shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /scripts/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : fixrndc

# cpanel - scripts/fixrndc                         Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

######[ This script will rebuild the rndc.key and rndc.conf files unless ]######
######[ an existing, working config is found                             ]######

use strict;
use Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf   ();
use Cpanel::StringFunc::Count    ();
use Cpanel::CommentKiller        ();
use Cpanel::SafetyBits           ();
use Cpanel::PwCache              ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors      ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple      ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::TouchFile ();
use Cpanel::FindBin              ();

use Getopt::Long ();

umask 0022;

######[ declare globals ]##########################################################################

# default location of named.conf
my $def_namedconf = '/etc/named.conf';

my $needrndckey = 0;

my $options = {};

    'force|f'   => \$options->{force},
    'verbose|v' => \$options->{verbose},

    # If -s is passed as an arg, it's saying that fixrndc was started by rebuilddnsconfig and should not reinvoke its parent.
    'rebuilddnsconfig|s' => \$options->{rebuilddnsconfig},
    'html|h'             => \$options->{html},

# Verbose variable, if set to "1" actions are reported to STDOUT.
my $cpverbose                    = $options->{verbose}          || 0;
my $called_from_rebuilddnsconfig = $options->{rebuilddnsconfig} || 0;

if ( !-e $def_namedconf || -z _ ) {
    if ( !$called_from_rebuilddnsconfig ) {
        print "The named configuration file is missing, running /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/rebuilddnsconfig to repair it.\n" if $cpverbose;
        my $opts = $cpverbose ? '-fv' : '-f';
        exec( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/rebuilddnsconfig', $opts );
        exit 0;    #unreached
    else {
        print "WARNING: $def_namedconf appears to be invalid but the problem could not be corrected automatically!\n";
        exit 1;

my $local_nameserver_type = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf_not_copy()->{'local_nameserver_type'};
if ( $local_nameserver_type ne 'bind' ) {
    print "$local_nameserver_type is configured as the local nameserver.  RNDC key is not in use.\n" if $cpverbose;

require Cpanel::Services::Enabled;
unless ( Cpanel::Services::Enabled::is_enabled('dns') ) {
    print "Named is currently disabled.\n" if $cpverbose;

require Cpanel::DNSLib;
my $dnslib = Cpanel::DNSLib->new( 'force' => ( $options->{'force'} ? 1 : 0 ) );

######[ try to ensure named is actually running, fixrndc will always fail if not.                           ]######
######[ try starting named, but always allow it to continue and try to force new keys even if we can't test ]######
######[ this all does basically the same thing, but gives a little more information about problem so techs  ]######
######[ can know where to start ]##################################################################################

my @html_args = $options->{html} ? ('--html') : ();

my $check_output = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_named', '--check', @html_args );
my $status_code  = $?;

# Try to restart
if ( $status_code != 0 ) {
    print "Named looks down but should be up.  Attempting restart...\n" if $cpverbose;
    $check_output = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_named', @html_args );
    print $check_output if $cpverbose;
    for ( 1 .. 10 ) {
        $check_output = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_named', '--check', @html_args );
        $status_code  = $?;
        last                                                   if $status_code == 0;
        print "Waiting 5 seconds for named to start ($_/10)\n" if $cpverbose;
    if ( $status_code != 0 ) {
        print "Named could not be restarted, any obvious config errors should show up below this line. \n";
        my ( $ret_status, $status_info ) = $dnslib->checknamedconf($def_namedconf);
        my $found_error = 0;
        if ( $ret_status == 1 || $status_info =~ /rndc\.key/ ) {

            #  No error was detected, needs manual inspection
            my $rndckey_file  = $def_namedconf;
            my $rndcconf_file = $def_namedconf;
            $rndckey_file  =~ s/\/named\.conf$/\/rndc.key/;
            $rndcconf_file =~ s/\/named\.conf$/\/rndc.conf/;
            foreach my $key_loc_file ( $rndckey_file, $def_namedconf ) {
                if ( -s $key_loc_file == 0 ) {
                    print "Detected empty file at $key_loc_file \n";
                    $needrndckey = 1;
                    $found_error = 1;
                if ( open( my $keyf, '<', $key_loc_file ) ) {
                    while ( my $line = readline($keyf) ) {
                        if ( $line =~ m/secret\s+\"(.*)\"/i ) {
                            my $base64ok = is_base64($1);
                            if ( $base64ok != 1 ) {
                                print "There appears to be a problem with the base64 encoding of the rndckey in $key_loc_file .\n";
                                print "Will try to rebuild those files, \"connection refused\" errors are to be expected. \n";
                                $needrndckey = 1;
                                $found_error = 1;
                else {
                    print "Could not open $key_loc_file : $! \n";
                    $needrndckey = 1;
            if ( $found_error != 1 ) {
                print "No critical problems found, will attempt to regenerate keys regardless.\n";
                $needrndckey = 1;
        elsif ( !$called_from_rebuilddnsconfig ) {
            print "The named configuration appears to have errors:\n\t$status_info\n\nRunning /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/rebuilddnsconfig to repair it..\n";

            # some config problem..  let's force a rebuild of named.conf and let it try again
            my $opts = $cpverbose ? '-fv' : '-f';
            exec( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/rebuilddnsconfig', $opts );
            exit 0;    # unreached
        else {
            print "WARNING: $def_namedconf appears to contain errors which could not be corrected automatically!\n";
            print $status_info . "\n";
            print "Please correct these errors manually and rerun /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixrndc\n";
            exit 1;

######[ fix rndc info if needed ]##################################################################

# check if `rndc status` reports ok, fix if not or if -f flag is given to force it
if ( !defined( $options->{'force'} ) ) {
    if ($cpverbose) {
        print "Checking rndc by querying status\n";

    # If "rndc status" does not report a failed connection, exit
    if ( $dnslib->checkrndc() ) {
        if ($cpverbose) {
            print '!' x 50 . "\n";
            print "rndc reported success. No changes will be made.\nUse the \"-f\" flag to force a check.\n";
            print '!' x 50 . "\n";

my $removenamedconfkey      = 0;
my $neednamedconfcontrols   = 0;
my $removenamedconfcontrols = 0;

# rndc variables from rndc.conf
my ( $r_secret, $r_keyname );
my $rndcconf    = $dnslib->find_rndcconf();
my $namedconf   = $dnslib->{'namedconf'};
my $rndckeyfile = $dnslib->find_rndckey();
my $chrootdir   = $dnslib->{'data'}{'chrootdir'};
my $zonedir     = $dnslib->{'data'}{'zonefiledir'};
my $binduser    = $dnslib->{'data'}{'binduser'};
my $bindgrp     = $dnslib->{'data'}{'bindgroup'};
my $binduid     = ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam_noshadow($binduser) )[2];
my $bindgid     = ( getgrnam($bindgrp) )[2];
$dnslib->{'data'}{'cpverbose'} = 1;

if ($zonedir) {
    if ( !-e $zonedir . '/' ) {
        system 'cp', '-fv', '/usr/local/cpanel/etc/', $zonedir . '/';
        Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgrp, $zonedir . '/' );
        Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( oct('0644'), $binduser, $zonedir . '/' );

# rndc variables from named.conf
my $key      = 0;
my $controls = 0;
my ( $keykeyname, $keysecret, $inet, $allow, $controlskeyname, $rndc_include );
my ( $confstatus, $confresult ) = $dnslib->checknamedconf($namedconf);

######[ bail out if named.conf is currently fubar ]################################################

# Only bypass this check if there's only one error line and it matches the
# regex.
if ( !$confstatus && $confresult !~ /^.*rndc[.-]key.*$/ ) {
    print <<"EOM";

!! fixrndc requires a syntactically correct $namedconf.
!! No changes were made to $namedconf. Problem was:
!! $confresult


######[ Make sure chroot directory is created ]####################################################

if ( $chrootdir ne '' ) {
    print "Setting up chroot environment in $chrootdir\n" if $cpverbose;

######[ Check rndc.conf for necessary settings ]###################################################

if ($rndckeyfile) {
    ( $r_secret, $r_keyname ) = $dnslib->loadrndckey();
    if (   $r_secret eq ''
        || $r_keyname eq '' ) {
        $needrndckey = 1;
else {
    $needrndckey = 1;

#my $namedconf = $def_namedconf;

######[ Cannot proceed if named.conf is not located at this point ]################################

if ( !-e $namedconf ) {
    die "named.conf not found, exiting";

######[ Check in existing named.conf to rcs ]######################################################

print "Checking in $namedconf to rcs system\n" if $cpverbose;

######[ If rndc.key needs to be generated, remove settings from named.conf ]#######################

if ($needrndckey) {
    print "Need to create rndc.conf\n" if $cpverbose;

    ( $key, $keykeyname, $keysecret, $controls, $inet, $allow, $controlskeyname, $rndc_include ) = $dnslib->getrndcsettings($rndckeyfile);

    # include line may already exist
    $removenamedconfkey = 1 unless $rndc_include;

    # check for broken control section
    if ( $controlskeyname ne 'rndc-key' || $inet ne '' || $allow ne 'localhost' ) {
        $removenamedconfcontrols = 1;
        $neednamedconfcontrols   = 1;
else {

    # Make sure named.conf rndc settings match
    ( $key, $keykeyname, $keysecret, $controls, $inet, $allow, $controlskeyname, $rndc_include ) = $dnslib->getrndcsettings($rndckeyfile);

    if ( $keykeyname && $keysecret ) {

        # if keyname in rndc.conf does not match keyname in named.conf,
        # redo key clause in named.conf
        if ( $keykeyname ne $r_keyname || $keysecret ne $r_secret ) {
            $removenamedconfkey = 1;
    elsif ( !$rndc_include ) {
        $removenamedconfkey = 1;

    # Controls section is needed by default
    if ( $controlskeyname ne $r_keyname ) {
        $removenamedconfcontrols = 1;
        $neednamedconfcontrols   = 1;
        if ( $controlskeyname eq '' ) {
            print "Controls section not found, adding ...\n" if $cpverbose;
        else {
            print "Controls keyname does not match rndc.conf keyname\n" if $cpverbose;

######[ Create rndc.key if needed ]###############################################################

if ($needrndckey) {
    print "Creating rndc.conf\n";

    my $named = Cpanel::FindBin::findbin('named');
    unless ($named) {
        die "named not located on system, please check the Bind installation";

    my $rndcconfgen = $dnslib->find_rndcconfgen();
    if ( $rndcconfgen eq '' ) {
        die "rndc-confgen not located on system, please check the Bind installation";

    my @rndc_confgen_args = (
        '-c', $rndckeyfile,
        '-k', 'rndc-key',
        '-r', '/dev/urandom',

    # Bind < 9.10 (CentOS 6) does not support alternate hashing functions for the rndc key.

    if ( Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple::saferun( $named, "-v" ) =~ /^BIND\s(\d+)\.(\d+)/ ) {
        if ( $1 >= 9 && $2 >= 10 ) {
            push @rndc_confgen_args, ( '-A', 'hmac-sha256' );

    Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( $rndcconfgen, @rndc_confgen_args );
    Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgrp, $rndckeyfile );
    Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( oct('0660'), $binduser, $rndckeyfile );
    ( $r_secret, $r_keyname ) = $dnslib->loadrndckey();

######[ Remove rndc.conf if needed ]################################################################

unlink $rndcconf if length $rndcconf && -f $rndcconf;

if ( $removenamedconfkey || $neednamedconfcontrols || $removenamedconfcontrols ) {

    # open our tmp file to populate with rndc key controls and named.conf

    open( NDF, ">", $namedconf . '.fixrndc' );
    Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgrp, "$namedconf.fixrndc" );

    if ($removenamedconfkey) {
        print "Including rndc key file to named.conf\n";
        print NDF "include \"$rndckeyfile\"\;\n";

    if ($neednamedconfcontrols) {
        print "Adding controls clause\n";
        print NDF "\ncontrols {\n";
        print NDF "\tinet allow { localhost; } keys { \"$r_keyname\"\; }\;\n";
        print NDF "}\;\n\n";

######[ append entire named.conf to tmp file ]#####################################################

    open( my $cur_ndc, '<', $namedconf );
    my $in_removed_section = 0;
    my $numbrace           = 0;
    my $commentkiller      = Cpanel::CommentKiller->new;
    while ( readline($cur_ndc) ) {
        if ( $removenamedconfcontrols || $removenamedconfkey ) {

            # Remove broken controls or keys sections if necessary
            my $parsed = $commentkiller->parse($_) or next;

            if ($in_removed_section) {
                $numbrace += Cpanel::StringFunc::Count::get_curly_brace_count($parsed);
                if ( $numbrace <= 0 ) {
                    $in_removed_section = 0;
            elsif ( $numbrace == 0 && ( ( $removenamedconfcontrols && $parsed =~ /^\s*controls/ ) || ( $removenamedconfkey && $parsed =~ /^\s*key/ ) ) ) {
                $numbrace += Cpanel::StringFunc::Count::get_curly_brace_count($parsed);
                $in_removed_section = 1;
            $numbrace += Cpanel::StringFunc::Count::get_curly_brace_count($parsed);
        print NDF;

    if ( -e $namedconf . '.cache' ) {
        unlink( $namedconf . '.cache' );
        unlink( $namedconf . '.zonedir.cache' );

######[ move the fixrndc tmp file into place now that it is complete (once verified as ok) ]#######

    ( $confstatus, $confresult ) = $dnslib->checknamedconf( $namedconf . '.fixrndc' );
    if ($confstatus) {
        rename( $namedconf . '.fixrndc', $namedconf ) || print "Failed to copy $namedconf . '.fixrndc' to $namedconf : $!\n";
    else {
        print "New named.conf file does not pass syntax check.  Leaving old file in place.\n" if $cpverbose;
######[ check rndc status again, restart named if needed ]#########################################

if ( $needrndckey || !$dnslib->checkrndc() ) {
    print "Restarting named\n";
    system( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_named', @html_args );

    my $ok;
    my $suspend = '/var/run/chkservd.suspend';
    my $exists  = -e $suspend;

    # Suspend chkservd temporarily in case this takes longer than 5 minutes so
    # we don't end up in a restart-restart loop.
    for ( 1 .. 300 ) {
        $ok = $dnslib->checkrndc();
        last if $ok;
    unlink $suspend unless $exists;
    if ( !$ok ) {
        print "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixrndc failed to fix the rndc key (or named is otherwise broken), please investigate manually\n";
        exit 1;
print "The rndc key has been fixed successfully!\n" if $cpverbose;

sub is_base64 {
    my $string = shift;

    # Bail out if string length isn't in mutiples of 4 ...
    return if length($string) % 4;

    # Or if the string contains any unpermitted characters ...
    return if $string !~ /^[=\+\/a-z0-9]+$/i;
    return 1;

© 2025 UnknownSec
Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
This course was published already and you can check the main course
Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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