shell bypass 403

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name : tmon
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6 B�D @PAWL�
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{5 f(��\�f/-����55 f(�fW5��%�0 �15 f(��X�f(��\�f(��X
�0 f(��Y=5 �Y��^��Y�4 �Y��Y�f(��\��Y��X��X��X���0 �u0 ��f/�vP����4 fT袿��H�����[�H�����������H���f/
�v�H��H��f���AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%<& UH�-<& SL)�H���w���H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���TMON caught signal %d
sigterm, exit and clean upsigkill, exit and clean upctrl-c, exit and clean upTMON exit cleanup
Usage: tmon [OPTION...]1.0TMON version %s
TMON needs to be run as root/Run TMON in daemon modec:dlht:T:vgz:
 mutex init failed, exit
TMON started by User %dCannot handle SIGINT
Cannot handle SIGTERM
w+/var/tmp/tmon.logfailed to open log file %s
Unable to stat log file %s
#	TP%02d type:%s, temp:%lu
#cooling devices%02d: %s
Samples TargetTemp %s%d    %s%d 
can't create thread :[%s]controldaemontime-intervaltarget-temphelpversiondebug  -c, --control         cooling device in control  -d, --daemon          run as daemon, no TUI  -g, --debug           debug message in syslog  -h, --help            show this help message  -l, --log             log data to /var/tmp/tmon.log  -t, --time-interval   sampling time interval, > 1 sec.  -T, --target-temp     initial target temperature  -v, --version         show version  -z, --zone            target thermal zone iderror: temperature must be positive
Logging data to /var/tmp/tmon.logLog file is a symlink.  Will not log
We don't own the log file.  Not logging
#----------- THERMAL SYSTEM CONFIG -------------
#thermal zone %s%02d cdevs binding: %32s
#---------- THERMAL DATA LOG STARTED -----------
target zone is not found, default to %d
���CNo data panel
No dialogue panel
%02d %12.12s%6d %6d*Set Temp%C-%.12s%C-%.10s-%2dEnter Choice [A-Z]?     TMON v%s%6.6s%2d:[%3d][%c%d%s:tz %d tp %d temp = %lu
New Value for %.10s-%2d: Invalid Temp %d! %d-%dSet New Target Temp %d/sys/class/thermal%s/%s%dcooling_devicecur_stateInvalid selection %dThermal Zones:Trip Points:%.9s%02ddraw tz %d tp %d ch:%c
no dialogue win, term too small
SIG %d, term resized to %d x %d
ID  Cooling Dev   Cur    Max   Thermal Zone Bindingbind tz%d cdev%d tp%lx %d cdev%lx
Legend: A=Active, P=Passive, C=CriticalPID gain: kp=%2.2f ki=%2.2f kd=%2.2f Output %2.2fTarget Temp: %2.1fC, Zone: %d, Control Device: %.12sdraw_tp_lineTHERMAL ZONES(SENSORS) THERMAL DATA  CONTROLS [ TUNABLES ] COOLING DEVICES _%s:%s:%s:%d%s/%srErr: open %s: %s
%256s%luNo cooling devices found
Cooling dev %s skipped
scandir failed in %scontrol cdev id %d
thermal_zoneThermal zone %s skipped
Failed to find TP inst %s
trip_point_%d_type%s:%s no matching type
TZ%d: cdev: %s cid %d
Err: Too many cdev? %d
cdev %s linked to %s : %d
%s%s_trip_pointTZ %d has %d cdev
No thermal sysfs, exit
found cdev: %s %d %d
found tzone: %s %d %d
Err: allocate tz_info
Err: allocate cdev_info
No thermal zones found!
%lu %3.1f max_statectrl cdev path %sctrl cdev %d get state
criticalhotpassiveactivetzone %s trip %d temp %lu tpnode %s%s:tz:%d tp:%d:type:%s type id %d
cdev %s -> trip:%lu: 0x%lx %d
scandir failed in thermal sysfsfound %d tzone(s), %d cdev(s), target zone %d

No thermal zones found, exit

%s: %s: type %s, max %lu, curr %lu inst %d
ctrl cdev %d set state %lu scaled to %lu
probe_cdevget_trip_point_datasysfs_get_ulongsysfs_get_stringget_instance_idsysfs_set_ulongTC inactive, relax p-state
PID: %3.1f Below set point %3.1f, stop

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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 24 August , 2024

At Anyleson, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is handled securely and responsibly. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your data when you use our platform.

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If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or how your data is handled, please contact us at:

Email: support@anyleson.comThank you for trusting Anyleson with your learning journey!