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UnknownSec Shell

: /scripts/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : fixquotas

# cpanel - scripts/fixquotas                       Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

package Scripts::FixQuotas;

use cPstrict;

use Cwd                        ();
use IO::File                   ();
use Scalar::Util               ();
use Cpanel::Binaries           ();
use Cpanel::FindBin            ();
use Cpanel::Filesys::FindParse ();
use Cpanel::Filesys::Info      ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors    ();
use Cpanel::OS                 ();
use Cpanel::Filesys::Root      ();
use Cpanel::LoadFile           ();
use Cpanel::Fcntl::Constants   ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Object    ();
use Cpanel::SetEnvLocale       ();

use Cpanel::ServerTasks            ();
use Cpanel::Transaction::File::Raw ();
use Cpanel::SafeDir::MK            ();

use Cpanel::Notify           ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Touch ();
use Cpanel::Kernel::Status   ();
use Cpanel::Pkgr             ();
use Cpanel::SysPkgs          ();

# For testing purposes
our $PROC_MOUNTS = Cwd::realpath('/proc/mounts');

our $UDEV_RULES_DIR       = "/etc/udev/rules.d";
our $UDEV_LINK_RULES_FILE = "$UDEV_RULES_DIR/99-root-link.rules";
our $REBOOT_TOUCH_FILE    = "/var/cpanel/reboot_required_for_quota";
our $BROKEN_TOUCH_FILE    = "/var/cpanel/quota_broken";
our $DEFAULT_GRUB_CONFIG  = '/etc/default/grub';

our %cmd = (
    'quotaon'  => undef,
    'quotaoff' => undef,

use constant { CONTINUED_SUCCESS => 1, NEW_SUCCESS => 2 };

exit run(@ARGV) unless caller();

sub run (@args) {

    my $onboot = grep { $_ eq '--onboot' } @args;

    return 0 if !verify_quota_binaries();

    if ($onboot) {
        if ( enable_quotas() == NEW_SUCCESS ) {    # dies on failures
            Cpanel::Notify::notification_class( 'class' => 'Quota::SetupComplete', 'application' => 'Quota::SetupComplete', 'constructor_args' => [] );

        return 0;

    Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunnoerror( $cmd{'quotaoff'}, '-a' );



    return 0;

sub get_xfs_mount_points_without_quota {
    my @lines = grep { /\bxfs\b.*\bnoquota\b/ } Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunnoerror('/bin/mount');
    my @partitions;
    foreach my $line (@lines) {
        push @partitions, $1 if $line =~ /^\S+\s+on\s+(\S+)/;
    return @partitions;

# Find the XFS partitions with uquota (but not noquota) set in fstab.
sub get_xfs_mount_points_fstab_quota {
    my @xfs = grep { $_->{'fstype'} eq 'xfs' } Cpanel::Filesys::FindParse::parse_fstab();
    return map { $_->{mountpoint} } grep {
        my $obj  = $_;
        my $opts = { map { $_ => 1 } @{ $obj->{'options'} } };
        $opts->{'uquota'} && !$opts->{'noquota'};
    } @xfs;

sub fix_broken_dev_root_links {

    if ( !-e $PROC_MOUNTS || !-r $PROC_MOUNTS ) {
        return 0;

    my @lines = split qq{\n}, Cpanel::LoadFile::load($PROC_MOUNTS) or die "Unable to open $PROC_MOUNTS: $!";

    # Danger: This code is targeted to fix systems that have
    # /dev/root (AKA Cpanel::Filesys::Root::DEV_ROOT) in /proc/mounts
    # If it is refactored to fix other system additional coverage will
    # be needed esp for handling roots like /dev/mapper/Vol....

    foreach my $line (@lines) {
        my ( $device, $mount, $type, undef ) = split( /\s+/, $line, 4 );

        if ( defined $device && $device eq $Cpanel::Filesys::Root::DEV_ROOT && !-e $Cpanel::Filesys::Root::DEV_ROOT ) {
            my $actual_root_device_path = Cpanel::Filesys::Root::get_root_device_path();

            #If $DEV_ROOT is a symlink that doesn’t resolve,
            #whether it’s a dangling symlink,
            #a symlink to a dangling symlink, or part of a symlink loop,
            #then get rid of it.
            if ( -l $Cpanel::Filesys::Root::DEV_ROOT && !-e $Cpanel::Filesys::Root::DEV_ROOT ) {
                unlink $Cpanel::Filesys::Root::DEV_ROOT or warn "unlink($Cpanel::Filesys::Root::DEV_ROOT): $!";

            symlink( $actual_root_device_path, $Cpanel::Filesys::Root::DEV_ROOT ) or warn "symlink($actual_root_device_path, $Cpanel::Filesys::Root::DEV_ROOT): $!";

            Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir( $UDEV_RULES_DIR, 0755 );
            my ($device_name) = $actual_root_device_path =~ m{^/[^/]+/(.*)$};                                                  # /dev/(XXXXX......)
            my $trans_obj     = Cpanel::Transaction::File::Raw->new( path => $UDEV_LINK_RULES_FILE, 'permissions' => 0644 );
            my $contents_ref  = $trans_obj->get_data();
            my $new_line      = qq{KERNEL == "$device_name", SUBSYSTEM == "block", SYMLINK += "root"};

            # In the event /dev/root was a symlink to /dev/root we need to make sure
            # we remove any circular lines
            my $circular_bad_line               = qq{echo ' KERNEL == "root", SUBSYSTEM == "block", SYMLINK += "root"'};
            my $circular_bad_line_without_space = qq{echo 'KERNEL == "root", SUBSYSTEM == "block", SYMLINK += "root"'};

            my @lines = grep {
                $_ ne $new_line    # Trying to be narrow to remove only things we have added

                  && $_ ne $circular_bad_line                  # Trying to be narrow to remove only things we have added
                  && $_ ne $circular_bad_line_without_space    # Trying to be narrow to remove only things we have added

            } split( m{\n}, $$contents_ref );
            push @lines, $new_line;
            my $new_contents = join( "\n", @lines ) . "\n";
            $trans_obj->set_data( \$new_contents );

    return 1;

sub initialize_quotas {    ##no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity)

    # need to init quotas before a boot on xfs, to avoid to reboot for each partitions
        program => '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/initquotas',
        stdout  => \*STDOUT,
        stderr  => \*STDERR,

    my $filesys_ref  = Cpanel::Filesys::Info::all_filesystem_info();
    my $slash_is_xfs = index( $filesys_ref->{'/'}{'fstype'}, 'xfs' ) > -1 ? 1 : 0;

    if ( Cpanel::OS::has_quota_support_for_xfs() ) {

        my %xfs_without_quota           = map { $_ => 1 } get_xfs_mount_points_without_quota();
        my $xfs_partition_without_quota = %xfs_without_quota ? 1 : 0;

        my $grub2_cfg = find_grub2_cfg_file();

        # do kernel mod? #
        if ( $slash_is_xfs && $xfs_partition_without_quota && $grub2_cfg ) {

            # at least one file system is XFS, so we'll need to enable quotas on the root file system before it's remounted by initrd and have the #
            # user reboot to activate this change. it's not enough to remount the root filesystem, or any other, it must be completely remounted! #
            my $grub_conf;
                local $/ = undef;
                open my $grub_fh, '<', $DEFAULT_GRUB_CONFIG
                  or die "The system failed to open the $DEFAULT_GRUB_CONFIG file: $!";
                $grub_conf = <$grub_fh>;
                close $grub_fh;

            my $grub_conf_has_quota            = $grub_conf =~ m/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX.+?rootflags.+?u(sr)?quota/ ? 1 : 0;
            my $has_cloudlinux_enhanced_quotas = Cpanel::OS::has_cloudlinux_enhanced_quotas();
            my $grub_cloudlinux_has_quota      = 1;

            # running /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig to update /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
            #   will not preserve the linux kernel, let's patch it manually
            #   we need to adjust the flags each time cloudlinux update the menuentry
            my $found_cl_entry;
            if ($has_cloudlinux_enhanced_quotas) {
                print "CloudLinux system detected: adding/checking 'rootflags=uquota' to $grub2_cfg\n";

                # Don't use safelock or transactions here, as those use link(2),
                # and we may be on a vfat filesystem (for EFI) which doesn't
                # support link(2).
                my $fh = IO::File->new( $grub2_cfg, '+<' );
                die "Could not open '$grub2_cfg' file: $!" unless flock( $fh, $Cpanel::Fcntl::Constants::LOCK_EX );
                my @lines;
                my $in_cl_entry;

                # add rootflags=uquota to cloudlinux entries
                while ( my $line = readline $fh ) {

                    # begin of cloudlinux menuentry
                    if ( !$in_cl_entry && $line =~ qr{^\s*menuentry 'CloudLinux\b}i ) {
                        $in_cl_entry    = 1;
                        $found_cl_entry = 1;

                    # end of cloudlinux menuentry
                    if ( $in_cl_entry && $line !~ qr{^#} && $line =~ qr/}/ ) {
                        $in_cl_entry = 0;

                    # manually add the rootflags to the cloudlinux entries
                    #   we can consider to also add them to other entries
                    if (   $in_cl_entry
                        && $line =~ qr{^\s*linux([0-9]+|efi) (/boot)?/vmlinuz}i
                        && $line !~ qr{rootflags.+?u(sr)?quota}i ) {
                        chomp $line;
                        $line .= qq{ rootflags=uquota\n};
                        $grub_cloudlinux_has_quota = 0;
                    push @lines, $line;
                if ( $grub_cloudlinux_has_quota == 0 ) {
                    seek $fh, 0, 0;
                    print {$fh} join( '', @lines );
                    truncate( $fh, tell $fh );
                flock( $fh, $Cpanel::Fcntl::Constants::LOCK_UN );
                undef $fh;

            # only need to adjust the grub2 configuration file if / is an xfs partition
            #   we need to reboot in all cases when enabling quota on xfs
            if ( !$grub_conf_has_quota || ( $has_cloudlinux_enhanced_quotas && !$grub_cloudlinux_has_quota || ( $has_cloudlinux_enhanced_quotas && !$found_cl_entry ) ) ) {

                if ( !$grub_conf_has_quota || ( $has_cloudlinux_enhanced_quotas && !$found_cl_entry ) ) {

                    # we need to modify /etc/default/grub to add user quotas, then re-generate the grub.cfg in /boot and finally reboot the system #
                    print qq{Modifying the $DEFAULT_GRUB_CONFIG file to enable user quotas...\n};
                    $grub_conf =~ s/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="(.+?)"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="$1 rootflags=uquota"/m;
                    die qq{You must manually add or update "rootflags=uquota" to "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX" in the $DEFAULT_GRUB_CONFIG file, and re-run this tool.\n}
                      if $grub_conf !~ m/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX.+?rootflags.+?u(sr)?quota/;
                    open my $grubw_fh, '>', $DEFAULT_GRUB_CONFIG
                      or die "failed to open $DEFAULT_GRUB_CONFIG for writing: $!";
                    print {$grubw_fh} $grub_conf;
                    close $grubw_fh;

                    my $method = Cpanel::OS::program_to_apply_kernel_args();
                    if ( !$method ) {
                        die "Current OS does not have a value set for Cpanel::OS::program_to_apply_kernel_args";
                    elsif ( $method ne 'none' ) {
                        $method =~ tr/-/_/;
                        if ( my $cr = Scripts::FixQuotas->can("handle_$method") ) {
                                'config_file' => $grub2_cfg,
                        else {
                            die "I don't know how to handle_$method!";


                # the script must quit at this time and ask the user to reboot to enable quotas #
                die "\nThe '/' partition uses the XFS® filesystem. You must reboot the server to enable quotas.\n";


        # If we have entries with quota enabled in fstab that aren't currently using
        # quota, then we need to reboot.
        if ( grep { $xfs_without_quota{$_} } get_xfs_mount_points_fstab_quota() ) {
            die "\nYou must reboot the server to enable XFS® filesystem quotas.\n";


    system '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/resetquotas';

sub handle_grub_mkconfig {
    my %args = @_;
    die "needs config_file argument" unless exists $args{config_file};

    my $program = Cpanel::OS::program_to_apply_kernel_args();
    print qq{Running the "$program" command to regenerate the system's boot configuration...\n};
    die "/boot is not mounted. Mount /boot and then re-run this tool.\n"
      if !-f $args{config_file};

        program => Cpanel::OS::bin_grub_mkconfig(),
        args    => [ '-o', $args{config_file} ],
        stdout  => \*STDOUT,
        stderr  => \*STDERR,


# alias
sub handle_grub2_mkconfig { goto &handle_grub_mkconfig }

sub handle_grubby {
    my %args = @_;

    print qq{Adding arguments to every kernel's boot entry using the "grubby" command...\n};
    die "/boot/loader/entries does not exist. Ensure /boot is mounted and then re-run this tool.\n"
      if !-d '/boot/loader/entries';

        program => Cpanel::Binaries::path('grubby'),
        args    => [qw(--update-kernel=ALL --args=rootflags=uquota)],
        stdout  => \*STDOUT,
        stderr  => \*STDERR,


sub _touch_reboot_and_notify {

        'class'            => 'Quota::RebootRequired',
        'application'      => 'Quota::RebootRequired',
        'constructor_args' => []
    Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task( ['SystemTasks'], 5, "recache_system_reboot_data" );


sub _touch_broken_and_notify {

        'class'            => 'Quota::Broken',
        'application'      => 'Quota::Broken',
        'constructor_args' => []

    # For now, broken notification is live, so no taskqueue stuff.


sub _attempt_to_enable_quota {

    # Force output to be english so our regular expressions
    # used on stderr will work
    my $env_locale = Cpanel::SetEnvLocale->new();

    my $quotaon = Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new(
        program => $cmd{'quotaon'},
        args    => ['-a'],

    # If there wasn't a problem with quotaon, everything is good.
    return _quota_are_working() if $quotaon->CHILD_ERROR == 0;

    my $stderr = $quotaon->stderr() // '';

    # addon packages need to be installed
    return if $stderr =~ m/^quotaon:(?:.*): No such process$/am;

    # quota are already enabled
    return _quota_are_working() if $stderr =~ m/^quotaon:(?:.*): Device or resource busy$/am;



sub _quota_are_working {
    my $count = unlink( $REBOOT_TOUCH_FILE, $BROKEN_TOUCH_FILE );
    Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task( ['SystemTasks'], 5, "recache_system_reboot_data" );
    return $count > 0 ? NEW_SUCCESS : CONTINUED_SUCCESS;

sub enable_quotas {
    my $result;
    return $result if $result = _attempt_to_enable_quota();

    # Otherwise, it is clear that quotaon is receiving ESRCH when trying to turn quotas on, meaning that it doesn't recognize the file format.
    # Try installing packages containing needed kernel modules if that hasn't been done and then starting over.


    return $result if $result = _attempt_to_enable_quota();

    # Even after installing modules, quotaon is stil encountering ESRCH. Time to give up.
    # However, it still must be determined what further steps to recommend.

    # TODO: Replace kernel_status() with reboot_status() once CPANEL-39706 is fixed.

    if ( Cpanel::Kernel::Status::kernel_status()->{'reboot_required'} ) {


        die <<~'EOS';
        The system is missing kernel modules needed to support quotas.
        The system installed packages to try to address this, but a system reboot may be required.
        For more information, see

    else {


        die <<~'EOS';
        The system is missing kernel modules needed to support quotas.
        The system could not resolve this issue automatically.
        For more information, see

sub _install_quota_packages_conditional_if_needed {
    my %pkg_map = Cpanel::OS::quota_packages_conditional()->%*;
    my @pkgs_to_install;
    foreach my $pkg ( keys %pkg_map ) {

        # install the extra if the main one is installed
        next unless Cpanel::Pkgr::is_installed($pkg);
        foreach my $extra ( $pkg_map{$pkg}->@* ) {
            push @pkgs_to_install, $extra unless Cpanel::Pkgr::is_installed($extra);

    return 0 unless scalar @pkgs_to_install;

    # Use the custom error handler to get back the saferun object on failure:
    my $syspkgs_obj = Cpanel::SysPkgs->new( exclude_options => { kernel => 0 } );

    my $saferun_obj = $syspkgs_obj->install_packages( packages => \@pkgs_to_install, handle_child_error => sub { return $_[0] } );
    if ( Scalar::Util::blessed($saferun_obj) && $saferun_obj->CHILD_ERROR() ) {
        print "Packages failed to install. Retrying...\n";
        sleep 5;
        $syspkgs_obj->install_packages( packages => \@pkgs_to_install );


sub verify_quota_binaries {
    my @missing_cmds;
    foreach my $cmd_name ( keys %cmd ) {
        $cmd{$cmd_name} = Cpanel::FindBin::findbin($cmd_name);
        if ( !defined $cmd{$cmd_name} || !-e $cmd{$cmd_name} || !-x $cmd{$cmd_name} ) {
            push @missing_cmds, $cmd_name;
    if ( scalar @missing_cmds ) {
        print "Incomplete quota kit: unable to fix quotas.\n";
        print 'Missing commands: ', join( ', ', @missing_cmds ), "\n";
        return 0;

    return 1;

sub find_grub2_cfg_file {
    my @files = map { ( "$_/grub.cfg", "$_/grub2.cfg", "$_/grub2-efi.cfg" ) } (qw{/boot/efi/EFI/centos /boot/grub2 /etc});
    foreach my $file (@files) {
        return $file if -f $file;
    return $files[-1];



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Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
This course was published already and you can check the main course
Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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