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4 1������H��H���Could not allocate memory
Options are:
%s: %s (%d)
Certificate version: %ld
Valid from: Valid to  : Public key is %d bits
The issuer name is %s
The subject name is %s
Extension Count: %d
Server Software:        %s
Server Hostname:        %s
Server Port:            %hu
SSL/TLS Protocol:       %s
Server Temp Key:        %s
TLS Server Name:        %s
Document Path:          %s
Concurrency Level:      %d
Complete requests:      %d
Failed requests:        %d
Write errors:           %d
Non-2xx responses:      %d
Keep-Alive requests:    %d
Total body sent:        %ld

Connection Times (ms)              min   avg   maxConnect:    %5ld %5ld%5ld
Processing: %5ld %5ld%5ld
Waiting:    %5ld %5ld%5ld
Total:      %5ld %5ld%5ld
 0%%  <0> (never)
  %d%%  %5ld
wCannot open CSV output filePercentage served,Time in ms
%s	%ld	%ld	%ld	%ld	%ld
2.3 <$Revision: 1923142 $>$Revision: 1923142 $2.3</p>
<p>readwrite-connectStartDoneSSL/TLS Alert [%s] %s:%s
SSL/TLS State [%s] %s
SSL/TLS Handshake [%s] %s
apr_pollset_remove()apr_pollset_add()%.0fsocketbindsocket nonblocksocket send buffersocket receive bufferSSL_new failed.
apr_socket_connect()Completed %d requests
Send request timed out!Send request failed!?Anon DH
Peer certificate
Transport Protocol      :%s
Cipher Suite Protocol   :%s
Cipher Suite Name       :%s
%s,%s,%d,%dRSA %d bitsDH %d bitsECDH %s %d bitsSSL handshake failed (%d).
apr_socket_recvLOG: header received:

Server:HTTPLOG: Response code = %s
Keep-AliveContent-Length:...Connection: Keep-Alive
text/plainbgcolor=whiteInvalid number of requests
Cookie: Proxy credentials too long
Proxy-Authorization: Basic Host:Accept:User-Agent:ALLTLS1.1TLS1.2TLS1.3TLS1http://https://%s: invalid URL
[%s]:%dBenchmarking %s [through %s:%d] (be patient)%sapr_pollset_create failedHost: User-Agent: ApacheBench/Accept: */*
%s %s HTTP/1.0
Request too long
apr_pollset_pollFinished %d requests

<table %s>
</table>bugGETHEADPUTPOSTTotal of %d requests completed
Usage: %s [options] [http[s]://]hostname[:port]/path
    -n requests     Number of requests to perform
    -c concurrency  Number of multiple requests to make at a time
    -t timelimit    Seconds to max. to spend on benchmarking
                    This implies -n 50000
    -s timeout      Seconds to max. wait for each response
                    Default is 30 seconds
    -b windowsize   Size of TCP send/receive buffer, in bytes
    -B address      Address to bind to when making outgoing connections
    -p postfile     File containing data to POST. Remember also to set -T
    -u putfile      File containing data to PUT. Remember also to set -T
    -T content-type Content-type header to use for POST/PUT data, eg.
                    Default is 'text/plain'
    -v verbosity    How much troubleshooting info to print
    -w              Print out results in HTML tables
    -i              Use HEAD instead of GET
    -x attributes   String to insert as table attributes
    -y attributes   String to insert as tr attributes
    -z attributes   String to insert as td or th attributes
    -C attribute    Add cookie, eg. 'Apache=1234'. (repeatable)
    -H attribute    Add Arbitrary header line, eg. 'Accept-Encoding: gzip'
                    Inserted after all normal header lines. (repeatable)
    -A attribute    Add Basic WWW Authentication, the attributes
                    are a colon separated username and password.
    -P attribute    Add Basic Proxy Authentication, the attributes
    -X proxy:port   Proxyserver and port number to use
    -V              Print version number and exit
    -k              Use HTTP KeepAlive feature
    -d              Do not show percentiles served table.
    -S              Do not show confidence estimators and warnings.
    -q              Do not show progress when doing more than 150 requests
    -l              Accept variable document length (use this for dynamic pages)
    -g filename     Output collected data to gnuplot format file.
    -e filename     Output CSV file with percentages served
    -r              Don't exit on socket receive errors.
    -m method       Method name
    -h              Display usage information (this message)
    -I              Disable TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) extension
    -Z ciphersuite  Specify SSL/TLS cipher suite (See openssl ciphers)
    -f protocol     Specify SSL/TLS protocol
                    (SSL2, TLS1, TLS1.1, TLS1.2, TLS1.3 or ALL)
    -E certfile     Specify optional client certificate chain and private key
Could not allocate memory (%lu bytes)
ab: Could not open POST data file (%s): %s
ab: Could not stat POST data file (%s): %s
ab: Could not read POST data file: %s
read from %p [%p] (%d bytes => %ld (0x%lX))
write to %p [%p] (%d bytes => %ld (0x%lX))
Document Length:        VariableDocument Length:        %lu bytes
Time taken for tests:   %.3f seconds
   (Connect: %d, Receive: %d, Length: %d, Exceptions: %d)
Total transferred:      %ld bytes
HTML transferred:       %ld bytes
Requests per second:    %.2f [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       %.3f [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       %.3f [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          %.2f [Kbytes/sec] received
                        %.2f kb/s sent
                        %.2f kb/s total
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   maxConnect:    %5ld %4ld %5.1f %6ld %7ld
Processing: %5ld %4ld %5.1f %6ld %7ld
Waiting:    %5ld %4ld %5.1f %6ld %7ld
Total:      %5ld %4ld %5.1f %6ld %7ld
ERROR: The median and mean for the initial connection time are more than twice the standard
       deviation apart. These results are NOT reliable.WARNING: The median and mean for the initial connection time are not within a normal deviation
        These results are probably not that reliable.ERROR: The median and mean for the processing time are more than twice the standard
       deviation apart. These results are NOT reliable.WARNING: The median and mean for the processing time are not within a normal deviation
        These results are probably not that reliable.ERROR: The median and mean for the waiting time are more than twice the standard
       deviation apart. These results are NOT reliable.WARNING: The median and mean for the waiting time are not within a normal deviation
        These results are probably not that reliable.ERROR: The median and mean for the total time are more than twice the standard
       deviation apart. These results are NOT reliable.WARNING: The median and mean for the total time are not within a normal deviation
        These results are probably not that reliable.
Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 100%%  %5ld (longest request)
Cannot open gnuplot output filestarttime	seconds	ctime	dtime	ttime	wait
This is ApacheBench, Version %s
Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, to The Apache Software Foundation, This is ApacheBench, Version %s <i>&lt;%s&gt;</i><br>
 Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,<br> Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,<br>
Test aborted after 10 failures

SSL write failed - closing connection
Cipher Suite Cipher Bits:%d (%d)
SSL read failed (%d) - closing connection
WARNING: Response code not 2xx (%s)
Cannot mix HEAD with other methods
Cannot mix POST with other methods
Cannot mix PUT with other methods
Authentication credentials too long
n:c:t:s:b:T:p:u:v:lrkVhwiIx:y:z:C:H:P:A:g:X:de:SqB:m:Z:f:E:%s: wrong number of arguments
%s: Invalid Concurrency [Range 0..%d]
%s: Cannot use concurrency level greater than total number of requests
Could not initialize SSL Context.
error setting ciphersuite list [%s]
unable to get certificate from '%s'
unable to get private key from '%s'
private key does not match the certificate public key in %s
%s %s HTTP/1.0
%s%s%sContent-length: %lu
Content-type: %s
INFO: %s header == 
apr_sockaddr_info_get() for %s<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Server Software:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%s</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Server Hostname:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%s</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Server Port:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%hu</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Document Path:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%s</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Document Length:</th><td colspan=2 %s>Variable</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Document Length:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%lu bytes</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Concurrency Level:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%d</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Time taken for tests:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%.3f seconds</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Complete requests:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%d</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Failed requests:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%d</td></tr>
<tr %s><td colspan=4 %s >   (Connect: %d, Length: %d, Exceptions: %d)</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Non-2xx responses:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%d</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Keep-Alive requests:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%d</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Total transferred:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%ld bytes</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Total body sent:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%ld</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>HTML transferred:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%ld bytes</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Requests per second:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%.2f</td></tr>
<tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Transfer rate:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%.2f kb/s received</td></tr>
<tr %s><td colspan=2 %s>&nbsp;</td><td colspan=2 %s>%.2f kb/s sent</td></tr>
<tr %s><td colspan=2 %s>&nbsp;</td><td colspan=2 %s>%.2f kb/s total</td></tr>
<tr %s><th %s colspan=4>Connection Times (ms)</th></tr>
<tr %s><th %s>&nbsp;</th> <th %s>min</th>   <th %s>avg</th>   <th %s>max</th></tr>
<tr %s><th %s>Connect:</th><td %s>%5ld</td><td %s>%5ld</td><td %s>%5ld</td></tr>
<tr %s><th %s>Processing:</th><td %s>%5ld</td><td %s>%5ld</td><td %s>%5ld</td></tr>
<tr %s><th %s>Total:</th><td %s>%5ld</td><td %s>%5ld</td><td %s>%5ld</td></tr>
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