shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /lib64/python2.7/distutils/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : sysconfig.pyo
�fc@s�dZdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZejj	ej
�Zejj	ej�Z
ejr�ejjejjej��Znej�Zejdkr�dedj�kr�ejjejjeejj��ZnejdkrVded	j�krVejjejjeejjejj��Znejdkr�d
edj�kr�ejjejjeejjejj��Zndejkr�ejj	ejd�Znd
�Ze�Zd�Zddd�Zdddd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z dd�Z!ej"d�Z#ej"d�Z$ej"d�Z%dd�Z&d�Z'da(d�Z)d�Z*d�Z+d�Z,d�Z-dS( s�Provide access to Python's configuration information.  The specific
configuration variables available depend heavily on the platform and
configuration.  The values may be retrieved using
get_config_var(name), and the list of variables is available via
get_config_vars().keys().  Additional convenience functions are also

Written by:   Fred L. Drake, Jr.
Email:        <>
Setup.distsSetup.local(tostpathtisfiletjointproject_basetTruetFalse(tfn((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pyt
$cCstjd S(s�Return a string containing the major and minor Python version,
    leaving off the patchlevel.  Sample return values could be '1.5'
    or '2.2'.
    i(tsystversion(((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pytget_python_version?sicCs=|dkr!|rtpt}ntjdkr�tr�tjrWtjj	tj�}ntj
�}|rr|}n<tjjtjj|t
d���}tjj|d�}|Stjj|ddt�tjr�dp�d�Stjdkrtjj|d�Stjd	kr&tjj|d�Std
tj��dS(s�Return the directory containing installed Python header files.

    If 'plat_specific' is false (the default), this is the path to the
    non-platform-specific header files, i.e. Python.h and so on;
    otherwise, this is the path to platform-specific header files
    (namely pyconfig.h).

    If 'prefix' is supplied, use it instead of sys.prefix or
    sys.exec_prefix -- i.e., ignore 'plat_specific'.
    tposixtsrcdirtIncludetincludetpythons-debugtRtos2sFI don't know where Python installs its C header files on platform '%s'N(tNonetEXEC_PREFIXtPREFIXRtnametpython_buildRt
plat_specifictprefixtbuildirtinc_dirR((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pytget_python_incGs,		!cCs6|dkr!|rtpt}ntjdkr�|s<|rEd}nd}tjj||dt��}|rt|Stjj|d�Sn�tjdkr�|r�tjj|d�St�dkr�|Stjj|dd�SnTtjd	kr|rtjj|d�Stjj|dd�Sntd
tj��dS(sIReturn the directory containing the Python library (standard or
    site additions).

    If 'plat_specific' is true, return the directory containing
    platform-specific modules, i.e. any module from a non-pure-Python
    module distribution; otherwise, return the platform-shared library
    directory.  If 'standard_lib' is true, return the directory
    containing standard Python library modules; otherwise, return the
    directory for site-specific modules.

    If 'prefix' is supplied, use it instead of sys.prefix or
    sys.exec_prefix -- i.e., ignore 'plat_specific'.
site-packagesRtLibs2.2Rs?I don't know where Python installs its library on platform '%s'N(	RRRRRRRRR(R#tstandard_libR$R)t	libpython((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pytget_python_libss0	cCs�|jdkr�tjdkrStd�sSddl}|jt�dtd<qSntddd	d
ddd
d�\}}}}}}}}	dtj	kr�tj	d}
tjdkr�dtj	kr�|j
}ndtj	krtj	d}ndtj	kr3tj	d}ndtj	krRtj	d}n
|d}dtj	kr�|dtj	d}nd	tj	kr�|dtj	d	}|dtj	d	}ndtj	kr|dtj	d}|dtj	d}|dtj	d}nd
tj	kr/tj	d
}ndtj	krV|dtj	d}n|d|	}|d|}
|jd|d|
d|d|d|d|d|�||_
ndS(s�Do any platform-specific customization of a CCompiler instance.

    Mainly needed on Unix, so we can plug in the information that
    varies across Unices and is stored in Python's Makefile.
tCCtCXXtCFLAGStCCSHAREDtLDSHAREDtSOtARtARFLAGStCPPs -EtLDFLAGSt tCPPFLAGStpreprocessortcompilertcompiler_sotcompiler_cxxt	linker_sot
compiler_typeRtplatformR!t_osx_supporttcustomize_compilert_config_varstget_config_varsRtenviront
	cCsvtr6tjdkr-tjjtd�}qEt}ntdd�}t�dkr]d}nd}tjj||�S(s2Return full pathname of installed pyconfig.h file.RtPCR#is2.2sconfig.hs
pyconfig-64.h(RRRRRR	R'R(R&tconfig_h((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pytget_config_h_filename�s		cCsWtrtjjtd�Stdddd�}tjj|dtjrLdpOdd�S(sAReturn full pathname of installed Makefile from the Python build.tMakefileR#iR+tconfigs-debugR(RRRRR	R-RR"(tlib_dir((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pytget_makefile_filenamescCs�|dkri}ntjd�}tjd�}x�|j�}|sLPn|j|�}|r�|jdd�\}}yt|�}Wntk
r�nX|||<q6|j|�}|r6d||jd�<q6q6W|S(s�Parse a config.h-style file.

    A dictionary containing name/value pairs is returned.  If an
    optional dictionary is passed in as the second argument, it is
    used instead of a new dictionary.
    s"#define ([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+) (.*)
s&/[*] #undef ([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+) [*]/
ValueError(tfptgt	define_rxtundef_rxtlinetmtntv((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pytparse_config_h	s(	

s"([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*=\s*(.*)s\$\(([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\)s\${([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)}cCs�ddlm}||dddddd�}|dkrCi}ni}i}x�|j�}|dkrnPntj|�}|rR|jdd�\}}	|	j�}	|	jdd	�}
kr�|	||<qyt	|	�}	Wn't
r|	jdd
�||<qX|	||<qRqRWx^|r}xQ|j�D]C}||}tj
|�p^tj
|�}|ro|jd�}t}
n-|tjkr�tj|}nd	||<}|
rv||j�}||j� ||}d
|kr$|||<qlyt	|�}Wn!t
rW|j�||<nX|||<||=qvq3||=q3Wq W|j�x<|j�D].\}}	t|	t�r�|	j�||<q�q�W|j|�|S(s�Parse a Makefile-style file.

    A dictionary containing name/value pairs is returned.  If an
    optional dictionary is passed in as the second argument, it is
    used instead of a new dictionary.
join_linesis$$Rt$N(tdistutils.text_fileRqRRct_variable_rxRdRetstriptreplaceRfRgtkeyst_findvar1_rxtsearcht_findvar2_rxR
isinstancetupdate(RRiRqRhtdonetnotdoneRlRmRnRottmpvRtvaluetfoundtitemtaftertk((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pytparse_makefile,sl	


cCspxitj|�ptj|�}|rg|j�\}}|d|!|j|jd��||}qPqW|S(s�Expand Makefile-style variables -- "${foo}" or "$(foo)" -- in
    'string' according to 'vars' (a dictionary mapping variable names to
    values).  Variables not present in 'vars' are silently expanded to the
    empty string.  The variable values in 'vars' should not contain further
    variable expansions; if 'vars' is the output of 'parse_makefile()',
    you're fine.  Returns a variable-expanded version of 's'.
    ii(R{R|R}tspantgetRe(tstvarsRmtbegR((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pytexpand_makefile_varss.cCs'ddlm}iatj|�dS(s7Initialize the module as appropriate for POSIX systems.i����(tbuild_time_varsN(t_sysconfigdataR�RHR�(R�((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pyt_init_posix�scCs�i}tdddd�|d<tdddd�|d<tdd�|d<d|d	<d
|d<t�jdd
�|d<tjjtjjtj	��|d<|a
dS(s+Initialize the module as appropriate for NTR#iR+itLIBDESTt
BINLIBDESTt	INCLUDEPYs.pydR6s.exetEXEt.RtVERSIONtBINDIRN(R-R'RRyRRRR RRRH(Ri((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pyt_init_nt�s

%cCsii}tdddd�|d<tdddd�|d<tdd�|d<d|d	<d
|d<|adS(
s-Initialize the module as appropriate for OS/2R#iR+iR�R�R�s.pydR6s.exeR�N(R-R'RH(Ri((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pyt	_init_os2�s

cGs�tdkr}t�jdtj�}|r5|�niattd<ttd<tj	dkr}ddl
}|jt�q}n|r�g}x$|D]}|jtj|��q�W|StSdS(s�With no arguments, return a dictionary of all configuration
    variables relevant for the current platform.  Generally this includes
    everything needed to build extensions and install both pure modules and
    extensions.  On Unix, this means every variable defined in Python's
    installed Makefile; on Windows and Mac OS it's a much smaller set.

    With arguments, return a list of values that result from looking up
    each argument in the configuration variable dictionary.

cCst�j|�S(s�Return the value of a single variable using the dictionary
    returned by 'get_config_vars()'.  Equivalent to
    (RIR�(R((s+/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.pyR!�s(.t__doc__t__revision__RRatstringRtdistutils.errorsRRtnormpathR$RR�RRRR R	RRtlowerRtpardirRJR
sR	$%*%%			,3	J		S						&

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