shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /scripts/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : xfertool

# cpanel - scripts/xfertool                        Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

package scripts::xfertool;

use cPstrict;

=encoding utf-8

=head1 USAGE

    xfertool ( --help | <COMMAND> <USERNAME> [ARGS..] )


This script is part of an automated process that WHM uses for account

We B<do> B<not> recommend calling this script manually.

Possible COMMAND values are:


=item * C<allowlogins> and C<disallowlogins>

Control the user’s ability to log in.

=item * C<blockdynamiccontent> and C<unblockdynamiccontent>

Control httpd’s handling of files with certain well-known extensions
that correlate with dynamic web content. For example, after
C<blockdynamiccontent>, C<.php> files will no longer function normally.

=item * C<setupmaildest>

Sets the user’s mail routing. Takes an additional argument that
can be C<primary>, C<secondary>, or C<remote>.


    xfertool setupmaildest howard primary

=item * C<swapip>

Replaces one IP address for another in the user’s DNS zones. Takes
the source & target IP addresses as additional arguments.


    xfertool swapip howard

=item * C<changenameservers>

Sets the user’s nameservers, given as additional arguments.


    xfertool changenameservers howard

(As many nameservers can be given as needed.)




use parent 'Cpanel::HelpfulScript';

use Cpanel::DnsUtils::Fetch                 ();
use Cpanel::Hostname                        ();
use Cpanel::Encoder::URI                    ();
use Cpanel::DnsUtils::Stream                ();
use Cpanel::DnsUtils::AskDnsAdmin           ();
use Cpanel::ZoneFile                        ();
use Cpanel::OS                              ();
use Cpanel::PwCache                         ();
use Cpanel::Config                          ();
use Cpanel::Config::CpUserGuard             ();
use Cpanel::ConfigFiles                     ();
use Cpanel::AccessIds::ReducedPrivileges    ();
use Cpanel::Config::WebVhosts               ();
use Cpanel::Config::userdata::Load          ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::Domain               ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::Owner                ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny    ();
use Cpanel::MailTools::DBS                  ();
use Cpanel::Config::HasCpUserFile           ();
use Cpanel::Team::Config                    ();
use Cpanel::Team::Constants                 ();
use Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Constants ();

use constant {
    _ENOENT => 2,


use constant _OPTIONS => ();


__PACKAGE__->new(@ARGV)->script() if !caller;

sub script ($self) {

    my @args = $self->getopt_unnamed();

    my $opt  = shift(@args) or die $self->help('Need a COMMAND.');
    my $user = shift(@args) or die $self->help('Need a USERNAME.');

    my @DOMAINS;
    if ( !Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam($user) ) {

        # check if user looks like a valid domain
        if ( $user !~ /.\../ ) {
            print "Supplied user '$user' is not found.\n";
            exit 1;

        @DOMAINS = ($user);

        # can return 'root' if no other owner found
        $user = Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny::getdomainowner( $DOMAINS[0] );
        if ( $user eq 'root' ) {
            print "Domain '$DOMAINS[0]' cannot be transferred.\n";
    elsif ( Cpanel::Config::HasCpUserFile::has_cpuser_file($user) ) {
        my $cpu_ref = Cpanel::Config::loadcpuserfile($user);
        @DOMAINS = ( $cpu_ref->{'DOMAIN'} );
        if ( ref $cpu_ref->{'DOMAINS'} ) {
            push @DOMAINS, @{ $cpu_ref->{'DOMAINS'} };
    else {
        print "Supplied user '$user' is not found.\n";
        exit 1;

    if ( $user eq 'root' ) {
        print "Cannot use 'root' user.\n";

    if ( $opt =~ /(dis)?allowlogins/i ) {
        my $dis = $1;
        if ( !$user ) {
            print "Usage: $0 --(dis)?allowlogins user\n";
        if ($dis) {
        else {
    elsif ( $opt =~ /(un)?blockdynamiccontent/i ) {
        my $un = $1;
        shift @args;    # $dest
        if ( !scalar @DOMAINS ) {
            print "Usage: $0 --(un)?blockdynamiccontent domain/user\n";
        _block_dynamic_content( $user, \@DOMAINS, ( $un ? 1 : 0 ) );
    elsif ( $opt =~ /setupmaildest/i ) {
        my $dest = shift(@args);
        if ( !scalar @DOMAINS ) {
            print "Usage: $0 --setupmaildest domain/user primary/secondary/remote\n";
        _setmaildest( \@DOMAINS, $dest );
    elsif ( $opt =~ /swapip/i ) {
        my $sourceip = shift(@args);
        my $targetip = shift(@args);
        if ( !scalar @DOMAINS || !$sourceip || !$targetip ) {
            print "Usage: $0 --swapip domain/user sourceip destip\n";
        _changezones( 'SWAPIP', \@DOMAINS, $sourceip, $targetip );
    elsif ( $opt =~ /changenameservers/i ) {
        if ( !scalar @DOMAINS ) {
            print "Usage: $0 --changenameservers domain/user NS1 NS2 NS3 ...\n";
        my @NSLIST = @args;
        _changezones( 'NAMESERVERS', \@DOMAINS, \@NSLIST );
    else {
        die $self->help("Unrecognized COMMAND ($opt) given.");


sub _changezones {
    my $op        = shift;
    my $domainref = shift;

    my %ZONES = %{ Cpanel::DnsUtils::Fetch::fetch_zones( 'zones' => $domainref ) };

    if ( $op eq 'SWAPIP' ) {
        my $sourceip = shift;
        my $destip   = shift;
        foreach my $zone ( keys %ZONES ) {
            my $zf = Cpanel::ZoneFile->new( text => $ZONES{$zone}, domain => $zone );
            if ( $zf->{'status'} ) {

            if ( !$sourceip || $sourceip == -1 ) {
                my @main_a_records = $zf->find_records( 'type' => 'A', 'name' => $zone . '.' );
                $sourceip = $main_a_records[0]->{'address'};

            my @arecords = $zf->find_records( 'type' => 'A' );
            if ( !$sourceip ) {
                $sourceip = $arecords[0]->{'address'};

            for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#arecords; $i++ ) {
                if ( $arecords[$i]->{'address'} eq $sourceip ) {
                    $arecords[$i]->{'address'} = $destip;

            $zf->replace_records( \@arecords );

            my $zref = $zf->serialize();
            $ZONES{$zone} = $zref;
    elsif ( $op eq 'NAMESERVERS' ) {
        my $nsref = shift;

        foreach my $zone ( keys %ZONES ) {
            my $zf = Cpanel::ZoneFile->new( text => $ZONES{$zone}, domain => $zone );
            if ( $zf->{'status'} ) {

            my @soarecords = $zf->find_records( 'name' => $zone . '.', 'type' => 'SOA' );

            $soarecords[0]->{'mname'} = $nsref->[0];
            $zf->replace_records( \@soarecords );

            my @nsrecords    = $zf->find_records( 'name' => $zone . '.', 'type' => 'NS' );
            my $first_record = $zf->get_first_record( \@nsrecords );

            my $first_record_line = $first_record->{'Line'};
            my $first_record_ttl  = $first_record->{'ttl'};

            $zf->remove_records( \@nsrecords );
            foreach my $nameserver ( @{$nsref} ) {
                        'ttl'     => $first_record_ttl,
                        'name'    => $zone . '.',
                        'class'   => 'IN',
                        'type'    => 'NS',
                        'nsdname' => $nameserver
                    $first_record_line - 1

            my $zref = $zf->serialize();
            $ZONES{$zone} = $zref;

    my $zdata;
    foreach my $zone ( keys %ZONES ) {
        if ( !$ZONES{$zone} ) {
        my $zonedata = join( "\n", @{ $ZONES{$zone} } );
        $zonedata =~ s/\n{4}/\n/g;
        if ( $zonedata eq '' ) { next(); }

        #we should just edit the soa?
        $zonedata = Cpanel::DnsUtils::Stream::upsrnumstream($zonedata);    #increase serial number

        push @RELOADLIST, $zone;
        $zdata .= 'cpdnszone-' . Cpanel::Encoder::URI::uri_encode_str($zone) . '=' . Cpanel::Encoder::URI::uri_encode_str($zonedata) . '&';

    Cpanel::DnsUtils::AskDnsAdmin::askdnsadmin( 'SYNCZONES', 0, '', '', '', $zdata );
    Cpanel::DnsUtils::AskDnsAdmin::askdnsadmin( 'RELOADZONES', 0, join( ',', @RELOADLIST ) );

sub _setmaildest {
    my $domainref = shift;
    my $dest      = shift;
    if ( !$dest || ( $dest ne 'primary' && $dest ne 'secondary' ) ) {
        $dest = 'remote';

    my @setup;

    foreach my $domain ( @{$domainref} ) {
        print "Setting mail handling for $domain to : $dest\n";

        # NB: This duplicates logic in
        # Whostmgr::Transfers::Systems::MailRouting; it would be nice to
        # normalize it.
        if ( $dest eq 'primary' ) {
            push @setup, [ $domain, 'localdomains' => 1, 'remotedomains' => 0, 'secondarymx' => 0, 'update_proxy_subdomains' => 1 ];
        elsif ( $dest eq 'secondary' ) {
            push @setup, [ $domain, 'localdomains' => 0, 'remotedomains' => 1, 'secondarymx' => 1, 'update_proxy_subdomains' => 1 ];
        else {
            push @setup, [ $domain, 'localdomains' => 0, 'remotedomains' => 1, 'secondarymx' => 0, 'update_proxy_subdomains' => 1 ];

    Cpanel::MailTools::DBS::setup_mail_routing_for_domains( \@setup );


sub _block_dynamic_content {
    my $user      = shift;
    my $domainref = shift;
    my $unblock   = shift;

    my @DYNAMIC_EXTS = qw(dynamiccontent pl plx perl cgi php php4 php5 php6 php3 shtml);
    my $host;
    my $owner = Cpanel::AcctUtils::Owner::getowner($user);
    $owner =~ s/\n//g;
    if ( $owner eq '' || $owner eq 'root' || $user eq $owner ) {
        $host = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname();
    else {
        $host = Cpanel::AcctUtils::Domain::getdomain($owner);
    if ( !$host ) { $host = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname(); }

    my $dynamic_regex = '\.(' . join( '|', @DYNAMIC_EXTS ) . ')$';

    my $privs = Cpanel::AccessIds::ReducedPrivileges->new($user);

    my $wvh = Cpanel::Config::WebVhosts->load($user);

    my %seen_vhost;

    for my $domain (@$domainref) {
        my $vhost_name = $wvh->get_vhost_name_for_domain($domain) or do {
            warn "“$user” has no web vhost for domain “$domain”!\n";

        next if $seen_vhost{$vhost_name};

        my $vh_conf = Cpanel::Config::userdata::Load::load_userdata_domain( $user, $vhost_name );
        if ( !$vh_conf || !%$vh_conf ) {
            warn "“$user”’s web vhost “$vhost_name” has no configuration!\n";

        my $docroot = $vh_conf->{'documentroot'} or do {
            warn "Configuration for “$user”’s web vhost “$vhost_name” has no document root!\n";

        my $htaccess = "$docroot/.htaccess";

        if ($unblock) {
            next if !-e $htaccess;

            if ( open my $htaccess_fh, '+<', $htaccess ) {
                my @HT = <$htaccess_fh>;
                @HT = grep( !/^\s*redirectmatch\s+[\.\\\(]*dynamiccontent/i, @HT );

                # Clear final empty line. Previously there was
                # a bug in this logic that would leave an extra line in the
                # file after every block/unblock cycle.
                pop @HT if @HT && ( $HT[-1] eq "\n" );

                seek( $htaccess_fh, 0, 0 );
                print {$htaccess_fh} join( '', @HT );
                truncate( $htaccess_fh, tell($htaccess_fh) );
                close $htaccess_fh;
            elsif ( $! != _ENOENT() ) {
                warn "Failed to update htaccess @ $docroot file: $!";

        else {
            if ( open my $htaccess_fh, '>>', $htaccess ) {
                print {$htaccess_fh} "\nRedirectMatch $dynamic_regex http://$host/cgi-sys/movingpage.cgi\n";
                close $htaccess_fh;
            else {
                warn "Failed to update htaccess @ $docroot file: $!";

        $seen_vhost{$vhost_name} = 1;


sub _allow_logins {
    my $user = shift;

    $user =~ s/\\//g;


    if ( -e '/usr/sbin/pw' ) {
        system( '/usr/sbin/pw', 'unlock', $user );
    else {
        system( 'passwd', '-u', $user );

    # restore user's cron if previously suspended
    my $user_crontab_dir = Cpanel::OS::user_crontab_dir();
    my $suspended_cron   = "${user_crontab_dir}.suspended/$user";
    if ( -e $suspended_cron ) {
        link( $suspended_cron, "$user_crontab_dir/${user}" ) && unlink $suspended_cron;

    my $cpuser_guard = Cpanel::Config::CpUserGuard->new($user);
    delete $cpuser_guard->{'data'}->{'SUSPENDED'};

sub _disallow_logins {
    my $user = shift;

    $user =~ s/\///g;

    # very similar to the code in scripts/suspendacct,
    #   but cannot be used as webserver & co still need to be available
    if ( !-d '/var/cpanel/suspended' ) {
        my $original_umask = umask(022);
        my $mail_gid       = ( getgrnam('mail') )[2] // 13;
        mkdir( '/var/cpanel/suspended', 0710 );
        chown( 0, $mail_gid, '/var/cpanel/suspended' );

    require Cpanel::FileUtils::Write;
    Cpanel::FileUtils::Write::overwrite( "/var/cpanel/suspended/${user}", $Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Constants::USER_TRANSFERRED_MESSAGE, 0640 );


    if ( -e '/usr/sbin/pw' ) {
        system( '/usr/sbin/pw', 'lock', $user );
    else {
        system( 'passwd', '-l', $user );

    # temporarily suspend crontab


    # suspend the team user on source server once transferred.

    my $cpuser_guard = Cpanel::Config::CpUserGuard->new($user);
    $cpuser_guard->{'data'}->{'SUSPENDTIME'} = time();
    $cpuser_guard->{'data'}->{'SUSPENDED'}   = 1;

sub _generate_account_suspension_include {
    require "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/generate_account_suspension_include";    ## no critic qw(Modules::RequireBarewordIncludes) -- refactoring this is too large
    return 1;

sub _suspend_cron_for {
    my ($user) = @_;

    return unless $user;
    my $user_crontab_dir = Cpanel::OS::user_crontab_dir();
    my $cron             = "$user_crontab_dir/$user";
    return unless -e $cron;

    # create cron.suspended dir if missing
    my $suspended_dir = "${user_crontab_dir}.suspended";
    mkdir( $suspended_dir, 0700 ) unless -e $suspended_dir;

    # set the cron as suspended
    link( $cron, "${suspended_dir}/${user}" ) && unlink($cron);

sub _suspend_ftp_for {
    my $user   = shift || return;
    my $ftpdir = $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::FTP_PASSWD_DIR;    # this same directory is used for both proftpd and pure-ftpd
    return if !-d $ftpdir;
    my $ftpfile = $ftpdir . '/' . $user;
    rename $ftpfile, $ftpfile . '.' . 'suspended';
    system '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/ftpupdate', $user;

sub _suspend_team_for {
    my $user = shift || return;
    return if !-e "$Cpanel::Team::Constants::TEAM_CONFIG_DIR/$user";
    require Cpanel::Exception;
    eval {
        my $team_obj = Cpanel::Team::Config->new($user);

    if ($@) {
        my $error_as_string = Cpanel::Exception::get_string($@);
        print "Unable to suspend team user due to an exception: $error_as_string\n";

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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 24 August , 2024

At Anyleson, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is handled securely and responsibly. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your data when you use our platform.

Information We Collect

  1. Personal Information:

    • Name, email address, phone number, and billing details.

    • Account login credentials (username and password).

  2. Course Usage Data:

    • Progress and activity within courses.

    • Feedback and reviews submitted for courses.

  3. Technical Information:

    • IP address, browser type, device information, and cookies for improving website functionality.

  4. Communication Data:

    • Information from your interactions with our customer support.

How We Use Your Information

  1. To Provide Services:

    • Process course purchases, registrations, and access to content.

  2. To Improve User Experience:

    • Analyze user behavior to enhance course offerings and platform features.

  3. To Communicate:

    • Send updates, notifications, and promotional offers (only if you’ve opted in).

  4. For Legal Compliance:

    • Meet legal or regulatory requirements and prevent fraud.

How We Protect Your Information

  1. Data Encryption: All sensitive data is encrypted during transmission using SSL.

  2. Access Control: Only authorized personnel have access to personal information.

  3. Secure Storage: Data is stored on secure servers with regular security updates.

Sharing Your Information

We do not sell, rent, or trade your personal data. However, we may share your information with:

  1. Service Providers:

    • Payment processors and hosting services that assist in delivering our platform.

  2. Legal Authorities:

    • When required by law or to protect our legal rights.

Your Rights

  1. Access and Update: You can view and update your personal information in your account settings.

  2. Request Deletion: You have the right to request deletion of your data by contacting us.

  3. Opt-Out: You can opt out of receiving promotional emails by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in our emails.

Cookies Policy

We use cookies to enhance your experience by:

  • Remembering your preferences.

  • Analyzing website traffic.
    You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings.

Third-Party Links

Our platform may contain links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for their privacy practices and recommend reviewing their privacy policies.

Policy Updates

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Changes will be posted on this page, and the "Effective Date" will be updated. Please review the policy periodically.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or how your data is handled, please contact us at:

Email: support@anyleson.comThank you for trusting Anyleson with your learning journey!