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: /home/anyleson/public_html/app/Models/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : Bundle.php

namespace App\Models;

use App\Mixins\Certificate\MakeCertificate;
use App\Models\Traits\CascadeDeletes;
use App\User;
use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Sluggable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Astrotomic\Translatable\Contracts\Translatable as TranslatableContract;
use Astrotomic\Translatable\Translatable;
use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Services\SlugService;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Jorenvh\Share\ShareFacade;

class Bundle extends Model implements TranslatableContract
    use Translatable;
    use Sluggable;
    use CascadeDeletes;

    protected $table = 'bundles';
    public $timestamps = false;
    protected $dateFormat = 'U';
    protected $guarded = ['id'];

    public $morphsFunctions = ['productBadgeContent', 'relatedCourses', 'deleteRequest'];

    static $active = 'active';
    static $pending = 'pending';
    static $isDraft = 'is_draft';
    static $inactive = 'inactive';

    static $statuses = [
        'active', 'pending', 'is_draft', 'inactive'

    static $videoDemoSource = ['upload', 'youtube', 'vimeo', 'external_link'];

    public $translatedAttributes = ['title', 'description', 'seo_description'];

    public function getTitleAttribute()
        return getTranslateAttributeValue($this, 'title');

    public function getDescriptionAttribute()
        return getTranslateAttributeValue($this, 'description');

    public function getSeoDescriptionAttribute()
        return getTranslateAttributeValue($this, 'seo_description');

    public function getDurationAttribute()
        return $this->getBundleDuration();

    public function creator()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\User', 'creator_id', 'id');

    public function teacher()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\User', 'teacher_id', 'id');

    public function category()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Category', 'category_id', 'id');

    public function filterOptions()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\BundleFilterOption', 'bundle_id', 'id');

    public function tags()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Tag', 'bundle_id', 'id');

    public function tickets()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Ticket', 'bundle_id', 'id');

    public function bundleWebinars()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\BundleWebinar', 'bundle_id', 'id');

    public function faqs()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Faq', 'bundle_id', 'id');

    public function comments()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Comment', 'bundle_id', 'id');

    public function reviews()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\WebinarReview', 'bundle_id', 'id');

    public function sales()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Sale', 'bundle_id', 'id')
            ->where('type', 'bundle');

    public function productBadgeContent()
        return $this->morphMany(ProductBadgeContent::class, 'targetable');

    public function relatedCourses()
        return $this->morphMany('App\Models\RelatedCourse', 'targetable');

    public function deleteRequest()
        return $this->morphOne(ContentDeleteRequest::class, 'targetable');

     * Return the sluggable configuration array for this model.
     * @return array
    public function sluggable(): array
        return [
            'slug' => [
                'source' => 'title'

    public static function makeSlug($title)
        return SlugService::createSlug(self::class, 'slug', $title);

    public function canAccess($user = null)
        if (!$user) {
            $user = auth()->user();

        if (!empty($user)) {
            return ($this->creator_id == $user->id or $this->teacher_id == $user->id);

        return false;

    public function getUrl()
        return url('/bundles/' . $this->slug);

    public function getImageCover()
        return config('app_url') . $this->image_cover;

    public function getImage()
        return config('app_url') . $this->thumbnail;

    public function getRate()
        $rate = 0;

        if (!empty($this->avg_rates)) {
            $rate = $this->avg_rates;
        } else {
            $reviews = $this->reviews()
                ->where('status', 'active')

            if (!empty($reviews) and $reviews->count() > 0) {
                $rate = number_format($reviews->avg('rates'), 2);

        if ($rate > 5) {
            $rate = 5;

        return $rate > 0 ? number_format($rate, 2) : 0;

    public function bestTicket($with_percent = false)
        $ticketPercent = 0;
        $bestTicket = $this->price;

        $activeSpecialOffer = $this->activeSpecialOffer();

        if ($activeSpecialOffer) {
            $bestTicket = $this->price - ($this->price * $activeSpecialOffer->percent / 100);
            $ticketPercent = $activeSpecialOffer->percent;
        } else if (count($this->tickets)) {
            foreach ($this->tickets as $ticket) {
                if ($ticket->isValid()) {
                    $discount = $this->price - ($this->price * $ticket->discount / 100);

                    if ($bestTicket > $discount) {
                        $bestTicket = $discount;
                        $ticketPercent = $ticket->discount;

        if ($with_percent) {
            return [
                'bestTicket' => $bestTicket,
                'percent' => $ticketPercent

        return $bestTicket;

    public function getBundleDuration()
        if (empty($this->bundleDuration)) {
            $this->bundleDuration = $this->newQuery()
                ->where('', $this->id)
                ->join('bundle_webinars', 'bundle_webinars.bundle_id', '')
                ->join('webinars', '', 'bundle_webinars.webinar_id')
                ->select('bundles.*', DB::raw('sum(webinars.duration) as duration'))

        return $this->bundleDuration;

    public function getExpiredAccessDays($purchaseDate, $giftId = null)
        if (!empty($giftId)) {
            $gift = Gift::query()->where('id', $giftId)
                ->where('status', 'active')

            if (!empty($gift) and !empty($gift->date)) {
                $purchaseDate = $gift->date;

        return strtotime("+{$this->access_days} days", $purchaseDate);

    public function checkHasExpiredAccessDays($purchaseDate, $giftId = null)
        // true => has access
        // false => not access (expired)

        if (!empty($giftId)) {
            $gift = Gift::query()->where('id', $giftId)
                ->where('status', 'active')

            if (!empty($gift) and !empty($gift->date)) {
                $purchaseDate = $gift->date;

        $time = time();

        return strtotime("+{$this->access_days} days", $purchaseDate) > $time;

    public function checkUserHasBought($user = null, $checkExpired = true): bool
        $hasBought = false;

        if (empty($user) and auth()->check()) {
            $user = auth()->user();

        if (!empty($user)) {
            $sale = Sale::where('buyer_id', $user->id)
                ->where('bundle_id', $this->id)
                ->where('type', 'bundle')
                ->where('access_to_purchased_item', true)
                ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')

            if (!empty($sale)) {
                $hasBought = true;

                if ($sale->payment_method == Sale::$subscribe) {
                    $subscribe = $sale->getUsedSubscribe($sale->buyer_id, $sale->bundle_id, 'bundle_id');

                    if (!empty($subscribe)) {
                        $subscribeSaleCreatedAt = null;

                        if (!empty($subscribe->installment_order_id)) {
                            $installmentOrder = InstallmentOrder::query()->where('user_id', $user->id)
                                ->where('id', $subscribe->installment_order_id)
                                ->where('status', 'open')

                            if (!empty($installmentOrder)) {
                                $subscribeSaleCreatedAt = $installmentOrder->created_at;

                                if ($installmentOrder->checkOrderHasOverdue()) {
                                    $overdueIntervalDays = getInstallmentsSettings('overdue_interval_days');

                                    if (empty($overdueIntervalDays) or $installmentOrder->overdueDaysPast() > $overdueIntervalDays) {
                                        $hasBought = false;
                        } else {
                            $subscribeSale = Sale::where('buyer_id', $user->id)
                                ->where('type', Sale::$subscribe)
                                ->where('subscribe_id', $subscribe->id)

                            if (!empty($subscribeSale)) {
                                $subscribeSaleCreatedAt = $subscribeSale->created_at;

                        if (!empty($subscribeSaleCreatedAt)) {
                            $usedDays = (int)diffTimestampDay(time(), $subscribeSaleCreatedAt);

                            if ($usedDays > $subscribe->days) {
                                $hasBought = false;
                    } else {
                        $hasBought = false;

                if ($hasBought and !empty($this->access_days) and $checkExpired) {
                    $hasBought = $this->checkHasExpiredAccessDays($sale->created_at, $sale->gift_id);

            if (!$hasBought) {
                $hasBought = ($this->creator_id == $user->id or $this->teacher_id == $user->id);

            if (!$hasBought) {
                $hasBought = $user->isAdmin();

            /* Check Installment */
            if (!$hasBought) {
                $installmentOrder = $this->getInstallmentOrder();

                if (!empty($installmentOrder)) {
                    $hasBought = true;

                    if ($installmentOrder->checkOrderHasOverdue()) {
                        $overdueIntervalDays = getInstallmentsSettings('overdue_interval_days');

                        if (empty($overdueIntervalDays) or $installmentOrder->overdueDaysPast() > $overdueIntervalDays) {
                            $hasBought = false;

            /* Check Gift */
            if (!$hasBought) {
                $gift = Gift::query()->where('email', $user->email)
                    ->where('status', 'active')
                    ->where('bundle_id', $this->id)
                    ->where(function ($query) {
                        $query->orWhere('date', '<', time());

                if (!empty($gift)) {
                    $hasBought = true;

        return $hasBought;

    public function getInstallmentOrder()
        $user = auth()->user();

        if (!empty($user)) {
            return InstallmentOrder::query()->where('user_id', $user->id)
                ->where('bundle_id', $this->id)
                ->where('status', 'open')

        return null;

    public function isOwner($userId = null)
        if (empty($userId)) {
            $userId = auth()->id();

        return (($this->creator_id == $userId) or ($this->teacher_id == $userId));

    public function activeSpecialOffer()
        $activeSpecialOffer = SpecialOffer::where('bundle_id', $this->id)
            ->where('status', SpecialOffer::$active)
            ->where('from_date', '<', time())
            ->where('to_date', '>', time())

        return $activeSpecialOffer ?? false;

    public function getPrice()
        $price = $this->price;

        $specialOffer = $this->activeSpecialOffer();
        if (!empty($specialOffer)) {
            $price = $price - ($price * $specialOffer->percent / 100);

        return $price;

    public function canSale()
        // TODO:: If there was a sales restriction like the courses, we apply here

        return true;

    public function getShareLink($social)
        $link = ShareFacade::page($this->getUrl())

        return !empty($link[$social]) ? $link[$social] : '';

    public function getDiscount($ticket = null, $user = null)
        $activeSpecialOffer = $this->activeSpecialOffer();

        $discountOut = $activeSpecialOffer ? $this->price * $activeSpecialOffer->percent / 100 : 0;

        if (!empty($user) and !empty($user->getUserGroup()) and isset($user->getUserGroup()->discount) and $user->getUserGroup()->discount > 0) {
            $discountOut += $this->price * $user->getUserGroup()->discount / 100;

        if (!empty($ticket) and $ticket->isValid()) {
            $discountOut += $this->price * $ticket->discount / 100;

        return $discountOut;

    public function getDiscountPercent()
        $percent = 0;

        $activeSpecialOffer = $this->activeSpecialOffer();

        if (!empty($activeSpecialOffer)) {
            $percent += $activeSpecialOffer->percent;

        $tickets = Ticket::where('webinar_id', $this->id)->get();

        foreach ($tickets as $ticket) {
            if (!empty($ticket) and $ticket->isValid()) {
                $percent += $ticket->discount;

        return $percent;

    public function getStudentsIds()
        $studentsIds = Sale::where('bundle_id', $this->id)

        // get users by installments
        $installmentOrders = InstallmentOrder::query()
            ->where('bundle_id', $this->id)
            ->where('status', 'open')

        foreach ($installmentOrders as $installmentOrder) {
            if (!empty($installmentOrder)) {
                $hasBought = true;

                if ($installmentOrder->checkOrderHasOverdue()) {
                    $overdueIntervalDays = getInstallmentsSettings('overdue_interval_days');

                    if (empty($overdueIntervalDays) or $installmentOrder->overdueDaysPast() > $overdueIntervalDays) {
                        $hasBought = false;

                if ($hasBought) {
                    $studentsIds[] = $installmentOrder->user_id;

        // get users by gifts
        $gifts = Gift::query()
            ->where('status', 'active')
            ->where('bundle_id', $this->id)
            ->where(function ($query) {
                $query->orWhere('date', '<', time());

        foreach ($gifts as $gift) {
            $user = User::query()->select('id', 'email')->where('email', $gift->email)->first();

            if (!empty($user)) {
                $studentsIds[] = $user->id;

        return array_unique($studentsIds);

    public function checkShowProgress()
        return false;

    public function makeCertificateForUser($user)
        if (!empty($user) and $this->certificate) {
            $check = Certificate::where('type', 'bundle')
                ->where('student_id', $user->id)
                ->where('bundle_id', $this->id)

            if (empty($check)) {
                $makeCertificate = new MakeCertificate();
                $userCertificate = $makeCertificate->saveBundleCertificate($user, $this);

                $certificateReward = RewardAccounting::calculateScore(Reward::CERTIFICATE);
                RewardAccounting::makeRewardAccounting($userCertificate->student_id, $certificateReward, Reward::CERTIFICATE, $userCertificate->id, true);


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Refund Policy

Effective Date: 24 August , 2024

At Anyleson, customer satisfaction is our priority. To ensure a positive experience, we offer a 7-day refund policy for all our courses. Please read the details below to understand how our refund policy works.

Eligibility for a Refund

  1. Refund Window: Refund requests must be made within 7 days of the course purchase date.

  2. Course Progress: Refunds are applicable only if you have accessed less than 20% of the course content.

  3. Valid Reason: A refund request must be accompanied by a valid reason for dissatisfaction with the course, such as:

    • Technical issues preventing access to the course.

    • Mismatch between course content and description.

Non-Refundable Scenarios

  1. Refund requests made after the 7-day refund window.

  2. Users who have completed more than 20% of the course content.

  3. Refund requests for courses purchased during special promotions or discounts clearly marked as non-refundable.

  4. Claims of dissatisfaction without a valid reason or proof of issue.

How to Request a Refund

  1. Email us at with the following details:

    • Your full name.

    • Order ID or transaction reference.

    • The course name.

    • Reason for requesting the refund.

  2. Once your request is received, we will:

    • Verify your purchase details.

    • Review your course usage data.

    • Respond to your request within 3 business days.

Refund Process

  • Approved refunds will be processed through the original payment method.

  • Depending on your payment provider, it may take 5–10 business days for the funds to reflect in your account.

Need Help?

For any questions or clarifications regarding our refund policy, feel free to reach out to our support team at

We value your learning journey and aim to provide high-quality courses. Your feedback helps us improve, so please share any concerns or suggestions you may have.

Thank you for choosing Anyleson!