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<p align="center"><img src="resources/images/payment.png?raw=true"></p>

# Laravel 支付网关

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这是一个用于整合支付网关的Laravel包。这个包依赖 `Laravel 5.8+`.

[捐赠我]( 如果你喜欢这个包:sunglasses: :bowtie:

For PHP integration you can use [shetabit/multipay]( package.

> 此软件包可用于多个驱动程序,如果在[当前驱动程序列表](#list-of-available-drivers)中找不到驱动程序,则可以创建它们

- [داکیومنت فارسی][link-fa]
- [English documents][link-en]
- [中文文档][link-zh]

# 目录

- [Laravel 支付网关](#laravel-%e6%94%af%e4%bb%98%e7%bd%91%e5%85%b3)
- [目录](#%e7%9b%ae%e5%bd%95)
- [可用驱动列表](#%e5%8f%af%e7%94%a8%e9%a9%b1%e5%8a%a8%e5%88%97%e8%a1%a8)
  - [安装](#%e5%ae%89%e8%a3%85)
  - [配置](#%e9%85%8d%e7%bd%ae)
  - [如何使用](#%e5%a6%82%e4%bd%95%e4%bd%bf%e7%94%a8)
      - [使用费用清单进行工作](#%e4%bd%bf%e7%94%a8%e8%b4%b9%e7%94%a8%e6%b8%85%e5%8d%95%e8%bf%9b%e8%a1%8c%e5%b7%a5%e4%bd%9c)
      - [获取支付清单](#%e8%8e%b7%e5%8f%96%e6%94%af%e4%bb%98%e6%b8%85%e5%8d%95)
      - [支付](#%e6%94%af%e4%bb%98)
      - [验证付款](#%e9%aa%8c%e8%af%81%e4%bb%98%e6%ac%be)
      - [有用的方法](#%e6%9c%89%e7%94%a8%e7%9a%84%e6%96%b9%e6%b3%95)
      - [创建自定义驱动:](#%e5%88%9b%e5%bb%ba%e8%87%aa%e5%ae%9a%e4%b9%89%e9%a9%b1%e5%8a%a8)
      - [事件](#%e4%ba%8b%e4%bb%b6)
  - [Change log](#change-log)
  - [贡献](#%e8%b4%a1%e7%8c%ae)
  - [安全](#%e5%ae%89%e5%85%a8)
  - [信誉](#%e4%bf%a1%e8%aa%89)
  - [License](#license)

# 可用驱动列表

- [asanpardakht]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [aqayepardakht]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [atipay]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [azkiVam (Installment payment)]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [behpardakht (mellat)]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [bitpay]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [digipay]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [etebarino (Installment payment)]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [fanavacard]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [idpay]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [irankish]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [local](#local-driver) :heavy_check_mark:
- [jibit]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [nextpay]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [omidpay]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [parsian]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [pasargad]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [payir]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [payfa]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [paypal]( (在下一个版本中很快就支持了)
- [payping]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [paystar]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [poolam]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [rayanpay]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [sadad (melli)]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [saman]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [sep (saman electronic payment) Keshavarzi & Saderat]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [sepehr (saderat)]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [sepordeh]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [sizpay]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [toman]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [vandar]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [walleta (Installment payment)]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [yekpay]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [zarinpal]( :heavy_check_mark:
- [zibal]( :heavy_check_mark:
- 其他正在进行中

**您可以通过`pull requests` 帮助我创建更多的网关**

- stripe
- authorize
- 2checkout
- braintree
- skrill
- payU
- amazon payments
- wepay
- payoneer
- paysimple

> 如果找不到你需要的,您可以创建你自己的驱动,阅读`创建自定义驱动`部分,可以了解更多

## 安装

通过 Composer

``` bash
$ composer require shetabit/payment

## 配置

如果你使用`Laravel 5.5`或更高版本,你不需要手动设置 `provider` 和 `alias`,可以直接看b步骤

a. 在你的 `config/app.php` 文件中,添加如下两行

// In your providers array.
'providers' => [

// In your aliases array.
'aliases' => [
    'Payment' => Shetabit\Payment\Facade\Payment::class,

b. 然后运行 `php artisan vendor:publish` 来发布 `config/payment.php` 文件到你的项目中

在配置文件中,您可以将 `default`设置项设置为你希望的付款方式。但也可以在运行时更改驱动。


// Eg. if you want to use zarinpal.
'default' => 'zarinpal',


'drivers' => [
    'zarinpal' => [
        // Fill in the credentials here.
        'apiPurchaseUrl' => '',
        'apiPaymentUrl' => '',
        'apiVerificationUrl' => '',
        'merchantId' => '',
        'callbackUrl' => '',
        'description' => 'payment in '.config(''),

## 如何使用

您的 `Invoice` 包含您的付款详细信息,因此我们首先将讨论 `Invoice` 类。

#### 使用费用清单进行工作

在做任何事情之前,您需要使用 `Invoice` 类来创建费用清单。


// At the top of the file.
use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;

// Create new invoice.
$invoice = new Invoice;

// 设置清单金额.

// 给清单添加详情: 这里展示了四种语法.
// 1
$invoice->detail(['detailName' => 'your detail goes here']);
// 2 
$invoice->detail('detailName','your detail goes here');
// 3
$invoice->detail(['name1' => 'detail1','name2' => 'detail2']);
// 4
$invoice->detail('detailName1','your detail1 goes here')
        ->detail('detailName2','your detail2 goes here');


- `uuid`: 设置一个清单的唯一id
- `getUuid`: 获取清单的当前唯一id
- `detail`: 给清单添加自定义信息
- `getDetails`: 获取所有的详细信息
- `amount`: 设置一个清单金额
- `getAmount`: 获取清单金额
- `transactionId`: 设置支付交易单号
- `getTransactionId`: 获取支付交易单号
- `via`: 设置我们用来支付清单的驱动
- `getDriver`: 获取驱动

#### 获取支付清单


// At the top of the file.
use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
use Shetabit\Payment\Facade\Payment;

// Create new invoice.
$invoice = (new Invoice)->amount(1000);

// Purchase the given invoice.
Payment::purchase($invoice,function($driver, $transactionId) {
	// We can store $transactionId in database.

// Purchase method accepts a callback function.
Payment::purchase($invoice, function($driver, $transactionId) {
    // We can store $transactionId in database.

// You can specify callbackUrl
    function($driver, $transactionId) {
    	// We can store $transactionId in database.

#### 支付


// At the top of the file.
use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
use Shetabit\Payment\Facade\Payment;

// Create new invoice.
$invoice = (new Invoice)->amount(1000);
// Purchase and pay the given invoice.
// You should use return statement to redirect user to the bank page.
return Payment::purchase($invoice, function($driver, $transactionId) {
    // Store transactionId in database as we need it to verify payment in the future.

// Do all things together in a single line.
return Payment::purchase(
    (new Invoice)->amount(1000), 
    function($driver, $transactionId) {
        // 把交易ID保存到数据库.
        // 在接下来的付款中,我们需要验证交易ID

// Retrieve json format of Redirection (in this case you can handle redirection to bank gateway)
return Payment::purchase(
    (new Invoice)->amount(1000), 
    function($driver, $transactionId) {
        // 把交易ID保存到数据库.
        // 在接下来的付款中,我们需要验证交易ID

#### 验证付款


// At the top of the file.
use Shetabit\Payment\Facade\Payment;
use Shetabit\Multipay\Exceptions\InvalidPaymentException;

// 您需要验证支付机构的回传数据,以确保付款成功
// 我们需要使用交易ID来验证
// 使用交易金额来验证,也是一个很好的方法
try {
	$receipt = Payment::amount(1000)->transactionId($transaction_id)->verify();

    // You can show payment referenceId to the user.
    echo $receipt->getReferenceId();

} catch (InvalidPaymentException $exception) {


    echo $exception->getMessage();

#### 有用的方法

- ###### `callbackUrl`: 使用它可以在运行时改变回调地址.

  // At the top of the file.
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
  use Shetabit\Payment\Facade\Payment;
  // Create new invoice.
  $invoice = (new Invoice)->amount(1000);
  // Purchase the given invoice.
      function($driver, $transactionId) {
      // We can store $transactionId in database.

- ###### `amount`: 你可以设置一个清单的金额

  // At the top of the file.
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
  use Shetabit\Payment\Facade\Payment;
  // Purchase (we set invoice to null).
      function($driver, $transactionId) {
      // We can store $transactionId in database.

- ###### `via`: 在运行中更改支付方式

  // At the top of the file.
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
  use Shetabit\Payment\Facade\Payment;
  // Create new invoice.
  $invoice = (new Invoice)->amount(1000);
  // Purchase the given invoice.
      function($driver, $transactionId) {
      // We can store $transactionId in database.
- ###### `config`: 在运行中更改驱动的配置信息

  // At the top of the file.
  use Shetabit\Multipay\Invoice;
  use Shetabit\Payment\Facade\Payment;
  // Create new invoice.
  $invoice = (new Invoice)->amount(1000);
  // Purchase the given invoice with custom driver configs.
  Payment::config('mechandId', 'your mechand id')->purchase(
      function($driver, $transactionId) {
      // We can store $transactionId in database.

  // Also we can change multiple configs at the same time.
  Payment::config(['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2'])->purchase(
      function($driver, $transactionId) {
      // We can store $transactionId in database.

#### 创建自定义驱动:


'drivers' => [
    'zarinpal' => [...],
    'my_driver' => [
        ... // Your Config Params here.

在你的驱动中,你必须继承 `Shetabit\Payment\Abstracts\Driver`.这个类

例如,你创建了这样一个类: `App\Packages\PaymentDriver\MyDriver`。

namespace App\Packages\PaymentDriver;

use Shetabit\Multipay\Abstracts\Driver;
use Shetabit\Multipay\Exceptions\InvalidPaymentException;
use Shetabit\Multipay\{Contracts\ReceiptInterface, Invoice, Receipt};

class MyDriver extends Driver
    protected $invoice; // Invoice.

    protected $settings; // Driver settings.

    public function __construct(Invoice $invoice, $settings)
        $this->invoice($invoice); // Set the invoice.
        $this->settings = (object) $settings; // Set settings.

    // Purchase the invoice, save its transactionId and finaly return it.
    public function purchase() {
        // Request for a payment transaction id.
        return $transId;
    // Redirect into bank using transactionId, to complete the payment.
    public function pay() {
        // It is better to set bankApiUrl in config/payment.php and retrieve it here:
        $bankUrl = $this->settings->bankApiUrl; // bankApiUrl is the config name.

        // Prepare payment url.
        $payUrl = $bankUrl.$this->invoice->getTransactionId();

        // Redirect to the bank.
        return redirect()->to($payUrl);
    // Verify the payment (we must verify to ensure that user has paid the invoice).
    public function verify(): ReceiptInterface {
        $verifyPayment = $this->settings->verifyApiUrl;
        $verifyUrl = $verifyPayment.$this->invoice->getTransactionId();
			Then we send a request to $verifyUrl and if payment is not valid we throw an InvalidPaymentException with a suitable message.
        throw new InvalidPaymentException('a suitable message');
        	We create a receipt for this payment if everything goes normally.
        return new Receipt('driverName', 'payment_receipt_number');
创建该类后,必须在 `payment.php` 配置文件的 `map` 部分中指定它。

'map' => [
    'my_driver' => App\Packages\PaymentDriver\MyDriver::class,

**Note:-** 必须确保 `map` 数组的键与 `drivers` 数组的键相同。

#### 事件


- **InvoicePurchasedEvent**: 在获取清单后执行
- **InvoiceVerifiedEvent**: 在验证交易成功后执行

## Change log

请查看 [CHANGELOG]( 来获取更多关于版本更新的信息

## 贡献

请查看 [CONTRIBUTING]( 和 [CONDUCT]( 获取更多详细信息

## 安全


## 信誉

- [Mahdi khanzadi][link-author]
- [All Contributors][link-contributors]

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.


[link-contributors]: ../../contributors

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Effective Date: 24 August , 2024

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Email: support@anyleson.comThank you for trusting Anyleson with your learning journey!