shell bypass 403
/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap var __webpack_exports__ = {}; /*!****************************************************!*\ !*** ./resources/js/parts/learningPage/scripts.js ***! \****************************************************/ function _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) { var it = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o["@@iterator"]; if (!it) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; var F = function F() {}; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e) { throw _e; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it =; }, n: function n() { var step =; normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e2) { didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it["return"] != null) it["return"](); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; } function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); } function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } (function ($) { $('body').on('click', '.panel-file-manager', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).filemanager('file', { prefix: '/laravel-filemanager' }); }); var learningPageContent = $('#learningPageContent'); // disable right click document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (event) { return event.preventDefault(); }, false); $(document).ready(function () { var allItems = $('.tab-item'); if (allItems && allItems.length && defaultItemType && defaultItemType !== '' && defaultItemId && defaultItemId !== '') { var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(allItems), _step; try { for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) { var item = _step.value; var $item = $(item); var type = $item.attr('data-type'); var id = $item.attr('data-id'); if (type === defaultItemType && id === defaultItemId) { $item.trigger('click'); var collapse = $item.closest('.collapse'); if (collapse) { collapse.collapse('show'); } } } } catch (err) { _iterator.e(err); } finally { _iterator.f(); } } else if (allItems && loadFirstContent && loadFirstContent !== 'false') { if (allItems.length) { var _item = allItems[0]; var _$item = $(_item); _$item.trigger('click'); var _collapse = _$item.closest('.collapse'); if (_collapse) { _collapse.collapse('show'); } } else { contentEmptyStateHtml(); } } }); $('body').on('click', '#collapseBtn', function () { var $tabs = $('.learning-page-tabs'); 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$('.course-certificate-item').removeClass('active'); $('.certificate-item').removeClass('active'); $('.tab-item').removeClass('active'); $this.addClass('active'); var result = $this.attr('data-result'); handleDownloadCertificateHtml(result); }); $('body').on('click', '.course-certificate-item', function () { var $this = $(this); $('.course-certificate-item').removeClass('active'); $('.certificate-item').removeClass('active'); $('.tab-item').removeClass('active'); $this.addClass('active'); var id = $this.attr('data-course-certificate'); handleCourseCertificateHtml(id); }); function handleContent(itemId, itemType) { var data = { type: itemType, id: itemId }; $.post('/course/learning/itemInfo', data, function (result) { if (itemType === 'session') { var session = result.session; if (session) { if (session.is_finished) { handleLiveSessionFinishedHtml(session); } else if (session.is_started) { handleLiveSessionHtml(session); } else { handleLiveSessionNotStartedHtml(session); } } } else if (itemType === 'file') { handleFileHtml(result.file); // if file is downloadable } else if (itemType === 'text_lesson') { handleTextLessonHtml(result.textLesson); } else if (itemType === 'quiz') { handleQuizHtml(result.quiz); } }); } function handlePersonalNoteHtml(item) { if (courseNotesStatus === '1') { return "<div class=\"js-personal-notes-form learning-page-personal-note bg-white mt-15 p-10 rounded-sm\" data-item-id=\"".concat(, "\" data-item-type=\"").concat(item.modelName, "\" data-course-id=\"").concat(item.webinar_id, "\">\n <h4 class=\"font-14 font-weight-bold text-secondary\">").concat(personalNoteLang, "</h4>\n <p class=\"mt-5 font-12 text-gray\">").concat(personalNoteHintLang, "</p>\n\n <textarea name=\"notes\" rows=\"5\" class=\"form-control mt-5\">").concat(item.personalNote && item.personalNote.note ? item.personalNote.note : '', "</textarea>\n\n ").concat(courseNotesShowAttachment ? "<div class=\"form-group mt-15\">\n <label class=\"input-label\">".concat(attachmentLang, "</label>\n\n <div class=\"input-group mr-10\">\n <div class=\"input-group-prepend\">\n <button type=\"button\" class=\"input-group-text panel-file-manager\" data-input=\"personalNotesAttachment\" data-preview=\"holder\">\n <i data-feather=\"upload\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" class=\"text-white\"></i>\n </button>\n </div>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"attach\" id=\"personalNotesAttachment\" value=\"").concat(item.personalNote && item.personalNote.attachment ? item.personalNote.attachment : '', "\" class=\"form-control\" placeholder=\"\"/>\n\n ").concat(item.personalNote && item.personalNote.attachment ? "<div class=\"input-group-append\">\n <a href=\"/course/personal-notes/".concat(, "/download-attachment\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"input-group-text\">\n <i data-feather=\"download\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" class=\"text-white\"></i>\n </a>\n </div>") : '', "\n\n </div>\n </div>") : '', "\n\n <div class=\"d-flex align-items-center mt-15\">\n <button type=\"button\" class=\"js-save-personal-note btn btn-sm btn-primary\">").concat(saveNoteLang, "</button>\n ").concat(item.personalNote && item.personalNote.note ? '<button type="button" class="js-clear-personal-note btn btn-sm btn-danger ml-2">' + clearNoteLang + '</button>' : '', "\n </div>\n </div>"); } return ''; } function handleDownloadCertificateHtml(result) { var title = downloadCertificateLang; var hint = enjoySharingYourCertificateWithOthersLang; var img = 'quiz.svg'; var otherHtml = ''; if (result && result !== '') { otherHtml = "\n <a href=\"/panel/quizzes/results/".concat(result, "/showCertificate\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm mt-15\">").concat(downloadLang, "</a>\n "); } else { otherHtml = "\n <button type=\"button\" disabled class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm mt-15\">".concat(downloadLang, "</button>\n "); } var html = handleContentBoxHtml(title, hint, img, otherHtml); learningPageContent.html(html); } function handleCourseCertificateHtml(id) { var title = downloadCertificateLang; var hint = enjoySharingYourCertificateWithOthersLang; var img = 'quiz.svg'; var otherHtml = ''; if (id && id !== '') { otherHtml = "\n <a href=\"/panel/certificates/webinars/".concat(id, "/show\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm mt-15\">").concat(showLang, "</a>\n "); } else { otherHtml = "\n <button type=\"button\" disabled class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm mt-15\">".concat(showLang, "</button>\n "); } var html = handleContentBoxHtml(title, hint, img, otherHtml); learningPageContent.html(html); } function handleQuizHtml(quiz) { var title = quiz.title; var hint = goToTheQuizPageForMoreInformationLang; var img = 'quiz.svg'; var otherHtml = ''; if (quiz.has_expired) { title = expiredQuizLang; hint = quiz.expired_message; } else { if (quiz.expire_time_message && quiz.expire_time_message !== "null") { otherHtml += "<div class=\"mt-10 font-14 text-gray\">".concat(quiz.expire_time_message, "</div>"); } if (quiz.can_try) { otherHtml += "\n <a href=\"/panel/quizzes/".concat(, "/start\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm mt-15\">").concat(quizPageLang, "</a>\n "); } else { otherHtml += "\n <button type=\"button\" class=\"js-cant-start-quiz-toast btn btn-primary btn-sm mt-15 disabled\">".concat(quizPageLang, "</button>\n "); } } var html = handleContentBoxHtml(title, hint, img, otherHtml); html += handlePersonalNoteHtml(quiz); learningPageContent.html(html); feather.replace(); } function handleLiveSessionFinishedHtml(session) { var title = sessionIsFinishedLang; var hint = sessionIsFinishedHintLang; var img = 'live_session.svg'; var otherHtml = "\n <a href=\"".concat(courseUrl, "\" class=\"btn btn-white btn-sm mt-15\">").concat(coursePageLang, "</a>\n "); var html = handleContentBoxHtml(title, hint, img, otherHtml, 'mt-10'); html += handlePersonalNoteHtml(session); learningPageContent.html(html); feather.replace(); } function handleLiveSessionNotStartedHtml(session) { var title = sessionIsNotStartedYetLang; var hint = thisSessionWillBeStartedOnLang + ' ' + session.start_data; var img = 'live_session.svg'; var otherHtml = "\n <div class=\"d-flex align-items-center mt-15\">\n <button type=\"button\" id=\"checkAgainSession\" data-type=\"session\" data-id=\"".concat(, "\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm \">").concat(checkAgainLang, "</button>\n <a href=\"").concat(courseUrl, "\" class=\"btn btn-white btn-sm ml-10\">").concat(coursePageLang, "</a>\n </div>\n "); var html = handleContentBoxHtml(title, hint, img, otherHtml, 'mt-10'); html += handlePersonalNoteHtml(session); learningPageContent.html(html); feather.replace(); } function handleLiveSessionHtml(session) { var title = sessionIsLiveLang; var hint = youCanJoinTheLiveNowLang; var img = 'live_session.svg'; var otherHtml = ""; if (session.password) { otherHtml += "<div class=\"font-14 font-weight-500 text-gray mt-5\">".concat(passwordLang, ": ").concat(session.password, "</div>"); } otherHtml += "\n <div class=\"d-flex align-items-center mt-15\">\n <a href=\"".concat(session.join_url, "\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm \">").concat(joinTheClassLang, "</a>\n <a href=\"").concat(courseUrl, "\" class=\"btn btn-white btn-sm ml-10\">").concat(coursePageLang, "</a>\n </div>\n "); var html = handleContentBoxHtml(title, hint, img, otherHtml, 'mt-10'); html += handlePersonalNoteHtml(session); learningPageContent.html(html); feather.replace(); } function handleFileHtml(file) { if (file.online_viewer && file.online_viewer !== '0' || file.downloadable && file.downloadable !== '0') { if (file.online_viewer && file.online_viewer !== '0') { var html = "<div class=\"d-flex flex-column p-10 h-100\">"; html += "<iframe src=\"/ViewerJS/index.html#".concat(file.file_path, "\" class=\"file-online-viewer rounded-sm ").concat(file.downloadable && file.downloadable !== '0' ? 'has-download-card' : '', "\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>"); if (file.downloadable && file.downloadable !== '0') { html += "<div class=\"d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between rounded-sm mt-15 p-15 border-dashed-gray300\">\n <span class=\"font-weight-bold text-dark\">".concat(downloadTheFileLang, "</span>\n <a href=\"").concat(courseUrl, "/file/").concat(, "/download\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm\" target=\"_blank\">").concat(downloadLang, "</a>\n </div>"); } html += "</div>"; html += handlePersonalNoteHtml(file); learningPageContent.html(html); } else if (file.downloadable && file.downloadable !== '0') { if (file.is_video) { var $html = "<div class=\"js-video-and-download d-flex flex-column p-10 h-100\">"; $html += '<div class="learning-content-video-player w-100"></div>'; if (file.downloadable && file.downloadable !== '0') { $html += "<div class=\"d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between rounded-sm mt-15 p-15 border-dashed-gray300\">\n <span class=\"font-weight-bold text-dark\">".concat(downloadTheFileLang, "</span>\n <a href=\"").concat(courseUrl, "/file/").concat(, "/download\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm\" target=\"_blank\">").concat(downloadLang, "</a>\n </div>"); } $html += "</div>"; $html += handlePersonalNoteHtml(file); learningPageContent.html($html); var $videoCard = $('.js-video-and-download .learning-content-video-player'); handleVideoByFileId(, $videoCard, function () {}); } else { var title = downloadTheFileLang; var hint = file.title; var img = 'download.svg'; var otherHtml = "<a href=\"".concat(courseUrl, "/file/").concat(, "/download\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm mt-15\" target=\"_blank\">").concat(downloadLang, "</a>"); var _html = handleContentBoxHtml(title, hint, img, otherHtml); _html += handlePersonalNoteHtml(file); learningPageContent.html(_html); } } } else { switch ( { case 'upload': case 'youtube': case 'vimeo': case 'external_link': case 's3': var _$html = '<div class="js-other-content-video-player learning-content-video-player w-100"></div>'; _$html += handlePersonalNoteHtml(file); learningPageContent.html(_$html); var $videoCard1 = $('.js-other-content-video-player'); handleVideoByFileId(, $videoCard1, function () {}); break; case 'secure_host': var $secureHosthtml = '<div class="js-secure-host-video-player learning-content-video-player w-100"></div>'; $secureHosthtml += handlePersonalNoteHtml(file); learningPageContent.html($secureHosthtml); var $videoCard2 = $('.js-secure-host-video-player'); handleVideoByFileId(, $videoCard2, function () {}); break; case 'google_drive': case 'iframe': handleFileIframe(file); break; case 'upload_archive': var _title = showHtmlFileLang; var _hint = file.title; var _img = 'download.svg'; var _otherHtml = "<a href=\"".concat(courseUrl, "/file/").concat(, "/showHtml\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm mt-15\">").concat(showLang, "</a>"); var _html2 = handleContentBoxHtml(_title, _hint, _img, _otherHtml); _html2 += handlePersonalNoteHtml(file); learningPageContent.html(_html2); break; } } feather.replace(); } function handleTextLessonHtml(textLesson) { var html = "<div class=\"text-lesson-content p-15 p-lg-30\">\n <h4 class=\"font-16 font-weight-bold text-dark\">".concat(textLesson.title, "</h4>\n\n ").concat(textLesson.image ? "<div class=\"pb-5 mt-15 main-image rounded-lg w-100\">\n <img src=\"".concat(textLesson.image, "\" class=\"bg-gray200\" alt=\"").concat(textLesson.title, "\"/>\n </div>") : '', "\n\n ").concat(textLesson.content, "\n </div>"); if (textLesson.attachments && Object.keys(textLesson.attachments).length) { html += "<div class=\"shadow-sm rounded-lg bg-white px-15 px-md-25 py-20 mt-20\">\n <h3 class=\" font-16 font-weight-bold text-dark-blue\">".concat(attachmentsLang, "</h3>\n\n <div class=\"row mt-10\">\n "); Object.keys(textLesson.attachments).forEach(function (key) { var attachment = textLesson.attachments[key]; html += "<div class=\"col-12 col-lg-3 mt-10 mt-lg-0\">\n <a href=\"".concat(courseUrl, "/file/").concat(, "/download\" class=\"d-flex align-items-center p-10 border border-gray200 rounded-sm\">\n <span class=\"chapter-icon bg-gray300 mr-10\">\n <i data-feather=\"download-cloud\" class=\"text-gray\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></i>\n </span>\n\n <div class=\"\">\n <span class=\"font-weight-500 font-14 text-dark-blue d-block\">").concat(attachment.file.title, "</span>\n <span class=\"font-12 text-gray d-block\">").concat(attachment.file.file_type, " | ").concat(attachment.file.volume, "</span>\n </div>\n </a>\n </div>"); }); html += "</div>\n </div>"; } html += handlePersonalNoteHtml(textLesson); learningPageContent.html(html); feather.replace(); } function handleContentBoxHtml(title, hint, img) { var html = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null; var titleClassName = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : null; return "<div class=\"d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center w-100 h-100\">\n <div class=\"learning-content-box d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center flex-column p-15 p-lg-30 rounded-lg\">\n <div class=\"learning-content-box-icon\">\n <img src=\"/assets/default/img/learning/".concat(img, "\" alt=\"downloadable icon\">\n </div>\n\n <h4 class=\"font-16 font-weight-bold text-dark ").concat(titleClassName !== null && titleClassName !== void 0 ? titleClassName : '', "\">").concat(title, "</h4>\n\n <span class=\"font-14 font-weight-500 text-gray mt-5\">").concat(hint, "</span>\n\n ").concat(html !== null && html !== void 0 ? html : '', "\n </div>\n </div>"); } function addContentLoading() { var html = "<div class=\"learning-content-loading d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center flex-column w-100 h-100\">\n <img src=\"/assets/default/img/loading.gif\" alt=\"\">\n <p class=\"mt-10\">".concat(pleaseWaitForTheContentLang, "</p>\n </div>"); learningPageContent.html(html); } function contentEmptyStateHtml() { var html = "<div class=\"learning-page-forum-empty d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center flex-column\">\n <div class=\"learning-page-forum-empty-icon d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center\">\n <img src=\"/assets/default/img/learning/content-empty.svg\" class=\"img-fluid\" alt=\"\">\n </div>\n\n <div class=\"d-flex align-items-center flex-column mt-10 text-center\">\n <h3 class=\"font-20 font-weight-bold text-dark-blue text-center\">".concat(learningPageEmptyContentTitleLang, "</h3>\n <p class=\"font-14 font-weight-500 text-gray mt-5 text-center\">").concat(learningPageEmptyContentHintLang, "</p>\n </div>\n </div>"); learningPageContent.html(html); } function handleFileIframe(file) { $.post('/course/getFilePath', { file_id: }, function (result) { if (result && result.code === 200) { var storage =, path = result.path; var $iframeHtml = "<div class=\"learning-content-iframe\">\n ".concat(path, "\n </div>"); $iframeHtml += handlePersonalNoteHtml(file); learningPageContent.html($iframeHtml); feather.replace(); } else { $.toast({ heading: notAccessToastTitleLang, text: notAccessToastMsgLang, bgColor: '#f63c3c', textColor: 'white', hideAfter: 10000, position: 'bottom-right', icon: 'error' }); } }).fail(function (err) { $.toast({ heading: notAccessToastTitleLang, text: notAccessToastMsgLang, bgColor: '#f63c3c', textColor: 'white', hideAfter: 10000, position: 'bottom-right', icon: 'error' }); }); } $('body').on('change', '.js-passed-lesson-toggle', function (e) { var $this = $(this); var course_id = $this.val(); var item = $this.attr('data-item'); var item_id = $this.attr('data-item-id'); var status = this.checked; var data = { item: item, item_id: item_id, status: status }; $.post('/course/' + course_id + '/learningStatus', data, function (result) { $.toast({ heading: '', text: learningToggleLangSuccess, bgColor: '#43d477', textColor: 'white', hideAfter: 10000, position: 'bottom-right', icon: 'success' }); /*setTimeout(() => { window.location.reload(); }, 500);*/ }).fail(function (err) { $this.prop('checked', !status); $.toast({ heading: '', text: learningToggleLangError, bgColor: '#f63c3c', textColor: 'white', hideAfter: 10000, position: 'bottom-right', icon: 'error' }); }); }); $('body').on('click', '.js-sequence-content-error-modal', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var passedError = $(this).attr('data-passed-error'); var accessDaysError = $(this).attr('data-access-days-error'); var html = '<ul class="list-group-custom">\n'; if (passedError) { html += '<li class="font-14 mb-10">' + passedError + '</li>\n'; } if (accessDaysError) { html += '<li class="font-14">' + accessDaysError + '</li>\n'; } html += '</ul>';{ icon: 'error', title: sequenceContentErrorModalTitle, html: html, showCancelButton: false, showConfirmButton: false, customClass: { content: 'p-0 text-left' }, width: '30rem' }); }); $('body').on('click', '.js-save-history-message', function () { var $this = $(this); var $form = $this.closest('form'); var action = $form.attr('action'); var data = $form.serializeObject(); $this.addClass('loadingbar primary').prop('disabled', true); $form.find('.invalid-feedback').text(''); $form.find('.is-invalid').removeClass('is-invalid'); $.post(action, data, function (result) { if (result && result.code === 200) {{ icon: 'success', html: '<h3 class="font-20 text-center text-dark-blue">' + sendAssignmentSuccessLang + '</h3>', showConfirmButton: false }); setTimeout(function () { window.location.reload(); }, 500); } else if (result && result.code === 401) { $.toast({ heading: result.errors.title, text: result.errors.msg, bgColor: '#f63c3c', textColor: 'white', hideAfter: 10000, position: 'bottom-right', icon: 'error' }); $this.removeClass('loadingbar primary').prop('disabled', false); } }).fail(function (err) { $this.removeClass('loadingbar primary').prop('disabled', false); var errors = err.responseJSON; if (errors && errors.errors) { Object.keys(errors.errors).forEach(function (key) { var error = errors.errors[key]; var element = $form.find('[name="' + key + '"]'); element.addClass('is-invalid'); element.parent().find('.invalid-feedback').text(error[0]); }); } }); }); $('body').on('click', '.js-save-history-rate', function () { var $this = $(this); var $form = $this.closest('form'); var action = $form.attr('action'); var data = $form.serializeObject(); $this.addClass('loadingbar primary').prop('disabled', true); $form.find('.invalid-feedback').text(''); $form.find('.is-invalid').removeClass('is-invalid'); $.post(action, data, function (result) { if (result && result.code === 200) {{ icon: 'success', html: '<h3 class="font-20 text-center text-dark-blue">' + saveAssignmentRateSuccessLang + '</h3>', showConfirmButton: false }); setTimeout(function () { window.location.reload(); }, 500); } else if (result && result.code === 401) { $.toast({ heading: result.errors.title, text: result.errors.msg, bgColor: '#f63c3c', textColor: 'white', hideAfter: 10000, position: 'bottom-right', icon: 'error' }); $this.removeClass('loadingbar primary').prop('disabled', false); } }).fail(function (err) { $this.removeClass('loadingbar primary').prop('disabled', false); var errors = err.responseJSON; if (errors && errors.errors) { Object.keys(errors.errors).forEach(function (key) { var error = errors.errors[key]; var element = $form.find('[name="' + key + '"]'); element.addClass('is-invalid'); element.parent().find('.invalid-feedback').text(error[0]); }); } }); }); function errorToast(heading, text) { $.toast({ heading: heading, text: text, bgColor: '#f63c3c', textColor: 'white', hideAfter: 10000, position: 'bottom-right', icon: 'error' }); } $('body').on('click', '.js-not-access-toast', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (notAccessToastTitleLang && notAccessToastMsgLang) { errorToast(notAccessToastTitleLang, notAccessToastMsgLang); } }); $('body').on('click', '.js-cant-start-quiz-toast', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (cantStartQuizToastTitleLang && cantStartQuizToastMsgLang) { errorToast(cantStartQuizToastTitleLang, cantStartQuizToastMsgLang); } }); $('body').on('click', '.js-save-personal-note', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var $form = $this.closest('.js-personal-notes-form'); var courseId = $form.attr('data-course-id'); var itemId = $form.attr('data-item-id'); var itemType = $form.attr('data-item-type'); var data = { course_id: courseId, item_id: itemId, item_type: itemType, note: $form.find('textarea[name="notes"]').val(), attachment: $form.find('input[name="attach"]').val() }; $this.addClass('loadingbar primary').prop('disabled', true); $.post('/course/learning/personalNotes', data, function (result) { if (result && result.code === 200) { $.toast({ heading: personalNoteLang, text: personalNoteStoredSuccessfullyLang, bgColor: '#43d477', textColor: 'white', hideAfter: 10000, position: 'bottom-right', icon: 'success' }); } $this.removeClass('loadingbar primary').prop('disabled', false); }).fail(function () { $.toast({ heading: oopsLang, text: somethingWentWrongLang, bgColor: '#f63c3c', textColor: 'white', hideAfter: 10000, position: 'bottom-right', icon: 'error' }); $this.removeClass('loadingbar primary').prop('disabled', false); }); }); $('body').on('click', '.js-clear-personal-note', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var $form = $this.closest('.js-personal-notes-form'); $form.find('textarea[name="notes"]').val(''); $form.find('input[name="attach"]').val(''); }); })(jQuery); /******/ })() ;