shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /lib64/python2.7/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : _MozillaCookieJar.pyo
zfc@s`dZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZmZmZdefd��YZ	dS(s+Mozilla / Netscape cookie loading / saving.i����N(t_warn_unhandled_exceptiont
FileCookieJart	LoadErrortCookietMISSING_FILENAME_TEXTtMozillaCookieJarcBs5eZdZdZdZd�Zdeed�ZRS(s�

    WARNING: you may want to backup your browser's cookies file if you use
    this class to save cookies.  I *think* it works, but there have been
    bugs in the past!

    This class differs from CookieJar only in the format it uses to save and
    load cookies to and from a file.  This class uses the Mozilla/Netscape
    `cookies.txt' format.  lynx uses this file format, too.

    Don't expect cookies saved while the browser is running to be noticed by
    the browser (in fact, Mozilla on unix will overwrite your saved cookies if
    you change them on disk while it's running; on Windows, you probably can't
    save at all while the browser is running).

    Note that the Mozilla/Netscape format will downgrade RFC2965 cookies to
    Netscape cookies on saving.

    In particular, the cookie version and port number information is lost,
    together with information about whether or not Path, Port and Discard were
    specified by the Set-Cookie2 (or Set-Cookie) header, and whether or not the
    domain as set in the HTTP header started with a dot (yes, I'm aware some
    domains in Netscape files start with a dot and some don't -- trust me, you
    really don't want to know any more about this).

    Note that though Mozilla and Netscape use the same format, they use
    slightly different headers.  The class saves cookies using the Netscape
    header by default (Mozilla can cope with that).

    s#( Netscape)? HTTP Cookie Filesr# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
# This is a generated file!  Do not edit.

cCstj�}|j�}tj|j|�sJ|j�td|��nyoxh|j�}|dkrlPn|jd�r�|d }n|j�j	d�sP|j�dkr�qPn|j
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Ns4%r does not look like a Netscape format cookies filets
i����t#t$s Netscape format cookies file %r: %r(RR(ttimetreadlinetretsearchtmagic_retcloseRtendswithtstript
set_cookietIOErrort	ExceptionR(tselftftfilenametignore_discardtignore_expirestnowtmagictlinetdomaintdomain_specifiedtpathtsecuretexpirestnametvaluetinitial_dotRtc((s)/usr/lib64/python2.7/_MozillaCookieJar.pyt_really_load/sb


Cs�|dkr6|jdk	r'|j}q6tt��nt|d�}z+|j|j�tj�}x|D]}|r�|jr�qkn|r�|j	|�r�qkn|j
r�d}nd}|jjd�r�d}nd}|j
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�}	nd}	|jdkr$d}
|j}|jdj|j||j||	|
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ValueErrorRtopentwritetheaderRRRR(R%RR)tstrR+R*tjoinR'R(RRR R!RR"tcookieR(R,R)R*R+((s)/usr/lib64/python2.7/_MozillaCookieJar.pytsaveqs@
					N(	t__name__t
Rt	cookielibRRRRRR(((s)/usr/lib64/python2.7/_MozillaCookieJar.pyt<module>s(

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Solar Energy Design Course From Zero To Hero

Solar Energy Design Course From Zero To Hero

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Created by Kate Williams


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