_user || !Cpanel::Validate::Username::is_strictly_valid($new_user);
        die "Too many arguments.\n"        if @_ > 4;
    else {
        die "Too many arguments.\n" if @_ > 3;

    my $transaction = Cpanel::Transaction::File::JSON->new(
        path        => $port_authority_conf,
        permissions => 0640,

    my $data = $transaction->get_data();
    my $hr   = ref($data) eq 'HASH' ? $data : {};

    my $count = 0;
    for my $port ( sort keys %{$hr} ) {
        if ( $hr->{$port}{owner} eq $user ) {
            if ( $action eq "change" ) {
                $hr->{$port}{owner} = $new_user;
            else {
                delete $hr->{$port};

    if ($count) {
    else {
        eval { $transaction->close_or_die; };
        warn $@ if $@;

    print "", ( $action eq "change" ? "Updated" : "Removed" ), ": $count\n";

sub list {
    my ( $app, $user ) = @_;

    my $hr = eval { Cpanel::JSON::LoadFile($port_authority_conf) } || {};

    if ( $user || @_ == 2 ) {
        _validate_user_arg( $app, $user );

        for my $port ( keys %{$hr} ) {
            delete $hr->{$port} if $hr->{$port}{owner} ne $user;

    print Cpanel::JSON::pretty_canonical_dump($hr);


sub fw {

#### used by task processor ##

sub call_ubic {
    my ( $user, @args ) = @_;

    my $curhome = Cpanel::PwCache::gethomedir($user);
    if ( -s "$curhome/.ubic.cfg" ) {
        require Cpanel::AccessIds;
            sub {
                local $ENV{HOME} = $curhome;

                # would be cool if Cpanel::FindBin (or whatever) did this for us: CPANEL-22345 and CPANEL-23118
                my $real_perl  = readlink("/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl");
                my $cp_bin_dir = $real_perl;
                $cp_bin_dir =~ s{/perl$}{};
                local $ENV{PATH} = "$cp_bin_dir:$ENV{PATH}";    # not only does this allow it to find our ubic-admin, it allows its env-shebang to pick up our perl

                system( "ubic", @args );


sub update_ubic_conf {
    my ( $user, $orig_user ) = @_;

    my $newhome = Cpanel::PwCache::gethomedir($user);
    die "Invalid new username\n" if ( !$newhome || !-d $newhome );

    my $ubic_note     = "IMPORTANT = Do not edit this cPanel User Service Manager generated file!";    # from scripts/cpuser_service_manager, DO NOT prepend a '#'
    my $ubic_cnf_path = "$newhome/.ubic.cfg";

    if ( -s $ubic_cnf_path ) {
        require Cpanel::LoadFile;
        require Cpanel::AccessIds;
            sub {
                my $had_ubic_note = 0;
                my $new_ubic      = "";
                for my $line ( split( /\n/, Cpanel::LoadFile::load($ubic_cnf_path) ) ) {
                    if ( $line =~ m/^\s*data_dir\s*=/ ) {
                        $new_ubic .= "data_dir = $newhome/ubic/data\n";
                    elsif ( $line =~ m/^\s*default_user\s*=/ ) {
                        $new_ubic .= "default_user = $user\n";
                    elsif ( $line =~ m/^\s*service_dir\s*=/ ) {
                        $new_ubic .= "service_dir = $newhome/ubic/service\n";
                    elsif ( $line eq $ubic_note ) {
                        $new_ubic .= "$ubic_note\n";
                    else {
                        if ( $line ne "" ) {
                            warn "Custom line in $ubic_cnf_path may be incorrect:\n\t(Line: '$line')\n";

                            # could modify it but you get into a rats nest:
                            #   e.g. change homedir then username:
                            #     what happens when old name is foo and the new name if foo1:
                            #        /home/foo becomes /home/foo1
                            #        /home/foo1 becomes  /home/foo11
                            #   e.g. change username then homedir
                            #     what happens when old name is bar and the new homedir is /home2/bart
                            #     /home/bar becomes /home/bart
                            #     /home/bart becomes /home2/bartt
                            # they really shouldn't be editing this file anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        $new_ubic .= "$line\n";

                if ( !$had_ubic_note ) {
                    $new_ubic = "$ubic_note\n$new_ubic";

                Cpanel::FileUtils::Write::overwrite( $ubic_cnf_path, $new_ubic );

                my $ubic_update_service   = $newhome . "/ubic/service/ubic/update";
                my $ubic_watchdog_service = $newhome . "/ubic/service/ubic/watchdog";

                foreach my $file ( $ubic_update_service, $ubic_watchdog_service ) {
                    if ( -e $file ) {
                        my $new_ubic      = "";
                        my $did_something = 0;
                        for my $line ( split( /\n/, Cpanel::LoadFile::load($file) ) ) {
                            my $working = $line;
                            if ( $working =~ m:'--stdout=/.+?/$orig_user/.*': ) {
                                $working =~ s:(--stdout=/.+?)/$orig_user/:$1/$user/:;
                            if ( $working =~ m:'--stderr=/.+?/$orig_user/.*': ) {
                                $working =~ s:(--stderr=/.+?)/$orig_user/:$1/$user/:;
                            $new_ubic .= $working;

                        Cpanel::FileUtils::Write::overwrite( $file, $new_ubic );


#### helpers ##

sub _setup_firewall {

    require Cpanel::Services::Firewall;
    if ( Cpanel::Services::Firewall::is_firewalld() ) {
        warn _get_firewalld_caveat() . "\n";

    print "Setting up firewall …\n";

    require Capture::Tiny;
    my ( $out, $rv ) = Capture::Tiny::capture_merged( \&Cpanel::Services::Firewall::setup_firewall );

    if ($rv) {    # setup_firewall() RV is suitable for exit($rv||0)
        warn "Firewall setup reported a problem. Please run /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/configure_firewall_for_cpanel to ensure the firewall is OK.\n";
    else {
        print " … done.\n";

    return 1;

sub _validate_user_arg {
    my ( $app, $user ) = @_;

    _bail( $app, "The user argument is missing." ) if !$user;

    if ( $user ne "root" ) {
        my $user_lookup = Cpanel::Config::LoadUserDomains::loaduserdomains( undef, 0, 1 );
        _bail( $app, "The given user is not a cPanel user.\n" ) if !$user_lookup->{$user};

    return 1;

sub _get_next_n_ports {
    my ($n) = @_;

    my ( $bottom_min, $bottom_max, $top_min, $top_max ) = _get_port_ranges();
    my $port;    # buffer

    my @ports;
    for $port ( $bottom_min .. $bottom_max ) {
        push @ports, $port if !_is_port_assigned($port);
        last if @ports == $n;

    return @ports if @ports == $n;

    if ( defined $top_min ) {
        for $port ( $top_min .. $top_max ) {
            push @ports, $port if !_is_port_assigned($port);
            last if @ports == $n;

    die "Not enough free ports (wanted $n)\n" if @ports != $n;
    return @ports;

my $lookup_cache;

sub _add_conf {
    my ( $app, $user, $ports, @flags ) = @_;

    # There is an old unused system (to be deprecated/removed via CPANEL-22447) that uses
    #    /var/cpanel/portassignments.db (YAML) && /etc/portassignments (key: value version of the .db file …)
    # We could import those here if they exist but probably YAGNI.

    my $service;
    for my $flag (@flags) {
        if ( defined $flag && $flag =~ m/^\-\-service/ ) {
            $service = $flag;
            $service =~ s/^\-\-service//;
            $service =~ s/^=//;                              # do this sperately in case they just pass `--service` or `--service=`
            if ( $service !~ m/^[\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*$/ ) {    # regexp is $service_name_re from v1.60
                _bail( $app, "Invalid service name" );

    my $transaction = Cpanel::Transaction::File::JSON->new(
        path        => $port_authority_conf,
        permissions => 0640,

    my $data = $transaction->get_data();
    my $hr   = ref($data) eq 'HASH' ? $data : {};

    for my $port ( @{$ports} ) {
        die "port “$port” already assigned (is someone else logged in as root and running this script?)\n" if exists $hr->{$port};
        $hr->{$port} = { owner => $user };
        $hr->{$port}{service} = $service if $service;



sub _write_transaction {
    my ($transaction) = @_;

    eval {
    warn $@ if $@;

    $lookup_cache = undef;


sub _get_cmd {
    return $cmds;

sub _bail {
    my ( $app, $msg ) = @_;

    # !$app for task processor
    die "$msg\n" if $ENV{ __PACKAGE__ . "::bail_die" } || !$app;    # for API calls, otherwise:

    warn "$msg\n";

    # there is no return()ing from this lol
    exit(1);                                                        ## no critic qw(Cpanel::NoExitsFromSubroutines) the refactor here is risky

sub _is_port_assigned {
    my ($port) = @_;

    if ( !$lookup_cache ) {
        $lookup_cache = eval { Cpanel::JSON::LoadFile($port_authority_conf) } || {};

    return exists $lookup_cache->{$port};

my ( $bottom_min, $bottom_max, $top_min, $top_max );

sub _get_port_ranges {
    if ( !defined $bottom_min ) {

        # even if FTP is disabled ATM, it could be re-enabled (¿TODO/YAGNI? only factor these in if FTP is currently enabled
        my ( $passive_ftp_start, $passive_ftp_end ) = ( 49_152, 65_534 );

        no warnings "redefine";
        local *Cpanel::Debug::log_warn = sub { };    # facepalm …
        require Cpanel::FtpUtils::Config;
        my $ftp_conf          = Cpanel::FtpUtils::Config->new->get_config;
        my $ftp_passive_range = $ftp_conf->{PassivePortRange} || $ftp_conf->{PassivePorts};
        if ($ftp_passive_range) {
            ( $passive_ftp_start, $passive_ftp_end ) = split( /\s+/, $ftp_passive_range );

        my ( $ephemeral_start, $ephemeral_end ) = ( 49_152, 65_535 );    # IANA defaults

        require File::stat;
        if ( File::stat::stat("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range") ) {
            require Path::Tiny;
            my $ip_local_port_range_raw = Path::Tiny::path("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range")->slurp;
            ( $ephemeral_start, $ephemeral_end ) = split( /\s+/, $ip_local_port_range_raw );

            if ( $ephemeral_start > $passive_ftp_start ) {
                $ephemeral_start = $passive_ftp_start;

            if ( $ephemeral_end < $passive_ftp_end ) {
                $ephemeral_end = $passive_ftp_end;

        $ephemeral_start = 10_001               if $ephemeral_start < 10_001;
        $ephemeral_end   = $ephemeral_start + 1 if $ephemeral_end < $ephemeral_start;

        ( $bottom_min, $bottom_max, $top_min, $top_max ) = ( 10_000 => ( $ephemeral_start - 1 ), ( $ephemeral_end + 1 ) => 65535 );

        if ( $ephemeral_end >= 65535 ) {
            ( $top_min, $top_max ) = ( undef, undef );

    return ( $bottom_min, $bottom_max, $top_min, $top_max );

sub _silent_sys {
    my (@sys) = @_;
    require Capture::Tiny;
    my ( $out, $exit ) = Capture::Tiny::capture_merged( sub { system(@sys) } );
    die "`@sys` exited unclean ($exit)\n" if $exit;    #TODO/YAGNI: output $out if --verbose

sub _get_firewalld_caveat {

    my $message = <<"END_FIREWALLD";
ℹ️  [Caveat] Currently, firewalld does not respect port ownership assignments.

To enforce port ownership, you must use iptables tables instead.

We will update this system when the functionality is available.

    require Cpanel::Output::Formatted::Terminal;
    return Cpanel::Output::Formatted::Terminal->new->format_message( "bold black on_blue" => $message );


© 2025 UnknownSec
Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
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Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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