shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

name : pdf.js
/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
/*jshint globalstrict: false */
/* globals PDFJS */

// Initializing PDFJS global object (if still undefined)
if (typeof PDFJS === 'undefined') {
  (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this).PDFJS = {};

PDFJS.version = '1.1.114'; = '3fd44fd';

(function pdfjsWrapper() {
  // Use strict in our context only - users might not want it
  'use strict';

/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
/* globals Cmd, ColorSpace, Dict, MozBlobBuilder, Name, PDFJS, Ref, URL,
           Promise */

'use strict';

var globalScope = (typeof window === 'undefined') ? this : window;

var isWorker = (typeof window === 'undefined');

var FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX = [0.001, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0];

var TextRenderingMode = {
  FILL: 0,
  STROKE: 1,

var ImageKind = {
  RGB_24BPP: 2,
  RGBA_32BPP: 3

var AnnotationType = {
  WIDGET: 1,
  TEXT: 2,
  LINK: 3

var StreamType = {
  FLATE: 1,
  LZW: 2,
  DCT: 3,
  JPX: 4,
  JBIG: 5,
  A85: 6,
  AHX: 7,
  CCF: 8,
  RL: 9

var FontType = {
  TYPE1: 1,
  TYPE1C: 2,
  TYPE3: 7,
  TYPE0: 9,
  MMTYPE1: 10

// The global PDFJS object exposes the API
// In production, it will be declared outside a global wrapper
// In development, it will be declared here
if (!globalScope.PDFJS) {
  globalScope.PDFJS = {};

globalScope.PDFJS.pdfBug = false;

  errors: 0,
  warnings: 1,
  infos: 5

// All the possible operations for an operator list.
var OPS = PDFJS.OPS = {
  // Intentionally start from 1 so it is easy to spot bad operators that will be
  // 0's.
  dependency: 1,
  setLineWidth: 2,
  setLineCap: 3,
  setLineJoin: 4,
  setMiterLimit: 5,
  setDash: 6,
  setRenderingIntent: 7,
  setFlatness: 8,
  setGState: 9,
  save: 10,
  restore: 11,
  transform: 12,
  moveTo: 13,
  lineTo: 14,
  curveTo: 15,
  curveTo2: 16,
  curveTo3: 17,
  closePath: 18,
  rectangle: 19,
  stroke: 20,
  closeStroke: 21,
  fill: 22,
  eoFill: 23,
  fillStroke: 24,
  eoFillStroke: 25,
  closeFillStroke: 26,
  closeEOFillStroke: 27,
  endPath: 28,
  clip: 29,
  eoClip: 30,
  beginText: 31,
  endText: 32,
  setCharSpacing: 33,
  setWordSpacing: 34,
  setHScale: 35,
  setLeading: 36,
  setFont: 37,
  setTextRenderingMode: 38,
  setTextRise: 39,
  moveText: 40,
  setLeadingMoveText: 41,
  setTextMatrix: 42,
  nextLine: 43,
  showText: 44,
  showSpacedText: 45,
  nextLineShowText: 46,
  nextLineSetSpacingShowText: 47,
  setCharWidth: 48,
  setCharWidthAndBounds: 49,
  setStrokeColorSpace: 50,
  setFillColorSpace: 51,
  setStrokeColor: 52,
  setStrokeColorN: 53,
  setFillColor: 54,
  setFillColorN: 55,
  setStrokeGray: 56,
  setFillGray: 57,
  setStrokeRGBColor: 58,
  setFillRGBColor: 59,
  setStrokeCMYKColor: 60,
  setFillCMYKColor: 61,
  shadingFill: 62,
  beginInlineImage: 63,
  beginImageData: 64,
  endInlineImage: 65,
  paintXObject: 66,
  markPoint: 67,
  markPointProps: 68,
  beginMarkedContent: 69,
  beginMarkedContentProps: 70,
  endMarkedContent: 71,
  beginCompat: 72,
  endCompat: 73,
  paintFormXObjectBegin: 74,
  paintFormXObjectEnd: 75,
  beginGroup: 76,
  endGroup: 77,
  beginAnnotations: 78,
  endAnnotations: 79,
  beginAnnotation: 80,
  endAnnotation: 81,
  paintJpegXObject: 82,
  paintImageMaskXObject: 83,
  paintImageMaskXObjectGroup: 84,
  paintImageXObject: 85,
  paintInlineImageXObject: 86,
  paintInlineImageXObjectGroup: 87,
  paintImageXObjectRepeat: 88,
  paintImageMaskXObjectRepeat: 89,
  paintSolidColorImageMask: 90,
  constructPath: 91

// A notice for devs. These are good for things that are helpful to devs, such
// as warning that Workers were disabled, which is important to devs but not
// end users.
function info(msg) {
  if (PDFJS.verbosity >= PDFJS.VERBOSITY_LEVELS.infos) {
    console.log('Info: ' + msg);

// Non-fatal warnings.
function warn(msg) {
  if (PDFJS.verbosity >= PDFJS.VERBOSITY_LEVELS.warnings) {
    console.log('Warning: ' + msg);

// Fatal errors that should trigger the fallback UI and halt execution by
// throwing an exception.
function error(msg) {
  if (PDFJS.verbosity >= PDFJS.VERBOSITY_LEVELS.errors) {
    console.log('Error: ' + msg);
  throw new Error(msg);

function backtrace() {
  try {
    throw new Error();
  } catch (e) {
    return e.stack ? e.stack.split('\n').slice(2).join('\n') : '';

function assert(cond, msg) {
  if (!cond) {

  unknown: 'unknown',
  forms: 'forms',
  javaScript: 'javaScript',
  smask: 'smask',
  shadingPattern: 'shadingPattern',
  font: 'font'

var UnsupportedManager = PDFJS.UnsupportedManager =
  (function UnsupportedManagerClosure() {
  var listeners = [];
  return {
    listen: function (cb) {
    notify: function (featureId) {
      warn('Unsupported feature "' + featureId + '"');
      for (var i = 0, ii = listeners.length; i < ii; i++) {

// Combines two URLs. The baseUrl shall be absolute URL. If the url is an
// absolute URL, it will be returned as is.
function combineUrl(baseUrl, url) {
  if (!url) {
    return baseUrl;
  if (/^[a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]*:/i.test(url)) {
    return url;
  var i;
  if (url.charAt(0) === '/') {
    // absolute path
    i = baseUrl.indexOf('://');
    if (url.charAt(1) === '/') {
    } else {
      i = baseUrl.indexOf('/', i + 3);
    return baseUrl.substring(0, i) + url;
  } else {
    // relative path
    var pathLength = baseUrl.length;
    i = baseUrl.lastIndexOf('#');
    pathLength = i >= 0 ? i : pathLength;
    i = baseUrl.lastIndexOf('?', pathLength);
    pathLength = i >= 0 ? i : pathLength;
    var prefixLength = baseUrl.lastIndexOf('/', pathLength);
    return baseUrl.substring(0, prefixLength + 1) + url;

// Validates if URL is safe and allowed, e.g. to avoid XSS.
function isValidUrl(url, allowRelative) {
  if (!url) {
    return false;
  // RFC 3986 (
  // scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
  var protocol = /^[a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]*(?=:)/i.exec(url);
  if (!protocol) {
    return allowRelative;
  protocol = protocol[0].toLowerCase();
  switch (protocol) {
    case 'http':
    case 'https':
    case 'ftp':
    case 'mailto':
    case 'tel':
      return true;
      return false;
PDFJS.isValidUrl = isValidUrl;

function shadow(obj, prop, value) {
  Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { value: value,
                                     enumerable: true,
                                     configurable: true,
                                     writable: false });
  return value;
PDFJS.shadow = shadow;

var PasswordResponses = PDFJS.PasswordResponses = {

var PasswordException = (function PasswordExceptionClosure() {
  function PasswordException(msg, code) { = 'PasswordException';
    this.message = msg;
    this.code = code;

  PasswordException.prototype = new Error();
  PasswordException.constructor = PasswordException;

  return PasswordException;
PDFJS.PasswordException = PasswordException;

var UnknownErrorException = (function UnknownErrorExceptionClosure() {
  function UnknownErrorException(msg, details) { = 'UnknownErrorException';
    this.message = msg;
    this.details = details;

  UnknownErrorException.prototype = new Error();
  UnknownErrorException.constructor = UnknownErrorException;

  return UnknownErrorException;
PDFJS.UnknownErrorException = UnknownErrorException;

var InvalidPDFException = (function InvalidPDFExceptionClosure() {
  function InvalidPDFException(msg) { = 'InvalidPDFException';
    this.message = msg;

  InvalidPDFException.prototype = new Error();
  InvalidPDFException.constructor = InvalidPDFException;

  return InvalidPDFException;
PDFJS.InvalidPDFException = InvalidPDFException;

var MissingPDFException = (function MissingPDFExceptionClosure() {
  function MissingPDFException(msg) { = 'MissingPDFException';
    this.message = msg;

  MissingPDFException.prototype = new Error();
  MissingPDFException.constructor = MissingPDFException;

  return MissingPDFException;
PDFJS.MissingPDFException = MissingPDFException;

var UnexpectedResponseException =
    (function UnexpectedResponseExceptionClosure() {
  function UnexpectedResponseException(msg, status) { = 'UnexpectedResponseException';
    this.message = msg;
    this.status = status;

  UnexpectedResponseException.prototype = new Error();
  UnexpectedResponseException.constructor = UnexpectedResponseException;

  return UnexpectedResponseException;
PDFJS.UnexpectedResponseException = UnexpectedResponseException;

var NotImplementedException = (function NotImplementedExceptionClosure() {
  function NotImplementedException(msg) {
    this.message = msg;

  NotImplementedException.prototype = new Error(); = 'NotImplementedException';
  NotImplementedException.constructor = NotImplementedException;

  return NotImplementedException;

var MissingDataException = (function MissingDataExceptionClosure() {
  function MissingDataException(begin, end) {
    this.begin = begin;
    this.end = end;
    this.message = 'Missing data [' + begin + ', ' + end + ')';

  MissingDataException.prototype = new Error(); = 'MissingDataException';
  MissingDataException.constructor = MissingDataException;

  return MissingDataException;

var XRefParseException = (function XRefParseExceptionClosure() {
  function XRefParseException(msg) {
    this.message = msg;

  XRefParseException.prototype = new Error(); = 'XRefParseException';
  XRefParseException.constructor = XRefParseException;

  return XRefParseException;

function bytesToString(bytes) {
  assert(bytes !== null && typeof bytes === 'object' &&
         bytes.length !== undefined, 'Invalid argument for bytesToString');
  var length = bytes.length;
  var MAX_ARGUMENT_COUNT = 8192;
  if (length < MAX_ARGUMENT_COUNT) {
    return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes);
  var strBuf = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i += MAX_ARGUMENT_COUNT) {
    var chunkEnd = Math.min(i + MAX_ARGUMENT_COUNT, length);
    var chunk = bytes.subarray(i, chunkEnd);
    strBuf.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, chunk));
  return strBuf.join('');

function stringToBytes(str) {
  assert(typeof str === 'string', 'Invalid argument for stringToBytes');
  var length = str.length;
  var bytes = new Uint8Array(length);
  for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    bytes[i] = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
  return bytes;

function string32(value) {
  return String.fromCharCode((value >> 24) & 0xff, (value >> 16) & 0xff,
                             (value >> 8) & 0xff, value & 0xff);

function log2(x) {
  var n = 1, i = 0;
  while (x > n) {
    n <<= 1;
  return i;

function readInt8(data, start) {
  return (data[start] << 24) >> 24;

function readUint16(data, offset) {
  return (data[offset] << 8) | data[offset + 1];

function readUint32(data, offset) {
  return ((data[offset] << 24) | (data[offset + 1] << 16) |
         (data[offset + 2] << 8) | data[offset + 3]) >>> 0;

// Lazy test the endianness of the platform
// NOTE: This will be 'true' for simulated TypedArrays
function isLittleEndian() {
  var buffer8 = new Uint8Array(2);
  buffer8[0] = 1;
  var buffer16 = new Uint16Array(buffer8.buffer);
  return (buffer16[0] === 1);

Object.defineProperty(PDFJS, 'isLittleEndian', {
  configurable: true,
  get: function PDFJS_isLittleEndian() {
    return shadow(PDFJS, 'isLittleEndian', isLittleEndian());

//// Lazy test if the userAgant support CanvasTypedArrays
function hasCanvasTypedArrays() {
  var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
  canvas.width = canvas.height = 1;
  var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
  var imageData = ctx.createImageData(1, 1);
  return (typeof !== 'undefined');

Object.defineProperty(PDFJS, 'hasCanvasTypedArrays', {
  configurable: true,
  get: function PDFJS_hasCanvasTypedArrays() {
    return shadow(PDFJS, 'hasCanvasTypedArrays', hasCanvasTypedArrays());

var Uint32ArrayView = (function Uint32ArrayViewClosure() {

  function Uint32ArrayView(buffer, length) {
    this.buffer = buffer;
    this.byteLength = buffer.length;
    this.length = length === undefined ? (this.byteLength >> 2) : length;
  Uint32ArrayView.prototype = Object.create(null);

  var uint32ArrayViewSetters = 0;
  function createUint32ArrayProp(index) {
    return {
      get: function () {
        var buffer = this.buffer, offset = index << 2;
        return (buffer[offset] | (buffer[offset + 1] << 8) |
          (buffer[offset + 2] << 16) | (buffer[offset + 3] << 24)) >>> 0;
      set: function (value) {
        var buffer = this.buffer, offset = index << 2;
        buffer[offset] = value & 255;
        buffer[offset + 1] = (value >> 8) & 255;
        buffer[offset + 2] = (value >> 16) & 255;
        buffer[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24) & 255;

  function ensureUint32ArrayViewProps(length) {
    while (uint32ArrayViewSetters < length) {

  return Uint32ArrayView;
//PDFJS.hasCanvasTypedArrays = true;

var IDENTITY_MATRIX = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];

var Util = PDFJS.Util = (function UtilClosure() {
  function Util() {}

  var rgbBuf = ['rgb(', 0, ',', 0, ',', 0, ')'];

  // makeCssRgb() can be called thousands of times. Using |rgbBuf| avoids
  // creating many intermediate strings.
  Util.makeCssRgb = function Util_makeCssRgb(r, g, b) {
    rgbBuf[1] = r;
    rgbBuf[3] = g;
    rgbBuf[5] = b;
    return rgbBuf.join('');

  // Concatenates two transformation matrices together and returns the result.
  Util.transform = function Util_transform(m1, m2) {
    return [
      m1[0] * m2[0] + m1[2] * m2[1],
      m1[1] * m2[0] + m1[3] * m2[1],
      m1[0] * m2[2] + m1[2] * m2[3],
      m1[1] * m2[2] + m1[3] * m2[3],
      m1[0] * m2[4] + m1[2] * m2[5] + m1[4],
      m1[1] * m2[4] + m1[3] * m2[5] + m1[5]

  // For 2d affine transforms
  Util.applyTransform = function Util_applyTransform(p, m) {
    var xt = p[0] * m[0] + p[1] * m[2] + m[4];
    var yt = p[0] * m[1] + p[1] * m[3] + m[5];
    return [xt, yt];

  Util.applyInverseTransform = function Util_applyInverseTransform(p, m) {
    var d = m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2];
    var xt = (p[0] * m[3] - p[1] * m[2] + m[2] * m[5] - m[4] * m[3]) / d;
    var yt = (-p[0] * m[1] + p[1] * m[0] + m[4] * m[1] - m[5] * m[0]) / d;
    return [xt, yt];

  // Applies the transform to the rectangle and finds the minimum axially
  // aligned bounding box.
  Util.getAxialAlignedBoundingBox =
    function Util_getAxialAlignedBoundingBox(r, m) {

    var p1 = Util.applyTransform(r, m);
    var p2 = Util.applyTransform(r.slice(2, 4), m);
    var p3 = Util.applyTransform([r[0], r[3]], m);
    var p4 = Util.applyTransform([r[2], r[1]], m);
    return [
      Math.min(p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]),
      Math.min(p1[1], p2[1], p3[1], p4[1]),
      Math.max(p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]),
      Math.max(p1[1], p2[1], p3[1], p4[1])

  Util.inverseTransform = function Util_inverseTransform(m) {
    var d = m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2];
    return [m[3] / d, -m[1] / d, -m[2] / d, m[0] / d,
      (m[2] * m[5] - m[4] * m[3]) / d, (m[4] * m[1] - m[5] * m[0]) / d];

  // Apply a generic 3d matrix M on a 3-vector v:
  //   | a b c |   | X |
  //   | d e f | x | Y |
  //   | g h i |   | Z |
  // M is assumed to be serialized as [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i],
  // with v as [X,Y,Z]
  Util.apply3dTransform = function Util_apply3dTransform(m, v) {
    return [
      m[0] * v[0] + m[1] * v[1] + m[2] * v[2],
      m[3] * v[0] + m[4] * v[1] + m[5] * v[2],
      m[6] * v[0] + m[7] * v[1] + m[8] * v[2]

  // This calculation uses Singular Value Decomposition.
  // The SVD can be represented with formula A = USV. We are interested in the
  // matrix S here because it represents the scale values.
  Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale =
    function Util_singularValueDecompose2dScale(m) {

    var transpose = [m[0], m[2], m[1], m[3]];

    // Multiply matrix m with its transpose.
    var a = m[0] * transpose[0] + m[1] * transpose[2];
    var b = m[0] * transpose[1] + m[1] * transpose[3];
    var c = m[2] * transpose[0] + m[3] * transpose[2];
    var d = m[2] * transpose[1] + m[3] * transpose[3];

    // Solve the second degree polynomial to get roots.
    var first = (a + d) / 2;
    var second = Math.sqrt((a + d) * (a + d) - 4 * (a * d - c * b)) / 2;
    var sx = first + second || 1;
    var sy = first - second || 1;

    // Scale values are the square roots of the eigenvalues.
    return [Math.sqrt(sx), Math.sqrt(sy)];

  // Normalize rectangle rect=[x1, y1, x2, y2] so that (x1,y1) < (x2,y2)
  // For coordinate systems whose origin lies in the bottom-left, this
  // means normalization to (BL,TR) ordering. For systems with origin in the
  // top-left, this means (TL,BR) ordering.
  Util.normalizeRect = function Util_normalizeRect(rect) {
    var r = rect.slice(0); // clone rect
    if (rect[0] > rect[2]) {
      r[0] = rect[2];
      r[2] = rect[0];
    if (rect[1] > rect[3]) {
      r[1] = rect[3];
      r[3] = rect[1];
    return r;

  // Returns a rectangle [x1, y1, x2, y2] corresponding to the
  // intersection of rect1 and rect2. If no intersection, returns 'false'
  // The rectangle coordinates of rect1, rect2 should be [x1, y1, x2, y2]
  Util.intersect = function Util_intersect(rect1, rect2) {
    function compare(a, b) {
      return a - b;

    // Order points along the axes
    var orderedX = [rect1[0], rect1[2], rect2[0], rect2[2]].sort(compare),
        orderedY = [rect1[1], rect1[3], rect2[1], rect2[3]].sort(compare),
        result = [];

    rect1 = Util.normalizeRect(rect1);
    rect2 = Util.normalizeRect(rect2);

    // X: first and second points belong to different rectangles?
    if ((orderedX[0] === rect1[0] && orderedX[1] === rect2[0]) ||
        (orderedX[0] === rect2[0] && orderedX[1] === rect1[0])) {
      // Intersection must be between second and third points
      result[0] = orderedX[1];
      result[2] = orderedX[2];
    } else {
      return false;

    // Y: first and second points belong to different rectangles?
    if ((orderedY[0] === rect1[1] && orderedY[1] === rect2[1]) ||
        (orderedY[0] === rect2[1] && orderedY[1] === rect1[1])) {
      // Intersection must be between second and third points
      result[1] = orderedY[1];
      result[3] = orderedY[2];
    } else {
      return false;

    return result;

  Util.sign = function Util_sign(num) {
    return num < 0 ? -1 : 1;

  Util.appendToArray = function Util_appendToArray(arr1, arr2) {
    Array.prototype.push.apply(arr1, arr2);

  Util.prependToArray = function Util_prependToArray(arr1, arr2) {
    Array.prototype.unshift.apply(arr1, arr2);

  Util.extendObj = function extendObj(obj1, obj2) {
    for (var key in obj2) {
      obj1[key] = obj2[key];

  Util.getInheritableProperty = function Util_getInheritableProperty(dict,
                                                                     name) {
    while (dict && !dict.has(name)) {
      dict = dict.get('Parent');
    if (!dict) {
      return null;
    return dict.get(name);

  Util.inherit = function Util_inherit(sub, base, prototype) {
    sub.prototype = Object.create(base.prototype);
    sub.prototype.constructor = sub;
    for (var prop in prototype) {
      sub.prototype[prop] = prototype[prop];

  Util.loadScript = function Util_loadScript(src, callback) {
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    var loaded = false;
    script.setAttribute('src', src);
    if (callback) {
      script.onload = function() {
        if (!loaded) {
        loaded = true;

  return Util;

 * PDF page viewport created based on scale, rotation and offset.
 * @class
 * @alias PDFJS.PageViewport
var PageViewport = PDFJS.PageViewport = (function PageViewportClosure() {
   * @constructor
   * @private
   * @param viewBox {Array} xMin, yMin, xMax and yMax coordinates.
   * @param scale {number} scale of the viewport.
   * @param rotation {number} rotations of the viewport in degrees.
   * @param offsetX {number} offset X
   * @param offsetY {number} offset Y
   * @param dontFlip {boolean} if true, axis Y will not be flipped.
  function PageViewport(viewBox, scale, rotation, offsetX, offsetY, dontFlip) {
    this.viewBox = viewBox;
    this.scale = scale;
    this.rotation = rotation;
    this.offsetX = offsetX;
    this.offsetY = offsetY;

    // creating transform to convert pdf coordinate system to the normal
    // canvas like coordinates taking in account scale and rotation
    var centerX = (viewBox[2] + viewBox[0]) / 2;
    var centerY = (viewBox[3] + viewBox[1]) / 2;
    var rotateA, rotateB, rotateC, rotateD;
    rotation = rotation % 360;
    rotation = rotation < 0 ? rotation + 360 : rotation;
    switch (rotation) {
      case 180:
        rotateA = -1; rotateB = 0; rotateC = 0; rotateD = 1;
      case 90:
        rotateA = 0; rotateB = 1; rotateC = 1; rotateD = 0;
      case 270:
        rotateA = 0; rotateB = -1; rotateC = -1; rotateD = 0;
      //case 0:
        rotateA = 1; rotateB = 0; rotateC = 0; rotateD = -1;

    if (dontFlip) {
      rotateC = -rotateC; rotateD = -rotateD;

    var offsetCanvasX, offsetCanvasY;
    var width, height;
    if (rotateA === 0) {
      offsetCanvasX = Math.abs(centerY - viewBox[1]) * scale + offsetX;
      offsetCanvasY = Math.abs(centerX - viewBox[0]) * scale + offsetY;
      width = Math.abs(viewBox[3] - viewBox[1]) * scale;
      height = Math.abs(viewBox[2] - viewBox[0]) * scale;
    } else {
      offsetCanvasX = Math.abs(centerX - viewBox[0]) * scale + offsetX;
      offsetCanvasY = Math.abs(centerY - viewBox[1]) * scale + offsetY;
      width = Math.abs(viewBox[2] - viewBox[0]) * scale;
      height = Math.abs(viewBox[3] - viewBox[1]) * scale;
    // creating transform for the following operations:
    // translate(-centerX, -centerY), rotate and flip vertically,
    // scale, and translate(offsetCanvasX, offsetCanvasY)
    this.transform = [
      rotateA * scale,
      rotateB * scale,
      rotateC * scale,
      rotateD * scale,
      offsetCanvasX - rotateA * scale * centerX - rotateC * scale * centerY,
      offsetCanvasY - rotateB * scale * centerX - rotateD * scale * centerY

    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.fontScale = scale;
  PageViewport.prototype = /** @lends PDFJS.PageViewport.prototype */ {
     * Clones viewport with additional properties.
     * @param args {Object} (optional) If specified, may contain the 'scale' or
     * 'rotation' properties to override the corresponding properties in
     * the cloned viewport.
     * @returns {PDFJS.PageViewport} Cloned viewport.
    clone: function PageViewPort_clone(args) {
      args = args || {};
      var scale = 'scale' in args ? args.scale : this.scale;
      var rotation = 'rotation' in args ? args.rotation : this.rotation;
      return new PageViewport(this.viewBox.slice(), scale, rotation,
                              this.offsetX, this.offsetY, args.dontFlip);
     * Converts PDF point to the viewport coordinates. For examples, useful for
     * converting PDF location into canvas pixel coordinates.
     * @param x {number} X coordinate.
     * @param y {number} Y coordinate.
     * @returns {Object} Object that contains 'x' and 'y' properties of the
     * point in the viewport coordinate space.
     * @see {@link convertToPdfPoint}
     * @see {@link convertToViewportRectangle}
    convertToViewportPoint: function PageViewport_convertToViewportPoint(x, y) {
      return Util.applyTransform([x, y], this.transform);
     * Converts PDF rectangle to the viewport coordinates.
     * @param rect {Array} xMin, yMin, xMax and yMax coordinates.
     * @returns {Array} Contains corresponding coordinates of the rectangle
     * in the viewport coordinate space.
     * @see {@link convertToViewportPoint}
      function PageViewport_convertToViewportRectangle(rect) {
      var tl = Util.applyTransform([rect[0], rect[1]], this.transform);
      var br = Util.applyTransform([rect[2], rect[3]], this.transform);
      return [tl[0], tl[1], br[0], br[1]];
     * Converts viewport coordinates to the PDF location. For examples, useful
     * for converting canvas pixel location into PDF one.
     * @param x {number} X coordinate.
     * @param y {number} Y coordinate.
     * @returns {Object} Object that contains 'x' and 'y' properties of the
     * point in the PDF coordinate space.
     * @see {@link convertToViewportPoint}
    convertToPdfPoint: function PageViewport_convertToPdfPoint(x, y) {
      return Util.applyInverseTransform([x, y], this.transform);
  return PageViewport;

var PDFStringTranslateTable = [
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  0x2D8, 0x2C7, 0x2C6, 0x2D9, 0x2DD, 0x2DB, 0x2DA, 0x2DC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2022, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x2026, 0x2014,
  0x2013, 0x192, 0x2044, 0x2039, 0x203A, 0x2212, 0x2030, 0x201E, 0x201C,
  0x201D, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201A, 0x2122, 0xFB01, 0xFB02, 0x141, 0x152, 0x160,
  0x178, 0x17D, 0x131, 0x142, 0x153, 0x161, 0x17E, 0, 0x20AC

function stringToPDFString(str) {
  var i, n = str.length, strBuf = [];
  if (str[0] === '\xFE' && str[1] === '\xFF') {
    // UTF16BE BOM
    for (i = 2; i < n; i += 2) {
        (str.charCodeAt(i) << 8) | str.charCodeAt(i + 1)));
  } else {
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      var code = PDFStringTranslateTable[str.charCodeAt(i)];
      strBuf.push(code ? String.fromCharCode(code) : str.charAt(i));
  return strBuf.join('');

function stringToUTF8String(str) {
  return decodeURIComponent(escape(str));

function isEmptyObj(obj) {
  for (var key in obj) {
    return false;
  return true;

function isBool(v) {
  return typeof v === 'boolean';

function isInt(v) {
  return typeof v === 'number' && ((v | 0) === v);

function isNum(v) {
  return typeof v === 'number';

function isString(v) {
  return typeof v === 'string';

function isName(v) {
  return v instanceof Name;

function isCmd(v, cmd) {
  return v instanceof Cmd && (cmd === undefined || v.cmd === cmd);

function isDict(v, type) {
  if (!(v instanceof Dict)) {
    return false;
  if (!type) {
    return true;
  var dictType = v.get('Type');
  return isName(dictType) && === type;

function isArray(v) {
  return v instanceof Array;

function isStream(v) {
  return typeof v === 'object' && v !== null && v.getBytes !== undefined;

function isArrayBuffer(v) {
  return typeof v === 'object' && v !== null && v.byteLength !== undefined;

function isRef(v) {
  return v instanceof Ref;

 * Promise Capability object.
 * @typedef {Object} PromiseCapability
 * @property {Promise} promise - A promise object.
 * @property {function} resolve - Fullfills the promise.
 * @property {function} reject - Rejects the promise.

 * Creates a promise capability object.
 * @alias PDFJS.createPromiseCapability
 * @return {PromiseCapability} A capability object contains:
 * - a Promise, resolve and reject methods.
function createPromiseCapability() {
  var capability = {};
  capability.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    capability.resolve = resolve;
    capability.reject = reject;
  return capability;

PDFJS.createPromiseCapability = createPromiseCapability;

 * Polyfill for Promises:
 * The following promise implementation tries to generally implement the
 * Promise/A+ spec. Some notable differences from other promise libaries are:
 * - There currently isn't a seperate deferred and promise object.
 * - Unhandled rejections eventually show an error if they aren't handled.
 * Based off of the work in:
(function PromiseClosure() {
  if (globalScope.Promise) {
    // Promises existing in the DOM/Worker, checking presence of all/resolve
    if (typeof globalScope.Promise.all !== 'function') {
      globalScope.Promise.all = function (iterable) {
        var count = 0, results = [], resolve, reject;
        var promise = new globalScope.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) {
          resolve = resolve_;
          reject = reject_;
        iterable.forEach(function (p, i) {
          p.then(function (result) {
            results[i] = result;
            if (count === 0) {
          }, reject);
        if (count === 0) {
        return promise;
    if (typeof globalScope.Promise.resolve !== 'function') {
      globalScope.Promise.resolve = function (value) {
        return new globalScope.Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(value); });
    if (typeof globalScope.Promise.reject !== 'function') {
      globalScope.Promise.reject = function (reason) {
        return new globalScope.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    if (typeof globalScope.Promise.prototype.catch !== 'function') {
      globalScope.Promise.prototype.catch = function (onReject) {
        return globalScope.Promise.prototype.then(undefined, onReject);

  // In an attempt to avoid silent exceptions, unhandled rejections are
  // tracked and if they aren't handled in a certain amount of time an
  // error is logged.

  var HandlerManager = {
    handlers: [],
    running: false,
    unhandledRejections: [],
    pendingRejectionCheck: false,

    scheduleHandlers: function scheduleHandlers(promise) {
      if (promise._status === STATUS_PENDING) {

      this.handlers = this.handlers.concat(promise._handlers);
      promise._handlers = [];

      if (this.running) {
      this.running = true;

      setTimeout(this.runHandlers.bind(this), 0);

    runHandlers: function runHandlers() {
      var RUN_TIMEOUT = 1; // ms
      var timeoutAt = + RUN_TIMEOUT;
      while (this.handlers.length > 0) {
        var handler = this.handlers.shift();

        var nextStatus = handler.thisPromise._status;
        var nextValue = handler.thisPromise._value;

        try {
          if (nextStatus === STATUS_RESOLVED) {
            if (typeof handler.onResolve === 'function') {
              nextValue = handler.onResolve(nextValue);
          } else if (typeof handler.onReject === 'function') {
              nextValue = handler.onReject(nextValue);
              nextStatus = STATUS_RESOLVED;

              if (handler.thisPromise._unhandledRejection) {
        } catch (ex) {
          nextStatus = STATUS_REJECTED;
          nextValue = ex;

        handler.nextPromise._updateStatus(nextStatus, nextValue);
        if ( >= timeoutAt) {

      if (this.handlers.length > 0) {
        setTimeout(this.runHandlers.bind(this), 0);

      this.running = false;

    addUnhandledRejection: function addUnhandledRejection(promise) {
        promise: promise,

    removeUnhandeledRejection: function removeUnhandeledRejection(promise) {
      promise._unhandledRejection = false;
      for (var i = 0; i < this.unhandledRejections.length; i++) {
        if (this.unhandledRejections[i].promise === promise) {

    scheduleRejectionCheck: function scheduleRejectionCheck() {
      if (this.pendingRejectionCheck) {
      this.pendingRejectionCheck = true;
      setTimeout(function rejectionCheck() {
        this.pendingRejectionCheck = false;
        var now =;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.unhandledRejections.length; i++) {
          if (now - this.unhandledRejections[i].time > REJECTION_TIMEOUT) {
            var unhandled = this.unhandledRejections[i].promise._value;
            var msg = 'Unhandled rejection: ' + unhandled;
            if (unhandled.stack) {
              msg += '\n' + unhandled.stack;
        if (this.unhandledRejections.length) {
      }.bind(this), REJECTION_TIMEOUT);

  function Promise(resolver) {
    this._status = STATUS_PENDING;
    this._handlers = [];
    try {, this._resolve.bind(this), this._reject.bind(this));
    } catch (e) {
   * Builds a promise that is resolved when all the passed in promises are
   * resolved.
   * @param {array} array of data and/or promises to wait for.
   * @return {Promise} New dependant promise.
  Promise.all = function Promise_all(promises) {
    var resolveAll, rejectAll;
    var deferred = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      resolveAll = resolve;
      rejectAll = reject;
    var unresolved = promises.length;
    var results = [];
    if (unresolved === 0) {
      return deferred;
    function reject(reason) {
      if (deferred._status === STATUS_REJECTED) {
      results = [];
    for (var i = 0, ii = promises.length; i < ii; ++i) {
      var promise = promises[i];
      var resolve = (function(i) {
        return function(value) {
          if (deferred._status === STATUS_REJECTED) {
          results[i] = value;
          if (unresolved === 0) {
      if (Promise.isPromise(promise)) {
        promise.then(resolve, reject);
      } else {
    return deferred;

   * Checks if the value is likely a promise (has a 'then' function).
   * @return {boolean} true if value is thenable
  Promise.isPromise = function Promise_isPromise(value) {
    return value && typeof value.then === 'function';

   * Creates resolved promise
   * @param value resolve value
   * @returns {Promise}
  Promise.resolve = function Promise_resolve(value) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(value); });

   * Creates rejected promise
   * @param reason rejection value
   * @returns {Promise}
  Promise.reject = function Promise_reject(reason) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { reject(reason); });

  Promise.prototype = {
    _status: null,
    _value: null,
    _handlers: null,
    _unhandledRejection: null,

    _updateStatus: function Promise__updateStatus(status, value) {
      if (this._status === STATUS_RESOLVED ||
          this._status === STATUS_REJECTED) {

      if (status === STATUS_RESOLVED &&
          Promise.isPromise(value)) {
        value.then(this._updateStatus.bind(this, STATUS_RESOLVED),
                   this._updateStatus.bind(this, STATUS_REJECTED));

      this._status = status;
      this._value = value;

      if (status === STATUS_REJECTED && this._handlers.length === 0) {
        this._unhandledRejection = true;


    _resolve: function Promise_resolve(value) {
      this._updateStatus(STATUS_RESOLVED, value);

    _reject: function Promise_reject(reason) {
      this._updateStatus(STATUS_REJECTED, reason);

    then: function Promise_then(onResolve, onReject) {
      var nextPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        this.resolve = resolve;
        this.reject = reject;
        thisPromise: this,
        onResolve: onResolve,
        onReject: onReject,
        nextPromise: nextPromise
      return nextPromise;

    catch: function Promise_catch(onReject) {
      return this.then(undefined, onReject);

  globalScope.Promise = Promise;
//throw new Error('DOM Promise is not present');

var StatTimer = (function StatTimerClosure() {
  function rpad(str, pad, length) {
    while (str.length < length) {
      str += pad;
    return str;
  function StatTimer() {
    this.started = {};
    this.times = [];
    this.enabled = true;
  StatTimer.prototype = {
    time: function StatTimer_time(name) {
      if (!this.enabled) {
      if (name in this.started) {
        warn('Timer is already running for ' + name);
      this.started[name] =;
    timeEnd: function StatTimer_timeEnd(name) {
      if (!this.enabled) {
      if (!(name in this.started)) {
        warn('Timer has not been started for ' + name);
        'name': name,
        'start': this.started[name],
      // Remove timer from started so it can be called again.
      delete this.started[name];
    toString: function StatTimer_toString() {
      var i, ii;
      var times = this.times;
      var out = '';
      // Find the longest name for padding purposes.
      var longest = 0;
      for (i = 0, ii = times.length; i < ii; ++i) {
        var name = times[i]['name'];
        if (name.length > longest) {
          longest = name.length;
      for (i = 0, ii = times.length; i < ii; ++i) {
        var span = times[i];
        var duration = span.end - span.start;
        out += rpad(span['name'], ' ', longest) + ' ' + duration + 'ms\n';
      return out;
  return StatTimer;

PDFJS.createBlob = function createBlob(data, contentType) {
  if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined') {
    return new Blob([data], { type: contentType });
  // Blob builder is deprecated in FF14 and removed in FF18.
  var bb = new MozBlobBuilder();
  return bb.getBlob(contentType);

PDFJS.createObjectURL = (function createObjectURLClosure() {
  // Blob/createObjectURL is not available, falling back to data schema.
  var digits =

  return function createObjectURL(data, contentType) {
    if (!PDFJS.disableCreateObjectURL &&
        typeof URL !== 'undefined' && URL.createObjectURL) {
      var blob = PDFJS.createBlob(data, contentType);
      return URL.createObjectURL(blob);

    var buffer = 'data:' + contentType + ';base64,';
    for (var i = 0, ii = data.length; i < ii; i += 3) {
      var b1 = data[i] & 0xFF;
      var b2 = data[i + 1] & 0xFF;
      var b3 = data[i + 2] & 0xFF;
      var d1 = b1 >> 2, d2 = ((b1 & 3) << 4) | (b2 >> 4);
      var d3 = i + 1 < ii ? ((b2 & 0xF) << 2) | (b3 >> 6) : 64;
      var d4 = i + 2 < ii ? (b3 & 0x3F) : 64;
      buffer += digits[d1] + digits[d2] + digits[d3] + digits[d4];
    return buffer;

function MessageHandler(name, comObj) { = name;
  this.comObj = comObj;
  this.callbackIndex = 1;
  this.postMessageTransfers = true;
  var callbacksCapabilities = this.callbacksCapabilities = {};
  var ah = this.actionHandler = {};

  ah['console_log'] = [function ahConsoleLog(data) {
    console.log.apply(console, data);
  ah['console_error'] = [function ahConsoleError(data) {
    console.error.apply(console, data);
  ah['_unsupported_feature'] = [function ah_unsupportedFeature(data) {

  comObj.onmessage = function messageHandlerComObjOnMessage(event) {
    var data =;
    if (data.isReply) {
      var callbackId = data.callbackId;
      if (data.callbackId in callbacksCapabilities) {
        var callback = callbacksCapabilities[callbackId];
        delete callbacksCapabilities[callbackId];
        if ('error' in data) {
        } else {
      } else {
        error('Cannot resolve callback ' + callbackId);
    } else if (data.action in ah) {
      var action = ah[data.action];
      if (data.callbackId) {
        Promise.resolve().then(function () {
          return action[0].call(action[1],;
        }).then(function (result) {
            isReply: true,
            callbackId: data.callbackId,
            data: result
        }, function (reason) {
            isReply: true,
            callbackId: data.callbackId,
            error: reason
      } else {
    } else {
      error('Unknown action from worker: ' + data.action);

MessageHandler.prototype = {
  on: function messageHandlerOn(actionName, handler, scope) {
    var ah = this.actionHandler;
    if (ah[actionName]) {
      error('There is already an actionName called "' + actionName + '"');
    ah[actionName] = [handler, scope];
   * Sends a message to the comObj to invoke the action with the supplied data.
   * @param {String} actionName Action to call.
   * @param {JSON} data JSON data to send.
   * @param {Array} [transfers] Optional list of transfers/ArrayBuffers
  send: function messageHandlerSend(actionName, data, transfers) {
    var message = {
      action: actionName,
      data: data
    this.postMessage(message, transfers);
   * Sends a message to the comObj to invoke the action with the supplied data.
   * Expects that other side will callback with the response.
   * @param {String} actionName Action to call.
   * @param {JSON} data JSON data to send.
   * @param {Array} [transfers] Optional list of transfers/ArrayBuffers.
   * @returns {Promise} Promise to be resolved with response data.
    function messageHandlerSendWithPromise(actionName, data, transfers) {
    var callbackId = this.callbackIndex++;
    var message = {
      action: actionName,
      data: data,
      callbackId: callbackId
    var capability = createPromiseCapability();
    this.callbacksCapabilities[callbackId] = capability;
    try {
      this.postMessage(message, transfers);
    } catch (e) {
    return capability.promise;
   * Sends raw message to the comObj.
   * @private
   * @param message {Object} Raw message.
   * @param transfers List of transfers/ArrayBuffers, or undefined.
  postMessage: function (message, transfers) {
    if (transfers && this.postMessageTransfers) {
      this.comObj.postMessage(message, transfers);
    } else {

function loadJpegStream(id, imageUrl, objs) {
  var img = new Image();
  img.onload = (function loadJpegStream_onloadClosure() {
    objs.resolve(id, img);
  img.onerror = (function loadJpegStream_onerrorClosure() {
    objs.resolve(id, null);
    warn('Error during JPEG image loading');
  img.src = imageUrl;

 * The maximum allowed image size in total pixels e.g. width * height. Images
 * above this value will not be drawn. Use -1 for no limit.
 * @var {number}
PDFJS.maxImageSize = (PDFJS.maxImageSize === undefined ?
                      -1 : PDFJS.maxImageSize);

 * The url of where the predefined Adobe CMaps are located. Include trailing
 * slash.
 * @var {string}
PDFJS.cMapUrl = (PDFJS.cMapUrl === undefined ? null : PDFJS.cMapUrl);

 * Specifies if CMaps are binary packed.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.cMapPacked = PDFJS.cMapPacked === undefined ? false : PDFJS.cMapPacked;

 * By default fonts are converted to OpenType fonts and loaded via font face
 * rules. If disabled, the font will be rendered using a built in font renderer
 * that constructs the glyphs with primitive path commands.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.disableFontFace = (PDFJS.disableFontFace === undefined ?
                         false : PDFJS.disableFontFace);

 * Path for image resources, mainly for annotation icons. Include trailing
 * slash.
 * @var {string}
PDFJS.imageResourcesPath = (PDFJS.imageResourcesPath === undefined ?
                            '' : PDFJS.imageResourcesPath);

 * Disable the web worker and run all code on the main thread. This will happen
 * automatically if the browser doesn't support workers or sending typed arrays
 * to workers.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.disableWorker = (PDFJS.disableWorker === undefined ?
                       false : PDFJS.disableWorker);

 * Path and filename of the worker file. Required when the worker is enabled in
 * development mode. If unspecified in the production build, the worker will be
 * loaded based on the location of the pdf.js file.
 * @var {string}
PDFJS.workerSrc = (PDFJS.workerSrc === undefined ? null : PDFJS.workerSrc);

 * Disable range request loading of PDF files. When enabled and if the server
 * supports partial content requests then the PDF will be fetched in chunks.
 * Enabled (false) by default.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.disableRange = (PDFJS.disableRange === undefined ?
                      false : PDFJS.disableRange);

 * Disable streaming of PDF file data. By default PDF.js attempts to load PDF
 * in chunks. This default behavior can be disabled.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.disableStream = (PDFJS.disableStream === undefined ?
                       false : PDFJS.disableStream);

 * Disable pre-fetching of PDF file data. When range requests are enabled PDF.js
 * will automatically keep fetching more data even if it isn't needed to display
 * the current page. This default behavior can be disabled.
 * NOTE: It is also necessary to disable streaming, see above,
 *       in order for disabling of pre-fetching to work correctly.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.disableAutoFetch = (PDFJS.disableAutoFetch === undefined ?
                          false : PDFJS.disableAutoFetch);

 * Enables special hooks for debugging PDF.js.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.pdfBug = (PDFJS.pdfBug === undefined ? false : PDFJS.pdfBug);

 * Enables transfer usage in postMessage for ArrayBuffers.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.postMessageTransfers = (PDFJS.postMessageTransfers === undefined ?
                              true : PDFJS.postMessageTransfers);

 * Disables URL.createObjectURL usage.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.disableCreateObjectURL = (PDFJS.disableCreateObjectURL === undefined ?
                                false : PDFJS.disableCreateObjectURL);

 * Disables WebGL usage.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.disableWebGL = (PDFJS.disableWebGL === undefined ?
                      true : PDFJS.disableWebGL);

 * Disables fullscreen support, and by extension Presentation Mode,
 * in browsers which support the fullscreen API.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.disableFullscreen = (PDFJS.disableFullscreen === undefined ?
                           false : PDFJS.disableFullscreen);

 * Enables CSS only zooming.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.useOnlyCssZoom = (PDFJS.useOnlyCssZoom === undefined ?
                        false : PDFJS.useOnlyCssZoom);

 * Controls the logging level.
 * The constants from PDFJS.VERBOSITY_LEVELS should be used:
 * - errors
 * - warnings [default]
 * - infos
 * @var {number}
PDFJS.verbosity = (PDFJS.verbosity === undefined ?
                   PDFJS.VERBOSITY_LEVELS.warnings : PDFJS.verbosity);

 * The maximum supported canvas size in total pixels e.g. width * height.
 * The default value is 4096 * 4096. Use -1 for no limit.
 * @var {number}
PDFJS.maxCanvasPixels = (PDFJS.maxCanvasPixels === undefined ?
                         16777216 : PDFJS.maxCanvasPixels);

 * Opens external links in a new window if enabled. The default behavior opens
 * external links in the PDF.js window.
 * @var {boolean}
PDFJS.openExternalLinksInNewWindow = (
  PDFJS.openExternalLinksInNewWindow === undefined ?
    false : PDFJS.openExternalLinksInNewWindow);

 * Document initialization / loading parameters object.
 * @typedef {Object} DocumentInitParameters
 * @property {string}     url   - The URL of the PDF.
 * @property {TypedArray|Array|string} data - Binary PDF data. Use typed arrays
 *   (Uint8Array) to improve the memory usage. If PDF data is BASE64-encoded,
 *   use atob() to convert it to a binary string first.
 * @property {Object}     httpHeaders - Basic authentication headers.
 * @property {boolean}    withCredentials - Indicates whether or not cross-site
 *   Access-Control requests should be made using credentials such as cookies
 *   or authorization headers. The default is false.
 * @property {string}     password - For decrypting password-protected PDFs.
 * @property {TypedArray} initialData - A typed array with the first portion or
 *   all of the pdf data. Used by the extension since some data is already
 *   loaded before the switch to range requests.
 * @property {number}     length - The PDF file length. It's used for progress
 *   reports and range requests operations.
 * @property {PDFDataRangeTransport} range

 * @typedef {Object} PDFDocumentStats
 * @property {Array} streamTypes - Used stream types in the document (an item
 *   is set to true if specific stream ID was used in the document).
 * @property {Array} fontTypes - Used font type in the document (an item is set
 *   to true if specific font ID was used in the document).

 * This is the main entry point for loading a PDF and interacting with it.
 * NOTE: If a URL is used to fetch the PDF data a standard XMLHttpRequest(XHR)
 * is used, which means it must follow the same origin rules that any XHR does
 * e.g. No cross domain requests without CORS.
 * @param {string|TypedArray|DocumentInitParameters|PDFDataRangeTransport} src
 * Can be a url to where a PDF is located, a typed array (Uint8Array)
 * already populated with data or parameter object.
 * @param {PDFDataRangeTransport} pdfDataRangeTransport (deprecated) It is used
 * if you want to manually serve range requests for data in the PDF.
 * @param {function} passwordCallback (deprecated) It is used to request a
 * password if wrong or no password was provided. The callback receives two
 * parameters: function that needs to be called with new password and reason
 * (see {PasswordResponses}).
 * @param {function} progressCallback (deprecated) It is used to be able to
 * monitor the loading progress of the PDF file (necessary to implement e.g.
 * a loading bar). The callback receives an {Object} with the properties:
 * {number} loaded and {number} total.
 * @return {PDFDocumentLoadingTask}
PDFJS.getDocument = function getDocument(src,
                                         progressCallback) {
  var task = new PDFDocumentLoadingTask();

  // Support of the obsolete arguments (for compatibility with API v1.0)
  if (pdfDataRangeTransport) {
    if (!(pdfDataRangeTransport instanceof PDFDataRangeTransport)) {
      // Not a PDFDataRangeTransport instance, trying to add missing properties.
      pdfDataRangeTransport = Object.create(pdfDataRangeTransport);
      pdfDataRangeTransport.length = src.length;
      pdfDataRangeTransport.initialData = src.initialData;
    src = Object.create(src);
    src.range = pdfDataRangeTransport;
  task.onPassword = passwordCallback || null;
  task.onProgress = progressCallback || null;

  var workerInitializedCapability, transport;
  var source;
  if (typeof src === 'string') {
    source = { url: src };
  } else if (isArrayBuffer(src)) {
    source = { data: src };
  } else if (src instanceof PDFDataRangeTransport) {
    source = { range: src };
  } else {
    if (typeof src !== 'object') {
      error('Invalid parameter in getDocument, need either Uint8Array, ' +
        'string or a parameter object');
    if (!src.url && ! && !src.range) {
      error('Invalid parameter object: need either .data, .range or .url');

    source = src;

  var params = {};
  for (var key in source) {
    if (key === 'url' && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
      // The full path is required in the 'url' field.
      params[key] = combineUrl(window.location.href, source[key]);
    } else if (key === 'range') {
    } else if (key === 'data' && !(source[key] instanceof Uint8Array)) {
      // Converting string or array-like data to Uint8Array.
      var pdfBytes = source[key];
      if (typeof pdfBytes === 'string') {
        params[key] = stringToBytes(pdfBytes);
      } else if (typeof pdfBytes === 'object' && pdfBytes !== null &&
                 !isNaN(pdfBytes.length)) {
        params[key] = new Uint8Array(pdfBytes);
      } else {
        error('Invalid PDF binary data: either typed array, string or ' +
              'array-like object is expected in the data property.');
    params[key] = source[key];

  workerInitializedCapability = createPromiseCapability();
  transport = new WorkerTransport(workerInitializedCapability, source.range);
  workerInitializedCapability.promise.then(function transportInitialized() {
    transport.fetchDocument(task, params);

  return task;

 * PDF document loading operation.
 * @class
var PDFDocumentLoadingTask = (function PDFDocumentLoadingTaskClosure() {
  /** @constructs PDFDocumentLoadingTask */
  function PDFDocumentLoadingTask() {
    this._capability = createPromiseCapability();

     * Callback to request a password if wrong or no password was provided.
     * The callback receives two parameters: function that needs to be called
     * with new password and reason (see {PasswordResponses}).
    this.onPassword = null;

     * Callback to be able to monitor the loading progress of the PDF file
     * (necessary to implement e.g. a loading bar). The callback receives
     * an {Object} with the properties: {number} loaded and {number} total.
    this.onProgress = null;

  PDFDocumentLoadingTask.prototype =
      /** @lends PDFDocumentLoadingTask.prototype */ {
     * @return {Promise}
    get promise() {
      return this._capability.promise;

    // TODO add cancel or abort method

     * Registers callbacks to indicate the document loading completion.
     * @param {function} onFulfilled The callback for the loading completion.
     * @param {function} onRejected The callback for the loading failure.
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved after the onFulfilled or
     *                   onRejected callback.
    then: function PDFDocumentLoadingTask_then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
      return this.promise.then.apply(this.promise, arguments);

  return PDFDocumentLoadingTask;

 * Abstract class to support range requests file loading.
 * @class
var PDFDataRangeTransport = (function pdfDataRangeTransportClosure() {
   * @constructs PDFDataRangeTransport
   * @param {number} length
   * @param {Uint8Array} initialData
  function PDFDataRangeTransport(length, initialData) {
    this.length = length;
    this.initialData = initialData;

    this._rangeListeners = [];
    this._progressListeners = [];
    this._progressiveReadListeners = [];
    this._readyCapability = createPromiseCapability();
  PDFDataRangeTransport.prototype =
      /** @lends PDFDataRangeTransport.prototype */ {
        function PDFDataRangeTransport_addRangeListener(listener) {

        function PDFDataRangeTransport_addProgressListener(listener) {

        function PDFDataRangeTransport_addProgressiveReadListener(listener) {

    onDataRange: function PDFDataRangeTransport_onDataRange(begin, chunk) {
      var listeners = this._rangeListeners;
      for (var i = 0, n = listeners.length; i < n; ++i) {
        listeners[i](begin, chunk);

    onDataProgress: function PDFDataRangeTransport_onDataProgress(loaded) {
      this._readyCapability.promise.then(function () {
        var listeners = this._progressListeners;
        for (var i = 0, n = listeners.length; i < n; ++i) {

        function PDFDataRangeTransport_onDataProgress(chunk) {
      this._readyCapability.promise.then(function () {
        var listeners = this._progressiveReadListeners;
        for (var i = 0, n = listeners.length; i < n; ++i) {

    transportReady: function PDFDataRangeTransport_transportReady() {

        function PDFDataRangeTransport_requestDataRange(begin, end) {
      throw new Error('Abstract method PDFDataRangeTransport.requestDataRange');
  return PDFDataRangeTransport;

PDFJS.PDFDataRangeTransport = PDFDataRangeTransport;

 * Proxy to a PDFDocument in the worker thread. Also, contains commonly used
 * properties that can be read synchronously.
 * @class
var PDFDocumentProxy = (function PDFDocumentProxyClosure() {
  function PDFDocumentProxy(pdfInfo, transport) {
    this.pdfInfo = pdfInfo;
    this.transport = transport;
  PDFDocumentProxy.prototype = /** @lends PDFDocumentProxy.prototype */ {
     * @return {number} Total number of pages the PDF contains.
    get numPages() {
      return this.pdfInfo.numPages;
     * @return {string} A unique ID to identify a PDF. Not guaranteed to be
     * unique.
    get fingerprint() {
      return this.pdfInfo.fingerprint;
     * @param {number} pageNumber The page number to get. The first page is 1.
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with a {@link PDFPageProxy}
     * object.
    getPage: function PDFDocumentProxy_getPage(pageNumber) {
      return this.transport.getPage(pageNumber);
     * @param {{num: number, gen: number}} ref The page reference. Must have
     *   the 'num' and 'gen' properties.
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with the page index that is
     * associated with the reference.
    getPageIndex: function PDFDocumentProxy_getPageIndex(ref) {
      return this.transport.getPageIndex(ref);
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with a lookup table for
     * mapping named destinations to reference numbers.
     * This can be slow for large documents: use getDestination instead
    getDestinations: function PDFDocumentProxy_getDestinations() {
      return this.transport.getDestinations();
     * @param {string} id The named destination to get.
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with all information
     * of the given named destination.
    getDestination: function PDFDocumentProxy_getDestination(id) {
      return this.transport.getDestination(id);
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with a lookup table for
     * mapping named attachments to their content.
    getAttachments: function PDFDocumentProxy_getAttachments() {
      return this.transport.getAttachments();
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with an array of all the
     * JavaScript strings in the name tree.
    getJavaScript: function PDFDocumentProxy_getJavaScript() {
      return this.transport.getJavaScript();
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with an {Array} that is a
     * tree outline (if it has one) of the PDF. The tree is in the format of:
     * [
     *  {
     *   title: string,
     *   bold: boolean,
     *   italic: boolean,
     *   color: rgb array,
     *   dest: dest obj,
     *   items: array of more items like this
     *  },
     *  ...
     * ].
    getOutline: function PDFDocumentProxy_getOutline() {
      return this.transport.getOutline();
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with an {Object} that has
     * info and metadata properties.  Info is an {Object} filled with anything
     * available in the information dictionary and similarly metadata is a
     * {Metadata} object with information from the metadata section of the PDF.
    getMetadata: function PDFDocumentProxy_getMetadata() {
      return this.transport.getMetadata();
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with a TypedArray that has
     * the raw data from the PDF.
    getData: function PDFDocumentProxy_getData() {
      return this.transport.getData();
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved when the document's data
     * is loaded. It is resolved with an {Object} that contains the length
     * property that indicates size of the PDF data in bytes.
    getDownloadInfo: function PDFDocumentProxy_getDownloadInfo() {
      return this.transport.downloadInfoCapability.promise;
     * @return {Promise} A promise this is resolved with current stats about
     * document structures (see {@link PDFDocumentStats}).
    getStats: function PDFDocumentProxy_getStats() {
      return this.transport.getStats();
     * Cleans up resources allocated by the document, e.g. created @font-face.
    cleanup: function PDFDocumentProxy_cleanup() {
     * Destroys current document instance and terminates worker.
    destroy: function PDFDocumentProxy_destroy() {
  return PDFDocumentProxy;

 * Page text content.
 * @typedef {Object} TextContent
 * @property {array} items - array of {@link TextItem}
 * @property {Object} styles - {@link TextStyles} objects, indexed by font
 *                    name.

 * Page text content part.
 * @typedef {Object} TextItem
 * @property {string} str - text content.
 * @property {string} dir - text direction: 'ttb', 'ltr' or 'rtl'.
 * @property {array} transform - transformation matrix.
 * @property {number} width - width in device space.
 * @property {number} height - height in device space.
 * @property {string} fontName - font name used by pdf.js for converted font.

 * Text style.
 * @typedef {Object} TextStyle
 * @property {number} ascent - font ascent.
 * @property {number} descent - font descent.
 * @property {boolean} vertical - text is in vertical mode.
 * @property {string} fontFamily - possible font family

 * Page render parameters.
 * @typedef {Object} RenderParameters
 * @property {Object} canvasContext - A 2D context of a DOM Canvas object.
 * @property {PDFJS.PageViewport} viewport - Rendering viewport obtained by
 *                                calling of PDFPage.getViewport method.
 * @property {string} intent - Rendering intent, can be 'display' or 'print'
 *                    (default value is 'display').
 * @property {Object} imageLayer - (optional) An object that has beginLayout,
 *                    endLayout and appendImage functions.
 * @property {function} continueCallback - (deprecated) A function that will be
 *                      called each time the rendering is paused.  To continue
 *                      rendering call the function that is the first argument
 *                      to the callback.

 * PDF page operator list.
 * @typedef {Object} PDFOperatorList
 * @property {Array} fnArray - Array containing the operator functions.
 * @property {Array} argsArray - Array containing the arguments of the
 *                               functions.

 * Proxy to a PDFPage in the worker thread.
 * @class
var PDFPageProxy = (function PDFPageProxyClosure() {
  function PDFPageProxy(pageIndex, pageInfo, transport) {
    this.pageIndex = pageIndex;
    this.pageInfo = pageInfo;
    this.transport = transport;
    this.stats = new StatTimer();
    this.stats.enabled = !!globalScope.PDFJS.enableStats;
    this.commonObjs = transport.commonObjs;
    this.objs = new PDFObjects();
    this.cleanupAfterRender = false;
    this.pendingDestroy = false;
    this.intentStates = {};
  PDFPageProxy.prototype = /** @lends PDFPageProxy.prototype */ {
     * @return {number} Page number of the page. First page is 1.
    get pageNumber() {
      return this.pageIndex + 1;
     * @return {number} The number of degrees the page is rotated clockwise.
    get rotate() {
      return this.pageInfo.rotate;
     * @return {Object} The reference that points to this page. It has 'num' and
     * 'gen' properties.
    get ref() {
      return this.pageInfo.ref;
     * @return {Array} An array of the visible portion of the PDF page in the
     * user space units - [x1, y1, x2, y2].
    get view() {
      return this.pageInfo.view;
     * @param {number} scale The desired scale of the viewport.
     * @param {number} rotate Degrees to rotate the viewport. If omitted this
     * defaults to the page rotation.
     * @return {PDFJS.PageViewport} Contains 'width' and 'height' properties
     * along with transforms required for rendering.
    getViewport: function PDFPageProxy_getViewport(scale, rotate) {
      if (arguments.length < 2) {
        rotate = this.rotate;
      return new PDFJS.PageViewport(this.view, scale, rotate, 0, 0);
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with an {Array} of the
     * annotation objects.
    getAnnotations: function PDFPageProxy_getAnnotations() {
      if (this.annotationsPromise) {
        return this.annotationsPromise;

      var promise = this.transport.getAnnotations(this.pageIndex);
      this.annotationsPromise = promise;
      return promise;
     * Begins the process of rendering a page to the desired context.
     * @param {RenderParameters} params Page render parameters.
     * @return {RenderTask} An object that contains the promise, which
     *                      is resolved when the page finishes rendering.
    render: function PDFPageProxy_render(params) {
      var stats = this.stats;

      // If there was a pending destroy cancel it so no cleanup happens during
      // this call to render.
      this.pendingDestroy = false;

      var renderingIntent = (params.intent === 'print' ? 'print' : 'display');

      if (!this.intentStates[renderingIntent]) {
        this.intentStates[renderingIntent] = {};
      var intentState = this.intentStates[renderingIntent];

      // If there's no displayReadyCapability yet, then the operatorList
      // was never requested before. Make the request and create the promise.
      if (!intentState.displayReadyCapability) {
        intentState.receivingOperatorList = true;
        intentState.displayReadyCapability = createPromiseCapability();
        intentState.operatorList = {
          fnArray: [],
          argsArray: [],
          lastChunk: false

        this.stats.time('Page Request');
        this.transport.messageHandler.send('RenderPageRequest', {
          pageIndex: this.pageNumber - 1,
          intent: renderingIntent

      var internalRenderTask = new InternalRenderTask(complete, params,
      if (!intentState.renderTasks) {
        intentState.renderTasks = [];
      var renderTask = internalRenderTask.task;

      // Obsolete parameter support
      if (params.continueCallback) {
        renderTask.onContinue = params.continueCallback;

      var self = this;
        function pageDisplayReadyPromise(transparency) {
          if (self.pendingDestroy) {
        function pageDisplayReadPromiseError(reason) {

      function complete(error) {
        var i = intentState.renderTasks.indexOf(internalRenderTask);
        if (i >= 0) {
          intentState.renderTasks.splice(i, 1);

        if (self.cleanupAfterRender) {
          self.pendingDestroy = true;

        if (error) {
        } else {

      return renderTask;

     * @return {Promise} A promise resolved with an {@link PDFOperatorList}
     * object that represents page's operator list.
    getOperatorList: function PDFPageProxy_getOperatorList() {
      function operatorListChanged() {
        if (intentState.operatorList.lastChunk) {

      var renderingIntent = 'oplist';
      if (!this.intentStates[renderingIntent]) {
        this.intentStates[renderingIntent] = {};
      var intentState = this.intentStates[renderingIntent];

      if (!intentState.opListReadCapability) {
        var opListTask = {};
        opListTask.operatorListChanged = operatorListChanged;
        intentState.receivingOperatorList = true;
        intentState.opListReadCapability = createPromiseCapability();
        intentState.renderTasks = [];
        intentState.operatorList = {
          fnArray: [],
          argsArray: [],
          lastChunk: false

        this.transport.messageHandler.send('RenderPageRequest', {
          pageIndex: this.pageIndex,
          intent: renderingIntent
      return intentState.opListReadCapability.promise;

     * @return {Promise} That is resolved a {@link TextContent}
     * object that represent the page text content.
    getTextContent: function PDFPageProxy_getTextContent() {
      return this.transport.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetTextContent', {
        pageIndex: this.pageNumber - 1
     * Destroys resources allocated by the page.
    destroy: function PDFPageProxy_destroy() {
      this.pendingDestroy = true;
     * For internal use only. Attempts to clean up if rendering is in a state
     * where that's possible.
     * @ignore
    _tryDestroy: function PDFPageProxy__destroy() {
      if (!this.pendingDestroy ||
          Object.keys(this.intentStates).some(function(intent) {
            var intentState = this.intentStates[intent];
            return (intentState.renderTasks.length !== 0 ||
          }, this)) {

      Object.keys(this.intentStates).forEach(function(intent) {
        delete this.intentStates[intent];
      }, this);
      this.annotationsPromise = null;
      this.pendingDestroy = false;
     * For internal use only.
     * @ignore
    _startRenderPage: function PDFPageProxy_startRenderPage(transparency,
                                                            intent) {
      var intentState = this.intentStates[intent];
      // TODO Refactor RenderPageRequest to separate rendering
      // and operator list logic
      if (intentState.displayReadyCapability) {
     * For internal use only.
     * @ignore
    _renderPageChunk: function PDFPageProxy_renderPageChunk(operatorListChunk,
                                                            intent) {
      var intentState = this.intentStates[intent];
      var i, ii;
      // Add the new chunk to the current operator list.
      for (i = 0, ii = operatorListChunk.length; i < ii; i++) {
      intentState.operatorList.lastChunk = operatorListChunk.lastChunk;

      // Notify all the rendering tasks there are more operators to be consumed.
      for (i = 0; i < intentState.renderTasks.length; i++) {

      if (operatorListChunk.lastChunk) {
        intentState.receivingOperatorList = false;
  return PDFPageProxy;

 * For internal use only.
 * @ignore
var WorkerTransport = (function WorkerTransportClosure() {
  function WorkerTransport(workerInitializedCapability, pdfDataRangeTransport) {
    this.pdfDataRangeTransport = pdfDataRangeTransport;
    this.workerInitializedCapability = workerInitializedCapability;
    this.commonObjs = new PDFObjects();

    this.loadingTask = null;

    this.pageCache = [];
    this.pagePromises = [];
    this.downloadInfoCapability = createPromiseCapability();

    // If worker support isn't disabled explicit and the browser has worker
    // support, create a new web worker and test if it/the browser fullfills
    // all requirements to run parts of pdf.js in a web worker.
    // Right now, the requirement is, that an Uint8Array is still an Uint8Array
    // as it arrives on the worker. Chrome added this with version 15.
    if (!globalScope.PDFJS.disableWorker && typeof Worker !== 'undefined') {
      var workerSrc = PDFJS.workerSrc;
      if (!workerSrc) {
        error('No PDFJS.workerSrc specified');

      try {
        // Some versions of FF can't create a worker on localhost, see:
        var worker = new Worker(workerSrc);
        var messageHandler = new MessageHandler('main', worker);
        this.messageHandler = messageHandler;

        messageHandler.on('test', function transportTest(data) {
          var supportTypedArray = data && data.supportTypedArray;
          if (supportTypedArray) {
            this.worker = worker;
            if (!data.supportTransfers) {
              PDFJS.postMessageTransfers = false;
          } else {

        var testObj = new Uint8Array([PDFJS.postMessageTransfers ? 255 : 0]);
        // Some versions of Opera throw a DATA_CLONE_ERR on serializing the
        // typed array. Also, checking if we can use transfers.
        try {
          messageHandler.send('test', testObj, [testObj.buffer]);
        } catch (ex) {
          info('Cannot use postMessage transfers');
          testObj[0] = 0;
          messageHandler.send('test', testObj);
      } catch (e) {
        info('The worker has been disabled.');
    // Either workers are disabled, not supported or have thrown an exception.
    // Thus, we fallback to a faked worker.
  WorkerTransport.prototype = {
    destroy: function WorkerTransport_destroy() {
      this.pageCache = [];
      this.pagePromises = [];
      var self = this;
      this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('Terminate', null).then(function () {
        if (self.worker) {

    setupFakeWorker: function WorkerTransport_setupFakeWorker() {
      globalScope.PDFJS.disableWorker = true;

      if (!PDFJS.fakeWorkerFilesLoadedCapability) {
        PDFJS.fakeWorkerFilesLoadedCapability = createPromiseCapability();
        // In the developer build load worker_loader which in turn loads all the
        // other files and resolves the promise. In production only the
        // pdf.worker.js file is needed.
//      PDFJS.fakeWorkerFilesLoadedCapability.resolve();
//      Util.loadScript(PDFJS.workerSrc, function() {
//        PDFJS.fakeWorkerFilesLoadedCapability.resolve();
//      });
      PDFJS.fakeWorkerFilesLoadedCapability.promise.then(function () {
        warn('Setting up fake worker.');
        // If we don't use a worker, just post/sendMessage to the main thread.
        var fakeWorker = {
          postMessage: function WorkerTransport_postMessage(obj) {
            fakeWorker.onmessage({data: obj});
          terminate: function WorkerTransport_terminate() {}

        var messageHandler = new MessageHandler('main', fakeWorker);

        // If the main thread is our worker, setup the handling for the messages
        // the main thread sends to it self.


      function WorkerTransport_setupMessageHandler(messageHandler) {
      this.messageHandler = messageHandler;

      function updatePassword(password) {
        messageHandler.send('UpdatePassword', password);

      var pdfDataRangeTransport = this.pdfDataRangeTransport;
      if (pdfDataRangeTransport) {
        pdfDataRangeTransport.addRangeListener(function(begin, chunk) {
          messageHandler.send('OnDataRange', {
            begin: begin,
            chunk: chunk

        pdfDataRangeTransport.addProgressListener(function(loaded) {
          messageHandler.send('OnDataProgress', {
            loaded: loaded

        pdfDataRangeTransport.addProgressiveReadListener(function(chunk) {
          messageHandler.send('OnDataRange', {
            chunk: chunk

          function transportDataRange(data) {
            pdfDataRangeTransport.requestDataRange(data.begin, data.end);
          }, this);

      messageHandler.on('GetDoc', function transportDoc(data) {
        var pdfInfo = data.pdfInfo;
        this.numPages = data.pdfInfo.numPages;
        var pdfDocument = new PDFDocumentProxy(pdfInfo, this);
        this.pdfDocument = pdfDocument;
      }, this);

                        function transportNeedPassword(exception) {
        var loadingTask = this.loadingTask;
        if (loadingTask.onPassword) {
          return loadingTask.onPassword(updatePassword,
          new PasswordException(exception.message, exception.code));
      }, this);

                        function transportIncorrectPassword(exception) {
        var loadingTask = this.loadingTask;
        if (loadingTask.onPassword) {
          return loadingTask.onPassword(updatePassword,
          new PasswordException(exception.message, exception.code));
      }, this);

      messageHandler.on('InvalidPDF', function transportInvalidPDF(exception) {
          new InvalidPDFException(exception.message));
      }, this);

      messageHandler.on('MissingPDF', function transportMissingPDF(exception) {
          new MissingPDFException(exception.message));
      }, this);

                        function transportUnexpectedResponse(exception) {
          new UnexpectedResponseException(exception.message, exception.status));
      }, this);

                        function transportUnknownError(exception) {
          new UnknownErrorException(exception.message, exception.details));
      }, this);

      messageHandler.on('DataLoaded', function transportPage(data) {
      }, this);

      messageHandler.on('PDFManagerReady', function transportPage(data) {
        if (this.pdfDataRangeTransport) {
      }, this);

      messageHandler.on('StartRenderPage', function transportRender(data) {
        var page = this.pageCache[data.pageIndex];

        page.stats.timeEnd('Page Request');
        page._startRenderPage(data.transparency, data.intent);
      }, this);

      messageHandler.on('RenderPageChunk', function transportRender(data) {
        var page = this.pageCache[data.pageIndex];

        page._renderPageChunk(data.operatorList, data.intent);
      }, this);

      messageHandler.on('commonobj', function transportObj(data) {
        var id = data[0];
        var type = data[1];
        if (this.commonObjs.hasData(id)) {

        switch (type) {
          case 'Font':
            var exportedData = data[2];

            var font;
            if ('error' in exportedData) {
              var error = exportedData.error;
              warn('Error during font loading: ' + error);
              this.commonObjs.resolve(id, error);
            } else {
              font = new FontFaceObject(exportedData);

              function fontReady(fontObjs) {
                this.commonObjs.resolve(id, font);
          case 'FontPath':
            this.commonObjs.resolve(id, data[2]);
            error('Got unknown common object type ' + type);
      }, this);

      messageHandler.on('obj', function transportObj(data) {
        var id = data[0];
        var pageIndex = data[1];
        var type = data[2];
        var pageProxy = this.pageCache[pageIndex];
        var imageData;
        if (pageProxy.objs.hasData(id)) {

        switch (type) {
          case 'JpegStream':
            imageData = data[3];
            loadJpegStream(id, imageData, pageProxy.objs);
          case 'Image':
            imageData = data[3];
            pageProxy.objs.resolve(id, imageData);

            // heuristics that will allow not to store large data
            var MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_STORE = 8000000;
            if (imageData && 'data' in imageData &&
              pageProxy.cleanupAfterRender = true;
            error('Got unknown object type ' + type);
      }, this);

      messageHandler.on('DocProgress', function transportDocProgress(data) {
        var loadingTask = this.loadingTask;
        if (loadingTask.onProgress) {
            loaded: data.loaded,
      }, this);

      messageHandler.on('PageError', function transportError(data) {
        var page = this.pageCache[data.pageNum - 1];
        var intentState = page.intentStates[data.intent];
        if (intentState.displayReadyCapability) {
        } else {
      }, this);

      messageHandler.on('JpegDecode', function(data) {
        var imageUrl = data[0];
        var components = data[1];
        if (components !== 3 && components !== 1) {
          return Promise.reject(
            new Error('Only 3 components or 1 component can be returned'));

        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
          var img = new Image();
          img.onload = function () {
            var width = img.width;
            var height = img.height;
            var size = width * height;
            var rgbaLength = size * 4;
            var buf = new Uint8Array(size * components);
            var tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(width, height);
            var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d');
            tmpCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
            var data = tmpCtx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data;
            var i, j;

            if (components === 3) {
              for (i = 0, j = 0; i < rgbaLength; i += 4, j += 3) {
                buf[j] = data[i];
                buf[j + 1] = data[i + 1];
                buf[j + 2] = data[i + 2];
            } else if (components === 1) {
              for (i = 0, j = 0; i < rgbaLength; i += 4, j++) {
                buf[j] = data[i];
            resolve({ data: buf, width: width, height: height});
          img.onerror = function () {
            reject(new Error('JpegDecode failed to load image'));
          img.src = imageUrl;

    fetchDocument: function WorkerTransport_fetchDocument(loadingTask, source) {
      this.loadingTask = loadingTask;

      source.disableAutoFetch = PDFJS.disableAutoFetch;
      source.disableStream = PDFJS.disableStream;
      source.chunkedViewerLoading = !!this.pdfDataRangeTransport;
      if (this.pdfDataRangeTransport) {
        source.length = this.pdfDataRangeTransport.length;
        source.initialData = this.pdfDataRangeTransport.initialData;
      this.messageHandler.send('GetDocRequest', {
        source: source,
        disableRange: PDFJS.disableRange,
        maxImageSize: PDFJS.maxImageSize,
        cMapUrl: PDFJS.cMapUrl,
        cMapPacked: PDFJS.cMapPacked,
        disableFontFace: PDFJS.disableFontFace,
        disableCreateObjectURL: PDFJS.disableCreateObjectURL,
        verbosity: PDFJS.verbosity

    getData: function WorkerTransport_getData() {
      return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetData', null);

    getPage: function WorkerTransport_getPage(pageNumber, capability) {
      if (pageNumber <= 0 || pageNumber > this.numPages ||
          (pageNumber|0) !== pageNumber) {
        return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid page request'));

      var pageIndex = pageNumber - 1;
      if (pageIndex in this.pagePromises) {
        return this.pagePromises[pageIndex];
      var promise = this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetPage', {
        pageIndex: pageIndex
      }).then(function (pageInfo) {
        var page = new PDFPageProxy(pageIndex, pageInfo, this);
        this.pageCache[pageIndex] = page;
        return page;
      this.pagePromises[pageIndex] = promise;
      return promise;

    getPageIndex: function WorkerTransport_getPageIndexByRef(ref) {
      return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetPageIndex', { ref: ref });

    getAnnotations: function WorkerTransport_getAnnotations(pageIndex) {
      return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetAnnotations',
        { pageIndex: pageIndex });

    getDestinations: function WorkerTransport_getDestinations() {
      return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetDestinations', null);

    getDestination: function WorkerTransport_getDestination(id) {
      return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetDestination', { id: id } );

    getAttachments: function WorkerTransport_getAttachments() {
      return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetAttachments', null);

    getJavaScript: function WorkerTransport_getJavaScript() {
      return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetJavaScript', null);

    getOutline: function WorkerTransport_getOutline() {
      return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetOutline', null);

    getMetadata: function WorkerTransport_getMetadata() {
      return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetMetadata', null).
        then(function transportMetadata(results) {
        return {
          info: results[0],
          metadata: (results[1] ? new PDFJS.Metadata(results[1]) : null)

    getStats: function WorkerTransport_getStats() {
      return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetStats', null);

    startCleanup: function WorkerTransport_startCleanup() {
      this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('Cleanup', null).
        then(function endCleanup() {
        for (var i = 0, ii = this.pageCache.length; i < ii; i++) {
          var page = this.pageCache[i];
          if (page) {
  return WorkerTransport;


 * A PDF document and page is built of many objects. E.g. there are objects
 * for fonts, images, rendering code and such. These objects might get processed
 * inside of a worker. The `PDFObjects` implements some basic functions to
 * manage these objects.
 * @ignore
var PDFObjects = (function PDFObjectsClosure() {
  function PDFObjects() {
    this.objs = {};

  PDFObjects.prototype = {
     * Internal function.
     * Ensures there is an object defined for `objId`.
    ensureObj: function PDFObjects_ensureObj(objId) {
      if (this.objs[objId]) {
        return this.objs[objId];

      var obj = {
        capability: createPromiseCapability(),
        data: null,
        resolved: false
      this.objs[objId] = obj;

      return obj;

     * If called *without* callback, this returns the data of `objId` but the
     * object needs to be resolved. If it isn't, this function throws.
     * If called *with* a callback, the callback is called with the data of the
     * object once the object is resolved. That means, if you call this
     * function and the object is already resolved, the callback gets called
     * right away.
    get: function PDFObjects_get(objId, callback) {
      // If there is a callback, then the get can be async and the object is
      // not required to be resolved right now
      if (callback) {
        return null;

      // If there isn't a callback, the user expects to get the resolved data
      // directly.
      var obj = this.objs[objId];

      // If there isn't an object yet or the object isn't resolved, then the
      // data isn't ready yet!
      if (!obj || !obj.resolved) {
        error('Requesting object that isn\'t resolved yet ' + objId);


     * Resolves the object `objId` with optional `data`.
    resolve: function PDFObjects_resolve(objId, data) {
      var obj = this.ensureObj(objId);

      obj.resolved = true; = data;

    isResolved: function PDFObjects_isResolved(objId) {
      var objs = this.objs;

      if (!objs[objId]) {
        return false;
      } else {
        return objs[objId].resolved;

    hasData: function PDFObjects_hasData(objId) {
      return this.isResolved(objId);

     * Returns the data of `objId` if object exists, null otherwise.
    getData: function PDFObjects_getData(objId) {
      var objs = this.objs;
      if (!objs[objId] || !objs[objId].resolved) {
        return null;
      } else {
        return objs[objId].data;

    clear: function PDFObjects_clear() {
      this.objs = {};
  return PDFObjects;

 * Allows controlling of the rendering tasks.
 * @class
var RenderTask = (function RenderTaskClosure() {
  function RenderTask(internalRenderTask) {
    this._internalRenderTask = internalRenderTask;

     * Callback for incremental rendering -- a function that will be called
     * each time the rendering is paused.  To continue rendering call the
     * function that is the first argument to the callback.
     * @type {function}
    this.onContinue = null;

  RenderTask.prototype = /** @lends RenderTask.prototype */ {
     * Promise for rendering task completion.
     * @return {Promise}
    get promise() {
      return this._internalRenderTask.capability.promise;

     * Cancels the rendering task. If the task is currently rendering it will
     * not be cancelled until graphics pauses with a timeout. The promise that
     * this object extends will resolved when cancelled.
    cancel: function RenderTask_cancel() {

     * Registers callbacks to indicate the rendering task completion.
     * @param {function} onFulfilled The callback for the rendering completion.
     * @param {function} onRejected The callback for the rendering failure.
     * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved after the onFulfilled or
     *                   onRejected callback.
    then: function RenderTask_then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
      return this.promise.then.apply(this.promise, arguments);

  return RenderTask;

 * For internal use only.
 * @ignore
var InternalRenderTask = (function InternalRenderTaskClosure() {

  function InternalRenderTask(callback, params, objs, commonObjs, operatorList,
                              pageNumber) {
    this.callback = callback;
    this.params = params;
    this.objs = objs;
    this.commonObjs = commonObjs;
    this.operatorListIdx = null;
    this.operatorList = operatorList;
    this.pageNumber = pageNumber;
    this.running = false;
    this.graphicsReadyCallback = null;
    this.graphicsReady = false;
    this.cancelled = false;
    this.capability = createPromiseCapability();
    this.task = new RenderTask(this);
    // caching this-bound methods
    this._continueBound = this._continue.bind(this);
    this._scheduleNextBound = this._scheduleNext.bind(this);
    this._nextBound = this._next.bind(this);

  InternalRenderTask.prototype = {

        function InternalRenderTask_initalizeGraphics(transparency) {

      if (this.cancelled) {
      if (PDFJS.pdfBug && 'StepperManager' in globalScope &&
          globalScope.StepperManager.enabled) {
        this.stepper = globalScope.StepperManager.create(this.pageNumber - 1);
        this.stepper.nextBreakPoint = this.stepper.getNextBreakPoint();

      var params = this.params;
      this.gfx = new CanvasGraphics(params.canvasContext, this.commonObjs,
                                    this.objs, params.imageLayer);

      this.gfx.beginDrawing(params.viewport, transparency);
      this.operatorListIdx = 0;
      this.graphicsReady = true;
      if (this.graphicsReadyCallback) {

    cancel: function InternalRenderTask_cancel() {
      this.running = false;
      this.cancelled = true;

    operatorListChanged: function InternalRenderTask_operatorListChanged() {
      if (!this.graphicsReady) {
        if (!this.graphicsReadyCallback) {
          this.graphicsReadyCallback = this._continueBound;

      if (this.stepper) {

      if (this.running) {

    _continue: function InternalRenderTask__continue() {
      this.running = true;
      if (this.cancelled) {
      if (this.task.onContinue) {, this._scheduleNextBound);
      } else {

    _scheduleNext: function InternalRenderTask__scheduleNext() {

    _next: function InternalRenderTask__next() {
      if (this.cancelled) {
      this.operatorListIdx = this.gfx.executeOperatorList(this.operatorList,
      if (this.operatorListIdx === this.operatorList.argsArray.length) {
        this.running = false;
        if (this.operatorList.lastChunk) {


  return InternalRenderTask;

var Metadata = PDFJS.Metadata = (function MetadataClosure() {
  function fixMetadata(meta) {
    return meta.replace(/>\\376\\377([^<]+)/g, function(all, codes) {
      var bytes = codes.replace(/\\([0-3])([0-7])([0-7])/g,
                                function(code, d1, d2, d3) {
        return String.fromCharCode(d1 * 64 + d2 * 8 + d3 * 1);
      var chars = '';
      for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 2) {
        var code = bytes.charCodeAt(i) * 256 + bytes.charCodeAt(i + 1);
        chars += code >= 32 && code < 127 && code !== 60 && code !== 62 &&
          code !== 38 && false ? String.fromCharCode(code) :
          '&#x' + (0x10000 + code).toString(16).substring(1) + ';';
      return '>' + chars;

  function Metadata(meta) {
    if (typeof meta === 'string') {
      // Ghostscript produces invalid metadata
      meta = fixMetadata(meta);

      var parser = new DOMParser();
      meta = parser.parseFromString(meta, 'application/xml');
    } else if (!(meta instanceof Document)) {
      error('Metadata: Invalid metadata object');

    this.metaDocument = meta;
    this.metadata = {};

  Metadata.prototype = {
    parse: function Metadata_parse() {
      var doc = this.metaDocument;
      var rdf = doc.documentElement;

      if (rdf.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'rdf:rdf') { // Wrapped in <xmpmeta>
        rdf = rdf.firstChild;
        while (rdf && rdf.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'rdf:rdf') {
          rdf = rdf.nextSibling;

      var nodeName = (rdf) ? rdf.nodeName.toLowerCase() : null;
      if (!rdf || nodeName !== 'rdf:rdf' || !rdf.hasChildNodes()) {

      var children = rdf.childNodes, desc, entry, name, i, ii, length, iLength;
      for (i = 0, length = children.length; i < length; i++) {
        desc = children[i];
        if (desc.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'rdf:description') {

        for (ii = 0, iLength = desc.childNodes.length; ii < iLength; ii++) {
          if (desc.childNodes[ii].nodeName.toLowerCase() !== '#text') {
            entry = desc.childNodes[ii];
            name = entry.nodeName.toLowerCase();
            this.metadata[name] = entry.textContent.trim();

    get: function Metadata_get(name) {
      return this.metadata[name] || null;

    has: function Metadata_has(name) {
      return typeof this.metadata[name] !== 'undefined';

  return Metadata;

// <canvas> contexts store most of the state we need natively.
// However, PDF needs a bit more state, which we store here.

// Minimal font size that would be used during canvas fillText operations.
var MIN_FONT_SIZE = 16;
// Maximum font size that would be used during canvas fillText operations.
var MAX_FONT_SIZE = 100;
var MAX_GROUP_SIZE = 4096;

// Heuristic value used when enforcing minimum line widths.
var MIN_WIDTH_FACTOR = 0.65;



function createScratchCanvas(width, height) {
  var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
  canvas.width = width;
  canvas.height = height;
  return canvas;

function addContextCurrentTransform(ctx) {
  // If the context doesn't expose a `mozCurrentTransform`, add a JS based one.
  if (!ctx.mozCurrentTransform) {
    ctx._originalSave =;
    ctx._originalRestore = ctx.restore;
    ctx._originalRotate = ctx.rotate;
    ctx._originalScale = ctx.scale;
    ctx._originalTranslate = ctx.translate;
    ctx._originalTransform = ctx.transform;
    ctx._originalSetTransform = ctx.setTransform;

    ctx._transformMatrix = ctx._transformMatrix || [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
    ctx._transformStack = [];

    Object.defineProperty(ctx, 'mozCurrentTransform', {
      get: function getCurrentTransform() {
        return this._transformMatrix;

    Object.defineProperty(ctx, 'mozCurrentTransformInverse', {
      get: function getCurrentTransformInverse() {
        // Calculation done using WolframAlpha:
        //   i=Inverse+{{a%2C+c%2C+e}%2C+{b%2C+d%2C+f}%2C+{0%2C+0%2C+1}}

        var m = this._transformMatrix;
        var a = m[0], b = m[1], c = m[2], d = m[3], e = m[4], f = m[5];

        var ad_bc = a * d - b * c;
        var bc_ad = b * c - a * d;

        return [
          d / ad_bc,
          b / bc_ad,
          c / bc_ad,
          a / ad_bc,
          (d * e - c * f) / bc_ad,
          (b * e - a * f) / ad_bc
    }); = function ctxSave() {
      var old = this._transformMatrix;
      this._transformMatrix = old.slice(0, 6);


    ctx.restore = function ctxRestore() {
      var prev = this._transformStack.pop();
      if (prev) {
        this._transformMatrix = prev;

    ctx.translate = function ctxTranslate(x, y) {
      var m = this._transformMatrix;
      m[4] = m[0] * x + m[2] * y + m[4];
      m[5] = m[1] * x + m[3] * y + m[5];

      this._originalTranslate(x, y);

    ctx.scale = function ctxScale(x, y) {
      var m = this._transformMatrix;
      m[0] = m[0] * x;
      m[1] = m[1] * x;
      m[2] = m[2] * y;
      m[3] = m[3] * y;

      this._originalScale(x, y);

    ctx.transform = function ctxTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
      var m = this._transformMatrix;
      this._transformMatrix = [
        m[0] * a + m[2] * b,
        m[1] * a + m[3] * b,
        m[0] * c + m[2] * d,
        m[1] * c + m[3] * d,
        m[0] * e + m[2] * f + m[4],
        m[1] * e + m[3] * f + m[5]

      ctx._originalTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f);

    ctx.setTransform = function ctxSetTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
      this._transformMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f];

      ctx._originalSetTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f);

    ctx.rotate = function ctxRotate(angle) {
      var cosValue = Math.cos(angle);
      var sinValue = Math.sin(angle);

      var m = this._transformMatrix;
      this._transformMatrix = [
        m[0] * cosValue + m[2] * sinValue,
        m[1] * cosValue + m[3] * sinValue,
        m[0] * (-sinValue) + m[2] * cosValue,
        m[1] * (-sinValue) + m[3] * cosValue,


var CachedCanvases = (function CachedCanvasesClosure() {
  var cache = {};
  return {
    getCanvas: function CachedCanvases_getCanvas(id, width, height,
                                                 trackTransform) {
      var canvasEntry;
      if (cache[id] !== undefined) {
        canvasEntry = cache[id];
        canvasEntry.canvas.width = width;
        canvasEntry.canvas.height = height;
        // reset canvas transform for emulated mozCurrentTransform, if needed
        canvasEntry.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
      } else {
        var canvas = createScratchCanvas(width, height);
        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        if (trackTransform) {
        cache[id] = canvasEntry = {canvas: canvas, context: ctx};
      return canvasEntry;
    clear: function () {
      for (var id in cache) {
        var canvasEntry = cache[id];
        // Zeroing the width and height causes Firefox to release graphics
        // resources immediately, which can greatly reduce memory consumption.
        canvasEntry.canvas.width = 0;
        canvasEntry.canvas.height = 0;
        delete cache[id];

function compileType3Glyph(imgData) {

  var width = imgData.width, height = imgData.height;
  var i, j, j0, width1 = width + 1;
  var points = new Uint8Array(width1 * (height + 1));
      new Uint8Array([0, 2, 4, 0, 1, 0, 5, 4, 8, 10, 0, 8, 0, 2, 1, 0]);

  // decodes bit-packed mask data
  var lineSize = (width + 7) & ~7, data0 =;
  var data = new Uint8Array(lineSize * height), pos = 0, ii;
  for (i = 0, ii = data0.length; i < ii; i++) {
    var mask = 128, elem = data0[i];
    while (mask > 0) {
      data[pos++] = (elem & mask) ? 0 : 255;
      mask >>= 1;

  // finding iteresting points: every point is located between mask pixels,
  // so there will be points of the (width + 1)x(height + 1) grid. Every point
  // will have flags assigned based on neighboring mask pixels:
  //   4 | 8
  //   --P--
  //   2 | 1
  // We are interested only in points with the flags:
  //   - outside corners: 1, 2, 4, 8;
  //   - inside corners: 7, 11, 13, 14;
  //   - and, intersections: 5, 10.
  var count = 0;
  pos = 0;
  if (data[pos] !== 0) {
    points[0] = 1;
  for (j = 1; j < width; j++) {
    if (data[pos] !== data[pos + 1]) {
      points[j] = data[pos] ? 2 : 1;
  if (data[pos] !== 0) {
    points[j] = 2;
  for (i = 1; i < height; i++) {
    pos = i * lineSize;
    j0 = i * width1;
    if (data[pos - lineSize] !== data[pos]) {
      points[j0] = data[pos] ? 1 : 8;
    // 'sum' is the position of the current pixel configuration in the 'TYPES'
    // array (in order 8-1-2-4, so we can use '>>2' to shift the column).
    var sum = (data[pos] ? 4 : 0) + (data[pos - lineSize] ? 8 : 0);
    for (j = 1; j < width; j++) {
      sum = (sum >> 2) + (data[pos + 1] ? 4 : 0) +
            (data[pos - lineSize + 1] ? 8 : 0);
      if (POINT_TYPES[sum]) {
        points[j0 + j] = POINT_TYPES[sum];
    if (data[pos - lineSize] !== data[pos]) {
      points[j0 + j] = data[pos] ? 2 : 4;

    if (count > POINT_TO_PROCESS_LIMIT) {
      return null;

  pos = lineSize * (height - 1);
  j0 = i * width1;
  if (data[pos] !== 0) {
    points[j0] = 8;
  for (j = 1; j < width; j++) {
    if (data[pos] !== data[pos + 1]) {
      points[j0 + j] = data[pos] ? 4 : 8;
  if (data[pos] !== 0) {
    points[j0 + j] = 4;
  if (count > POINT_TO_PROCESS_LIMIT) {
    return null;

  // building outlines
  var steps = new Int32Array([0, width1, -1, 0, -width1, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
  var outlines = [];
  for (i = 0; count && i <= height; i++) {
    var p = i * width1;
    var end = p + width;
    while (p < end && !points[p]) {
    if (p === end) {
    var coords = [p % width1, i];

    var type = points[p], p0 = p, pp;
    do {
      var step = steps[type];
      do {
        p += step;
      } while (!points[p]);

      pp = points[p];
      if (pp !== 5 && pp !== 10) {
        // set new direction
        type = pp;
        // delete mark
        points[p] = 0;
      } else { // type is 5 or 10, ie, a crossing
        // set new direction
        type = pp & ((0x33 * type) >> 4);
        // set new type for "future hit"
        points[p] &= (type >> 2 | type << 2);

      coords.push(p % width1);
      coords.push((p / width1) | 0);
    } while (p0 !== p);

  var drawOutline = function(c) {;
    // the path shall be painted in [0..1]x[0..1] space
    c.scale(1 / width, -1 / height);
    c.translate(0, -height);
    for (var i = 0, ii = outlines.length; i < ii; i++) {
      var o = outlines[i];
      c.moveTo(o[0], o[1]);
      for (var j = 2, jj = o.length; j < jj; j += 2) {
        c.lineTo(o[j], o[j+1]);

  return drawOutline;

var CanvasExtraState = (function CanvasExtraStateClosure() {
  function CanvasExtraState(old) {
    // Are soft masks and alpha values shapes or opacities?
    this.alphaIsShape = false;
    this.fontSize = 0;
    this.fontSizeScale = 1;
    this.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
    this.textMatrixScale = 1;
    this.fontMatrix = FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX;
    this.leading = 0;
    // Current point (in user coordinates)
    this.x = 0;
    this.y = 0;
    // Start of text line (in text coordinates)
    this.lineX = 0;
    this.lineY = 0;
    // Character and word spacing
    this.charSpacing = 0;
    this.wordSpacing = 0;
    this.textHScale = 1;
    this.textRenderingMode = TextRenderingMode.FILL;
    this.textRise = 0;
    // Default fore and background colors
    this.fillColor = '#000000';
    this.strokeColor = '#000000';
    this.patternFill = false;
    // Note: fill alpha applies to all non-stroking operations
    this.fillAlpha = 1;
    this.strokeAlpha = 1;
    this.lineWidth = 1;
    this.activeSMask = null; // nonclonable field (see the save method below)

    this.old = old;

  CanvasExtraState.prototype = {
    clone: function CanvasExtraState_clone() {
      return Object.create(this);
    setCurrentPoint: function CanvasExtraState_setCurrentPoint(x, y) {
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;
  return CanvasExtraState;

var CanvasGraphics = (function CanvasGraphicsClosure() {
  // Defines the time the executeOperatorList is going to be executing
  // before it stops and shedules a continue of execution.
  var EXECUTION_TIME = 15;
  // Defines the number of steps before checking the execution time

  function CanvasGraphics(canvasCtx, commonObjs, objs, imageLayer) {
    this.ctx = canvasCtx;
    this.current = new CanvasExtraState();
    this.stateStack = [];
    this.pendingClip = null;
    this.pendingEOFill = false;
    this.res = null;
    this.xobjs = null;
    this.commonObjs = commonObjs;
    this.objs = objs;
    this.imageLayer = imageLayer;
    this.groupStack = [];
    this.processingType3 = null;
    // Patterns are painted relative to the initial page/form transform, see pdf
    // spec 8.7.2 NOTE 1.
    this.baseTransform = null;
    this.baseTransformStack = [];
    this.groupLevel = 0;
    this.smaskStack = [];
    this.smaskCounter = 0;
    this.tempSMask = null;
    if (canvasCtx) {
      // NOTE: if mozCurrentTransform is polyfilled, then the current state of
      // the transformation must already be set in canvasCtx._transformMatrix.
    this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null;

  function putBinaryImageData(ctx, imgData) {
    if (typeof ImageData !== 'undefined' && imgData instanceof ImageData) {
      ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0);

    // Put the image data to the canvas in chunks, rather than putting the
    // whole image at once.  This saves JS memory, because the ImageData object
    // is smaller. It also possibly saves C++ memory within the implementation
    // of putImageData(). (E.g. in Firefox we make two short-lived copies of
    // the data passed to putImageData()). |n| shouldn't be too small, however,
    // because too many putImageData() calls will slow things down.
    // Note: as written, if the last chunk is partial, the putImageData() call
    // will (conceptually) put pixels past the bounds of the canvas.  But
    // that's ok; any such pixels are ignored.

    var height = imgData.height, width = imgData.width;
    var partialChunkHeight = height % FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT;
    var fullChunks = (height - partialChunkHeight) / FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT;
    var totalChunks = partialChunkHeight === 0 ? fullChunks : fullChunks + 1;

    var chunkImgData = ctx.createImageData(width, FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT);
    var srcPos = 0, destPos;
    var src =;
    var dest =;
    var i, j, thisChunkHeight, elemsInThisChunk;

    // There are multiple forms in which the pixel data can be passed, and
    // imgData.kind tells us which one this is.
    if (imgData.kind === ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP) {
      // Grayscale, 1 bit per pixel (i.e. black-and-white).
      var srcLength = src.byteLength;
      var dest32 = PDFJS.hasCanvasTypedArrays ? new Uint32Array(dest.buffer) :
        new Uint32ArrayView(dest);
      var dest32DataLength = dest32.length;
      var fullSrcDiff = (width + 7) >> 3;
      var white = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      var black = (PDFJS.isLittleEndian || !PDFJS.hasCanvasTypedArrays) ?
        0xFF000000 : 0x000000FF;
      for (i = 0; i < totalChunks; i++) {
        thisChunkHeight =
          (i < fullChunks) ? FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT : partialChunkHeight;
        destPos = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < thisChunkHeight; j++) {
          var srcDiff = srcLength - srcPos;
          var k = 0;
          var kEnd = (srcDiff > fullSrcDiff) ? width : srcDiff * 8 - 7;
          var kEndUnrolled = kEnd & ~7;
          var mask = 0;
          var srcByte = 0;
          for (; k < kEndUnrolled; k += 8) {
            srcByte = src[srcPos++];
            dest32[destPos++] = (srcByte & 128) ? white : black;
            dest32[destPos++] = (srcByte & 64) ? white : black;
            dest32[destPos++] = (srcByte & 32) ? white : black;
            dest32[destPos++] = (srcByte & 16) ? white : black;
            dest32[destPos++] = (srcByte & 8) ? white : black;
            dest32[destPos++] = (srcByte & 4) ? white : black;
            dest32[destPos++] = (srcByte & 2) ? white : black;
            dest32[destPos++] = (srcByte & 1) ? white : black;
          for (; k < kEnd; k++) {
             if (mask === 0) {
               srcByte = src[srcPos++];
               mask = 128;

            dest32[destPos++] = (srcByte & mask) ? white : black;
            mask >>= 1;
        // We ran out of input. Make all remaining pixels transparent.
        while (destPos < dest32DataLength) {
          dest32[destPos++] = 0;

        ctx.putImageData(chunkImgData, 0, i * FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT);
    } else if (imgData.kind === ImageKind.RGBA_32BPP) {
      // RGBA, 32-bits per pixel.

      j = 0;
      elemsInThisChunk = width * FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT * 4;
      for (i = 0; i < fullChunks; i++) {
        dest.set(src.subarray(srcPos, srcPos + elemsInThisChunk));
        srcPos += elemsInThisChunk;

        ctx.putImageData(chunkImgData, 0, j);
        j += FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT;
      if (i < totalChunks) {
        elemsInThisChunk = width * partialChunkHeight * 4;
        dest.set(src.subarray(srcPos, srcPos + elemsInThisChunk));
        ctx.putImageData(chunkImgData, 0, j);

    } else if (imgData.kind === ImageKind.RGB_24BPP) {
      // RGB, 24-bits per pixel.
      thisChunkHeight = FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT;
      elemsInThisChunk = width * thisChunkHeight;
      for (i = 0; i < totalChunks; i++) {
        if (i >= fullChunks) {
          thisChunkHeight = partialChunkHeight;
          elemsInThisChunk = width * thisChunkHeight;

        destPos = 0;
        for (j = elemsInThisChunk; j--;) {
          dest[destPos++] = src[srcPos++];
          dest[destPos++] = src[srcPos++];
          dest[destPos++] = src[srcPos++];
          dest[destPos++] = 255;
        ctx.putImageData(chunkImgData, 0, i * FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT);
    } else {
      error('bad image kind: ' + imgData.kind);

  function putBinaryImageMask(ctx, imgData) {
    var height = imgData.height, width = imgData.width;
    var partialChunkHeight = height % FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT;
    var fullChunks = (height - partialChunkHeight) / FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT;
    var totalChunks = partialChunkHeight === 0 ? fullChunks : fullChunks + 1;

    var chunkImgData = ctx.createImageData(width, FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT);
    var srcPos = 0;
    var src =;
    var dest =;

    for (var i = 0; i < totalChunks; i++) {
      var thisChunkHeight =
        (i < fullChunks) ? FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT : partialChunkHeight;

      // Expand the mask so it can be used by the canvas.  Any required
      // inversion has already been handled.
      var destPos = 3; // alpha component offset
      for (var j = 0; j < thisChunkHeight; j++) {
        var mask = 0;
        for (var k = 0; k < width; k++) {
          if (!mask) {
            var elem = src[srcPos++];
            mask = 128;
          dest[destPos] = (elem & mask) ? 0 : 255;
          destPos += 4;
          mask >>= 1;
      ctx.putImageData(chunkImgData, 0, i * FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT);

  function copyCtxState(sourceCtx, destCtx) {
    var properties = ['strokeStyle', 'fillStyle', 'fillRule', 'globalAlpha',
                      'lineWidth', 'lineCap', 'lineJoin', 'miterLimit',
                      'globalCompositeOperation', 'font'];
    for (var i = 0, ii = properties.length; i < ii; i++) {
      var property = properties[i];
      if (sourceCtx[property] !== undefined) {
        destCtx[property] = sourceCtx[property];
    if (sourceCtx.setLineDash !== undefined) {
      destCtx.lineDashOffset =  sourceCtx.lineDashOffset;
    } else if (sourceCtx.mozDashOffset !== undefined) {
      destCtx.mozDash = sourceCtx.mozDash;
      destCtx.mozDashOffset = sourceCtx.mozDashOffset;

  function composeSMaskBackdrop(bytes, r0, g0, b0) {
    var length = bytes.length;
    for (var i = 3; i < length; i += 4) {
      var alpha = bytes[i];
      if (alpha === 0) {
        bytes[i - 3] = r0;
        bytes[i - 2] = g0;
        bytes[i - 1] = b0;
      } else if (alpha < 255) {
        var alpha_ = 255 - alpha;
        bytes[i - 3] = (bytes[i - 3] * alpha + r0 * alpha_) >> 8;
        bytes[i - 2] = (bytes[i - 2] * alpha + g0 * alpha_) >> 8;
        bytes[i - 1] = (bytes[i - 1] * alpha + b0 * alpha_) >> 8;

  function composeSMaskAlpha(maskData, layerData) {
    var length = maskData.length;
    var scale = 1 / 255;
    for (var i = 3; i < length; i += 4) {
      var alpha = maskData[i];
      layerData[i] = (layerData[i] * alpha * scale) | 0;

  function composeSMaskLuminosity(maskData, layerData) {
    var length = maskData.length;
    for (var i = 3; i < length; i += 4) {
      var y = (maskData[i - 3] * 77) +  // * 0.3 / 255 * 0x10000
              (maskData[i - 2] * 152) + // * 0.59 ....
              (maskData[i - 1] * 28);   // * 0.11 ....
      layerData[i] = (layerData[i] * y) >> 16;

  function genericComposeSMask(maskCtx, layerCtx, width, height,
                               subtype, backdrop) {
    var hasBackdrop = !!backdrop;
    var r0 = hasBackdrop ? backdrop[0] : 0;
    var g0 = hasBackdrop ? backdrop[1] : 0;
    var b0 = hasBackdrop ? backdrop[2] : 0;

    var composeFn;
    if (subtype === 'Luminosity') {
      composeFn = composeSMaskLuminosity;
    } else {
      composeFn = composeSMaskAlpha;

    // processing image in chunks to save memory
    var PIXELS_TO_PROCESS = 1048576;
    var chunkSize = Math.min(height, Math.ceil(PIXELS_TO_PROCESS / width));
    for (var row = 0; row < height; row += chunkSize) {
      var chunkHeight = Math.min(chunkSize, height - row);
      var maskData = maskCtx.getImageData(0, row, width, chunkHeight);
      var layerData = layerCtx.getImageData(0, row, width, chunkHeight);

      if (hasBackdrop) {
        composeSMaskBackdrop(, r0, g0, b0);

      maskCtx.putImageData(layerData, 0, row);

  function composeSMask(ctx, smask, layerCtx) {
    var mask = smask.canvas;
    var maskCtx = smask.context;

    ctx.setTransform(smask.scaleX, 0, 0, smask.scaleY,
                     smask.offsetX, smask.offsetY);

    var backdrop = smask.backdrop || null;
    if (WebGLUtils.isEnabled) {
      var composed = WebGLUtils.composeSMask(layerCtx.canvas, mask,
        {subtype: smask.subtype, backdrop: backdrop});
      ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
      ctx.drawImage(composed, smask.offsetX, smask.offsetY);
    genericComposeSMask(maskCtx, layerCtx, mask.width, mask.height,
                        smask.subtype, backdrop);
    ctx.drawImage(mask, 0, 0);

  var LINE_CAP_STYLES = ['butt', 'round', 'square'];
  var LINE_JOIN_STYLES = ['miter', 'round', 'bevel'];
  var NORMAL_CLIP = {};
  var EO_CLIP = {};

  CanvasGraphics.prototype = {

    beginDrawing: function CanvasGraphics_beginDrawing(viewport, transparency) {
      // For pdfs that use blend modes we have to clear the canvas else certain
      // blend modes can look wrong since we'd be blending with a white
      // backdrop. The problem with a transparent backdrop though is we then
      // don't get sub pixel anti aliasing on text, so we fill with white if
      // we can.
      var width = this.ctx.canvas.width;
      var height = this.ctx.canvas.height;
      if (transparency) {
        this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
      } else {
        this.ctx.mozOpaque = true;;
        this.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)';
        this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

      var transform = viewport.transform;;
      this.ctx.transform.apply(this.ctx, transform);

      this.baseTransform = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransform.slice();

      if (this.imageLayer) {

    executeOperatorList: function CanvasGraphics_executeOperatorList(
                                    executionStartIdx, continueCallback,
                                    stepper) {
      var argsArray = operatorList.argsArray;
      var fnArray = operatorList.fnArray;
      var i = executionStartIdx || 0;
      var argsArrayLen = argsArray.length;

      // Sometimes the OperatorList to execute is empty.
      if (argsArrayLen === i) {
        return i;

      var chunkOperations = (argsArrayLen - i > EXECUTION_STEPS &&
                             typeof continueCallback === 'function');
      var endTime = chunkOperations ? + EXECUTION_TIME : 0;
      var steps = 0;

      var commonObjs = this.commonObjs;
      var objs = this.objs;
      var fnId;

      while (true) {
        if (stepper !== undefined && i === stepper.nextBreakPoint) {
          stepper.breakIt(i, continueCallback);
          return i;

        fnId = fnArray[i];

        if (fnId !== OPS.dependency) {
          this[fnId].apply(this, argsArray[i]);
        } else {
          var deps = argsArray[i];
          for (var n = 0, nn = deps.length; n < nn; n++) {
            var depObjId = deps[n];
            var common = depObjId[0] === 'g' && depObjId[1] === '_';
            var objsPool = common ? commonObjs : objs;

            // If the promise isn't resolved yet, add the continueCallback
            // to the promise and bail out.
            if (!objsPool.isResolved(depObjId)) {
              objsPool.get(depObjId, continueCallback);
              return i;


        // If the entire operatorList was executed, stop as were done.
        if (i === argsArrayLen) {
          return i;

        // If the execution took longer then a certain amount of time and
        // `continueCallback` is specified, interrupt the execution.
        if (chunkOperations && ++steps > EXECUTION_STEPS) {
          if ( > endTime) {
            return i;
          steps = 0;

        // If the operatorList isn't executed completely yet OR the execution
        // time was short enough, do another execution round.

    endDrawing: function CanvasGraphics_endDrawing() {

      if (this.imageLayer) {

    // Graphics state
    setLineWidth: function CanvasGraphics_setLineWidth(width) {
      this.current.lineWidth = width;
      this.ctx.lineWidth = width;
    setLineCap: function CanvasGraphics_setLineCap(style) {
      this.ctx.lineCap = LINE_CAP_STYLES[style];
    setLineJoin: function CanvasGraphics_setLineJoin(style) {
      this.ctx.lineJoin = LINE_JOIN_STYLES[style];
    setMiterLimit: function CanvasGraphics_setMiterLimit(limit) {
      this.ctx.miterLimit = limit;
    setDash: function CanvasGraphics_setDash(dashArray, dashPhase) {
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      if (ctx.setLineDash !== undefined) {
        ctx.lineDashOffset = dashPhase;
      } else {
        ctx.mozDash = dashArray;
        ctx.mozDashOffset = dashPhase;
    setRenderingIntent: function CanvasGraphics_setRenderingIntent(intent) {
      // Maybe if we one day fully support color spaces this will be important
      // for now we can ignore.
      // TODO set rendering intent?
    setFlatness: function CanvasGraphics_setFlatness(flatness) {
      // There's no way to control this with canvas, but we can safely ignore.
      // TODO set flatness?
    setGState: function CanvasGraphics_setGState(states) {
      for (var i = 0, ii = states.length; i < ii; i++) {
        var state = states[i];
        var key = state[0];
        var value = state[1];

        switch (key) {
          case 'LW':
          case 'LC':
          case 'LJ':
          case 'ML':
          case 'D':
            this.setDash(value[0], value[1]);
          case 'RI':
          case 'FL':
          case 'Font':
            this.setFont(value[0], value[1]);
          case 'CA':
            this.current.strokeAlpha = state[1];
          case 'ca':
            this.current.fillAlpha = state[1];
            this.ctx.globalAlpha = state[1];
          case 'BM':
            if (value && && ( !== 'Normal')) {
              var mode =[A-Z])/g,
                function(c) {
                  return '-' + c.toLowerCase();
              this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = mode;
              if (this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation !== mode) {
                warn('globalCompositeOperation "' + mode +
                     '" is not supported');
            } else {
              this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
          case 'SMask':
            if (this.current.activeSMask) {
            this.current.activeSMask = value ? this.tempSMask : null;
            if (this.current.activeSMask) {
            this.tempSMask = null;
    beginSMaskGroup: function CanvasGraphics_beginSMaskGroup() {

      var activeSMask = this.current.activeSMask;
      var drawnWidth = activeSMask.canvas.width;
      var drawnHeight = activeSMask.canvas.height;
      var cacheId = 'smaskGroupAt' + this.groupLevel;
      var scratchCanvas = CachedCanvases.getCanvas(
        cacheId, drawnWidth, drawnHeight, true);

      var currentCtx = this.ctx;
      var currentTransform = currentCtx.mozCurrentTransform;;

      var groupCtx = scratchCanvas.context;
      groupCtx.scale(1 / activeSMask.scaleX, 1 / activeSMask.scaleY);
      groupCtx.translate(-activeSMask.offsetX, -activeSMask.offsetY);
      groupCtx.transform.apply(groupCtx, currentTransform);

      copyCtxState(currentCtx, groupCtx);
      this.ctx = groupCtx;
        ['BM', 'Normal'],
        ['ca', 1],
        ['CA', 1]
    endSMaskGroup: function CanvasGraphics_endSMaskGroup() {
      var groupCtx = this.ctx;
      this.ctx = this.groupStack.pop();

      composeSMask(this.ctx, this.current.activeSMask, groupCtx);
    save: function CanvasGraphics_save() {;
      var old = this.current;
      this.current = old.clone();
      this.current.activeSMask = null;
    restore: function CanvasGraphics_restore() {
      if (this.stateStack.length !== 0) {
        if (this.current.activeSMask !== null) {

        this.current = this.stateStack.pop();

        this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null;
    transform: function CanvasGraphics_transform(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
      this.ctx.transform(a, b, c, d, e, f);

      this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null;

    // Path
    constructPath: function CanvasGraphics_constructPath(ops, args) {
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      var current = this.current;
      var x = current.x, y = current.y;
      for (var i = 0, j = 0, ii = ops.length; i < ii; i++) {
        switch (ops[i] | 0) {
          case OPS.rectangle:
            x = args[j++];
            y = args[j++];
            var width = args[j++];
            var height = args[j++];
            if (width === 0) {
              width = this.getSinglePixelWidth();
            if (height === 0) {
              height = this.getSinglePixelWidth();
            var xw = x + width;
            var yh = y + height;
            this.ctx.moveTo(x, y);
            this.ctx.lineTo(xw, y);
            this.ctx.lineTo(xw, yh);
            this.ctx.lineTo(x, yh);
            this.ctx.lineTo(x, y);
          case OPS.moveTo:
            x = args[j++];
            y = args[j++];
            ctx.moveTo(x, y);
          case OPS.lineTo:
            x = args[j++];
            y = args[j++];
            ctx.lineTo(x, y);
          case OPS.curveTo:
            x = args[j + 4];
            y = args[j + 5];
            ctx.bezierCurveTo(args[j], args[j + 1], args[j + 2], args[j + 3],
                              x, y);
            j += 6;
          case OPS.curveTo2:
            ctx.bezierCurveTo(x, y, args[j], args[j + 1],
                              args[j + 2], args[j + 3]);
            x = args[j + 2];
            y = args[j + 3];
            j += 4;
          case OPS.curveTo3:
            x = args[j + 2];
            y = args[j + 3];
            ctx.bezierCurveTo(args[j], args[j + 1], x, y, x, y);
            j += 4;
          case OPS.closePath:
      current.setCurrentPoint(x, y);
    closePath: function CanvasGraphics_closePath() {
    stroke: function CanvasGraphics_stroke(consumePath) {
      consumePath = typeof consumePath !== 'undefined' ? consumePath : true;
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      var strokeColor = this.current.strokeColor;
      // Prevent drawing too thin lines by enforcing a minimum line width.
      ctx.lineWidth = Math.max(this.getSinglePixelWidth() * MIN_WIDTH_FACTOR,
      // For stroke we want to temporarily change the global alpha to the
      // stroking alpha.
      ctx.globalAlpha = this.current.strokeAlpha;
      if (strokeColor && strokeColor.hasOwnProperty('type') &&
          strokeColor.type === 'Pattern') {
        // for patterns, we transform to pattern space, calculate
        // the pattern, call stroke, and restore to user space;
        ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor.getPattern(ctx, this);
      } else {
      if (consumePath) {
      // Restore the global alpha to the fill alpha
      ctx.globalAlpha = this.current.fillAlpha;
    closeStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeStroke() {
    fill: function CanvasGraphics_fill(consumePath) {
      consumePath = typeof consumePath !== 'undefined' ? consumePath : true;
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      var fillColor = this.current.fillColor;
      var isPatternFill = this.current.patternFill;
      var needRestore = false;

      if (isPatternFill) {;
        ctx.fillStyle = fillColor.getPattern(ctx, this);
        needRestore = true;

      if (this.pendingEOFill) {
        if (ctx.mozFillRule !== undefined) {
          ctx.mozFillRule = 'evenodd';
          ctx.mozFillRule = 'nonzero';
        } else {
          try {
          } catch (ex) {
            // shouldn't really happen, but browsers might think differently
        this.pendingEOFill = false;
      } else {

      if (needRestore) {
      if (consumePath) {
    eoFill: function CanvasGraphics_eoFill() {
      this.pendingEOFill = true;
    fillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_fillStroke() {

    eoFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_eoFillStroke() {
      this.pendingEOFill = true;
    closeFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeFillStroke() {
    closeEOFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeEOFillStroke() {
      this.pendingEOFill = true;
    endPath: function CanvasGraphics_endPath() {

    // Clipping
    clip: function CanvasGraphics_clip() {
      this.pendingClip = NORMAL_CLIP;
    eoClip: function CanvasGraphics_eoClip() {
      this.pendingClip = EO_CLIP;

    // Text
    beginText: function CanvasGraphics_beginText() {
      this.current.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
      this.current.textMatrixScale = 1;
      this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0;
      this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0;
    endText: function CanvasGraphics_endText() {
      var paths = this.pendingTextPaths;
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      if (paths === undefined) {
      for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
        var path = paths[i];
        ctx.setTransform.apply(ctx, path.transform);
        ctx.translate(path.x, path.y);
        path.addToPath(ctx, path.fontSize);
      delete this.pendingTextPaths;
    setCharSpacing: function CanvasGraphics_setCharSpacing(spacing) {
      this.current.charSpacing = spacing;
    setWordSpacing: function CanvasGraphics_setWordSpacing(spacing) {
      this.current.wordSpacing = spacing;
    setHScale: function CanvasGraphics_setHScale(scale) {
      this.current.textHScale = scale / 100;
    setLeading: function CanvasGraphics_setLeading(leading) {
      this.current.leading = -leading;
    setFont: function CanvasGraphics_setFont(fontRefName, size) {
      var fontObj = this.commonObjs.get(fontRefName);
      var current = this.current;

      if (!fontObj) {
        error('Can\'t find font for ' + fontRefName);

      current.fontMatrix = (fontObj.fontMatrix ?
                            fontObj.fontMatrix : FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX);

      // A valid matrix needs all main diagonal elements to be non-zero
      // This also ensures we bypass FF bugzilla bug #719844.
      if (current.fontMatrix[0] === 0 ||
          current.fontMatrix[3] === 0) {
        warn('Invalid font matrix for font ' + fontRefName);

      // The spec for Tf (setFont) says that 'size' specifies the font 'scale',
      // and in some docs this can be negative (inverted x-y axes).
      if (size < 0) {
        size = -size;
        current.fontDirection = -1;
      } else {
        current.fontDirection = 1;

      this.current.font = fontObj;
      this.current.fontSize = size;

      if (fontObj.isType3Font) {
        return; // we don't need ctx.font for Type3 fonts

      var name = fontObj.loadedName || 'sans-serif';
      var bold = ? (fontObj.bold ? 'bolder' : 'bold') :
                                 (fontObj.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal');

      var italic = fontObj.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal';
      var typeface = '"' + name + '", ' + fontObj.fallbackName;

      // Some font backends cannot handle fonts below certain size.
      // Keeping the font at minimal size and using the fontSizeScale to change
      // the current transformation matrix before the fillText/strokeText.
      // See
      var browserFontSize = size < MIN_FONT_SIZE ? MIN_FONT_SIZE :
                            size > MAX_FONT_SIZE ? MAX_FONT_SIZE : size;
      this.current.fontSizeScale = size / browserFontSize;

      var rule = italic + ' ' + bold + ' ' + browserFontSize + 'px ' + typeface;
      this.ctx.font = rule;
    setTextRenderingMode: function CanvasGraphics_setTextRenderingMode(mode) {
      this.current.textRenderingMode = mode;
    setTextRise: function CanvasGraphics_setTextRise(rise) {
      this.current.textRise = rise;
    moveText: function CanvasGraphics_moveText(x, y) {
      this.current.x = this.current.lineX += x;
      this.current.y = this.current.lineY += y;
    setLeadingMoveText: function CanvasGraphics_setLeadingMoveText(x, y) {
      this.moveText(x, y);
    setTextMatrix: function CanvasGraphics_setTextMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
      this.current.textMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f];
      this.current.textMatrixScale = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);

      this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0;
      this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0;
    nextLine: function CanvasGraphics_nextLine() {
      this.moveText(0, this.current.leading);

    paintChar: function CanvasGraphics_paintChar(character, x, y) {
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      var current = this.current;
      var font = current.font;
      var textRenderingMode = current.textRenderingMode;
      var fontSize = current.fontSize / current.fontSizeScale;
      var fillStrokeMode = textRenderingMode &
      var isAddToPathSet = !!(textRenderingMode &

      var addToPath;
      if (font.disableFontFace || isAddToPathSet) {
        addToPath = font.getPathGenerator(this.commonObjs, character);

      if (font.disableFontFace) {;
        ctx.translate(x, y);
        addToPath(ctx, fontSize);
        if (fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL ||
            fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) {
        if (fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.STROKE ||
            fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) {
      } else {
        if (fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL ||
            fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) {
          ctx.fillText(character, x, y);
        if (fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.STROKE ||
            fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) {
          ctx.strokeText(character, x, y);

      if (isAddToPathSet) {
        var paths = this.pendingTextPaths || (this.pendingTextPaths = []);
          transform: ctx.mozCurrentTransform,
          x: x,
          y: y,
          fontSize: fontSize,
          addToPath: addToPath

    get isFontSubpixelAAEnabled() {
      // Checks if anti-aliasing is enabled when scaled text is painted.
      // On Windows GDI scaled fonts looks bad.
      var ctx = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');
      ctx.scale(1.5, 1);
      ctx.fillText('I', 0, 10);
      var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 10, 10).data;
      var enabled = false;
      for (var i = 3; i < data.length; i += 4) {
        if (data[i] > 0 && data[i] < 255) {
          enabled = true;
      return shadow(this, 'isFontSubpixelAAEnabled', enabled);

    showText: function CanvasGraphics_showText(glyphs) {
      var current = this.current;
      var font = current.font;
      if (font.isType3Font) {
        return this.showType3Text(glyphs);

      var fontSize = current.fontSize;
      if (fontSize === 0) {

      var ctx = this.ctx;
      var fontSizeScale = current.fontSizeScale;
      var charSpacing = current.charSpacing;
      var wordSpacing = current.wordSpacing;
      var fontDirection = current.fontDirection;
      var textHScale = current.textHScale * fontDirection;
      var glyphsLength = glyphs.length;
      var vertical = font.vertical;
      var defaultVMetrics = font.defaultVMetrics;
      var widthAdvanceScale = fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0];

      var simpleFillText =
        current.textRenderingMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL &&
      ctx.transform.apply(ctx, current.textMatrix);
      ctx.translate(current.x, current.y + current.textRise);

      if (fontDirection > 0) {
        ctx.scale(textHScale, -1);
      } else {
        ctx.scale(textHScale, 1);

      var lineWidth = current.lineWidth;
      var scale = current.textMatrixScale;
      if (scale === 0 || lineWidth === 0) {
        var fillStrokeMode = current.textRenderingMode &
        if (fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.STROKE ||
            fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) {
          this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null;
          lineWidth = this.getSinglePixelWidth() * MIN_WIDTH_FACTOR;
      } else {
        lineWidth /= scale;

      if (fontSizeScale !== 1.0) {
        ctx.scale(fontSizeScale, fontSizeScale);
        lineWidth /= fontSizeScale;

      ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;

      var x = 0, i;
      for (i = 0; i < glyphsLength; ++i) {
        var glyph = glyphs[i];
        if (glyph === null) {
          // word break
          x += fontDirection * wordSpacing;
        } else if (isNum(glyph)) {
          x += -glyph * fontSize * 0.001;

        var restoreNeeded = false;
        var character = glyph.fontChar;
        var accent = glyph.accent;
        var scaledX, scaledY, scaledAccentX, scaledAccentY;
        var width = glyph.width;
        if (vertical) {
          var vmetric, vx, vy;
          vmetric = glyph.vmetric || defaultVMetrics;
          vx = glyph.vmetric ? vmetric[1] : width * 0.5;
          vx = -vx * widthAdvanceScale;
          vy = vmetric[2] * widthAdvanceScale;

          width = vmetric ? -vmetric[0] : width;
          scaledX = vx / fontSizeScale;
          scaledY = (x + vy) / fontSizeScale;
        } else {
          scaledX = x / fontSizeScale;
          scaledY = 0;

        if (font.remeasure && width > 0 && this.isFontSubpixelAAEnabled) {
          // some standard fonts may not have the exact width, trying to
          // rescale per character
          var measuredWidth = ctx.measureText(character).width * 1000 /
            fontSize * fontSizeScale;
          var characterScaleX = width / measuredWidth;
          restoreNeeded = true;
          ctx.scale(characterScaleX, 1);
          scaledX /= characterScaleX;

        if (simpleFillText && !accent) {
          // common case
          ctx.fillText(character, scaledX, scaledY);
        } else {
          this.paintChar(character, scaledX, scaledY);
          if (accent) {
            scaledAccentX = scaledX + accent.offset.x / fontSizeScale;
            scaledAccentY = scaledY - accent.offset.y / fontSizeScale;
            this.paintChar(accent.fontChar, scaledAccentX, scaledAccentY);

        var charWidth = width * widthAdvanceScale + charSpacing * fontDirection;
        x += charWidth;

        if (restoreNeeded) {
      if (vertical) {
        current.y -= x * textHScale;
      } else {
        current.x += x * textHScale;

    showType3Text: function CanvasGraphics_showType3Text(glyphs) {
      // Type3 fonts - each glyph is a "mini-PDF"
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      var current = this.current;
      var font = current.font;
      var fontSize = current.fontSize;
      var fontDirection = current.fontDirection;
      var charSpacing = current.charSpacing;
      var wordSpacing = current.wordSpacing;
      var textHScale = current.textHScale * fontDirection;
      var fontMatrix = current.fontMatrix || FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX;
      var glyphsLength = glyphs.length;
      var isTextInvisible =
        current.textRenderingMode === TextRenderingMode.INVISIBLE;
      var i, glyph, width;

      if (isTextInvisible || fontSize === 0) {
      ctx.transform.apply(ctx, current.textMatrix);
      ctx.translate(current.x, current.y);

      ctx.scale(textHScale, fontDirection);

      for (i = 0; i < glyphsLength; ++i) {
        glyph = glyphs[i];
        if (glyph === null) {
          // word break
          this.ctx.translate(wordSpacing, 0);
          current.x += wordSpacing * textHScale;
        } else if (isNum(glyph)) {
          var spacingLength = -glyph * 0.001 * fontSize;
          this.ctx.translate(spacingLength, 0);
          current.x += spacingLength * textHScale;

        var operatorList = font.charProcOperatorList[glyph.operatorListId];
        if (!operatorList) {
          warn('Type3 character \"' + glyph.operatorListId +
               '\" is not available');
        this.processingType3 = glyph;;
        ctx.scale(fontSize, fontSize);
        ctx.transform.apply(ctx, fontMatrix);

        var transformed = Util.applyTransform([glyph.width, 0], fontMatrix);
        width = transformed[0] * fontSize + charSpacing;

        ctx.translate(width, 0);
        current.x += width * textHScale;
      this.processingType3 = null;

    // Type3 fonts
    setCharWidth: function CanvasGraphics_setCharWidth(xWidth, yWidth) {
      // We can safely ignore this since the width should be the same
      // as the width in the Widths array.
    setCharWidthAndBounds: function CanvasGraphics_setCharWidthAndBounds(xWidth,
                                                                        ury) {
      // TODO According to the spec we're also suppose to ignore any operators
      // that set color or include images while processing this type3 font.
      this.ctx.rect(llx, lly, urx - llx, ury - lly);

    // Color
    getColorN_Pattern: function CanvasGraphics_getColorN_Pattern(IR) {
      var pattern;
      if (IR[0] === 'TilingPattern') {
        var color = IR[1];
        pattern = new TilingPattern(IR, color, this.ctx, this.objs,
                                    this.commonObjs, this.baseTransform);
      } else {
        pattern = getShadingPatternFromIR(IR);
      return pattern;
    setStrokeColorN: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeColorN(/*...*/) {
      this.current.strokeColor = this.getColorN_Pattern(arguments);
    setFillColorN: function CanvasGraphics_setFillColorN(/*...*/) {
      this.current.fillColor = this.getColorN_Pattern(arguments);
      this.current.patternFill = true;
    setStrokeRGBColor: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeRGBColor(r, g, b) {
      var color = Util.makeCssRgb(r, g, b);
      this.ctx.strokeStyle = color;
      this.current.strokeColor = color;
    setFillRGBColor: function CanvasGraphics_setFillRGBColor(r, g, b) {
      var color = Util.makeCssRgb(r, g, b);
      this.ctx.fillStyle = color;
      this.current.fillColor = color;
      this.current.patternFill = false;

    shadingFill: function CanvasGraphics_shadingFill(patternIR) {
      var ctx = this.ctx;;
      var pattern = getShadingPatternFromIR(patternIR);
      ctx.fillStyle = pattern.getPattern(ctx, this, true);

      var inv = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse;
      if (inv) {
        var canvas = ctx.canvas;
        var width = canvas.width;
        var height = canvas.height;

        var bl = Util.applyTransform([0, 0], inv);
        var br = Util.applyTransform([0, height], inv);
        var ul = Util.applyTransform([width, 0], inv);
        var ur = Util.applyTransform([width, height], inv);

        var x0 = Math.min(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]);
        var y0 = Math.min(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]);
        var x1 = Math.max(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]);
        var y1 = Math.max(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]);

        this.ctx.fillRect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
      } else {
        // HACK to draw the gradient onto an infinite rectangle.
        // PDF gradients are drawn across the entire image while
        // Canvas only allows gradients to be drawn in a rectangle
        // The following bug should allow us to remove this.

        this.ctx.fillRect(-1e10, -1e10, 2e10, 2e10);


    // Images
    beginInlineImage: function CanvasGraphics_beginInlineImage() {
      error('Should not call beginInlineImage');
    beginImageData: function CanvasGraphics_beginImageData() {
      error('Should not call beginImageData');

    paintFormXObjectBegin: function CanvasGraphics_paintFormXObjectBegin(matrix,
                                                                        bbox) {;

      if (isArray(matrix) && 6 === matrix.length) {
        this.transform.apply(this, matrix);

      this.baseTransform = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransform;

      if (isArray(bbox) && 4 === bbox.length) {
        var width = bbox[2] - bbox[0];
        var height = bbox[3] - bbox[1];
        this.ctx.rect(bbox[0], bbox[1], width, height);

    paintFormXObjectEnd: function CanvasGraphics_paintFormXObjectEnd() {
      this.baseTransform = this.baseTransformStack.pop();

    beginGroup: function CanvasGraphics_beginGroup(group) {;
      var currentCtx = this.ctx;
      // TODO non-isolated groups - according to Rik at adobe non-isolated
      // group results aren't usually that different and they even have tools
      // that ignore this setting. Notes from Rik on implmenting:
      // - When you encounter an transparency group, create a new canvas with
      // the dimensions of the bbox
      // - copy the content from the previous canvas to the new canvas
      // - draw as usual
      // - remove the backdrop alpha:
      // alphaNew = 1 - (1 - alpha)/(1 - alphaBackdrop) with 'alpha' the alpha
      // value of your transparency group and 'alphaBackdrop' the alpha of the
      // backdrop
      // - remove background color:
      // colorNew = color - alphaNew *colorBackdrop /(1 - alphaNew)
      if (!group.isolated) {
        info('TODO: Support non-isolated groups.');

      // TODO knockout - supposedly possible with the clever use of compositing
      // modes.
      if (group.knockout) {
        warn('Knockout groups not supported.');

      var currentTransform = currentCtx.mozCurrentTransform;
      if (group.matrix) {
        currentCtx.transform.apply(currentCtx, group.matrix);
      assert(group.bbox, 'Bounding box is required.');

      // Based on the current transform figure out how big the bounding box
      // will actually be.
      var bounds = Util.getAxialAlignedBoundingBox(
      // Clip the bounding box to the current canvas.
      var canvasBounds = [0,
      bounds = Util.intersect(bounds, canvasBounds) || [0, 0, 0, 0];
      // Use ceil in case we're between sizes so we don't create canvas that is
      // too small and make the canvas at least 1x1 pixels.
      var offsetX = Math.floor(bounds[0]);
      var offsetY = Math.floor(bounds[1]);
      var drawnWidth = Math.max(Math.ceil(bounds[2]) - offsetX, 1);
      var drawnHeight = Math.max(Math.ceil(bounds[3]) - offsetY, 1);
      var scaleX = 1, scaleY = 1;
      if (drawnWidth > MAX_GROUP_SIZE) {
        scaleX = drawnWidth / MAX_GROUP_SIZE;
        drawnWidth = MAX_GROUP_SIZE;
      if (drawnHeight > MAX_GROUP_SIZE) {
        scaleY = drawnHeight / MAX_GROUP_SIZE;
        drawnHeight = MAX_GROUP_SIZE;

      var cacheId = 'groupAt' + this.groupLevel;
      if (group.smask) {
        // Using two cache entries is case if masks are used one after another.
        cacheId +=  '_smask_' + ((this.smaskCounter++) % 2);
      var scratchCanvas = CachedCanvases.getCanvas(
        cacheId, drawnWidth, drawnHeight, true);
      var groupCtx = scratchCanvas.context;

      // Since we created a new canvas that is just the size of the bounding box
      // we have to translate the group ctx.
      groupCtx.scale(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleY);
      groupCtx.translate(-offsetX, -offsetY);
      groupCtx.transform.apply(groupCtx, currentTransform);

      if (group.smask) {
        // Saving state and cached mask to be used in setGState.
          canvas: scratchCanvas.canvas,
          context: groupCtx,
          offsetX: offsetX,
          offsetY: offsetY,
          scaleX: scaleX,
          scaleY: scaleY,
          subtype: group.smask.subtype,
          backdrop: group.smask.backdrop
      } else {
        // Setup the current ctx so when the group is popped we draw it at the
        // right location.
        currentCtx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
        currentCtx.translate(offsetX, offsetY);
        currentCtx.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
      // The transparency group inherits all off the current graphics state
      // except the blend mode, soft mask, and alpha constants.
      copyCtxState(currentCtx, groupCtx);
      this.ctx = groupCtx;
        ['BM', 'Normal'],
        ['ca', 1],
        ['CA', 1]

    endGroup: function CanvasGraphics_endGroup(group) {
      var groupCtx = this.ctx;
      this.ctx = this.groupStack.pop();
      // Turn off image smoothing to avoid sub pixel interpolation which can
      // look kind of blurry for some pdfs.
      if (this.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled !== undefined) {
        this.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
      } else {
        this.ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
      if (group.smask) {
        this.tempSMask = this.smaskStack.pop();
      } else {
        this.ctx.drawImage(groupCtx.canvas, 0, 0);

    beginAnnotations: function CanvasGraphics_beginAnnotations() {;
      this.current = new CanvasExtraState();

    endAnnotations: function CanvasGraphics_endAnnotations() {

    beginAnnotation: function CanvasGraphics_beginAnnotation(rect, transform,
                                                             matrix) {;

      if (isArray(rect) && 4 === rect.length) {
        var width = rect[2] - rect[0];
        var height = rect[3] - rect[1];
        this.ctx.rect(rect[0], rect[1], width, height);

      this.transform.apply(this, transform);
      this.transform.apply(this, matrix);

    endAnnotation: function CanvasGraphics_endAnnotation() {

    paintJpegXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintJpegXObject(objId, w, h) {
      var domImage = this.objs.get(objId);
      if (!domImage) {
        warn('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet');

      var ctx = this.ctx;
      // scale the image to the unit square
      ctx.scale(1 / w, -1 / h);

      ctx.drawImage(domImage, 0, 0, domImage.width, domImage.height,
                    0, -h, w, h);
      if (this.imageLayer) {
        var currentTransform = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse;
        var position = this.getCanvasPosition(0, 0);
          objId: objId,
          left: position[0],
          top: position[1],
          width: w / currentTransform[0],
          height: h / currentTransform[3]

    paintImageMaskXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageMaskXObject(img) {
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      var width = img.width, height = img.height;
      var fillColor = this.current.fillColor;
      var isPatternFill = this.current.patternFill;

      var glyph = this.processingType3;

      if (COMPILE_TYPE3_GLYPHS && glyph && glyph.compiled === undefined) {
        if (width <= MAX_SIZE_TO_COMPILE && height <= MAX_SIZE_TO_COMPILE) {
          glyph.compiled =
            compileType3Glyph({data:, width: width, height: height});
        } else {
          glyph.compiled = null;

      if (glyph && glyph.compiled) {

      var maskCanvas = CachedCanvases.getCanvas('maskCanvas', width, height);
      var maskCtx = maskCanvas.context;;

      putBinaryImageMask(maskCtx, img);

      maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in';

      maskCtx.fillStyle = isPatternFill ?
                          fillColor.getPattern(maskCtx, this) : fillColor;
      maskCtx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);



      function CanvasGraphics_paintImageMaskXObjectRepeat(imgData, scaleX,
                                                          scaleY, positions) {
      var width = imgData.width;
      var height = imgData.height;
      var fillColor = this.current.fillColor;
      var isPatternFill = this.current.patternFill;

      var maskCanvas = CachedCanvases.getCanvas('maskCanvas', width, height);
      var maskCtx = maskCanvas.context;;

      putBinaryImageMask(maskCtx, imgData);

      maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in';

      maskCtx.fillStyle = isPatternFill ?
                          fillColor.getPattern(maskCtx, this) : fillColor;
      maskCtx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);


      var ctx = this.ctx;
      for (var i = 0, ii = positions.length; i < ii; i += 2) {;
        ctx.transform(scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, positions[i], positions[i + 1]);
        ctx.scale(1, -1);
        ctx.drawImage(maskCanvas.canvas, 0, 0, width, height,
          0, -1, 1, 1);

      function CanvasGraphics_paintImageMaskXObjectGroup(images) {
      var ctx = this.ctx;

      var fillColor = this.current.fillColor;
      var isPatternFill = this.current.patternFill;
      for (var i = 0, ii = images.length; i < ii; i++) {
        var image = images[i];
        var width = image.width, height = image.height;

        var maskCanvas = CachedCanvases.getCanvas('maskCanvas', width, height);
        var maskCtx = maskCanvas.context;;

        putBinaryImageMask(maskCtx, image);

        maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in';

        maskCtx.fillStyle = isPatternFill ?
                            fillColor.getPattern(maskCtx, this) : fillColor;
        maskCtx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

        ctx.transform.apply(ctx, image.transform);
        ctx.scale(1, -1);
        ctx.drawImage(maskCanvas.canvas, 0, 0, width, height,
                      0, -1, 1, 1);

    paintImageXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageXObject(objId) {
      var imgData = this.objs.get(objId);
      if (!imgData) {
        warn('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet');


      function CanvasGraphics_paintImageXObjectRepeat(objId, scaleX, scaleY,
                                                          positions) {
      var imgData = this.objs.get(objId);
      if (!imgData) {
        warn('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet');

      var width = imgData.width;
      var height = imgData.height;
      var map = [];
      for (var i = 0, ii = positions.length; i < ii; i += 2) {
        map.push({transform: [scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, positions[i],
                 positions[i + 1]], x: 0, y: 0, w: width, h: height});
      this.paintInlineImageXObjectGroup(imgData, map);

      function CanvasGraphics_paintInlineImageXObject(imgData) {
      var width = imgData.width;
      var height = imgData.height;
      var ctx = this.ctx;;
      // scale the image to the unit square
      ctx.scale(1 / width, -1 / height);

      var currentTransform = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse;
      var a = currentTransform[0], b = currentTransform[1];
      var widthScale = Math.max(Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b), 1);
      var c = currentTransform[2], d = currentTransform[3];
      var heightScale = Math.max(Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d), 1);

      var imgToPaint, tmpCanvas;
      // instanceof HTMLElement does not work in jsdom node.js module
      if (imgData instanceof HTMLElement || ! {
        imgToPaint = imgData;
      } else {
        tmpCanvas = CachedCanvases.getCanvas('inlineImage', width, height);
        var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;
        putBinaryImageData(tmpCtx, imgData);
        imgToPaint = tmpCanvas.canvas;

      var paintWidth = width, paintHeight = height;
      var tmpCanvasId = 'prescale1';
      // Vertial or horizontal scaling shall not be more than 2 to not loose the
      // pixels during drawImage operation, painting on the temporary canvas(es)
      // that are twice smaller in size
      while ((widthScale > 2 && paintWidth > 1) ||
             (heightScale > 2 && paintHeight > 1)) {
        var newWidth = paintWidth, newHeight = paintHeight;
        if (widthScale > 2 && paintWidth > 1) {
          newWidth = Math.ceil(paintWidth / 2);
          widthScale /= paintWidth / newWidth;
        if (heightScale > 2 && paintHeight > 1) {
          newHeight = Math.ceil(paintHeight / 2);
          heightScale /= paintHeight / newHeight;
        tmpCanvas = CachedCanvases.getCanvas(tmpCanvasId, newWidth, newHeight);
        tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;
        tmpCtx.clearRect(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
        tmpCtx.drawImage(imgToPaint, 0, 0, paintWidth, paintHeight,
                                     0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
        imgToPaint = tmpCanvas.canvas;
        paintWidth = newWidth;
        paintHeight = newHeight;
        tmpCanvasId = tmpCanvasId === 'prescale1' ? 'prescale2' : 'prescale1';
      ctx.drawImage(imgToPaint, 0, 0, paintWidth, paintHeight,
                                0, -height, width, height);

      if (this.imageLayer) {
        var position = this.getCanvasPosition(0, -height);
          imgData: imgData,
          left: position[0],
          top: position[1],
          width: width / currentTransform[0],
          height: height / currentTransform[3]

      function CanvasGraphics_paintInlineImageXObjectGroup(imgData, map) {
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      var w = imgData.width;
      var h = imgData.height;

      var tmpCanvas = CachedCanvases.getCanvas('inlineImage', w, h);
      var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;
      putBinaryImageData(tmpCtx, imgData);

      for (var i = 0, ii = map.length; i < ii; i++) {
        var entry = map[i];;
        ctx.transform.apply(ctx, entry.transform);
        ctx.scale(1, -1);
        ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas.canvas, entry.x, entry.y, entry.w, entry.h,
                      0, -1, 1, 1);
        if (this.imageLayer) {
          var position = this.getCanvasPosition(entry.x, entry.y);
            imgData: imgData,
            left: position[0],
            top: position[1],
            width: w,
            height: h

      function CanvasGraphics_paintSolidColorImageMask() {
        this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);

    // Marked content

    markPoint: function CanvasGraphics_markPoint(tag) {
      // TODO Marked content.
    markPointProps: function CanvasGraphics_markPointProps(tag, properties) {
      // TODO Marked content.
    beginMarkedContent: function CanvasGraphics_beginMarkedContent(tag) {
      // TODO Marked content.
    beginMarkedContentProps: function CanvasGraphics_beginMarkedContentProps(
                                        tag, properties) {
      // TODO Marked content.
    endMarkedContent: function CanvasGraphics_endMarkedContent() {
      // TODO Marked content.

    // Compatibility

    beginCompat: function CanvasGraphics_beginCompat() {
      // TODO ignore undefined operators (should we do that anyway?)
    endCompat: function CanvasGraphics_endCompat() {
      // TODO stop ignoring undefined operators

    // Helper functions

    consumePath: function CanvasGraphics_consumePath() {
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      if (this.pendingClip) {
        if (this.pendingClip === EO_CLIP) {
          if (ctx.mozFillRule !== undefined) {
            ctx.mozFillRule = 'evenodd';
            ctx.mozFillRule = 'nonzero';
          } else {
            try {
            } catch (ex) {
              // shouldn't really happen, but browsers might think differently
        } else {
        this.pendingClip = null;
    getSinglePixelWidth: function CanvasGraphics_getSinglePixelWidth(scale) {
      if (this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth === null) {
        var inverse = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse;
        // max of the current horizontal and vertical scale
        this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = Math.sqrt(Math.max(
          (inverse[0] * inverse[0] + inverse[1] * inverse[1]),
          (inverse[2] * inverse[2] + inverse[3] * inverse[3])));
      return this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth;
    getCanvasPosition: function CanvasGraphics_getCanvasPosition(x, y) {
        var transform = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransform;
        return [
          transform[0] * x + transform[2] * y + transform[4],
          transform[1] * x + transform[3] * y + transform[5]

  for (var op in OPS) {
    CanvasGraphics.prototype[OPS[op]] = CanvasGraphics.prototype[op];

  return CanvasGraphics;

var WebGLUtils = (function WebGLUtilsClosure() {
  function loadShader(gl, code, shaderType) {
    var shader = gl.createShader(shaderType);
    gl.shaderSource(shader, code);
    var compiled = gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS);
    if (!compiled) {
      var errorMsg = gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);
      throw new Error('Error during shader compilation: ' + errorMsg);
    return shader;
  function createVertexShader(gl, code) {
    return loadShader(gl, code, gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
  function createFragmentShader(gl, code) {
    return loadShader(gl, code, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
  function createProgram(gl, shaders) {
    var program = gl.createProgram();
    for (var i = 0, ii = shaders.length; i < ii; ++i) {
      gl.attachShader(program, shaders[i]);
    var linked = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS);
    if (!linked) {
      var errorMsg = gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
      throw new Error('Error during program linking: ' + errorMsg);
    return program;
  function createTexture(gl, image, textureId) {
    var texture = gl.createTexture();
    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);

    // Set the parameters so we can render any size image.
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);

    // Upload the image into the texture.
    gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
    return texture;

  var currentGL, currentCanvas;
  function generateGL() {
    if (currentGL) {
    currentCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    currentGL = currentCanvas.getContext('webgl',
      { premultipliedalpha: false });

  var smaskVertexShaderCode = '\
  attribute vec2 a_position;                                    \
  attribute vec2 a_texCoord;                                    \
  uniform vec2 u_resolution;                                    \
  varying vec2 v_texCoord;                                      \
  void main() {                                                 \
    vec2 clipSpace = (a_position / u_resolution) * 2.0 - 1.0;   \
    gl_Position = vec4(clipSpace * vec2(1, -1), 0, 1);          \
    v_texCoord = a_texCoord;                                    \
  }                                                             ';

  var smaskFragmentShaderCode = '\
  precision mediump float;                                      \
  uniform vec4 u_backdrop;                                      \
  uniform int u_subtype;                                        \
  uniform sampler2D u_image;                                    \
  uniform sampler2D u_mask;                                     \
  varying vec2 v_texCoord;                                      \
  void main() {                                                 \
    vec4 imageColor = texture2D(u_image, v_texCoord);           \
    vec4 maskColor = texture2D(u_mask, v_texCoord);             \
    if (u_backdrop.a > 0.0) {                                   \
      maskColor.rgb = maskColor.rgb * maskColor.a +             \
                      u_backdrop.rgb * (1.0 - maskColor.a);     \
    }                                                           \
    float lum;                                                  \
    if (u_subtype == 0) {                                       \
      lum = maskColor.a;                                        \
    } else {                                                    \
      lum = maskColor.r * 0.3 + maskColor.g * 0.59 +            \
            maskColor.b * 0.11;                                 \
    }                                                           \
    imageColor.a *= lum;                                        \
    imageColor.rgb *= imageColor.a;                             \
    gl_FragColor = imageColor;                                  \
  }                                                             ';

  var smaskCache = null;

  function initSmaskGL() {
    var canvas, gl;

    canvas = currentCanvas;
    currentCanvas = null;
    gl = currentGL;
    currentGL = null;

    // setup a GLSL program
    var vertexShader = createVertexShader(gl, smaskVertexShaderCode);
    var fragmentShader = createFragmentShader(gl, smaskFragmentShaderCode);
    var program = createProgram(gl, [vertexShader, fragmentShader]);

    var cache = {}; = gl;
    cache.canvas = canvas;
    cache.resolutionLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_resolution');
    cache.positionLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_position');
    cache.backdropLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_backdrop');
    cache.subtypeLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_subtype');

    var texCoordLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_texCoord');
    var texLayerLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_image');
    var texMaskLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_mask');

    // provide texture coordinates for the rectangle.
    var texCoordBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, texCoordBuffer);
    gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([
      0.0,  0.0,
      1.0,  0.0,
      0.0,  1.0,
      0.0,  1.0,
      1.0,  0.0,
      1.0,  1.0]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
    gl.vertexAttribPointer(texCoordLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

    gl.uniform1i(texLayerLocation, 0);
    gl.uniform1i(texMaskLocation, 1);

    smaskCache = cache;

  function composeSMask(layer, mask, properties) {
    var width = layer.width, height = layer.height;

    if (!smaskCache) {
    var cache = smaskCache,canvas = cache.canvas, gl =;
    canvas.width = width;
    canvas.height = height;
    gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight);
    gl.uniform2f(cache.resolutionLocation, width, height);

    if (properties.backdrop) {
      gl.uniform4f(cache.resolutionLocation, properties.backdrop[0],
                   properties.backdrop[1], properties.backdrop[2], 1);
    } else {
      gl.uniform4f(cache.resolutionLocation, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                 properties.subtype === 'Luminosity' ? 1 : 0);

    // Create a textures
    var texture = createTexture(gl, layer, gl.TEXTURE0);
    var maskTexture = createTexture(gl, mask, gl.TEXTURE1);

    // Create a buffer and put a single clipspace rectangle in
    // it (2 triangles)
    var buffer = gl.createBuffer();
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
    gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([
      0, 0,
      width, 0,
      0, height,
      0, height,
      width, 0,
      width, height]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
    gl.vertexAttribPointer(cache.positionLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

    // draw
    gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
    gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);

    gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);



    return canvas;

  var figuresVertexShaderCode = '\
  attribute vec2 a_position;                                    \
  attribute vec3 a_color;                                       \
  uniform vec2 u_resolution;                                    \
  uniform vec2 u_scale;                                         \
  uniform vec2 u_offset;                                        \
  varying vec4 v_color;                                         \
  void main() {                                                 \
    vec2 position = (a_position + u_offset) * u_scale;          \
    vec2 clipSpace = (position / u_resolution) * 2.0 - 1.0;     \
    gl_Position = vec4(clipSpace * vec2(1, -1), 0, 1);          \
    v_color = vec4(a_color / 255.0, 1.0);                       \
  }                                                             ';

  var figuresFragmentShaderCode = '\
  precision mediump float;                                      \
  varying vec4 v_color;                                         \
  void main() {                                                 \
    gl_FragColor = v_color;                                     \
  }                                                             ';

  var figuresCache = null;

  function initFiguresGL() {
    var canvas, gl;

    canvas = currentCanvas;
    currentCanvas = null;
    gl = currentGL;
    currentGL = null;

    // setup a GLSL program
    var vertexShader = createVertexShader(gl, figuresVertexShaderCode);
    var fragmentShader = createFragmentShader(gl, figuresFragmentShaderCode);
    var program = createProgram(gl, [vertexShader, fragmentShader]);

    var cache = {}; = gl;
    cache.canvas = canvas;
    cache.resolutionLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_resolution');
    cache.scaleLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_scale');
    cache.offsetLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_offset');
    cache.positionLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_position');
    cache.colorLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_color');

    figuresCache = cache;

  function drawFigures(width, height, backgroundColor, figures, context) {
    if (!figuresCache) {
    var cache = figuresCache, canvas = cache.canvas, gl =;

    canvas.width = width;
    canvas.height = height;
    gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight);
    gl.uniform2f(cache.resolutionLocation, width, height);

    // count triangle points
    var count = 0;
    var i, ii, rows;
    for (i = 0, ii = figures.length; i < ii; i++) {
      switch (figures[i].type) {
        case 'lattice':
          rows = (figures[i].coords.length / figures[i].verticesPerRow) | 0;
          count += (rows - 1) * (figures[i].verticesPerRow - 1) * 6;
        case 'triangles':
          count += figures[i].coords.length;
    // transfer data
    var coords = new Float32Array(count * 2);
    var colors = new Uint8Array(count * 3);
    var coordsMap = context.coords, colorsMap = context.colors;
    var pIndex = 0, cIndex = 0;
    for (i = 0, ii = figures.length; i < ii; i++) {
      var figure = figures[i], ps = figure.coords, cs = figure.colors;
      switch (figure.type) {
        case 'lattice':
          var cols = figure.verticesPerRow;
          rows = (ps.length / cols) | 0;
          for (var row = 1; row < rows; row++) {
            var offset = row * cols + 1;
            for (var col = 1; col < cols; col++, offset++) {
              coords[pIndex] = coordsMap[ps[offset - cols - 1]];
              coords[pIndex + 1] = coordsMap[ps[offset - cols - 1] + 1];
              coords[pIndex + 2] = coordsMap[ps[offset - cols]];
              coords[pIndex + 3] = coordsMap[ps[offset - cols] + 1];
              coords[pIndex + 4] = coordsMap[ps[offset - 1]];
              coords[pIndex + 5] = coordsMap[ps[offset - 1] + 1];
              colors[cIndex] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols - 1]];
              colors[cIndex + 1] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols - 1] + 1];
              colors[cIndex + 2] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols - 1] + 2];
              colors[cIndex + 3] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols]];
              colors[cIndex + 4] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols] + 1];
              colors[cIndex + 5] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols] + 2];
              colors[cIndex + 6] = colorsMap[cs[offset - 1]];
              colors[cIndex + 7] = colorsMap[cs[offset - 1] + 1];
              colors[cIndex + 8] = colorsMap[cs[offset - 1] + 2];

              coords[pIndex + 6] = coords[pIndex + 2];
              coords[pIndex + 7] = coords[pIndex + 3];
              coords[pIndex + 8] = coords[pIndex + 4];
              coords[pIndex + 9] = coords[pIndex + 5];
              coords[pIndex + 10] = coordsMap[ps[offset]];
              coords[pIndex + 11] = coordsMap[ps[offset] + 1];
              colors[cIndex + 9] = colors[cIndex + 3];
              colors[cIndex + 10] = colors[cIndex + 4];
              colors[cIndex + 11] = colors[cIndex + 5];
              colors[cIndex + 12] = colors[cIndex + 6];
              colors[cIndex + 13] = colors[cIndex + 7];
              colors[cIndex + 14] = colors[cIndex + 8];
              colors[cIndex + 15] = colorsMap[cs[offset]];
              colors[cIndex + 16] = colorsMap[cs[offset] + 1];
              colors[cIndex + 17] = colorsMap[cs[offset] + 2];
              pIndex += 12;
              cIndex += 18;
        case 'triangles':
          for (var j = 0, jj = ps.length; j < jj; j++) {
            coords[pIndex] = coordsMap[ps[j]];
            coords[pIndex + 1] = coordsMap[ps[j] + 1];
            colors[cIndex] = colorsMap[cs[i]];
            colors[cIndex + 1] = colorsMap[cs[j] + 1];
            colors[cIndex + 2] = colorsMap[cs[j] + 2];
            pIndex += 2;
            cIndex += 3;

    // draw
    if (backgroundColor) {
      gl.clearColor(backgroundColor[0] / 255, backgroundColor[1] / 255,
                    backgroundColor[2] / 255, 1.0);
    } else {
      gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);

    var coordsBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, coordsBuffer);
    gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, coords, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
    gl.vertexAttribPointer(cache.positionLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

    var colorsBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, colorsBuffer);
    gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, colors, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
    gl.vertexAttribPointer(cache.colorLocation, 3, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, false,
                           0, 0);

    gl.uniform2f(cache.scaleLocation, context.scaleX, context.scaleY);
    gl.uniform2f(cache.offsetLocation, context.offsetX, context.offsetY);

    gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, count);



    return canvas;

  function cleanup() {
    if (smaskCache && smaskCache.canvas) {
      smaskCache.canvas.width = 0;
      smaskCache.canvas.height = 0;
    if (figuresCache && figuresCache.canvas) {
      figuresCache.canvas.width = 0;
      figuresCache.canvas.height = 0;
    smaskCache = null;
    figuresCache = null;

  return {
    get isEnabled() {
      if (PDFJS.disableWebGL) {
        return false;
      var enabled = false;
      try {
        enabled = !!currentGL;
      } catch (e) { }
      return shadow(this, 'isEnabled', enabled);
    composeSMask: composeSMask,
    drawFigures: drawFigures,
    clear: cleanup

var ShadingIRs = {};

ShadingIRs.RadialAxial = {
  fromIR: function RadialAxial_fromIR(raw) {
    var type = raw[1];
    var colorStops = raw[2];
    var p0 = raw[3];
    var p1 = raw[4];
    var r0 = raw[5];
    var r1 = raw[6];
    return {
      type: 'Pattern',
      getPattern: function RadialAxial_getPattern(ctx) {
        var grad;
        if (type === 'axial') {
          grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(p0[0], p0[1], p1[0], p1[1]);
        } else if (type === 'radial') {
          grad = ctx.createRadialGradient(p0[0], p0[1], r0, p1[0], p1[1], r1);

        for (var i = 0, ii = colorStops.length; i < ii; ++i) {
          var c = colorStops[i];
          grad.addColorStop(c[0], c[1]);
        return grad;

var createMeshCanvas = (function createMeshCanvasClosure() {
  function drawTriangle(data, context, p1, p2, p3, c1, c2, c3) {
    // Very basic Gouraud-shaded triangle rasterization algorithm.
    var coords = context.coords, colors = context.colors;
    var bytes =, rowSize = data.width * 4;
    var tmp;
    if (coords[p1 + 1] > coords[p2 + 1]) {
      tmp = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = tmp; tmp = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = tmp;
    if (coords[p2 + 1] > coords[p3 + 1]) {
      tmp = p2; p2 = p3; p3 = tmp; tmp = c2; c2 = c3; c3 = tmp;
    if (coords[p1 + 1] > coords[p2 + 1]) {
      tmp = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = tmp; tmp = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = tmp;
    var x1 = (coords[p1] + context.offsetX) * context.scaleX;
    var y1 = (coords[p1 + 1] + context.offsetY) * context.scaleY;
    var x2 = (coords[p2] + context.offsetX) * context.scaleX;
    var y2 = (coords[p2 + 1] + context.offsetY) * context.scaleY;
    var x3 = (coords[p3] + context.offsetX) * context.scaleX;
    var y3 = (coords[p3 + 1] + context.offsetY) * context.scaleY;
    if (y1 >= y3) {
    var c1r = colors[c1], c1g = colors[c1 + 1], c1b = colors[c1 + 2];
    var c2r = colors[c2], c2g = colors[c2 + 1], c2b = colors[c2 + 2];
    var c3r = colors[c3], c3g = colors[c3 + 1], c3b = colors[c3 + 2];

    var minY = Math.round(y1), maxY = Math.round(y3);
    var xa, car, cag, cab;
    var xb, cbr, cbg, cbb;
    var k;
    for (var y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) {
      if (y < y2) {
        k = y < y1 ? 0 : y1 === y2 ? 1 : (y1 - y) / (y1 - y2);
        xa = x1 - (x1 - x2) * k;
        car = c1r - (c1r - c2r) * k;
        cag = c1g - (c1g - c2g) * k;
        cab = c1b - (c1b - c2b) * k;
      } else {
        k = y > y3 ? 1 : y2 === y3 ? 0 : (y2 - y) / (y2 - y3);
        xa = x2 - (x2 - x3) * k;
        car = c2r - (c2r - c3r) * k;
        cag = c2g - (c2g - c3g) * k;
        cab = c2b - (c2b - c3b) * k;
      k = y < y1 ? 0 : y > y3 ? 1 : (y1 - y) / (y1 - y3);
      xb = x1 - (x1 - x3) * k;
      cbr = c1r - (c1r - c3r) * k;
      cbg = c1g - (c1g - c3g) * k;
      cbb = c1b - (c1b - c3b) * k;
      var x1_ = Math.round(Math.min(xa, xb));
      var x2_ = Math.round(Math.max(xa, xb));
      var j = rowSize * y + x1_ * 4;
      for (var x = x1_; x <= x2_; x++) {
        k = (xa - x) / (xa - xb);
        k = k < 0 ? 0 : k > 1 ? 1 : k;
        bytes[j++] = (car - (car - cbr) * k) | 0;
        bytes[j++] = (cag - (cag - cbg) * k) | 0;
        bytes[j++] = (cab - (cab - cbb) * k) | 0;
        bytes[j++] = 255;

  function drawFigure(data, figure, context) {
    var ps = figure.coords;
    var cs = figure.colors;
    var i, ii;
    switch (figure.type) {
      case 'lattice':
        var verticesPerRow = figure.verticesPerRow;
        var rows = Math.floor(ps.length / verticesPerRow) - 1;
        var cols = verticesPerRow - 1;
        for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
          var q = i * verticesPerRow;
          for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++, q++) {
            drawTriangle(data, context,
              ps[q], ps[q + 1], ps[q + verticesPerRow],
              cs[q], cs[q + 1], cs[q + verticesPerRow]);
            drawTriangle(data, context,
              ps[q + verticesPerRow + 1], ps[q + 1], ps[q + verticesPerRow],
              cs[q + verticesPerRow + 1], cs[q + 1], cs[q + verticesPerRow]);
      case 'triangles':
        for (i = 0, ii = ps.length; i < ii; i += 3) {
          drawTriangle(data, context,
            ps[i], ps[i + 1], ps[i + 2],
            cs[i], cs[i + 1], cs[i + 2]);
        error('illigal figure');

  function createMeshCanvas(bounds, combinesScale, coords, colors, figures,
                            backgroundColor) {
    // we will increase scale on some weird factor to let antialiasing take
    // care of "rough" edges
    var EXPECTED_SCALE = 1.1;
    // MAX_PATTERN_SIZE is used to avoid OOM situation.
    var MAX_PATTERN_SIZE = 3000; // 10in @ 300dpi shall be enough

    var offsetX = Math.floor(bounds[0]);
    var offsetY = Math.floor(bounds[1]);
    var boundsWidth = Math.ceil(bounds[2]) - offsetX;
    var boundsHeight = Math.ceil(bounds[3]) - offsetY;

    var width = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(boundsWidth * combinesScale[0] *
    var height = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(boundsHeight * combinesScale[1] *
    var scaleX = boundsWidth / width;
    var scaleY = boundsHeight / height;

    var context = {
      coords: coords,
      colors: colors,
      offsetX: -offsetX,
      offsetY: -offsetY,
      scaleX: 1 / scaleX,
      scaleY: 1 / scaleY

    var canvas, tmpCanvas, i, ii;
    if (WebGLUtils.isEnabled) {
      canvas = WebGLUtils.drawFigures(width, height, backgroundColor,
                                      figures, context);

      tmpCanvas = CachedCanvases.getCanvas('mesh', width, height, false);
      tmpCanvas.context.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
      canvas = tmpCanvas.canvas;
    } else {
      tmpCanvas = CachedCanvases.getCanvas('mesh', width, height, false);
      var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;

      var data = tmpCtx.createImageData(width, height);
      if (backgroundColor) {
        var bytes =;
        for (i = 0, ii = bytes.length; i < ii; i += 4) {
          bytes[i] = backgroundColor[0];
          bytes[i + 1] = backgroundColor[1];
          bytes[i + 2] = backgroundColor[2];
          bytes[i + 3] = 255;
      for (i = 0; i < figures.length; i++) {
        drawFigure(data, figures[i], context);
      tmpCtx.putImageData(data, 0, 0);
      canvas = tmpCanvas.canvas;

    return {canvas: canvas, offsetX: offsetX, offsetY: offsetY,
            scaleX: scaleX, scaleY: scaleY};
  return createMeshCanvas;

ShadingIRs.Mesh = {
  fromIR: function Mesh_fromIR(raw) {
    //var type = raw[1];
    var coords = raw[2];
    var colors = raw[3];
    var figures = raw[4];
    var bounds = raw[5];
    var matrix = raw[6];
    //var bbox = raw[7];
    var background = raw[8];
    return {
      type: 'Pattern',
      getPattern: function Mesh_getPattern(ctx, owner, shadingFill) {
        var scale;
        if (shadingFill) {
          scale = Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(ctx.mozCurrentTransform);
        } else {
          // Obtain scale from matrix and current transformation matrix.
          scale = Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(owner.baseTransform);
          if (matrix) {
            var matrixScale = Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(matrix);
            scale = [scale[0] * matrixScale[0],
                     scale[1] * matrixScale[1]];

        // Rasterizing on the main thread since sending/queue large canvases
        // might cause OOM.
        var temporaryPatternCanvas = createMeshCanvas(bounds, scale, coords,
          colors, figures, shadingFill ? null : background);

        if (!shadingFill) {
          ctx.setTransform.apply(ctx, owner.baseTransform);
          if (matrix) {
            ctx.transform.apply(ctx, matrix);


        return ctx.createPattern(temporaryPatternCanvas.canvas, 'no-repeat');

ShadingIRs.Dummy = {
  fromIR: function Dummy_fromIR() {
    return {
      type: 'Pattern',
      getPattern: function Dummy_fromIR_getPattern() {
        return 'hotpink';

function getShadingPatternFromIR(raw) {
  var shadingIR = ShadingIRs[raw[0]];
  if (!shadingIR) {
    error('Unknown IR type: ' + raw[0]);
  return shadingIR.fromIR(raw);

var TilingPattern = (function TilingPatternClosure() {
  var PaintType = {
    COLORED: 1,

  var MAX_PATTERN_SIZE = 3000; // 10in @ 300dpi shall be enough

  function TilingPattern(IR, color, ctx, objs, commonObjs, baseTransform) {
    this.operatorList = IR[2];
    this.matrix = IR[3] || [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
    this.bbox = IR[4];
    this.xstep = IR[5];
    this.ystep = IR[6];
    this.paintType = IR[7];
    this.tilingType = IR[8];
    this.color = color;
    this.objs = objs;
    this.commonObjs = commonObjs;
    this.baseTransform = baseTransform;
    this.type = 'Pattern';
    this.ctx = ctx;

  TilingPattern.prototype = {
    createPatternCanvas: function TilinPattern_createPatternCanvas(owner) {
      var operatorList = this.operatorList;
      var bbox = this.bbox;
      var xstep = this.xstep;
      var ystep = this.ystep;
      var paintType = this.paintType;
      var tilingType = this.tilingType;
      var color = this.color;
      var objs = this.objs;
      var commonObjs = this.commonObjs;

      info('TilingType: ' + tilingType);

      var x0 = bbox[0], y0 = bbox[1], x1 = bbox[2], y1 = bbox[3];

      var topLeft = [x0, y0];
      // we want the canvas to be as large as the step size
      var botRight = [x0 + xstep, y0 + ystep];

      var width = botRight[0] - topLeft[0];
      var height = botRight[1] - topLeft[1];

      // Obtain scale from matrix and current transformation matrix.
      var matrixScale = Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(this.matrix);
      var curMatrixScale = Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(
      var combinedScale = [matrixScale[0] * curMatrixScale[0],
        matrixScale[1] * curMatrixScale[1]];

      // MAX_PATTERN_SIZE is used to avoid OOM situation.
      // Use width and height values that are as close as possible to the end
      // result when the pattern is used. Too low value makes the pattern look
      // blurry. Too large value makes it look too crispy.
      width = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(width * combinedScale[0])),

      height = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(height * combinedScale[1])),

      var tmpCanvas = CachedCanvases.getCanvas('pattern', width, height, true);
      var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;
      var graphics = new CanvasGraphics(tmpCtx, commonObjs, objs);
      graphics.groupLevel = owner.groupLevel;

      this.setFillAndStrokeStyleToContext(tmpCtx, paintType, color);

      this.setScale(width, height, xstep, ystep);

      // transform coordinates to pattern space
      var tmpTranslate = [1, 0, 0, 1, -topLeft[0], -topLeft[1]];
      graphics.transform.apply(graphics, tmpTranslate);

      this.clipBbox(graphics, bbox, x0, y0, x1, y1);

      return tmpCanvas.canvas;

    setScale: function TilingPattern_setScale(width, height, xstep, ystep) {
      this.scale = [width / xstep, height / ystep];

    transformToScale: function TilingPattern_transformToScale(graphics) {
      var scale = this.scale;
      var tmpScale = [scale[0], 0, 0, scale[1], 0, 0];
      graphics.transform.apply(graphics, tmpScale);

    scaleToContext: function TilingPattern_scaleToContext() {
      var scale = this.scale;
      this.ctx.scale(1 / scale[0], 1 / scale[1]);

    clipBbox: function clipBbox(graphics, bbox, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
      if (bbox && isArray(bbox) && bbox.length === 4) {
        var bboxWidth = x1 - x0;
        var bboxHeight = y1 - y0;
        graphics.ctx.rect(x0, y0, bboxWidth, bboxHeight);

      function setFillAndStrokeStyleToContext(context, paintType, color) {
        switch (paintType) {
          case PaintType.COLORED:
            var ctx = this.ctx;
            context.fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
            context.strokeStyle = ctx.strokeStyle;
          case PaintType.UNCOLORED:
            var cssColor = Util.makeCssRgb(color[0], color[1], color[2]);
            context.fillStyle = cssColor;
            context.strokeStyle = cssColor;
            error('Unsupported paint type: ' + paintType);

    getPattern: function TilingPattern_getPattern(ctx, owner) {
      var temporaryPatternCanvas = this.createPatternCanvas(owner);

      ctx = this.ctx;
      ctx.setTransform.apply(ctx, this.baseTransform);
      ctx.transform.apply(ctx, this.matrix);

      return ctx.createPattern(temporaryPatternCanvas, 'repeat');

  return TilingPattern;

PDFJS.disableFontFace = false;

var FontLoader = {
  insertRule: function fontLoaderInsertRule(rule) {
    var styleElement = document.getElementById('PDFJS_FONT_STYLE_TAG');
    if (!styleElement) {
      styleElement = document.createElement('style'); = 'PDFJS_FONT_STYLE_TAG';

    var styleSheet = styleElement.sheet;
    styleSheet.insertRule(rule, styleSheet.cssRules.length);

  clear: function fontLoaderClear() {
    var styleElement = document.getElementById('PDFJS_FONT_STYLE_TAG');
    if (styleElement) {
    this.nativeFontFaces.forEach(function(nativeFontFace) {
    this.nativeFontFaces.length = 0;
  get loadTestFont() {
    // This is a CFF font with 1 glyph for '.' that fills its entire width and
    // height.
    return shadow(this, 'loadTestFont', atob(
      'hYWFhYWFhYAAABAQAADwACAQEEE/t3Dov6fAH6fAT+fPp8+nwHDosMCvm1Cvm1DAz6fBQA' +

  loadTestFontId: 0,

  loadingContext: {
    requests: [],
    nextRequestId: 0

  isSyncFontLoadingSupported: (function detectSyncFontLoadingSupport() {
    if (isWorker) {
      return false;

    // User agent string sniffing is bad, but there is no reliable way to tell
    // if font is fully loaded and ready to be used with canvas.
    var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
    var m = /Mozilla\/5.0.*?rv:(\d+).*? Gecko/.exec(userAgent);
    if (m && m[1] >= 14) {
      return true;
    // TODO other browsers
    if (userAgent === 'node') {
      return true;
    return false;

  nativeFontFaces: [],

  isFontLoadingAPISupported: (!isWorker && typeof document !== 'undefined' &&

  addNativeFontFace: function fontLoader_addNativeFontFace(nativeFontFace) {

  bind: function fontLoaderBind(fonts, callback) {
    assert(!isWorker, 'bind() shall be called from main thread');

    var rules = [];
    var fontsToLoad = [];
    var fontLoadPromises = [];
    for (var i = 0, ii = fonts.length; i < ii; i++) {
      var font = fonts[i];

      // Add the font to the DOM only once or skip if the font
      // is already loaded.
      if (font.attached || font.loading === false) {
      font.attached = true;

      if (this.isFontLoadingAPISupported) {
        var nativeFontFace = font.createNativeFontFace();
        if (nativeFontFace) {
      } else {
        var rule = font.bindDOM();
        if (rule) {

    var request = FontLoader.queueLoadingCallback(callback);
    if (this.isFontLoadingAPISupported) {
      Promise.all(fontsToLoad).then(function() {
    } else if (rules.length > 0 && !this.isSyncFontLoadingSupported) {
      FontLoader.prepareFontLoadEvent(rules, fontsToLoad, request);
    } else {

  queueLoadingCallback: function FontLoader_queueLoadingCallback(callback) {
    function LoadLoader_completeRequest() {
      assert(!request.end, 'completeRequest() cannot be called twice');
      request.end =;

      // sending all completed requests in order how they were queued
      while (context.requests.length > 0 && context.requests[0].end) {
        var otherRequest = context.requests.shift();
        setTimeout(otherRequest.callback, 0);

    var context = FontLoader.loadingContext;
    var requestId = 'pdfjs-font-loading-' + (context.nextRequestId++);
    var request = {
      id: requestId,
      complete: LoadLoader_completeRequest,
      callback: callback,
    return request;

  prepareFontLoadEvent: function fontLoaderPrepareFontLoadEvent(rules,
                                                                request) {
      /** Hack begin */
      // There's currently no event when a font has finished downloading so the
      // following code is a dirty hack to 'guess' when a font is
      // ready. It's assumed fonts are loaded in order, so add a known test
      // font after the desired fonts and then test for the loading of that
      // test font.

      function int32(data, offset) {
        return (data.charCodeAt(offset) << 24) |
               (data.charCodeAt(offset + 1) << 16) |
               (data.charCodeAt(offset + 2) << 8) |
               (data.charCodeAt(offset + 3) & 0xff);

      function spliceString(s, offset, remove, insert) {
        var chunk1 = s.substr(0, offset);
        var chunk2 = s.substr(offset + remove);
        return chunk1 + insert + chunk2;

      var i, ii;

      var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
      canvas.width = 1;
      canvas.height = 1;
      var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

      var called = 0;
      function isFontReady(name, callback) {
        // With setTimeout clamping this gives the font ~100ms to load.
        if(called > 30) {
          warn('Load test font never loaded.');
        ctx.font = '30px ' + name;
        ctx.fillText('.', 0, 20);
        var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1);
        if ([3] > 0) {
        setTimeout(isFontReady.bind(null, name, callback));

      var loadTestFontId = 'lt' + + this.loadTestFontId++;
      // Chromium seems to cache fonts based on a hash of the actual font data,
      // so the font must be modified for each load test else it will appear to
      // be loaded already.
      // TODO: This could maybe be made faster by avoiding the btoa of the full
      // font by splitting it in chunks before hand and padding the font id.
      var data = this.loadTestFont;
      var COMMENT_OFFSET = 976; // has to be on 4 byte boundary (for checksum)
      data = spliceString(data, COMMENT_OFFSET, loadTestFontId.length,
      // CFF checksum is important for IE, adjusting it
      var CFF_CHECKSUM_OFFSET = 16;
      var XXXX_VALUE = 0x58585858; // the "comment" filled with 'X'
      var checksum = int32(data, CFF_CHECKSUM_OFFSET);
      for (i = 0, ii = loadTestFontId.length - 3; i < ii; i += 4) {
        checksum = (checksum - XXXX_VALUE + int32(loadTestFontId, i)) | 0;
      if (i < loadTestFontId.length) { // align to 4 bytes boundary
        checksum = (checksum - XXXX_VALUE +
                    int32(loadTestFontId + 'XXX', i)) | 0;
      data = spliceString(data, CFF_CHECKSUM_OFFSET, 4, string32(checksum));

      var url = 'url(data:font/opentype;base64,' + btoa(data) + ');';
      var rule = '@font-face { font-family:"' + loadTestFontId + '";src:' +
                 url + '}';

      var names = [];
      for (i = 0, ii = fonts.length; i < ii; i++) {

      var div = document.createElement('div');
                       'visibility: hidden;' +
                       'width: 10px; height: 10px;' +
                       'position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;');
      for (i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; ++i) {
        var span = document.createElement('span');
        span.textContent = 'Hi'; = names[i];

      isFontReady(loadTestFontId, function() {
      /** Hack end */
//bind: function fontLoaderBind(fonts, callback) {
//  assert(!isWorker, 'bind() shall be called from main thread');
//  for (var i = 0, ii = fonts.length; i < ii; i++) {
//    var font = fonts[i];
//    if (font.attached) {
//      continue;
//    }
//    font.attached = true;
//    font.bindDOM()
//  }
//  setTimeout(callback);

var FontFaceObject = (function FontFaceObjectClosure() {
  function FontFaceObject(name, file, properties) {
    this.compiledGlyphs = {};
    if (arguments.length === 1) {
      // importing translated data
      var data = arguments[0];
      for (var i in data) {
        this[i] = data[i];
  FontFaceObject.prototype = {
    createNativeFontFace: function FontFaceObject_createNativeFontFace() {
      if (! {
        return null;

      if (PDFJS.disableFontFace) {
        this.disableFontFace = true;
        return null;

      var nativeFontFace = new FontFace(this.loadedName,, {});


      if (PDFJS.pdfBug && 'FontInspector' in globalScope &&
          globalScope['FontInspector'].enabled) {
      return nativeFontFace;

    bindDOM: function FontFaceObject_bindDOM() {
      if (! {
        return null;

      if (PDFJS.disableFontFace) {
        this.disableFontFace = true;
        return null;

      var data = bytesToString(new Uint8Array(;
      var fontName = this.loadedName;

      // Add the font-face rule to the document
      var url = ('url(data:' + this.mimetype + ';base64,' +
                 window.btoa(data) + ');');
      var rule = '@font-face { font-family:"' + fontName + '";src:' + url + '}';

      if (PDFJS.pdfBug && 'FontInspector' in globalScope &&
          globalScope['FontInspector'].enabled) {
        globalScope['FontInspector'].fontAdded(this, url);

      return rule;

    getPathGenerator: function FontLoader_getPathGenerator(objs, character) {
      if (!(character in this.compiledGlyphs)) {
        var js = objs.get(this.loadedName + '_path_' + character);
        /*jshint -W054 */
        this.compiledGlyphs[character] = new Function('c', 'size', js);
      return this.compiledGlyphs[character];
  return FontFaceObject;

var ANNOT_MIN_SIZE = 10; // px

var AnnotationUtils = (function AnnotationUtilsClosure() {
  // TODO(mack): This dupes some of the logic in CanvasGraphics.setFont()
  function setTextStyles(element, item, fontObj) {

    var style =;
    style.fontSize = item.fontSize + 'px';
    style.direction = item.fontDirection < 0 ? 'rtl': 'ltr';

    if (!fontObj) {

    style.fontWeight = ?
      (fontObj.bold ? 'bolder' : 'bold') :
      (fontObj.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal');
    style.fontStyle = fontObj.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal';

    var fontName = fontObj.loadedName;
    var fontFamily = fontName ? '"' + fontName + '", ' : '';
    // Use a reasonable default font if the font doesn't specify a fallback
    var fallbackName = fontObj.fallbackName || 'Helvetica, sans-serif';
    style.fontFamily = fontFamily + fallbackName;

  function initContainer(item, drawBorder) {
    var container = document.createElement('section');
    var cstyle =;
    var width = item.rect[2] - item.rect[0];
    var height = item.rect[3] - item.rect[1];

    var bWidth = item.borderWidth || 0;
    if (bWidth) {
      width = width - 2 * bWidth;
      height = height - 2 * bWidth;
      cstyle.borderWidth = bWidth + 'px';
      var color = item.color;
      if (drawBorder && color) {
        cstyle.borderStyle = 'solid';
        cstyle.borderColor = Util.makeCssRgb(Math.round(color[0] * 255),
                                             Math.round(color[1] * 255),
                                             Math.round(color[2] * 255));
    cstyle.width = width + 'px';
    cstyle.height = height + 'px';
    return container;

  function getHtmlElementForTextWidgetAnnotation(item, commonObjs) {
    var element = document.createElement('div');
    var width = item.rect[2] - item.rect[0];
    var height = item.rect[3] - item.rect[1]; = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; = 'table';

    var content = document.createElement('div');
    content.textContent = item.fieldValue;
    var textAlignment = item.textAlignment; = ['left', 'center', 'right'][textAlignment]; = 'middle'; = 'table-cell';

    var fontObj = item.fontRefName ?
      commonObjs.getData(item.fontRefName) : null;
    setTextStyles(content, item, fontObj);


    return element;

  function getHtmlElementForTextAnnotation(item) {
    var rect = item.rect;

    // sanity check because of OOo-generated PDFs
    if ((rect[3] - rect[1]) < ANNOT_MIN_SIZE) {
      rect[3] = rect[1] + ANNOT_MIN_SIZE;
    if ((rect[2] - rect[0]) < ANNOT_MIN_SIZE) {
      rect[2] = rect[0] + (rect[3] - rect[1]); // make it square

    var container = initContainer(item, false);
    container.className = 'annotText';

    var image  = document.createElement('img'); =; =;
    var iconName =;
    image.src = PDFJS.imageResourcesPath + 'annotation-' +
      iconName.toLowerCase() + '.svg';
    image.alt = '[{{type}} Annotation]';
    image.dataset.l10nId = 'text_annotation_type';
    image.dataset.l10nArgs = JSON.stringify({type: iconName});

    var contentWrapper = document.createElement('div');
    contentWrapper.className = 'annotTextContentWrapper'; = Math.floor(rect[2] - rect[0] + 5) + 'px'; = '-10px';

    var content = document.createElement('div');
    content.className = 'annotTextContent';
    content.setAttribute('hidden', true);

    var i, ii;
    if (item.hasBgColor) {
      var color = item.color;

      // Enlighten the color (70%)
      var BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT = 0.7;
      var r = BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT * (1.0 - color[0]) + color[0];
      var g = BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT * (1.0 - color[1]) + color[1];
      var b = BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT * (1.0 - color[2]) + color[2]; = Util.makeCssRgb((r * 255) | 0,
                                                      (g * 255) | 0,
                                                      (b * 255) | 0);

    var title = document.createElement('h1');
    var text = document.createElement('p');
    title.textContent = item.title;

    if (!item.content && !item.title) {
      content.setAttribute('hidden', true);
    } else {
      var e = document.createElement('span');
      var lines = item.content.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/);
      for (i = 0, ii = lines.length; i < ii; ++i) {
        var line = lines[i];
        if (i < (ii - 1)) {

      var pinned = false;

      var showAnnotation = function showAnnotation(pin) {
        if (pin) {
          pinned = true;
        if (content.hasAttribute('hidden')) {
 += 1;

      var hideAnnotation = function hideAnnotation(unpin) {
        if (unpin) {
          pinned = false;
        if (!content.hasAttribute('hidden') && !pinned) {
 -= 1;
          content.setAttribute('hidden', true);

      var toggleAnnotation = function toggleAnnotation() {
        if (pinned) {
        } else {

      image.addEventListener('click', function image_clickHandler() {
      }, false);
      image.addEventListener('mouseover', function image_mouseOverHandler() {
      }, false);
      image.addEventListener('mouseout', function image_mouseOutHandler() {
      }, false);

      content.addEventListener('click', function content_clickHandler() {
      }, false);


    return container;

  function getHtmlElementForLinkAnnotation(item) {
    var container = initContainer(item, true);
    container.className = 'annotLink';

    var link = document.createElement('a');
    link.href = link.title = item.url || '';
    if (item.url && PDFJS.openExternalLinksInNewWindow) { = '_blank';


    return container;

  function getHtmlElement(data, objs) {
    switch (data.annotationType) {
      case AnnotationType.WIDGET:
        return getHtmlElementForTextWidgetAnnotation(data, objs);
      case AnnotationType.TEXT:
        return getHtmlElementForTextAnnotation(data);
      case AnnotationType.LINK:
        return getHtmlElementForLinkAnnotation(data);
        throw new Error('Unsupported annotationType: ' + data.annotationType);

  return {
    getHtmlElement: getHtmlElement
PDFJS.AnnotationUtils = AnnotationUtils;

  fontStyle: 'normal',
  fontWeight: 'normal',
  fillColor: '#000000'

var convertImgDataToPng = (function convertImgDataToPngClosure() {
  var PNG_HEADER =
    new Uint8Array([0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a]);


  var crcTable = new Int32Array(256);
  for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
    var c = i;
    for (var h = 0; h < 8; h++) {
      if (c & 1) {
        c = 0xedB88320 ^ ((c >> 1) & 0x7fffffff);
      } else {
        c = (c >> 1) & 0x7fffffff;
    crcTable[i] = c;

  function crc32(data, start, end) {
    var crc = -1;
    for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
      var a = (crc ^ data[i]) & 0xff;
      var b = crcTable[a];
      crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ b;
    return crc ^ -1;

  function writePngChunk(type, body, data, offset) {
    var p = offset;
    var len = body.length;

    data[p] = len >> 24 & 0xff;
    data[p + 1] = len >> 16 & 0xff;
    data[p + 2] = len >> 8 & 0xff;
    data[p + 3] = len & 0xff;
    p += 4;

    data[p] = type.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff;
    data[p + 1] = type.charCodeAt(1) & 0xff;
    data[p + 2] = type.charCodeAt(2) & 0xff;
    data[p + 3] = type.charCodeAt(3) & 0xff;
    p += 4;

    data.set(body, p);
    p += body.length;

    var crc = crc32(data, offset + 4, p);

    data[p] = crc >> 24 & 0xff;
    data[p + 1] = crc >> 16 & 0xff;
    data[p + 2] = crc >> 8 & 0xff;
    data[p + 3] = crc & 0xff;

  function adler32(data, start, end) {
    var a = 1;
    var b = 0;
    for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
      a = (a + (data[i] & 0xff)) % 65521;
      b = (b + a) % 65521;
    return (b << 16) | a;

  function encode(imgData, kind) {
    var width = imgData.width;
    var height = imgData.height;
    var bitDepth, colorType, lineSize;
    var bytes =;

    switch (kind) {
      case ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP:
        colorType = 0;
        bitDepth = 1;
        lineSize = (width + 7) >> 3;
      case ImageKind.RGB_24BPP:
        colorType = 2;
        bitDepth = 8;
        lineSize = width * 3;
      case ImageKind.RGBA_32BPP:
        colorType = 6;
        bitDepth = 8;
        lineSize = width * 4;
        throw new Error('invalid format');

    // prefix every row with predictor 0
    var literals = new Uint8Array((1 + lineSize) * height);
    var offsetLiterals = 0, offsetBytes = 0;
    var y, i;
    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
      literals[offsetLiterals++] = 0; // no prediction
      literals.set(bytes.subarray(offsetBytes, offsetBytes + lineSize),
      offsetBytes += lineSize;
      offsetLiterals += lineSize;

    if (kind === ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP) {
      // inverting for B/W
      offsetLiterals = 0;
      for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        offsetLiterals++; // skipping predictor
        for (i = 0; i < lineSize; i++) {
          literals[offsetLiterals++] ^= 0xFF;

    var ihdr = new Uint8Array([
      width >> 24 & 0xff,
      width >> 16 & 0xff,
      width >> 8 & 0xff,
      width & 0xff,
      height >> 24 & 0xff,
      height >> 16 & 0xff,
      height >> 8 & 0xff,
      height & 0xff,
      bitDepth, // bit depth
      colorType, // color type
      0x00, // compression method
      0x00, // filter method
      0x00 // interlace method

    var len = literals.length;
    var maxBlockLength = 0xFFFF;

    var deflateBlocks = Math.ceil(len / maxBlockLength);
    var idat = new Uint8Array(2 + len + deflateBlocks * 5 + 4);
    var pi = 0;
    idat[pi++] = 0x78; // compression method and flags
    idat[pi++] = 0x9c; // flags

    var pos = 0;
    while (len > maxBlockLength) {
      // writing non-final DEFLATE blocks type 0 and length of 65535
      idat[pi++] = 0x00;
      idat[pi++] = 0xff;
      idat[pi++] = 0xff;
      idat[pi++] = 0x00;
      idat[pi++] = 0x00;
      idat.set(literals.subarray(pos, pos + maxBlockLength), pi);
      pi += maxBlockLength;
      pos += maxBlockLength;
      len -= maxBlockLength;

    // writing non-final DEFLATE blocks type 0
    idat[pi++] = 0x01;
    idat[pi++] = len & 0xff;
    idat[pi++] = len >> 8 & 0xff;
    idat[pi++] = (~len & 0xffff) & 0xff;
    idat[pi++] = (~len & 0xffff) >> 8 & 0xff;
    idat.set(literals.subarray(pos), pi);
    pi += literals.length - pos;

    var adler = adler32(literals, 0, literals.length); // checksum
    idat[pi++] = adler >> 24 & 0xff;
    idat[pi++] = adler >> 16 & 0xff;
    idat[pi++] = adler >> 8 & 0xff;
    idat[pi++] = adler & 0xff;

    // PNG will consists: header, IHDR+data, IDAT+data, and IEND.
    var pngLength = PNG_HEADER.length + (CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE * 3) +
                    ihdr.length + idat.length;
    var data = new Uint8Array(pngLength);
    var offset = 0;
    data.set(PNG_HEADER, offset);
    offset += PNG_HEADER.length;
    writePngChunk('IHDR', ihdr, data, offset);
    offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + ihdr.length;
    writePngChunk('IDATA', idat, data, offset);
    offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + idat.length;
    writePngChunk('IEND', new Uint8Array(0), data, offset);

    return PDFJS.createObjectURL(data, 'image/png');

  return function convertImgDataToPng(imgData) {
    var kind = (imgData.kind === undefined ?
                ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP : imgData.kind);
    return encode(imgData, kind);

var SVGExtraState = (function SVGExtraStateClosure() {
  function SVGExtraState() {
    this.fontSizeScale = 1;
    this.fontWeight = SVG_DEFAULTS.fontWeight;
    this.fontSize = 0;

    this.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
    this.fontMatrix = FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX;
    this.leading = 0;

    // Current point (in user coordinates)
    this.x = 0;
    this.y = 0;

    // Start of text line (in text coordinates)
    this.lineX = 0;
    this.lineY = 0;

    // Character and word spacing
    this.charSpacing = 0;
    this.wordSpacing = 0;
    this.textHScale = 1;
    this.textRise = 0;

    // Default foreground and background colors
    this.fillColor = SVG_DEFAULTS.fillColor;
    this.strokeColor = '#000000';

    this.fillAlpha = 1;
    this.strokeAlpha = 1;
    this.lineWidth = 1;
    this.lineJoin = '';
    this.lineCap = '';
    this.miterLimit = 0;

    this.dashArray = [];
    this.dashPhase = 0;

    this.dependencies = [];

    // Clipping
    this.clipId = '';
    this.pendingClip = false;

    this.maskId = '';

  SVGExtraState.prototype = {
    clone: function SVGExtraState_clone() {
      return Object.create(this);
    setCurrentPoint: function SVGExtraState_setCurrentPoint(x, y) {
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;
  return SVGExtraState;

var SVGGraphics = (function SVGGraphicsClosure() {
  function createScratchSVG(width, height) {
    var NS = '';
    var svg = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:svg');
    svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'version', '1.1');
    svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', width + 'px');
    svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', height + 'px');
    svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height);
    return svg;

  function opListToTree(opList) {
    var opTree = [];
    var tmp = [];
    var opListLen = opList.length;

    for (var x = 0; x < opListLen; x++) {
      if (opList[x].fn === 'save') {
        opTree.push({'fnId': 92, 'fn': 'group', 'items': []});
        opTree = opTree[opTree.length - 1].items;

      if(opList[x].fn === 'restore') {
        opTree = tmp.pop();
      } else {
    return opTree;

   * Formats float number.
   * @param value {number} number to format.
   * @returns {string}
  function pf(value) {
    if (value === (value | 0)) { // integer number
      return value.toString();
    var s = value.toFixed(10);
    var i = s.length - 1;
    if (s[i] !== '0') {
      return s;
    // removing trailing zeros
    do {
    } while (s[i] === '0');
    return s.substr(0, s[i] === '.' ? i : i + 1);

   * Formats transform matrix. The standard rotation, scale and translate
   * matrices are replaced by their shorter forms, and for identity matrix
   * returns empty string to save the memory.
   * @param m {Array} matrix to format.
   * @returns {string}
  function pm(m) {
    if (m[4] === 0 && m[5] === 0) {
      if (m[1] === 0 && m[2] === 0) {
        if (m[0] === 1 && m[3] === 1) {
          return '';
        return 'scale(' + pf(m[0]) + ' ' + pf(m[3]) + ')';
      if (m[0] === m[3] && m[1] === -m[2]) {
        var a = Math.acos(m[0]) * 180 / Math.PI;
        return 'rotate(' + pf(a) + ')';
    } else {
      if (m[0] === 1 && m[1] === 0 && m[2] === 0 && m[3] === 1) {
        return 'translate(' + pf(m[4]) + ' ' + pf(m[5]) + ')';
    return 'matrix(' + pf(m[0]) + ' ' + pf(m[1]) + ' ' + pf(m[2]) + ' ' +
      pf(m[3]) + ' ' + pf(m[4]) + ' ' + pf(m[5]) + ')';

  function SVGGraphics(commonObjs, objs) {
    this.current = new SVGExtraState();
    this.transformMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX; // Graphics state matrix
    this.transformStack = [];
    this.extraStack = [];
    this.commonObjs = commonObjs;
    this.objs = objs;
    this.pendingEOFill = false;

    this.embedFonts = false;
    this.embeddedFonts = {};
    this.cssStyle = null;

  var NS = '';
  var XML_NS = '';
  var XLINK_NS = '';
  var LINE_CAP_STYLES = ['butt', 'round', 'square'];
  var LINE_JOIN_STYLES = ['miter', 'round', 'bevel'];
  var clipCount = 0;
  var maskCount = 0;

  SVGGraphics.prototype = {
    save: function SVGGraphics_save() {
      var old = this.current;
      this.current = old.clone();

    restore: function SVGGraphics_restore() {
      this.transformMatrix = this.transformStack.pop();
      this.current = this.extraStack.pop();

      this.tgrp = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g');
      this.tgrp.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(this.transformMatrix));

    group: function SVGGraphics_group(items) {;

    loadDependencies: function SVGGraphics_loadDependencies(operatorList) {
      var fnArray = operatorList.fnArray;
      var fnArrayLen = fnArray.length;
      var argsArray = operatorList.argsArray;

      var self = this;
      for (var i = 0; i < fnArrayLen; i++) {
        if (OPS.dependency === fnArray[i]) {
          var deps = argsArray[i];
          for (var n = 0, nn = deps.length; n < nn; n++) {
            var obj = deps[n];
            var common = obj.substring(0, 2) === 'g_';
            var promise;
            if (common) {
              promise = new Promise(function(resolve) {
                self.commonObjs.get(obj, resolve);
            } else {
              promise = new Promise(function(resolve) {
                self.objs.get(obj, resolve);
      return Promise.all(this.current.dependencies);

    transform: function SVGGraphics_transform(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
      var transformMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f];
      this.transformMatrix = PDFJS.Util.transform(this.transformMatrix,

      this.tgrp = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g');
      this.tgrp.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(this.transformMatrix));

    getSVG: function SVGGraphics_getSVG(operatorList, viewport) {
      this.svg = createScratchSVG(viewport.width, viewport.height);
      this.viewport = viewport;

      return this.loadDependencies(operatorList).then(function () {
        this.transformMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
        this.pgrp = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g'); // Parent group
        this.pgrp.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(viewport.transform));
        this.tgrp = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g'); // Transform group
        this.tgrp.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(this.transformMatrix));
        this.defs = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:defs');
        var opTree = this.convertOpList(operatorList);
        return this.svg;

    convertOpList: function SVGGraphics_convertOpList(operatorList) {
      var argsArray = operatorList.argsArray;
      var fnArray = operatorList.fnArray;
      var fnArrayLen  = fnArray.length;
      var REVOPS = [];
      var opList = [];

      for (var op in OPS) {
        REVOPS[OPS[op]] = op;

      for (var x = 0; x < fnArrayLen; x++) {
        var fnId = fnArray[x];
        opList.push({'fnId' : fnId, 'fn': REVOPS[fnId], 'args': argsArray[x]});
      return opListToTree(opList);

    executeOpTree: function SVGGraphics_executeOpTree(opTree) {
      var opTreeLen = opTree.length;
      for(var x = 0; x < opTreeLen; x++) {
        var fn = opTree[x].fn;
        var fnId = opTree[x].fnId;
        var args = opTree[x].args;

        switch (fnId | 0) {
          case OPS.beginText:
          case OPS.setLeading:
          case OPS.setLeadingMoveText:
            this.setLeadingMoveText(args[0], args[1]);
          case OPS.setFont:
          case OPS.showText:
          case OPS.showSpacedText:
          case OPS.endText:
          case OPS.moveText:
            this.moveText(args[0], args[1]);
          case OPS.setCharSpacing:
          case OPS.setWordSpacing:
          case OPS.setHScale:
          case OPS.setTextMatrix:
            this.setTextMatrix(args[0], args[1], args[2],
                               args[3], args[4], args[5]);
          case OPS.setLineWidth:
          case OPS.setLineJoin:
          case OPS.setLineCap:
          case OPS.setMiterLimit:
          case OPS.setFillRGBColor:
            this.setFillRGBColor(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
          case OPS.setStrokeRGBColor:
            this.setStrokeRGBColor(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
          case OPS.setDash:
            this.setDash(args[0], args[1]);
          case OPS.setGState:
          case OPS.fill:
          case OPS.eoFill:
          case OPS.stroke:
          case OPS.fillStroke:
          case OPS.eoFillStroke:
          case OPS.clip:
          case OPS.eoClip:
          case OPS.paintSolidColorImageMask:
          case OPS.paintJpegXObject:
            this.paintJpegXObject(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
          case OPS.paintImageXObject:
          case OPS.paintInlineImageXObject:
          case OPS.paintImageMaskXObject:
          case OPS.paintFormXObjectBegin:
            this.paintFormXObjectBegin(args[0], args[1]);
          case OPS.paintFormXObjectEnd:
          case OPS.closePath:
          case OPS.closeStroke:
          case OPS.closeFillStroke:
          case OPS.nextLine:
          case OPS.transform:
            this.transform(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
                           args[4], args[5]);
          case OPS.constructPath:
            this.constructPath(args[0], args[1]);
          case OPS.endPath:
          case 92:
            warn('Unimplemented method '+ fn);

    setWordSpacing: function SVGGraphics_setWordSpacing(wordSpacing) {
      this.current.wordSpacing = wordSpacing;

    setCharSpacing: function SVGGraphics_setCharSpacing(charSpacing) {
      this.current.charSpacing = charSpacing;

    nextLine: function SVGGraphics_nextLine() {
      this.moveText(0, this.current.leading);

    setTextMatrix: function SVGGraphics_setTextMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
      var current = this.current;
      this.current.textMatrix = this.current.lineMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f];

      this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0;
      this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0;

      current.xcoords = [];
      current.tspan = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:tspan');
      current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-family', current.fontFamily);
      current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-size',
                                   pf(current.fontSize) + 'px');
      current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y));

      current.txtElement = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:text');

    beginText: function SVGGraphics_beginText() {
      this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0;
      this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0;
      this.current.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
      this.current.lineMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
      this.current.tspan = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:tspan');
      this.current.txtElement = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:text');
      this.current.txtgrp = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g');
      this.current.xcoords = [];

    moveText: function SVGGraphics_moveText(x, y) {
      var current = this.current;
      this.current.x = this.current.lineX += x;
      this.current.y = this.current.lineY += y;

      current.xcoords = [];
      current.tspan = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:tspan');
      current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-family', current.fontFamily);
      current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-size',
                                   pf(current.fontSize) + 'px');
      current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y));

    showText: function SVGGraphics_showText(glyphs) {
      var current = this.current;
      var font = current.font;
      var fontSize = current.fontSize;

      if (fontSize === 0) {

      var charSpacing = current.charSpacing;
      var wordSpacing = current.wordSpacing;
      var fontDirection = current.fontDirection;
      var textHScale = current.textHScale * fontDirection;
      var glyphsLength = glyphs.length;
      var vertical = font.vertical;
      var widthAdvanceScale = fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0];

      var x = 0, i;
      for (i = 0; i < glyphsLength; ++i) {
        var glyph = glyphs[i];
        if (glyph === null) {
          // word break
          x += fontDirection * wordSpacing;
        } else if (isNum(glyph)) {
          x += -glyph * fontSize * 0.001;
        current.xcoords.push(current.x + x * textHScale);

        var width = glyph.width;
        var character = glyph.fontChar;
        var charWidth = width * widthAdvanceScale + charSpacing * fontDirection;
        x += charWidth;

        current.tspan.textContent += character;
      if (vertical) {
        current.y -= x * textHScale;
      } else {
        current.x += x * textHScale;

      current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'x',
                         ' '));
      current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y));
      current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-family', current.fontFamily);
      current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-size',
                                   pf(current.fontSize) + 'px');
      if (current.fontStyle !== SVG_DEFAULTS.fontStyle) {
        current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-style', current.fontStyle);
      if (current.fontWeight !== SVG_DEFAULTS.fontWeight) {
        current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-weight', current.fontWeight);
      if (current.fillColor !== SVG_DEFAULTS.fillColor) {
        current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', current.fillColor);

      current.txtElement.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform',
                                        pm(current.textMatrix) +
                                        ' scale(1, -1)' );
      current.txtElement.setAttributeNS(XML_NS, 'xml:space', 'preserve');



    setLeadingMoveText: function SVGGraphics_setLeadingMoveText(x, y) {
      this.moveText(x, y);

    addFontStyle: function SVGGraphics_addFontStyle(fontObj) {
      if (!this.cssStyle) {
        this.cssStyle = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:style');
        this.cssStyle.setAttributeNS(null, 'type', 'text/css');

      var url = PDFJS.createObjectURL(, fontObj.mimetype);
      this.cssStyle.textContent +=
        '@font-face { font-family: "' + fontObj.loadedName + '";' +
        ' src: url(' + url + '); }\n';

    setFont: function SVGGraphics_setFont(details) {
      var current = this.current;
      var fontObj = this.commonObjs.get(details[0]);
      var size = details[1];
      this.current.font = fontObj;

      if (this.embedFonts && &&
          !this.embeddedFonts[fontObj.loadedName]) {
        this.embeddedFonts[fontObj.loadedName] = fontObj;

      current.fontMatrix = (fontObj.fontMatrix ?
                            fontObj.fontMatrix : FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX);

      var bold = ? (fontObj.bold ? 'bolder' : 'bold') :
                                 (fontObj.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal');
      var italic = fontObj.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal';

      if (size < 0) {
        size = -size;
        current.fontDirection = -1;
      } else {
        current.fontDirection = 1;
      current.fontSize = size;
      current.fontFamily = fontObj.loadedName;
      current.fontWeight = bold;
      current.fontStyle = italic;

      current.tspan = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:tspan');
      current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y));
      current.xcoords = [];

    endText: function SVGGraphics_endText() {
      if (this.current.pendingClip) {
      } else {
      this.tgrp = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g');
      this.tgrp.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(this.transformMatrix));

    // Path properties
    setLineWidth: function SVGGraphics_setLineWidth(width) {
      this.current.lineWidth = width;
    setLineCap: function SVGGraphics_setLineCap(style) {
      this.current.lineCap = LINE_CAP_STYLES[style];
    setLineJoin: function SVGGraphics_setLineJoin(style) {
      this.current.lineJoin = LINE_JOIN_STYLES[style];
    setMiterLimit: function SVGGraphics_setMiterLimit(limit) {
      this.current.miterLimit = limit;
    setStrokeRGBColor: function SVGGraphics_setStrokeRGBColor(r, g, b) {
      var color = Util.makeCssRgb(r, g, b);
      this.current.strokeColor = color;
    setFillRGBColor: function SVGGraphics_setFillRGBColor(r, g, b) {
      var color = Util.makeCssRgb(r, g, b);
      this.current.fillColor = color;
      this.current.tspan = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:tspan');
      this.current.xcoords = [];
    setDash: function SVGGraphics_setDash(dashArray, dashPhase) {
      this.current.dashArray = dashArray;
      this.current.dashPhase = dashPhase;

    constructPath: function SVGGraphics_constructPath(ops, args) {
      var current = this.current;
      var x = current.x, y = current.y;
      current.path = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:path');
      var d = [];
      var opLength = ops.length;

      for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < opLength; i++) {
        switch (ops[i] | 0) {
          case OPS.rectangle:
            x = args[j++];
            y = args[j++];
            var width = args[j++];
            var height = args[j++];
            var xw = x + width;
            var yh = y + height;
            d.push('M', pf(x), pf(y), 'L', pf(xw) , pf(y), 'L', pf(xw), pf(yh),
                   'L', pf(x), pf(yh), 'Z');
          case OPS.moveTo:
            x = args[j++];
            y = args[j++];
            d.push('M', pf(x), pf(y));
          case OPS.lineTo:
            x = args[j++];
            y = args[j++];
            d.push('L', pf(x) , pf(y));
          case OPS.curveTo:
            x = args[j + 4];
            y = args[j + 5];
            d.push('C', pf(args[j]), pf(args[j + 1]), pf(args[j + 2]),
                   pf(args[j + 3]), pf(x), pf(y));
            j += 6;
          case OPS.curveTo2:
            x = args[j + 2];
            y = args[j + 3];
            d.push('C', pf(x), pf(y), pf(args[j]), pf(args[j + 1]),
                   pf(args[j + 2]), pf(args[j + 3]));
            j += 4;
          case OPS.curveTo3:
            x = args[j + 2];
            y = args[j + 3];
            d.push('C', pf(args[j]), pf(args[j + 1]), pf(x), pf(y),
                   pf(x), pf(y));
            j += 4;
          case OPS.closePath:
      current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d.join(' '));
      current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-miterlimit',
      current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-linecap', current.lineCap);
      current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-linejoin', current.lineJoin);
      current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width',
                                  pf(current.lineWidth) + 'px');
      current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-dasharray',
                        ' '));
      current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-dashoffset',
                                  pf(current.dashPhase) + 'px');
      current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'none');

      if (current.pendingClip) {
      } else {
      // Saving a reference in current.element so that it can be addressed
      // in 'fill' and 'stroke'
      current.element = current.path;
      current.setCurrentPoint(x, y);

    endPath: function SVGGraphics_endPath() {
      var current = this.current;
      if (current.pendingClip) {
      } else {
      this.tgrp = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g');
      this.tgrp.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(this.transformMatrix));

    clip: function SVGGraphics_clip(type) {
      var current = this.current;
      // Add current path to clipping path
      current.clipId = 'clippath' + clipCount;
      this.clippath = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:clipPath');
      this.clippath.setAttributeNS(null, 'id', current.clipId);
      var clipElement = current.element.cloneNode();
      if (type === 'evenodd') {
        clipElement.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-rule', 'evenodd');
      } else {
        clipElement.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-rule', 'nonzero');
      this.clippath.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(this.transformMatrix));

      // Create a new group with that attribute
      current.pendingClip = true;
      this.cgrp = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g');
      this.cgrp.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path',
                               'url(#' + current.clipId + ')');

    closePath: function SVGGraphics_closePath() {
      var current = this.current;
      var d = current.path.getAttributeNS(null, 'd');
      d += 'Z';
      current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d);

    setLeading: function SVGGraphics_setLeading(leading) {
      this.current.leading = -leading;

    setTextRise: function SVGGraphics_setTextRise(textRise) {
      this.current.textRise = textRise;

    setHScale: function SVGGraphics_setHScale(scale) {
      this.current.textHScale = scale / 100;

    setGState: function SVGGraphics_setGState(states) {
      for (var i = 0, ii = states.length; i < ii; i++) {
        var state = states[i];
        var key = state[0];
        var value = state[1];

        switch (key) {
          case 'LW':
          case 'LC':
          case 'LJ':
          case 'ML':
          case 'D':
            this.setDash(value[0], value[1]);
          case 'RI':
          case 'FL':
          case 'Font':
          case 'CA':
          case 'ca':
          case 'BM':
          case 'SMask':

    fill: function SVGGraphics_fill() {
      var current = this.current;
      current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', current.fillColor);

    stroke: function SVGGraphics_stroke() {
      var current = this.current;
      current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', current.strokeColor);
      current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'none');

    eoFill: function SVGGraphics_eoFill() {
      var current = this.current;
      current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', current.fillColor);
      current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill-rule', 'evenodd');

    fillStroke: function SVGGraphics_fillStroke() {
      // Order is important since stroke wants fill to be none.
      // First stroke, then if fill needed, it will be overwritten.

    eoFillStroke: function SVGGraphics_eoFillStroke() {
      this.current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill-rule', 'evenodd');

    closeStroke: function SVGGraphics_closeStroke() {

    closeFillStroke: function SVGGraphics_closeFillStroke() {

        function SVGGraphics_paintSolidColorImageMask() {
      var current = this.current;
      var rect = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:rect');
      rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0');
      rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', '0');
      rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '1px');
      rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '1px');
      rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', current.fillColor);

    paintJpegXObject: function SVGGraphics_paintJpegXObject(objId, w, h) {
      var current = this.current;
      var imgObj = this.objs.get(objId);
      var imgEl = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:image');
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, 'xlink:href', imgObj.src);
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', imgObj.width + 'px');
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', imgObj.height + 'px');
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0');
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-h));
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform',
                           'scale(' + pf(1 / w) + ' ' + pf(-1 / h) + ')');

      if (current.pendingClip) {
      } else {

    paintImageXObject: function SVGGraphics_paintImageXObject(objId) {
      var imgData = this.objs.get(objId);
      if (!imgData) {
        warn('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet');

        function SVGGraphics_paintInlineImageXObject(imgData, mask) {
      var current = this.current;
      var width = imgData.width;
      var height = imgData.height;

      var imgSrc = convertImgDataToPng(imgData);
      var cliprect = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:rect');
      cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0');
      cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', '0');
      cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(width));
      cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(height));
      current.element = cliprect;
      var imgEl = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:image');
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, 'xlink:href', imgSrc);
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0');
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-height));
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(width) + 'px');
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(height) + 'px');
      imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform',
                           'scale(' + pf(1 / width) + ' ' +
                           pf(-1 / height) + ')');
      if (mask) {
      } else {
      if (current.pendingClip) {
      } else {

        function SVGGraphics_paintImageMaskXObject(imgData) {
      var current = this.current;
      var width = imgData.width;
      var height = imgData.height;
      var fillColor = current.fillColor;

      current.maskId = 'mask' + maskCount++;
      var mask = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:mask');
      mask.setAttributeNS(null, 'id', current.maskId);

      var rect = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:rect');
      rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0');
      rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', '0');
      rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(width));
      rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(height));
      rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', fillColor);
      rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'mask', 'url(#' + current.maskId +')');

      this.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData, mask);

        function SVGGraphics_paintFormXObjectBegin(matrix, bbox) {;

      if (isArray(matrix) && matrix.length === 6) {
        this.transform(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2],
                       matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]);

      if (isArray(bbox) && bbox.length === 4) {
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Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
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Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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