shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /bin/ [ dr-xr-xr-x ]

name : sg_sat_phy_event
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& ]������w������AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%� UH�-� SL)�H����H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���cehHil:rRvV1.13 20180628version: %s
no DEVICE name detected

sg_set_binary_modeATA pass through:
Aborted command
Unexpected SCSI status=0x%x
ATA pass through (%d) failed
SATA phy event counters:close error: %s
  %s: %lu
ck_condck-condextendhexignorelenrawresethelpverboseversionUsage: sg_sat_phy_event [--ck_cond] [--extend] [--help] [--hex] [--ignore]
                        [--len=16|12] [--raw] [--reset] [--verbose]
                        [--version] DEVICE
    --ck_cond|-c    sets ck_cond bit in cdb (def: 0)
    --extend|-e     sets extend bit in cdb (def: 0)
    --help|-h       print this usage message then exit
    --hex|-H        output response in hex bytes, use twice for
                    hex words
    --ignore|-i     ignore identifier names, output id value instead
    --len=16|12 | -l 16|12    cdb length: 16 or 12 bytes (default: 16)
    --raw|-r        output response in binary to stdout
    --reset|-R      reset counters (after read)
    --verbose|-v    increase verbosity
    --version|-V    print version string then exit

Sends an ATA READ LOG EXT command via a SAT pass through to fetch
log page 11h which contains SATA phy event counters
argument to '--len' should be 12 or 16
unrecognised option code %c [0x%x]
Unexpected extra argument: %s
Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
sg_sat_phy_event: error opening file: %scommand completed with SCSI GOOD status
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d) not supported
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d), bad field in cdb
did not find ATA Return (sense) Descriptor
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d), Unit Attention detected
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d), device not ready
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d), medium or hardware error
Aborted command: protection information
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d): data protect, read only media?
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d), some sense data, use '-v' for more information
CHECK CONDITION without response code ??
expected descriptor sense format, response code=0x%x
    try adding '-v' for more information
error indication in returned FIS: aborted command
  id=0x%x, vendor=%d, data_len=%d, val=%lu
Seem to have got ATA Result Descriptor but it was not indicated
Command failed and ICRC error bit set in Error registerR_ERR(p) response for data FISR_ERR(p) response for device-to-host data FISR_ERR(p) response for host-to-device data FISR_ERR(p) response for non-data FISR_ERR(p) response for device-to-host non-data FISR_ERR(p) response for host-to-device non-data FISDevice-to-host non-data FIS retriesTransition from drive PHYRDY to drive PHYRDYnSignature device-to-host register FISes due to COMRESETCRC errors within host-to-device FISnon CRC errors within host-to-device FISR_ERR(p) response for host-to-device data FIS, CRCR_ERR(p) response for host-to-device data FIS, non-CRCR_ERR(p) response for host-to-device non-data FIS, CRCR_ERR(p) response for host-to-device non-data FIS, non-CRCPM: host-to-device non-data FIS, R_ERR(p) due to collisionPM: signature register - device-to-host FISesPM: corrupts CRC propagation of device-to-host FISesx�����������������q�������������������j�������c�������������������������\���U�����x�N�����������������������������������������������:�;<��p��x����X��P�zRx�H�/D$4��FJw�?:*3$"\h�p�t��)
F�M�B �B(�D0�C8�N�c
8A0A(B BBBA!�J�F�B�F�B�A�E�I���Q�F�B�F�B�A�E�I�D@�eF�E�E �E(�H0�H8�G@n8A0A(B BBB\h���= ��
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GA*FORTIFYGA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONSGA*cf_protectionGA+omit_frame_pointerGA+stack_clashGA!stack_realignGA*�	GA*GOW*�GA$3a1@�GA*uGA*GOW*E
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