shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /lib64/python2.7/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : trace.pyc
zfc@s�dZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl	Z	ddl
yddlZeZWne
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dd��YZd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zddd��YZd�Zdd�Z!e"dkr�e!�ndS(s�program/module to trace Python program or function execution

Sample use, command line: -c -f counts --ignore-dir '$prefix' eggs -t --ignore-dir '$prefix' eggs --trackcalls eggs

Sample use, programmatically
  import sys

  # create a Trace object, telling it what to ignore, and whether to
  # do tracing or line-counting or both.
  tracer = trace.Trace(ignoredirs=[sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix,], trace=0,
  # run the new command using the given tracer'main()')
  # make a report, placing output in /tmp
  r = tracer.results()
  r.write_results(show_missing=True, coverdir="/tmp")
i����NcCstjd�dS(N(tsystsettracetNone(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyt_unsettraceHscCstj|�tj|�dS(N(t	threadingRR(tfunc((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyt	_settraceKs
cCs|jdtjd�dS(Ns	Usage: %s [OPTIONS] <file> [ARGS]

--help                Display this help then exit.
--version             Output version information then exit.

Otherwise, exactly one of the following three options must be given:
-t, --trace           Print each line to sys.stdout before it is executed.
-c, --count           Count the number of times each line is executed
                      and write the counts to <module>.cover for each
                      module executed, in the module's directory.
                      See also `--coverdir', `--file', `--no-report' below.
-l, --listfuncs       Keep track of which functions are executed at least
                      once and write the results to sys.stdout after the
                      program exits.
-T, --trackcalls      Keep track of caller/called pairs and write the
                      results to sys.stdout after the program exits.
-r, --report          Generate a report from a counts file; do not execute
                      any code.  `--file' must specify the results file to
                      read, which must have been created in a previous run
                      with `--count --file=FILE'.

-f, --file=<file>     File to accumulate counts over several runs.
-R, --no-report       Do not generate the coverage report files.
                      Useful if you want to accumulate over several runs.
-C, --coverdir=<dir>  Directory where the report files.  The coverage
                      report for <package>.<module> is written to file
-m, --missing         Annotate executable lines that were not executed
                      with '>>>>>> '.
-s, --summary         Write a brief summary on stdout for each file.
                      (Can only be used with --count or --report.)
-g, --timing          Prefix each line with the time since the program started.
                      Only used while tracing.

Filters, may be repeated multiple times:
--ignore-module=<mod> Ignore the given module(s) and its submodules
                      (if it is a package).  Accepts comma separated
                      list of module names
--ignore-dir=<dir>    Ignore files in the given directory (multiple
                      directories can be joined by os.pathsep).
i(twriteRtargv(toutfile((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pytusageSs*s#pragma NO COVERs^\s*(#.*)?$tIgnorecBs eZddd�Zd�ZRS(cCsM|p	g|_|pg|_ttjj|j�|_idd6|_dS(Nis<string>(t_modst_dirstmaptostpathtnormpatht_ignore(tselftmodulestdirs((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyt__init__�scCs�||jkr|j|Sxk|jD]`}||krGd|j|<dSt|�}||| kr$||dkr$d|j|<dSq$W|dkr�d|j|<dSx8|jD]-}|j|tj�r�d|j|<dSq�Wd|j|<dS(Nit.i(RRtlenRR

__module__RRR (((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyR�scCs.tjj|�}tjj|�\}}|S(s-Return a plausible module name for the patch.(RRtbasenametsplitext(RtbaseRtext((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pytmodname�scCs tjj|�}d}xotjD]d}tjj|�}|j|�r"|t|�tjkr"t|�t|�kr�|}q�q"q"W|r�|t|�d}n|}tjj|�\}}|jtjd�}tj	r�|jtj	d�}ntjj
|�\}}|jd�S(s,Return a plausible module name for the path.tiR(RRtnormcaseRRRRt
splitdrivetreplacetaltsepR$tlstrip(RtcomparepathtlongesttdirR%tdriveRR&((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pytfullmodname�s (	tCoverageResultscBsDeZdddddd�Zd�Zeedd�Zd�ZRS(cCsA||_|jdkr$i|_n|jj�|_||_|jdkrZi|_n|jj�|_||_|jdkr�i|_n|jj�|_||_||_|jr=yDtj	t
|jd��\}}}|j|j|||��Wq=t
r9}tjd|j|fIJq=XndS(NtrbsSkipping counts file %r: %s(tcountsRtcopytcountertcalledfuncstcallerstinfileR	tpickletloadtopentupdatet	__class__tIOErrortEOFErrort
ValueErrorRtstderr(RR5R8R:R9R	terr((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyR�s*						$ 
c	Cs�|j}|j}|j}|j}|j}|j}x2|j�D]$}|j|d�||||<qCWx|j�D]}d||<qxWx|j�D]}d||<q�WdS(s.Merge in the data from another CoverageResultsiiN(R5R8R9tkeystget(	RtotherR5R8R9tother_countstother_calledfuncst
other_callerstkey((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyR>�s						"cCs�|jrWHdGH|jj�}|j�x,|D]!\}}}d|||fGHq/Wn|jrHdGH|jj�}|j�d}}	x�|D]�\\}
}}\}
}d}	n|
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        @param coverdir
        sfunctions called:s*filename: %s, modulename: %s, funcname: %sscalling relationships:R(s***s  -->s    %s.%s -> %s.%ss<string>s	<doctest s.pycs.pyoi����s.coveridslines   cov%   module   (path)s%5d   %3d%%   %s   (%s)twbis"Can't save counts files because %sN(s.pycs.pyo(R8REtsortR9R5RFt	iteritemsRtendswithRRRtdirnametabspathR'texiststmakedirsR2tfind_executable_linenost	linecachetgetlinestjointwrite_results_fileR	R;tdumpR=R@RRC(Rtshow_missingtsummarytcoverdirtcallsRRtfuncnametlastfilet	lastcfiletpfiletpmodtpfunctcfiletcmodtcfunctper_filetlinenot	lines_hittsumstcountR0tlnotabtsourcet	coverpathtn_hitstn_linestpercenttmodstmRD((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyt


	cCs<yt|d�}Wn+tk
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s'Return a coverage results file in path.tws3trace: Could not open %r for writing: %s - skippingiis%5d: s       s>>>>>> i(ii(R=R@RRCt	enumerateRtrx_blanktmatchtPRAGMA_NOCOVERt
expandtabstclose(RRtlinesRlRiR	RDRpRotitlineRh((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyRXes.


N(	R!R"RRR>tTruetFalseRtRX(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyR3�s
		[cCsCi}x6tj|�D]%\}}||krd||<qqW|S(s:Return dict where keys are lines in the line number table.i(tdistfindlinestarts(tcodetstrstlinenost_Rh((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pytfind_lines_from_code�s
cCsOt||�}x9|jD].}tj|�r|jt||��qqW|S(s<Return lineno dict for all code objects reachable from code.(R�t	co_conststinspecttiscodeR>t
cCs�i}tj}t|�}x�tj|j�D]\}}}}}|tjkr�|tjkr�|\}	}
|\}}x(t|	|d�D]}
<q�Wq�n|}q.W|j�|S(s�Return a dict of possible docstring positions.

    The dict maps line numbers to strings.  There is an entry for
    line that contains only a string or a part of a triple-quoted
    i(	ttokentINDENTR=ttokenizetgenerate_tokenstreadlinetSTRINGtrangeR{(RRt
prev_ttypetftttypettstrtstarttendR~tslinetscoltelinetecolR}((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pytfind_strings�s	(

rF}tjd||fIJiSXt||d�}t|�}t||�S(sAReturn dict where keys are line numbers in the line number table.trUs%Not printing coverage data for %r: %stexec(R=treadR@RRCtcompileR�R�(RtprogRDR�R�((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyRT�s

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        @param count true iff it should count number of times each
                     line is executed
        @param trace true iff it should print out each line that is
                     being counted
        @param countfuncs true iff it should just output a list of
                     (filename, modulename, funcname,) for functions
                     that were called at least once;  This overrides
                     `count' and `trace'
        @param ignoremods a list of the names of modules to ignore
        @param ignoredirs a list of the names of directories to ignore
                     all of the (recursive) contents of
        @param infile file from which to read stored counts to be
                     added into the results
        @param outfile file in which to write the results
        @param timing true iff timing information be displayed
        iiN(R:R	RtignoreR5tblabbedtpathtobasenamet	donothingttracet_calledfuncst_callerst
countfuncstcountcallerst
ignoredirsR:R	ttiming((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyR�s8											cCs,ddl}|j}|j|||�dS(Ni����(t__main__t__dict__trunctx(RtcmdR�tdict((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pytrun�s	cBsl|dkri}n|dkr*i}n|jsCe|j�nz|||UWd|jsge�nXdS(N(RR�RR�R(RR�tglobalstlocals((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyR��s				cOsVd}|js"tj|j�nz|||�}Wd|jsQtjd�nX|S(N(RR�RRR�(RRtargstkwtresult((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pytrunfuncs		c
Cs�|j}|j}|r't|�}nd}|j}d}||jkrq|j|dk	rr|j|}qrnd|j|<gtj|�D]}tj	|�r�|^q�}t
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cCsG|dkrC|j|�}|j|j�}d|j||f<ndS(skHandler for call events.

        Adds information about who called who to the self._callers dict.
        tcalliN(R�tf_backR�(RR�twhytargt	this_functparent_func((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyR�:scCs/|dkr+|j|�}d|j|<ndS(soHandler for call events.

        Adds (filename, modulename, funcname) to the self._calledfuncs dict.
        R�iN(R�R�(RR�R�R�R�((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyR�EscCs�|dkr�|j}|jjdd�}|r�t|�}|dk	r�|jj||�}|s�|jr�d||jfGHn|j	Sq�q�dSndS(s�Handler for call events.

        If the code block being entered is to be ignored, returns `None',
        else returns self.localtrace.
        R�t__file__s! --- modulename: %s, funcname: %sN(
R�t	f_globalsRFRR'R�R R�R�R�(RR�R�R�R�RRt	ignore_it((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/trace.pyR�Ns		
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	cCs2tjjdtjd|f�tjd�dS(Ns%s: %s
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trackcallsR�s%s: %s
is%Try `%s --help' for more information
s--helps	--versions
trace 2.0
s-Ts--trackcallss-ls--listfuncss-gs--timings-ts--traces-cs--counts-rs--reports-Rs--no-reports-fs--files-ms	--missings-Cs
--coverdirs-ss	--summarys--ignore-modulet,s--ignore-dirs$prefixtlibtpythonis$exec_prefixsShould never get heres8cannot specify both --listfuncs and (--trace or --count)sLmust specify one of --trace, --count, --report, --listfuncs, or --trackcallss,cannot specify both --report and --no-reports--report requires a --filesmissing name of file to runR:R	R\R�R�R�R�R�R�R�R!t__package__t
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