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�B �P��H�����H��H�={1��w��H�=�1��i�����H�=�1��V���D��H��������M�������\$M���=�B ��H�T$0H�|$01�L�ֹ�H�B��KH���b�|$<���|$8H�L$0A� �����A��f���=,B f�A�Y�����1�H�=���H�|$0�� �N���0���H�=�1��������D��H�=�1�A�a)���k�����H��$P�
�A �P��H������H��H�=<1��8������H�D$0�@�5���PL��A�A����1�H��$XUL�T$�Y���ZH��YH�=61����L�$����������AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%d8 UH�-d8 SL)�H��臽��H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���  remaining block count=%ld
%s%ld+%d records in
%s%ld+%d records out
/proc/devicesfopen %s failed: %s
Character%d %126sbsgfound bsg_major=%d
null device SCSI generic (sg) device block device fifo (named pipe) SCSI tape device raw device unable to 'stat' file blockchar%.500sread partition/dev/block/%d:%d/dev/char/%d:%dINQUIRY failed on %s
Read capacity(10): %s
Read capacity(16): %s

Output response in hex:
 >> %s response:
 so far at %.2f MB/sec
  Interrupted by signal,no flag found
appendexclflocknullpadunrecognised flag: %s
VPD inquiry (Device ID): %s
   try again with '-vv'
invalid VPD response
%sDescriptor in hex (bs %d):
appbptlist_idid_usageholddiscarddisableconvcount-1priocatdcibsifSecond IFILE argument??
iflagobsofSecond OFILE argument??
oflagseekskiptime--help--on_dst--on_src--verb--vers--xcopyUnrecognized option '%s'
0.68 20180811sg_xcopy: %s
XCOPY_TO_SRCXCOPY_TO_DSTbpt must be greater than 0
sg_xcopy: unable access %s
Read capacity%s failed on %s - not ready
Unable to %s on %s
Xcopy(LID1): %s
sg_xcopy failed: found no bsg char device in %s
other (perhaps ordinary file) /sys/dev/block/%d:%d/partitionsg_xcopy: could not open %s device %d:%d for sg    %s: %.8s  %.16s  %.4s  [pdt=%d, 3pc=%d]
    %s: number of blocks=%ld [0x%lx], block size=%d
Xcopy operating parameters: %s
  <<report len %d > %d too long for internal buffer, output truncated
Receive copy operating parameters    Support No List IDentifier (SNLID): %d
    Maximum target descriptor count: %u
    Maximum segment descriptor count: %u
    Maximum descriptor list length: %u
    Maximum segment length: %u
    Maximum inline data length: %u
    Held data limit: %u (list_id_usage: %d)
    Maximum stream device transfer size: %u
    Maximum concurrent copies: %u
    Data segment granularity: 2**%u bytes
    Data segment granularity: %u bytes
    Inline data granularity: 2**%u bytes
    Inline data granularity: %u bytes
    Held data granularity: 2**%u bytes
    Held data granularity: %u bytes
    Implemented descriptor list:
>> no matching target descriptor supported
        Copy Block to Stream device
        Copy Stream to Block device
        Copy Block to Block device
        Copy Stream to Stream device
        Copy inline data to Stream device
        Copy embedded data to Stream device
        Read from stream device and discard
        Verify block or stream device operation
        Copy block device with offset to stream device
        Copy stream device to block device with offset
        Copy block device with offset to block device with offset
        Copy block device to stream device and hold data
        Copy stream device to block device and hold data
        Copy block device to block device and hold data
        Read from stream device and hold data
        FC N_Port_Name target descriptor
        FC Port_ID target descriptor
        FC N_Port_ID with N_Port_Name target descriptor
        SPI T_L target descriptor
        Identification target descriptor
        IPv4 target descriptor
        Alias target descriptor
        RDMA target descriptor
        IEEE 1394 target descriptor
        SAS target descriptor
        IPv6 target descriptor
        IP Copy Service target descriptor
        ROD target descriptor
>> Unhandled target descriptor 0x%02x
Usage: sg_xcopy [app=0|1] [bpt=BPT] [bs=BS] [cat=0|1] [conv=CONV]
                [count=COUNT] [dc=0|1] [ibs=BS]
                [id_usage=hold|discard|disable] [if=IFILE] [iflag=FLAGS]
                [list_id=ID] [obs=BS] [of=OFILE] [oflag=FLAGS] [prio=PRIO]
                [seek=SEEK] [skip=SKIP] [time=0|1] [verbose=VERB]
                [--help] [--on_dst|--on_src] [--verbose] [--version]

    app         if argument is 1 then open OFILE in append mode
    bpt         is blocks_per_transfer (default: 128)
    bs          block size (default is 512)
    cat         xcopy segment descriptor CAT bit (default: 0)
    conv        ignored
    count       number of blocks to copy (def: device size)
    dc          xcopy segment descriptor DC bit (default: 0)
    ibs         input block size (if given must be same as 'bs=')
    id_usage    sets list_id_usage field to hold (0), discard (2) or
                disable (3)
    if          file or device to read from (def: stdin)
    iflag       comma separated list of flags applying to IFILE
    list_id     sets list_id field to ID (default: 1 or 0)
    obs         output block size (if given must be same as 'bs=')
    of          file or device to write to (def: stdout), OFILE of '.'
                treated as /dev/null
    oflag       comma separated list of flags applying to OFILE
    prio        set xcopy priority field to PRIO (def: 1)
    seek        block position to start writing to OFILE
    skip        block position to start reading from IFILE
    time        0->no timing(def), 1->time plus calculate throughput
    verbose     0->quiet(def), 1->some noise, 2->more noise, etc
    --help|-h   print out this usage message then exit
    --on_dst    send XCOPY command to OFILE
    --on_src    send XCOPY command to IFILE
    --verbose|-v   same action as verbose=1
    --version|-V   print version information then exit

Copy from IFILE to OFILE, similar to dd command; but using the SCSI
EXTENDED COPY (XCOPY(LID1)) command. For list of flags, use '-hh'.
time to transfer data%s: %d.%06d secsProgress report, continuing ...
Device identification VPD page not found
    VPD page error: designator length %d longer than
     remaining response length=%d
    Desc %d: assoc %u desig %u len %d
Won't default both IFILE to stdin _and_ OFILE to stdout
For more information use '--help'
sg_xcopy: bad argument to 'bpt='
sg_xcopy: bad argument to 'bs='
sg_xcopy: bad argument to 'list_id='
sg_xcopy: bad argument to 'id_usage='
sg_xcopy: >>> ignoring all 'conv=' arguments
sg_xcopy: bad argument to 'count='
sg_xcopy: bad argument to 'cat='
sg_xcopy: bad argument to 'dc='
sg_xcopy: bad argument to 'iflag='
sg_xcopy: bad argument to 'oflag='
sg_xcopy: bad argument to 'seek='
sg_xcopy: bad argument to 'skip='
Syntax error - either specify --on_src OR --on_dst
sg_xcopy: Unrecognised short option in '%s', try '--help'
  append (o)     open OFILE in append mode
  excl           open corresponding device with O_EXCL
  flock          call flock(LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)
  null           does nothing, placeholder
  pad            set xcopy data descriptor PAD bit on
                 corresponding device
  xcopy          send XCOPY command to corresponding device

  XCOPY_TO_DST   send XCOPY command to OFILE (destination) if no other
  XCOPY_TO_SRC   send XCOPY command to IFILE (source)
Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
 >>> Extended Copy(LID1) command will be sent to %s device [%s]
If 'ibs' or 'obs' given must be same as 'bs'
skip and seek cannot be negative
Can't use both append and seek switches
bpt must be less than or equal to %d
list_id disabled by id_usage flag
 >>> sg_xcopy:  if=%s skip=%ld of=%s seek=%ld count=%ld
 >> Input file type: %s, devno %d:%d
sg_xcopy: could not open %.500s for sg reading        open input(sg_io), flags=0x%x
sg_xcopy: flock(LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) on %.500s failedstdin not acceptable for IFILE
 >> Output file type: %s, devno %d:%d
sg_xcopy: could not open %.500s for sg writing        open output(sg_io), flags=0x%x
stdout not acceptable for OFILE
Can't have both 'if' as stdin _and_ 'of' as stdout
Unit attention (%s in), continuing
Aborted command (%s in), continuing
%s command not supported on %s
>> warning: block size on %s confusion: ibs=%d, device claims=%d
argument to 'skip=' exceeds device size (max %ld)
Unit attention (%s out), continuing
Aborted command (%s out), continuing
>> warning: block size on %s confusion: obs=%d, device claims=%d
argument to 'seek=' exceeds device size (max %ld)
access beyond end of source device (max %ld)
access beyond end of target device (max %ld)
Unit attention (%s), continuing
  >> using VPD identification for source %s
source descriptor too large (%d bytes)
  >> using VPD identification for destination %s
destination descriptor too large (%d bytes)
Couldn't calculate count, please give one
not enough data to read (min %u bytes)
not enough data to write (min %u bytes)
bpt too large (max %u blocks)
Start of loop, count=%ld, bpt=%d, lba_in=%ld, lba_out=%ld
sg_xcopy: failed with error %d (%ld blocks left)
sg_xcopy: %ld blocks, %d command%s
Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information
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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 24 August , 2024

At Anyleson, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is handled securely and responsibly. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your data when you use our platform.

Information We Collect

  1. Personal Information:

    • Name, email address, phone number, and billing details.

    • Account login credentials (username and password).

  2. Course Usage Data:

    • Progress and activity within courses.

    • Feedback and reviews submitted for courses.

  3. Technical Information:

    • IP address, browser type, device information, and cookies for improving website functionality.

  4. Communication Data:

    • Information from your interactions with our customer support.

How We Use Your Information

  1. To Provide Services:

    • Process course purchases, registrations, and access to content.

  2. To Improve User Experience:

    • Analyze user behavior to enhance course offerings and platform features.

  3. To Communicate:

    • Send updates, notifications, and promotional offers (only if you’ve opted in).

  4. For Legal Compliance:

    • Meet legal or regulatory requirements and prevent fraud.

How We Protect Your Information

  1. Data Encryption: All sensitive data is encrypted during transmission using SSL.

  2. Access Control: Only authorized personnel have access to personal information.

  3. Secure Storage: Data is stored on secure servers with regular security updates.

Sharing Your Information

We do not sell, rent, or trade your personal data. However, we may share your information with:

  1. Service Providers:

    • Payment processors and hosting services that assist in delivering our platform.

  2. Legal Authorities:

    • When required by law or to protect our legal rights.

Your Rights

  1. Access and Update: You can view and update your personal information in your account settings.

  2. Request Deletion: You have the right to request deletion of your data by contacting us.

  3. Opt-Out: You can opt out of receiving promotional emails by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in our emails.

Cookies Policy

We use cookies to enhance your experience by:

  • Remembering your preferences.

  • Analyzing website traffic.
    You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings.

Third-Party Links

Our platform may contain links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for their privacy practices and recommend reviewing their privacy policies.

Policy Updates

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Changes will be posted on this page, and the "Effective Date" will be updated. Please review the policy periodically.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or how your data is handled, please contact us at:

Email: support@anyleson.comThank you for trusting Anyleson with your learning journey!