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5q �5�H�=�C�Ϻ��H���w�����������H��H�yE1ɾ�PA�dL��EH�&F�d���H��H�ME1ɾ�PA�dL�"EH��E�8���D��AVAUATUSH����I��A���й��H��H���\�-H���7���H��H�����H�x�
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H�B0�D��SH�OH��H��CH�=�k �1��f���H��[��AUATUSH��H��tTI��H��tkH���H�_L�-�BH��t,�(tH�HH��tL��L��1�����H��H�C�H��u�H��[]A\A]�H�
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���I�H�G=������1�A�����H�=cd H��=��������H�
@�TH�5�:H�=;����SH��tH��H� H��t�e���H��[�\���H�
�>�wH�5(:H�=O:�:���f.���AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%�M UH�-�M SL)�H�����H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���--help--help-all--help---version--list-key-data--check-key-data--list-transforms--check-transforms--keys--sign--verify--sign-tmpl--encrypt--decrypt--encrypt-tmplemptysame-doclocalremoteError: failed to parse "%s"

wb1.0Error: failed to create doc
ref1//*[@Id='object1']intersectobject1This is signed dataError: signature failed 
Error: xml data is null
Error: xml filename is null
Error: reference ctx is null
Hello, World!Error: unknown command "%s"
1.2.25xmlsec1%s %s (%s)
Error: invalid parameters
default	Error: initialization failed
aesdeshmacRegistered key data klasses:
Key data "%s" found
Transforms "%s" found
Error: invalid command %d
--insecure--X509-skip-strict-checks--depth--verification-time--untrusted-der--trusted-der--untrusted-pem--untrusted--trusted-pem--trusted--pubkey-cert-der--pubkey-cert-pem--pubkey-cert--pkcs12--xml-data--binary-data--binary--enable-visa3d-hack--enabled-reference-uris--store-signatures--store-references--ignore-manifests--xxe--id-attr--print-xml-debug--print-debug--dtd-file--node-xpath--node-name--node-id--output-o--session-key--enabled-key-data--pwd--hmackey--deskey--aeskey--pubkey-der--pubkey-pem--pubkey--pkcs8-der--privkey-p8-der--pkcs8-pem--privkey-p8-pem--privkey-der--privkey-pem--privkey--keys-file-k--gen-key-g--print-crypto-error-msgs--disable-error-msgs--repeat-r--crypto-config--crypto-hError: invalid uri type: "%s"
Error: invalid value for option "%s".
Error: key data "%s" is unknown.
Error: failed to enable key data "%s".
Error: failed to prepare key info context
Error: failed to generate a session key "%s"
Error: duplicate ID attribute "%s"
Error: failed to open file "%s"
Error: both result doc and result buffer are null
Error: dsig context initialization failed
Error: dsig context preparation failed
Error: failed to create Signature node
Error: failed to find SignatureMethod node
Error: failed to set hmac length
Error: failed to add Reference node
Error: failed to add XPath transform
Error: failed to set XPath expression
Error: failed to add Object node
Error: failed to add KeyInfo node
Error: failed to add KeyName node
Error: failed to open output file "%s"
Error: failed to create xml data
Error: failed to parse xml file "%s"
Error: failed to parse dtd file "%s"
Error: failed to duplicate string "%s"
Error: failed to add ID attribute "%s" for node "%s"
Error: failed to find node with id="%s"
Error: failed to duplicate node "%s"
Error: failed to find node with name="%s"
Error: failed to find root node
Error: failed to create xpath context
Error: failed to register namespace "%s"
Error: failed to evaluate xpath expression
Error: xpath expression evaluation does not return a single node as expected
Error: failed to get root element
Error: failed to find default node with name="%s"
Error: failed to load template "%s"
Error: failed to load document "%s"
SignedInfo References (ok/all): %d/%d
Manifests References (ok/all): %d/%d
Error: enc context initialization failed
Error: enc context preparation failed
Error: failed to encrypt file "%s"
Error: failed to load file "%s"
Error: failed to encrypt xml file "%s"
Error: encryption data not specified (use "--xml" or "--binary" options)
Error: failed to decrypt file
Error: failed to encryption template
Error: failed to add CipherValue node
Error: failed to encrypt data
Error: <file> parameter is required for this command
Error: xmlsec intialization failed.
Error: loaded xmlsec library version is not compatible.
Error: unable to load xmlsec-%s library. Make sure that you have
this it installed, check shared libraries path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
envornment variable or use "--crypto" option to specify different
crypto engine.
Error: xmlsec crypto intialization failed.
Error: keys manager already initialized.
Error: failed to create keys manager.
Error: failed to initialize keys manager.
Error: failed to generate key "%s".
Error: failed to load xml keys file "%s".
Error: failed to load private key from "%s".
Error: failed to load public key from "%s".
Error: failed to load aes key from "%s".
Error: failed to load des key from "%s".
Error: failed to load hmac key from "%s".
Error: failed to load pkcs12 key from "%s".
Error: failed to load trusted cert from "%s".
Error: failed to load untrusted cert from "%s".
Error: keys manager creation failed
Error: key data "%s" not found
Registered transform klasses:
Error: transform "%s" not found
Error: failed to save keys to file "%s"
Error: failed to sign file "%s"
Error: failed to verify file "%s"
Error: failed to create and sign template
Error: failed to encrypt file with template "%s"
Error: failed to decrypt file "%s"
Error: failed to create and encrypt template
Executed %d tests in %ld msec
Error: xmlsec crypto shutdown failed.
Error: xmlsec shutdown failed.
	do not verify certificates--X509-skip-strict-checks
	skip strict checking of X509 data--depth <number>
	maximum certificates chain depth--verification-time <time>
	the local time in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format
	used certificates verification--untrusted-der <file>
	load untrusted certificate from DER file <file>--trusted-der <file>
	load trusted (root) certificate from DER file <file>--untrusted-pem <file>
	load untrusted certificate from PEM file <file>--trusted-pem <file>
	load trusted (root) certificate from PEM file <file>--pubkey-cert-der[:<name>] <file>
	load public key from DER cert file--pubkey-cert-pem[:<name>] <file>
	load public key from PEM cert file--pkcs12[:<name>] <file>
	load load private key from pkcs12 file <file>--xml-data <file>
	XML <file> to encrypt--binary-data <file>
	binary <file> to encrypt--enabled-cipher-reference-uris--enabled-cipher-reference-uris <list>
	comma separated list of of the following values:
	"empty", "same-doc", "local","remote" to restrict possible URI
	attribute values for the <enc:CipherReference> element--enable-visa3d-hack
	enables Visa3D protocol specific hack for URI attributes processing
	when we are trying not to use XPath/XPointer engine; this is a hack
	and I don't know what else might be broken in your application when
	you use it (also check "--id-attr" option because you might need it)--enabled-reference-uris <list>
	comma separated list of of the following values:
	"empty", "same-doc", "local","remote" to restrict possible URI
	attribute values for the <dsig:Reference> element--store-signatures
	store and print the result of <dsig:Signature> processing
	just before calculating signature--store-references
	store and print the result of <dsig:Reference/> element processing
	just before calculating digest--ignore-manifests
	do not process <dsig:Manifest> elements--xxe
	enable External Entity resolution.
	WARNING: this may allow the reading of arbitrary files and URLs,
	controlled by the input XML document.  Use with caution!--id-attr[:<attr-name>] [<node-namespace-uri>:]<node-name>
	adds attributes <attr-name> (default value "id") from all nodes
	with<node-name> and namespace <node-namespace-uri> to the list of
	known ID attributes; this is a hack and if you can use DTD or schema
	to declare ID attributes instead (see "--dtd-file" option),
	I don't know what else might be broken in your application when
	you use this hack--print-xml-debug
	print debug information to stdout in xml format--print-debug
	print debug information to stdout--dtd-file <file>
	load the specified file as the DTD--node-xpath <expr>
	set the operation start point to the first node
	selected by the specified XPath expression--node-name [<namespace-uri>:]<name>
	set the operation start point to the first node
	with given <name> and <namespace> URI--node-id <id>
	set the operation start point to the node with given <id>--output <filename>
	write result document to file <filename>--session-key <keyKlass>-<keySize>
	generate new session <keyKlass> key of <keySize> bits size
	(for example, "--session des-192" generates a new 192 bits
	DES key for DES3 encryption)--enabled-retrieval-method-uris--enabled-retrieval-uris <list>
	comma separated list of of the following values:
	"empty", "same-doc", "local","remote" to restrict possible URI
	attribute values for the <dsig:RetrievalMethod> element.--enabled-key-data <list>
	comma separated list of enabled key data (list of 
	registered key data klasses is available with "--list-key-data"
	command); by default, all registered key data are enabled--pwd <password>
	the password to use for reading keys and certs--hmackey[:<name>] <file>
	load HMAC key from binary file <file>--deskey[:<name>] <file>
	load DES key from binary file <file>--aeskey[:<name>] <file>
	load AES key from binary file <file>--pubkey-der[:<name>] <file>
	load public key from DER file--pubkey-pem[:<name>] <file>
	load public key from PEM file--pkcs8-der[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
	load private key from PKCS8 DER file and DER certificates
	that verify this key--pkcs8-pem[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
	load private key from PKCS8 PEM file and PEM certificates
	that verify this key--privkey-der[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
	load private key from DER file and certificates
	that verify this key--privkey-pem[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
	load private key from PEM file and certificates
	that verify this key--keys-file <file>
	load keys from XML file--gen-key[:<name>] <keyKlass>-<keySize>
	generate new <keyKlass> key of <keySize> bits size,
	set the key name to <name> and add the result to keys
	manager (for example, "--gen:mykey rsa-1024" generates
	a new 1024 bits RSA key and sets it's name to "mykey")--print-crypto-error-msgs
	print errors stack at the end--disable-error-msgs
	do not print xmlsec error messages--repeat <number>
	repeat the operation <number> times--crypto-config <path>
	path to crypto engine configuration--crypto <name>
	the name of the crypto engine to use from the following
	list: openssl, mscrypto, nss, gnutls, gcrypt (if no crypto engine is
	specified then the default one is used)--help
	print help information about the command��������ǡ��ӡ��ߡ�����������������'���3���Ҡ����������ޑ��/�������P���=�����������o���ʏ��{���b���Usage: xmlsec check-transforms <transform-name> [<transform-name> ... ]
Checks the given transforms against the list of known transform klasses
Usage: xmlsec list-transforms
Prints the list of known transform klasses
Usage: xmlsec check-key-data <key-data-name> [<key-data-name> ... ]
Checks the given key-data against the list of known key-data klasses
Usage: xmlsec list-key-data
Prints the list of known key data klasses
Usage: xmlsec decrypt [<options>] <file>
Decrypts XML Encryption data in the <file>
Usage: xmlsec encrypt [<options>]
Creates a simple dynamic template and calculates XML Encryption
Usage: xmlsec encrypt [<options>] <file>
Encrypts data and creates XML Encryption using template file <file>
Usage: xmlsec sign-tmpl [<options>]
Creates a simple dynamic template and calculates XML Digital Signature
(for testing only).
Usage: xmlsec verify [<options>] <file>
Verifies XML Digital Signature in the <file>
Usage: xmlsec sign [<options>] <file>
Calculates XML Digital Signature using template file <file>
Usage: xmlsec keys [<options>] <file>
Creates a new XML keys file <file>
Usage: xmlsec version
Prints version information and exits
  --sign      	sign data and output XML document
  --verify    	verify signed document
  --sign-tmpl 	create and sign dynamicaly generated signature template
  --encrypt   	encrypt data and output XML document
  --decrypt   	decrypt data from XML document
Usage: xmlsec <command> [<options>] [<files>]

xmlsec is a command line tool for signing, verifying, encrypting and
decrypting XML documents. The allowed <command> values are:
  --help      	display this help information and exit
  --help-all  	display help information for all commands/options and exit
  --help-<cmd>	display help information for command <cmd> and exit
  --version   	print version information and exit
  --keys      	keys XML file manipulation
Report bugs to
Written by Aleksey Sanin <>.

Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Aleksey Sanin <>. All Rights Reserved..
This is free software: see the source for copying information.
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppInit failed
Error: xmlSecCryptoInit failed
Error: xmlSecCryptoShutdown failed
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppShutdown failed
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppKeyLoad failed: file=%s
Error: xmlSecKeySetName failed: name=%s
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppKeyCertLoad failed: file=%s
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrAdoptKey failed
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppKeyLoad failed: filename=%s
Error: xmlSecKeyDataIdListFindByName failed keyKlass=%s
Error: xmlSecKeyReadBinaryFile failed filename=%s
Error: xmlSecStrdupError(keyKlassAndSize) failed
Error: key size is not specified in the key definition "%s"
Error: xmlSecKeyGenerateByName() failed: name=%s;size=%d;type=%d
Error: xmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrKeyGenerate failed: name=%s
mngr != NULLcrypto.c filename != NULLfiles != NULLkeyKlass != NULLkeyKlassAndSize != NULLxmlSecAppCryptoKeyGeneratexmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrKeyGeneratexmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrBinaryKeyLoadxmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrPkcs12KeyLoadxmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrKeyAndCertsLoadxmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrCertLoadxmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrSavexmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrLoadxmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrInitcmdline.cargvParam != NULLparamName != NULLparams != NULLoutput != NULL  %s
param != NULLargv != NULLprev->next == NULL%d%4d-%2d-%2d%*c%2d:%2d:%2dvalue != NULLError: parameter "%s" is not string.
Error: parameter "%s" is not string list.
Error: parameter "%s" is not integer.
Error: parameter "%s" is not time.
Error: malloc failed (%d bytes).
Error: only one parameter "%s" is allowed.
Error: failed to create value for parameter "%s".
Error: string argument expected for parameter "%s".
Error: string list argument expected for parameter "%s".
Error: failed to allocate memory (%d bytes).
Error: integer argument expected for parameter "%s".
Error: integer argument "%s" is invalid.
Error: time argument expected for parameter "%s".
Error: time argument "%s" is invalid, expected format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS").
Error: failed to parse parameter "%s".
Error: filename is expected instead of parameter "%s".
Error: parameter "%s" is not supported or the requested
feature might have been disabled during compilation.
xmlSecAppCmdLineValueDestroyxmlSecAppCmdLineValueCreatexmlSecAppCmdLineParamsListPrintxmlSecAppCmdLineParamsListCleanxmlSecAppCmdLineParamReadxmlSecAppCmdLineMatchParamxmlSecAppCmdLineParamsListParse;�0_����f���n��D ���������<0���PP����@������������D���������������P���8p���x������0��� @���p������������0�������������`���������L�������@���80���������� 	����X	��l	@����	�����	��	@����	�
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