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UnknownSec Shell

: /lib64/tcl8.6/Tix8.4.3/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : EFileBox.tcl
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
#	$Id: EFileBox.tcl,v 1.5 2004/03/28 02:44:57 hobbs Exp $
# EFileBox.tcl --
#	Implements the Extended File Selection Box widget.
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.
# Copyright (c) 2004 ActiveState
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

# ToDo
#   (1)	If user has entered an invalid directory, give an error dialog

tixWidgetClass tixExFileSelectBox {
    -classname TixExFileSelectBox
    -superclass tixPrimitive
    -method {
	filter invoke
    -flag {
	-browsecmd -command -dialog -dir -dircmd -directory 
	-disablecallback -filetypes -pattern -selection -showhidden -value
    -forcecall {
    -configspec {
	{-browsecmd browseCmd BrowseCmd ""}
	{-command command Command ""}
	{-dialog dialog Dialog ""}
	{-dircmd dirCmd DirCmd ""}
	{-directory directory Directory ""}
	{-disablecallback disableCallback DisableCallback 0 tixVerifyBoolean}
	{-filetypes fileTypes FileTypes ""}
	{-pattern pattern Pattern *}
	{-showhidden showHidden ShowHidden 0 tixVerifyBoolean}
	{-value value Value ""}
    -alias {
	{-dir -directory}
	{-selection -value}

    -default {
	{*dir.label 			{Directories:}}
	{*dir.editable 			true}
	{*dir.history 			true}
	{*dir*listbox.height 		5}
	{*file.label  			Files:}
	{*file.editable 		true}
	{*file.history 			false}
	{*file*listbox.height 		5}
	{*types.label 			{List Files of Type:}}
	{*types*listbox.height 		3}
	{*TixComboBox.labelSide 	top}
	{*TixComboBox*Label.anchor 	w}
	{*dir.label.underline 		0}
	{*file.label.underline		0}
	{*types.label.underline 	14}
	{*TixComboBox.anchor 		e}
	{*TixHList.height 		7}
	{*filelist*listbox.height 	7}
	{*hidden.wrapLength 		3c}
	{*hidden.justify 		left}

proc tixExFileSelectBox:InitWidgetRec {w} {
    upvar #0 $w data
    global env

    tixChainMethod $w InitWidgetRec

    if {$data(-directory) eq ""} {
	set data(-directory) [pwd]
    set data(oldDir)    ""
    set data(flag)      0

#		Construct widget
proc tixExFileSelectBox:ConstructWidget {w} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    tixChainMethod $w ConstructWidget

    # listbox frame
    set lf [frame $w.lf]

    # The pane that contains the two listboxes
    set pane  [tixPanedWindow $lf.pane -orientation horizontal]
    set dpane [$pane add 1 -size 160]
    set fpane [$pane add 2 -size 160]

    $dpane config -relief flat
    $fpane config -relief flat

    # The File List Pane
    set data(w:file)  [tixComboBox $fpane.file\
			   -command [list tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-FileCombo $w]\
			   -prunehistory true \
			   -options {
			       label.anchor w
    set data(w:filelist) \
	[tixScrolledListBox $fpane.filelist \
	     -command   [list tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-FileList $w 1] \
	     -browsecmd [list tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-FileList $w 0]]
    pack $data(w:file)  -padx 8 -pady 4 -side top -fill x
    pack $data(w:filelist) -padx 8 -pady 4 -side top -fill both -expand yes

    # The Directory Pane
    set data(w:dir)   [tixComboBox $dpane.dir \
			   -command [list tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-DirCombo $w]\
			   -prunehistory true \
			   -options {
			       label.anchor w
    set data(w:dirlist) \
	[tixDirList  $dpane.dirlist \
	     -command   [list tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-DirList $w]\
	     -browsecmd [list tixExFileSelectBox:Browse-DirList $w]]
    pack $data(w:dir)   -padx 8 -pady 4 -side top -fill x
    pack $data(w:dirlist) -padx 8 -pady 4 -side top -fill both -expand yes

    # The file types listbox
    set data(w:types) [tixComboBox $lf.types\
			   -command [list tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-TypeCombo $w]\
			   -options {
			       label.anchor w

    pack $data(w:types)  -padx 12 -pady 4 -side bottom -fill x -anchor w
    pack $pane -side top -padx 4 -pady 4 -expand yes -fill both

    # Buttons to the right
    set bf [frame $]
    set data(w:ok)     [button $bf.ok -text Ok -width 6 \
	-underline 0 -command [list tixExFileSelectBox:Ok $w]]
    set data(w:cancel) [button $bf.cancel -text Cancel -width 6 \
	-underline 0 -command [list tixExFileSelectBox:Cancel $w]]
    set data(w:hidden) [checkbutton $bf.hidden -text "Show Hidden Files"\
	-underline 0\
       	-variable [format %s(-showhidden) $w] -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0\
	-command [list tixExFileSelectBox:SetShowHidden $w]]

    pack $data(w:ok) $data(w:cancel) $data(w:hidden)\
	-side top -fill x -padx 6 -pady 3

    pack $bf -side right -fill y -pady 6
    pack $lf -side left -expand yes -fill both

    tixDoWhenMapped $w [list tixExFileSelectBox:Map $w]

    if {$data(-filetypes) == ""} {
	$data(w:types) config -state disabled

# Configuration
proc tixExFileSelectBox:config-showhidden {w value} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    set data(-showhidden) $value
    tixExFileSelectBox:SetShowHidden $w

# Update both DirList and {file list and dir combo}
proc tixExFileSelectBox:config-directory {w value} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    set data(-directory) [tixFSNormalize $value]
    tixSetSilent $data(w:dirlist) $data(-directory)
    tixSetSilent $data(w:dir) $data(-directory)
    tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixExFileSelectBox:LoadFiles $w reload

    return $data(-directory)

proc tixExFileSelectBox:config-filetypes {w value} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    $data(w:types) subwidget listbox delete 0 end

    foreach name [array names data] {
	if {[string match type,* $name]} {
	    catch {unset data($name)}

    if {$value == ""} {
	$data(w:types) config -state disabled
    } else {
	$data(w:types) config -state normal

	foreach type $value {
	    $data(w:types) insert end [lindex $type 1]
	    set data(type,[lindex $type 1]) [lindex $type 0]
	tixSetSilent $data(w:types) ""

# MISC Methods
proc tixExFileSelectBox:SetShowHidden {w} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    $data(w:dirlist) config -showhidden $data(-showhidden)

    tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixExFileSelectBox:LoadFiles $w reload

# User activates the dir combobox
proc tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-DirCombo {w args} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    set dir [tixEvent flag V]
    set dir [tixFSExternal $dir]
    if {![file isdirectory $dir]} {
    set dir [tixFSNormalize $dir]

    $data(w:dirlist) config -value $dir
    set data(-directory) $dir

# User activates the dir list
proc tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-DirList {w args} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    set dir $data(-directory)
    catch {set dir [tixEvent flag V]}
    set dir [tixFSNormalize [tixFSExternal $dir]]

    tixSetSilent $data(w:dir) $dir
    set data(-directory) $dir

    tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixExFileSelectBox:LoadFiles $w noreload

# User activates the dir list
proc tixExFileSelectBox:Browse-DirList {w args} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    set dir [tixEvent flag V]
    set dir [tixFSNormalize [tixFSExternal $dir]]
    tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-DirList $w $dir

proc tixExFileSelectBox:IsPattern {w string} {
    return [regexp "\[\[\\\{\\*\\?\]" $string]

proc tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-FileCombo {w value} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    if {[tixEvent type] eq "<Return>"} {
	tixExFileSelectBox:Ok $w

proc tixExFileSelectBox:Ok {w} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    set value [string trim [$data(w:file) subwidget entry get]]
    if {$value == ""} {
	set value $data(-pattern)
    tixSetSilent $data(w:file) $value

    if {[tixExFileSelectBox:IsPattern $w $value]} {
	set data(-pattern) $value
	tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixExFileSelectBox:LoadFiles $w reload
    } else {
	# ensure absolute path
	set value [file join $data(-directory) $value]; # native
	set data(-value) [tixFSNativeNorm $value]
	tixExFileSelectBox:Invoke $w

proc tixExFileSelectBox:Cancel {w} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    if {$data(-dialog) != ""} {
	eval $data(-dialog) popdown

proc tixExFileSelectBox:Invoke {w} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    # Save some old history
    $data(w:dir)  addhistory [$data(w:dir) cget -value]
    $data(w:file) addhistory $data(-pattern)
    $data(w:file) addhistory $data(-value)
    if {$data(-dialog) != ""} {
	eval $data(-dialog) popdown
    if {$data(-command) != "" && !$data(-disablecallback)} {
	set bind(specs) "%V"
	set bind(%V) $data(-value)
	tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-command) bind $data(-value)

proc tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-FileList {w invoke args} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    set index [lindex [$data(w:filelist) subwidget listbox curselection] 0]
    if {$index == ""} {
	set index 0

    set file [$data(w:filelist) subwidget listbox get $index]
    tixSetSilent $data(w:file) $file

    set value [file join $data(-directory) $file]
    set data(-value) [tixFSNativeNorm $value]

    if {$invoke == 1} {
	tixExFileSelectBox:Invoke $w
    } elseif {$data(-browsecmd) != ""} {
	tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-browsecmd) "" $data(-value)

proc tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-TypeCombo {w args} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    set value [tixEvent flag V]

    if {[info exists data(type,$value)]} {
	set data(-pattern) $data(type,$value)
	tixSetSilent $data(w:file) $data(-pattern)
	tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixExFileSelectBox:LoadFiles $w reload

proc tixExFileSelectBox:LoadFiles {w flag} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    if {$flag ne "reload" && $data(-directory) eq $data(oldDir)} {

    if {![winfo ismapped [winfo toplevel $w]]} {
	tixDoWhenMapped [winfo toplevel $w] \
	    [list tixExFileSelectBox:LoadFiles $w $flag]

    set listbox [$data(w:filelist) subwidget listbox]
    $listbox delete 0 end

    set data(-value) ""

    tixBusy $w on [$data(w:dirlist) subwidget hlist]

    # wrap in a catch so you can't get stuck in a Busy state
    if {[catch {
	foreach name [tixFSListDir $data(-directory) 0 1 0 \
			  $data(-showhidden) $data(-pattern)] {
	    $listbox insert end $name

	if {$data(oldDir) ne $data(-directory)} {
	    # Otherwise if the user has already selected a file and then
	    # presses "show hidden", the selection won't be wiped out.
	    tixSetSilent $data(w:file) $data(-pattern)
    } err]} {
	tixDebug "tixExFileSelectBox:LoadFiles error for $w\n$err"
    set data(oldDir) $data(-directory)

    tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixBusy $w off [$data(w:dirlist) subwidget hlist]

# Called when thd listbox is first mapped
proc tixExFileSelectBox:Map {w} {
    if {![winfo exists $w]} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    set bind(specs) "%V"
    set bind(%V) $data(-value)
    tixEvalCmdBinding $w bind \
	[list tixExFileSelectBox:Cmd-DirList $w] $data(-directory)

# Public commands
proc tixExFileSelectBox:invoke {w} {
    tixExFileSelectBox:Invoke $w

proc tixExFileSelectBox:filter {w} {
    tixExFileSelectBox:LoadFiles $w reload

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