shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /scripts/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : cpanelsync

# cpanel - scripts/cpanelsync                      Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

package Scripts::cpanelsync;

## "grep '###' cpanelsync" gives an overview of the logic and files downloaded

    my $running_in_debugger = exists $INC{''};
    if ($running_in_debugger) {
        $ENV{'LANG'} = 'C';

    if ( defined $ENV{'LANG'} && $ENV{'LANG'} ne 'C' && !$^C ) {
        $ENV{'LANG'} = 'C';
        exec $0, @ARGV;
        die 'Failed to recreate self in a sane env';

use strict;
use warnings;

use Socket;
use Cpanel::Tar                  ();
use Cpanel::HttpRequest          ();
use Cpanel::SafeDir::MK          ();
use Cpanel::Sync::Common         ();
use Cpanel::Sync::Digest         ();
use Cpanel::Usage                ();
use Cpanel::Crypt::GPG::Settings ();

exit __PACKAGE__->script(@ARGV) unless caller();

sub script {
    my ( $package, @argv ) = @_;

    local $| = 1;
    $SIG{'INT'} = 'IGNORE';

    my ( $exit_code, $options, $host, $url, $root ) = _parse_argv( \@argv );

    if ( defined $exit_code ) {
        return $exit_code;
    else {
        $exit_code = 0;

    eval {
        no warnings;
        local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
        local $SIG{'__WARN__'};
        require Cpanel::Carp;
        local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
        local $SIG{'__WARN__'};
        $Cpanel::Carp::OUTPUT_FORMAT = 'suppress';

    # setup httpclient with keyring
    my $httpClient = Cpanel::HttpRequest->new(
        categories => $options->{categories},
        vendor     => $options->{vendor},
        hideOutput => $options->{quiet},

    if ( !-d $root ) {
        Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir( $root, '0755', 2 );
        if ( !-d $root ) {
            die "Unable to create directory $root";

    _wait_for_mirror_lock( $httpClient, $host, $url, $options );

    ### "$url/.cpanelsync.version",
    if ( $options->{repo} ) {

        # The intent with the unchecked exit code is apparently that the repo version needs to
        # be updated at the start of the cpanelsync run so that it can be compared to the state
        # at the end of the cpanelsync run.
        $exit_code = check_repo_version( $options->{repo}, $httpClient, $host, $url );

    my $dotcpanelsync = "$root/.cpanelsync";

    my %OLDFILES;
    my %NEWFILES;
    if ( !-e $dotcpanelsync ) {    ###
        ## if .cpanelsync does not exist, download/extract the .tar.bz2
        my $basedir = $root;
        my @DIRS    = split m{ [/] }xms, $basedir;
        pop @DIRS;
        $basedir = join '/', @DIRS;

        my $basename = $url;
        my @BDIR     = split m{ [/] }xms, $basename;
        $basename = pop @BDIR;

        if ( $basedir eq '' ) { $basedir = '/'; }

        my $tarball = "$basedir/$basename.tar";
        my $bz2     = "$tarball.bz2";
        unlink $bz2;

        ### "http://${host}${url}.tar.bz2"

        if ( eval { downloadfile( $httpClient, "http://${host}${url}.tar.bz2", $bz2, $options->{signed} ) } ) {
            my $tarcfg = Cpanel::Tar::load_tarcfg();
            system( $tarcfg->{'bin'}, '-x', '-p', $tarcfg->{'no_same_owner'}, '-j', '-v', '-C', $basedir, '-f', $bz2 );
            unlink $bz2;

        ## TODO?: take the md5sums of the new files, and manipulate %OLDFILES (or %MD5LIST?)
    else {
        if ( open my $cpsync_fh, '<', $dotcpanelsync ) {
            no warnings;    # we will discard undef in our delete
            local $/;
            %OLDFILES = map { reverse( ( split( /===/, $_ ) )[ 0, 1 ] ) } split( /\n/, readline($cpsync_fh) );
            delete @OLDFILES{''};
            $OLDFILES{'.'} = 'd';
            close $cpsync_fh;

    my @FILELIST;
    my $trycount = 0;
    my $usebz2   = 1;
    my $skipbz2  = 0;

    # Download file list to sync
    while (1) {    ###

        if   ( $trycount % 2 == 0 ) { $usebz2 = 0; }
        else                        { $usebz2 = 1; }

        my $target_url        = "${url}/.cpanelsync";
        my $staged_destfile   = "${dotcpanelsync}.staged";
        my $download_destfile = $staged_destfile;

        if ( !$skipbz2 && $usebz2 ) {
            $target_url        .= '.bz2';
            $download_destfile .= '.bz2';

        eval { $httpClient->request( 'host' => $host, 'url' => $target_url, 'protocol' => 1, 'destfile' => $download_destfile, 'signed' => $options->{signed} ); };

        # Note: signed requests will automatically unbzip the target to verify signatures
        if ( !$@ && -e $staged_destfile ) {
            if ( rename( $staged_destfile, $dotcpanelsync ) ) {
                if ( open( my $cpanelsync_fh, $dotcpanelsync ) ) {
                    local $/;
                    @FILELIST = split( /\n/, readline($cpanelsync_fh) );
            else {
                print "Failed to overwrite $dotcpanelsync: $!\n";

        if ( -e "$dotcpanelsync.bz2" ) {
            unlink "$dotcpanelsync.bz2";
            $skipbz2 = 1;

        last if ( @FILELIST && $FILELIST[-1] eq '.' );

        if ( $trycount > 1 ) {
            if ( $trycount == 10 ) {
                print "Tried to download the sync file 10 times and failed!\n";
                return 1;

    # Global excludes for handling excluded files from update or permission checks
    my @excludes       = Cpanel::Sync::Common::get_excludes($Cpanel::Sync::Common::cpanelsync_excludes);
    my @chmod_excludes = Cpanel::Sync::Common::get_excludes($Cpanel::Sync::Common::cpanelsync_chmod_excludes);

    my %MD5LIST;
    loadmd5s( \%MD5LIST, $root ) if -e "$dotcpanelsync.md5s";
    my @allowed_digests = Cpanel::Crypt::GPG::Settings::allowed_digest_algorithms();

    foreach my $fileinfo (@FILELIST) {    ###
        chomp $fileinfo;
        next if ( $fileinfo eq '.' );

        ## note: appending 'r' to these vars to denote that they represent info on the
        ##   remote (incoming) resource. Ideally, they should be packaged in a hash,
        ##   similar to how $target is handled.
        ## $rextra is either an md5 for 'file' $ftype, or symlink destination
        ## $rsha is only valid for 'file' types, and will contain a SHA512 digest for the file.

        my ( $rtype, $rfile, $rperm, $rextra, $rsha ) = split( /===/, $fileinfo );

        my $target_info = lstat_target( $root, $rfile );

        ## using %04d as $rperm is a string (comes from the .cpanelsync file)
        $rperm = sprintf( "%04d", $rperm );

        prune_OLDFILES( \%OLDFILES, $rfile, $rtype );

        next if ( @excludes && is_excluded( \@excludes, $root, $rfile ) );

        if ( $rtype eq 'f' ) {
            $exit_code = handle_file( $target_info, \%MD5LIST, $root, $rfile, $rextra, $rsha, \@allowed_digests, $skipbz2, $httpClient, $host, $url, $Cpanel::Sync::Common::hasbzip2, $exit_code, $options->{repo}, \@chmod_excludes, $rperm, \%NEWFILES );
            return $exit_code if ( $exit_code != 0 );
        elsif ( $rtype eq 'd' ) {
            handle_dir( $target_info, \@chmod_excludes, $root, $rfile, $rperm );
        elsif ( $rtype eq 'l' ) {
            handle_symlink( $target_info, $rextra );

    my $saferoot = $root;
    $saferoot =~ s/\.\///g;

    handle_deletes( \@FILELIST, \%OLDFILES, $saferoot );

    write_newlist( \%NEWFILES, $saferoot );

    writemd5s( \%MD5LIST, $saferoot );

    ### "$url/.cpanelsync.version",
    if ( $exit_code == 0 && $options->{repo} ) {
        $exit_code = check_repo_version( $options->{repo}, 0, $httpClient, $host, $url );

    if ( -x '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpanelsync_postprocessor' ) {
        system '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpanelsync_postprocessor', $saferoot;
    if ( -x '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpanelsync_postprocessor.custom' ) {
        system '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpanelsync_postprocessor.custom', $saferoot;

    return $exit_code;

sub downloadfile {
    my ( $httpClient, $file, $where, $signed ) = @_;

    $file =~ m!http://([^/]+)(.*)!;

    my $host = $1;
    my $url  = $2;

        'host'     => $1,
        'url'      => $2,
        'protocol' => 1,
        'destfile' => $where,
        'signed'   => $signed,


sub loadmd5s {
    my ( $hr_MD5LIST, $dir ) = @_;

    if ( open( my $md5_fh, '<', $dir . '/.cpanelsync.md5s' ) ) {
        local $/;
        %{$hr_MD5LIST} = map { $_ = [ split( /:::/, $_, 4 ) ]; $_->[0] => { 'size' => $_->[1], 'mtime' => $_->[2], 'md5' => $_->[3] } } split( /\n/, readline($md5_fh) );


sub write_newlist {
    my ( $hr_NEWFILES, $dir ) = @_;

    $dir =~ s/\/$//g;
    open( my $new_fh, '>', $dir . '/' ) || do {
        warn "Could not write new list: " . $dir . '/';
    print {$new_fh} join( "\n", keys %$hr_NEWFILES ) . ( scalar keys %$hr_NEWFILES ? "\n" : '' );    # as we did before

sub writemd5s {
    my ( $hr_MD5LIST, $dir ) = @_;

    $dir =~ s/\/$//g;
    open( MD5, '>', $dir . '/.cpanelsync.md5s' ) || do {
        warn "Could not write md5 cache: " . $dir . '/.cpanelsync.md5s';
    foreach my $filename ( keys %$hr_MD5LIST ) {
        next if ( !$hr_MD5LIST->{$filename}{'used'} || substr( $filename, 0, 1 ) eq '/' );
        print MD5 join( ':::', $filename, $hr_MD5LIST->{$filename}{'size'}, $hr_MD5LIST->{$filename}{'mtime'}, $hr_MD5LIST->{$filename}{'md5'} ) . "\n";

sub downloadfailed {
    my ($httpClient) = @_;
    print 'Download Failed... trying';
    if ($httpClient) {
    my $sleepsecs = 60;
    for ( my $i = $sleepsecs; $i > 0; $i-- ) {
        print '..' . $i . '..';
        sleep 1;

sub check_repo_version {
    my ( $repo, $httpClient, $host, $url ) = @_;
    my $local_repo_v;
    if ( !-e '/var/cpanel' )            { mkdir( '/var/cpanel',            0755 ); }
    if ( !-e '/var/cpanel/cpanelsync' ) { mkdir( '/var/cpanel/cpanelsync', 0755 ); }
    if ( !-e '/var/cpanel/cpanelsync/repoversions' ) {
        mkdir( '/var/cpanel/cpanelsync/repoversions', 0755 );
    my $repo_fh;
    open( $repo_fh, '<', '/var/cpanel/cpanelsync/repoversions/' . $repo ) && do {
        $local_repo_v = readline($repo_fh);
    my ( $remote_repo_v, $status ) = $httpClient->request(
        'exitOn404' => 0,
        'host'      => $host,
        'url'       => "$url/.cpanelsync.version",
        'protocol'  => 1,
    if ($remote_repo_v) {
        if ( !$local_repo_v || $remote_repo_v ne $local_repo_v ) {
            open( my $repo_fh, '>', '/var/cpanel/cpanelsync/repoversions/' . $repo );
            print {$repo_fh} $remote_repo_v;
            if ($local_repo_v) {
                print "Repo: $repo : version changed from $local_repo_v to $remote_repo_v in mid sync.  Sync needs to be restarted.\n";
                return 16;
            else {
                print "Repo: $repo : learned new version: $remote_repo_v\n";
        else {
            print "Repo: $repo : check passed : local=$local_repo_v & remote=$remote_repo_v\n";
    return 0;

sub is_excluded {
    my ( $ar_excludes, $root, $rfile ) = @_;

    if ( @{$ar_excludes} ) {
        my $clean_rfile = $rfile;
        $clean_rfile =~ s!^\./!!;
        my $absfile = $root . '/' . $clean_rfile;
        $absfile =~ tr{/}{}s;
        $absfile =~ s{ [/] \z }{}xmsg;

        ## Note: to take advantage of the "implicit" exclusion of a directory's contents, as written
        ##   the explicitly listed exclude directory must exist at the installation site.
        if ( grep { $_ eq $absfile || ( -d $_ && $absfile =~ m/^\Q$_\E\// ) } @{$ar_excludes} ) {
            print "Skipping sync of $absfile (check /etc/cpanelsync.exclude)\n";
            return 1;

        ## Maintain support for old broken behavior --------------
        $absfile = $root . '/' . $rfile;
        $absfile =~ tr{/}{}s;
        $absfile =~ s{ [/] \z }{}xmsg;
        if ( grep { $_ eq $absfile } @{$ar_excludes} ) {
            print "Skipping sync of $absfile (check /etc/cpanelsync.exclude)\n";
            return 1;
        ## -------------------------------------------------------

sub in_chmod_excludes {
    my ( $ar_chmod_excludes, $root, $rfile ) = @_;
    if (@$ar_chmod_excludes) {
        my $clean_rfile = $rfile;
        $clean_rfile =~ s/^\.\///;
        my $absfile = $root . '/' . $clean_rfile;
        $absfile =~ tr{/}{}s;
        $absfile =~ s{ [/] \z }{}xmsg;
        return 1 if ( grep { $_ eq $absfile } @$ar_chmod_excludes );

sub handle_symlink {
    my ( $target, $rextra ) = @_;

    my $dolink = 0;
    if ( !$target->{'exists'} ) {
        $dolink = 1;
    elsif ( $target->{'islnk'} ) {
        if ( readlink $target->{'path'} ne $rextra ) {
            unlink $target->{'path'};
            $dolink = 1;
    elsif ( $target->{'isnormfile'} ) {
        unlink $target->{'path'};
        $dolink = 1;
    elsif ( $target->{'isdir'} ) {
        system 'rm', '-rf', '--', $target->{'path'};
        $dolink = 1;

    if ($dolink) {
        if ( symlink( $rextra, $target->{'path'} ) ) {
            print "Created symlink $target->{'path'} -> $rextra successfully\n";
        else {
            print "Failed to create symlink $target->{'path'} -> $rextra: $!\n";


sub handle_dir {
    my ( $target, $ar_chmod_excludes, $root, $rfile, $rperm ) = @_;
    ## note: $rperm is an octal string (e.g. '0751')

    if ( $target->{'islnk'} || $target->{'isnormfile'} ) {
        unlink $target->{'path'};
        $target->{'exists'} = 0;

    if ( !$target->{'exists'} ) {
        ## FIX: used to be created with a hardcoded mode of '0755'. The only case this
        ##   will not account for is a new directory that is also in chmod_excludes. I believe
        ##   this to be a very edge case.
        if ( Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir( $target->{'path'}, $rperm, 2 ) ) {
            print "Created directory $target->{'path'} successfully\n";
    elsif ( ( !@$ar_chmod_excludes || !in_chmod_excludes( $ar_chmod_excludes, $root, $rfile ) )
        && sprintf( "%04o", ( $target->{'perm'} & 07777 ) ) ne $rperm ) {
        if ( chmod( oct($rperm), $target->{'path'} ) ) {
            print "Directory $target->{'path'} verified\n";
        else {
            print "Failed to update permissions on directory $target->{'path'}: $!";

sub handle_file {    ###
    my ( $target, $hr_MD5LIST, $root, $rfile, $rextra, $rsha, $allowed_digests_ar, $skipbz2, $httpClient, $host, $url, $hasbzip2, $exit_code, $repo, $ar_chmod_excludes, $rperm, $newfiles_ref ) = @_;

    if ( $target->{'isdir'} ) {
        system 'rm', '-rf', '--', $target->{'path'};
    elsif ( $target->{'islnk'} ) {
        unlink $target->{'path'};

    my $local_digest = Cpanel::Sync::Common::get_digest_from_cache( $hr_MD5LIST, $target );
    $local_digest ||= Cpanel::Sync::Digest::digest( $target->{'path'} );

    if ( ( $target->{'isdir'} || $target->{'islnk'} || !$target->{'exists'} ) || ( $local_digest ne $rextra ) ) {
        my $dfile = $rfile;
        $dfile =~ s/^\.//g;

        my $trycount = 0;
        my $goodfile = 1;
        my $usebz2   = 1;
        my $pathtemp = $target->{'path'} . '-cpanelsync';

        while (1) {    ###
            if   ( $trycount % 2 == 0 ) { $usebz2 = 0; }
            else                        { $usebz2 = 1; }

            ### "http://${host}${url}${dfile}.bz2"  -or-
            ### "http://${host}${url}${dfile}"
            if ( !$skipbz2 && $usebz2 && $dfile !~ m/\.bz2$/ ) {
                downloadfile( $httpClient, "http://${host}${url}${dfile}.bz2", "$pathtemp.bz2" );
                my $size = ( stat("$pathtemp.bz2") )[7];
                if ( $size && $size > 0 ) {
                if ( -e "$pathtemp.bz2" ) {
                    ## TODO: meaning what exactly? test with dashk
                    ### TODO: I have no idea myself. Maybe someone else will figure it out.
                    print "$pathtemp.bz2 still exists\n";
                    unlink "$pathtemp.bz2";
                    $skipbz2 = 1;
            else {
                downloadfile( $httpClient, "http://${host}${url}${dfile}", $pathtemp );

            my $size = ( stat( $rfile . '-cpanelsync' ) )[7] || 0;

            my %expected_digests = (
                'md5'    => $rextra,
                'sha512' => $rsha,

            for my $algo (@$allowed_digests_ar) {
                my $expected_digest = $expected_digests{$algo};
                my $real_digest     = Cpanel::Sync::Digest::digest( $target->{'path'} . '-cpanelsync', { algo => $algo } );

                if ( $real_digest && $expected_digest ) {
                    if ( $real_digest eq $expected_digest ) {
                        last DOWNLOAD;
                    else {
                        print "Digest mismatch (actual: $real_digest) (expected: $expected_digest) (size: $size)\n";

            print "No valid digest found\n";

            if ( $trycount > 1 ) {
                if ( $trycount % 3 == 0 ) { $httpClient->skiphost(); }
                if ( $trycount == 10 ) {
                    print "Tried to download the file $rfile 10 times and failed!\n";
                    if ($repo) {
                        return 16;
                    $goodfile = 0;

                ### "$url/.cpanelsync.version",
                if ($repo) {
                    $exit_code = check_repo_version( $repo, 0, $httpClient, $host, $url );
                    if ( $exit_code != 0 ) {
                        return $exit_code;

        if ($goodfile) {
            print "Got file $rfile ok (digest matched)\n";
                $ar_chmod_excludes, $root, $rfile, $target->{'perm'},
                $pathtemp,          $rperm
            _goodfile_handle_rename( $target->{'path'} );
            $newfiles_ref->{ $target->{'path'} } = 1;
            $hr_MD5LIST->{$rfile} = $hr_MD5LIST->{ $rfile . '-cpanelsync' };
            delete $hr_MD5LIST->{ $rfile . '-cpanelsync' };
        else {
            unlink $pathtemp;
    else {
        if (   ( !@$ar_chmod_excludes || !in_chmod_excludes( $ar_chmod_excludes, $root, $rfile ) )
            && $target->{'exists'}
            && ( sprintf( "%04o", ( $target->{'perm'} & 07777 ) ) ne $rperm ) ) {
            chmod( oct($rperm), $target->{'path'} );
    return 0;

sub _goodfile_handle_chmod {
    my ( $ar_chmod_excludes, $root, $rfile, $origperm, $pathtemp, $rperm ) = @_;
    ## if file matches the chmod exclude list, chmod the new temp file with
    ##   the mode from the old file
    if ( @$ar_chmod_excludes && in_chmod_excludes( $ar_chmod_excludes, $root, $rfile ) && $origperm ) {
        my $real_origperm = sprintf( "%04o", ( $origperm & 07777 ) );
        chmod( oct($real_origperm), $pathtemp );
    else {
        chmod( oct($rperm), $pathtemp );

sub _goodfile_handle_rename {
    my ($path) = @_;
    unlink $path;
    if ( -e $path ) {
        if ( rename( $path, $path . '.unlink' ) ) {
            unlink $path . '.unlink';
        else {
            unlink $path;
    ## the "rename || unlink" clause ideally should warn the user that the file did not make it to
    ##   its production location. but this, as this runs as root, is hard-to-replicate.
    rename( $path . '-cpanelsync', $path ) || unlink( $path . '-cpanelsync' );

sub prune_OLDFILES {
    my ( $hr_OLDFILES, $rfile, $rtype ) = @_;
    if ( exists $hr_OLDFILES->{$rfile} ) {

        # Handle transition from directory to a symlink
        if ( $rtype eq 'l' && $hr_OLDFILES->{$rfile} ne 'l' ) {
            foreach my $old_file ( keys %$hr_OLDFILES ) {
                ## delete from hash all subdirs of $rfile, which is becoming a link
                if ( $old_file =~ m/^\Q$rfile\E\// ) {
                    delete $hr_OLDFILES->{$old_file};
        delete $hr_OLDFILES->{$rfile};

sub handle_deletes {
    my ( $ar_FILELIST, $hr_OLDFILES, $saferoot ) = @_;
    my @olddirectories;

    if ( -e $saferoot . '/.cpanelsync.delete.exclude' && open( my $exc_fh, '<', $saferoot . '/.cpanelsync.delete.exclude' ) ) {
        %EXCLUDE_DELETE = map { chomp($_); $_ => undef } (<$exc_fh>);

    ## note: loop on @FILELIST to prevent mass deletion on an inadvertantly empty .cpanelsync
    if ( scalar @$ar_FILELIST ) {
        ## adding 'sort' to guarantee an order for keys()
        foreach my $oldfile ( sort keys %$hr_OLDFILES ) {
            $oldfile =~ s/^\.\///g;

            my @BASEDIR = split( /\//, $saferoot . '/' . $oldfile );
            my $basedir = join( '/', @BASEDIR );

            if ( -l $basedir ) {
                print "Skipping cleanse of $saferoot/$oldfile (within symlinked directory)\n";

            if ( exists $EXCLUDE_DELETE{ $saferoot . '/' . $oldfile } ) {
                print "Excluding file removal from previous tree: $saferoot/$oldfile\n";

            if ( -l $saferoot . '/' . $oldfile ) {
                ## ???: what sets the .keep files?
                next if -e $saferoot . '/' . $oldfile . '.keep';
                print "Removing symlink from previous tree: $saferoot/$oldfile\n";
                unlink $saferoot . '/' . $oldfile or print "Unable to remove deprecated symlink $saferoot/$oldfile: $!\n";
            elsif ( -d $saferoot . '/' . $oldfile ) {
                push @olddirectories, $saferoot . '/' . $oldfile;
            elsif ( -e _ ) {
                ## ???: what sets the .keep files?
                next if -e $saferoot . '/' . $oldfile . '.keep';
                print "Removing file from previous tree: $saferoot/$oldfile\n";
                unlink $saferoot . '/' . $oldfile or print "Unable to remove deprecated file $saferoot/$oldfile: $!\n";
    foreach my $dir ( reverse sort @olddirectories ) {
        print "Removing directory from previous tree: $dir\n";
        rmdir $dir or print "Unable to remove deprecated directory $dir: $!\n";


sub lstat_target {
    my ( $root, $rfile ) = @_;
    my %target;

    $target{'path'} = $root . '/' . $rfile;
    $target{'path'} =~ s/^\.\///;
    $target{'path'} =~ s/\/(?:\.\/)+/\//g;
    $target{'path'} =~ s/\/{2,}/\//g;

    my @_lstat = lstat( $target{'path'} );
    ## two slices to assign @_lstat indexes into %target

    #'S_IFDIR', 0040000 == Directory
    #'S_IFREG', 0100000 == Regular file
    #'S_IFLNK', 0120000 == Symbolic link

    @target{ 'perm', 'size', 'mtime', 'isdir', 'exists', 'isnormfile', 'islnk' } = (
        @_lstat[ 2, 7, 9 ],                                                   #perm,size,mtime
        ( defined $_lstat[2] && $_lstat[2] & 0170000 ) == 0040000 ? 1 : 0,    #isdir
        defined $_lstat[2]                                        ? 1 : 0,    #exists
        ( defined $_lstat[2] && $_lstat[2] & 0170000 ) == 0100000 ? 1 : 0,    #isnormfile
        ( defined $_lstat[2] && $_lstat[2] & 0170000 ) == 0120000 ? 1 : 0     #islnk

    return \%target;

sub _usage {
    print <<EO_USAGE;
Usage: cpanelsync [options] <host> [url] [root]

      --help              Brief help message
      --nfok=[1|0]        Exit on a 404 response from the mirror. Defaults off.
      --repo=<name>       Treats the sync source as a named repo that supports versioning.
      --signed=[1|0]      Enforce GPG signature verificaiton for the .cpanelsync files.
      --vendor=<name>     Specifies the vendor to use with GPG signature verification.
                          Defaults to 'cpanel'
      --categories=<name> Specifies the vendor keyring to use with GPG signature verification.
                          Defaults based on the globally configured TweakSetting.
      --quiet=1           Suppress HttpRequest output.

      host                The mirror to download from. Normally
      url                 The mirror URL that represents the base of the cpanelsync repo.
                          Defaults to '/'
      root                The local directory that is being synced. Defaults to '/'.


      This script no longer supports syncing directly against named cPanel tier targets
      such as RELEASE or STABLE. The cPanel update system in all releases after 11.30
      uses a separate cpanelsync v2 system and should be updated using upcp or updatenow.

    return 1;

sub _parse_argv {
    my $argv_ar = shift;
    my %options = (
        nfok       => 0,
        repo       => undef,
        signed     => 0,
        categories => undef,
        vendor     => undef,
        help       => 0,
        quiet      => 0,

    my $usage_flags = {};
    foreach my $option_name ( keys %options ) {
        $usage_flags->{$option_name} = \$options{$option_name};

    my $help_called = 0;
    my $usage_cr    = sub { $help_called = 1; _usage(); };

    Cpanel::Usage::wrap_options( { remove => 1 }, $argv_ar, $usage_cr, $usage_flags );
    return 0 if ($help_called);

    if ( $argv_ar->[0] && $argv_ar->[0] =~ m/404/ ) {
        $options{nfok} = 1;
        shift @$argv_ar;
    my $host = $argv_ar->[0] || '';
    my $url  = $argv_ar->[1] || '/';
    my $root = $argv_ar->[2] || '/';

    if ( !$host || $host eq '' ) {
        return _usage();

    # Block accidental legacy use of cpanelsync to sync /scripts /usr/local/cpanel paths
    # Only block if coming from cpanel servers so we don't break 3rd party addons
    if (   $host =~ m{^httpupdate\w*$}i
        && $url =~ m{^/cpanelsync/(BETA|CURRENT|DEMO|DNSONLY|EDGE|RELEASE|STABLE)} ) {
        print "The use of cpanelsync to sync /scripts and/or most /usr/local/cpanel trees is unsupported in 11.30+\n";
        print "Please run /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp --force instead.\n";
        return 1;
    return ( undef, \%options, $host, $url, $root );

sub _wait_for_mirror_lock {
    my ( $httpClient, $host, $url, $options ) = @_;
    my $lock = 'locked';

    my $sleep      = 30;
    my $lock_count = 0;
    my $trycount   = 0;

    # Check for Locked file
    ### "$url/.cpanelsync.lock",
    while ( $lock =~ m/locked/i ) {

        # Unsigned request: no trust anchor, content is not sensitive
        my ( $lock, $status ) = $httpClient->request(
            'exitOn404' => $options->{nfok},
            'host'      => $host,
            'url'       => "$url/.cpanelsync.lock",

            #http 1.1 on the first request, but drop the connection on the
            #second one to not tie up the server
            'protocol' => ( $lock_count == 0 ? 1 : 0 )
        return 0 if ( $status == 0 );
        last     if ( !$lock || $lock !~ m/locked/i );
        if ( $lock_count > 20 ) {
            $sleep += 30;
        elsif ( $lock_count == 20 ) {
            $sleep = 120;

        print "The update server is currently updating its files.\n";
        print "It may take up to 30 minutes before access can be obtained.\n";
        print "Waiting $sleep seconds for access to the update server......\n";

        $httpClient->disconnect();    #do not leave the connection open

        if ( ++$trycount % 30 == 0 ) { $httpClient->skiphost(); }
        sleep $sleep;
        print "Checking again....\n";



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Effective Date: 24 August , 2024

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