<?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Authentication |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'admin_login_title' => 'Admin login', 'failed' => 'Incorrect username or password or user not exsits.', 'throttle' => 'Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.', 'admin_panel' => 'Admin Panel', 'welcome' => 'Welcome to', 'admin_tagline' => 'Please login to control and manage everything!', 'email' => 'Email', 'mobile' => 'Phone', 'country' => 'Country', 'full_name' => 'Full Name', 'email_or_mobile' => 'Email or Phone', 'email_or_mobile_or_name' => 'Email, Phone or Name', 'your_email' => 'Your email address', 'password' => 'Password', 'retype_password' => 'Retype Password', 'password_repeat' => 'Retype Password', 'login' => 'Login', 'signup' => 'Signup', 'register' => 'Register', 'remember_me' => 'Remember me', 'forget_password' => 'Password Recovery', 'forget_your_password' => 'Forgot your password?', 'dont_have_account' => 'Don\'t have an account?', 'hint_password'=>'Please type your password.', 'hint_email'=>'Please type your email.', 'role_admin' => 'Admin', 'role_normal' => 'User', 'login_h1' => 'Log in to your account', 'or' => 'or', 'google_login' => 'Login with Google account', 'facebook_login' => 'Login with Facebook account', 'i_agree_with' => 'I agree with', 'terms_and_rules' => 'terms & rules', 'already_have_an_account' => 'Already have an account?', 'reset_password' => 'Reset Password', 'send_email_for_reset_password' => 'Password recovery link sent to your email address. Please check your email.', 'reset_password_success' => 'Your password successfully changed!', 'reset_password_token_invalid' => 'Invalid request! Try again.', 'name' => 'Name', 'language' => 'Language', 'join_newsletter' => 'Join email newsletter', 'public_messages' => 'Enable profile messages', 'images' => 'Images', 'profile_image' => 'Profile Image', 'select_image' => 'Select an Image', 'profile_cover' => 'Profile Cover', 'education_no_result' => 'No degree is defined!', 'education_no_result_hint' => 'Your degrees will be displayed on your profile page.', 'experience_no_result' => 'No experience is defined!', 'experience_no_result_hint' => 'Define your experiences to help users know more about you.', 'ban_msg' => 'Your account banned until :date', 'incorrect_login' => 'Incorrect username or password.', 'fail_login_by_google' => 'Google login failed!', 'fail_login_by_facebook' => 'Facebook login failed!', 'email_confirmation' => 'Email verification', 'email_confirmation_template_body' => 'To verify your email address :email., enter the following code on :site website.', 'in' => 'for', 'verification' => 'Verify', 'account_verification' => 'Account verification', 'account_verification_hint' => 'Please enter the code sent to your :username here.', 'code' => 'Verification Code', 'resend_code' => 'Resend code', 'verify_your_email_address' => 'Verify Your Email Address', 'click_here' => 'Click here', 'verification_link_has_been_sent_to_your_email' => 'New verification link has been sent to your email address.', 'login_failed_your_account_is_not_verified' => 'Login failed! Your email/phone not verified.', 'logout' => 'Logout', 'phone' => 'Phone' ];