shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /home/anyleson/public_html/lang/es/admin/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : main.php

return [

    | Admin General Translations

// General | Side Menu | Buttons
    'crm' => 'CRM',
    'content' => 'Content',
    'lists' => 'List',
    'list' => 'List',
    'new' => 'New',
    'new_ticket' => 'New Support Ticket',
    'tickets' => 'tickets',
    'create' => 'Create',
    'name' => 'Name',
    'item' => 'Item',
    'user_name' => 'Username',
    'title' => 'Title',
    'link' => 'URL',
    'admin' => 'Admin',
    'min' => ' Min',
    'choose_title' => 'Title',
    'choose_category' => 'Select a category',
    'caption' => 'Caption',
    'actions' => 'Actions',
    'action' => 'Action',
    'status' => 'Status',
    'all_status' => 'All Statuses',
    'logout' => 'Logout',
    'show_website' => 'Show Website',
    'type' => 'Type',
    'types' => 'Type',
    'all_types' => 'All Types',
    'sort' => 'Sort',
    'edit' => 'Edit',
    'check' => 'Check',
    'search' => 'Search',
    'reply' => 'Reply',
    'replied' => 'Replied',
    'conversation' => 'Conversation',
    'conversations' => 'Conversations',
    'with' => 'with',
    'login' => 'Login',
    'email' => 'Email',
    'id' => 'ID',
    'mobile' => 'Mobile',
    'sms' => 'SMS',
    'phone' => 'Phone',
    'bio' => 'Bio',
    'ban' => 'Ban',
    'unpublish' => 'Unpublish',
    'unpublished' => 'Unpublished',
    'publish' => 'Publish',
    'published' => 'Published',
    'hidden' => 'Hidden',
    'pending' => 'Pending',
    'waiting' => 'Waiting',
    'accepted' => 'Accepted',
    'open' => 'Open',
    'close' => 'Close',
    'pending_reply' => 'Pending Reply',
    'show' => 'Show',
    'all' => 'All',
    'password' => 'Password',
    'delete' => 'Delete',
    'select' => 'Select',
    'submit' => 'Save',
    'subject' => 'Title',
    'approved' => 'Approved',
    'reject' => 'Reject',
    'rejected' => 'Rejected',
    'optional' => 'Optional',
    'days' => 'Days',
    'view_all' => 'View All',
    'message' => 'Message',
    'send' => 'Send',
    'sender' => 'Sender',
    'send_noticeboard' => 'Send a notice',
    'noticeboard' => 'Noticeboard',
    'save_change' => 'Save Changes',
    'save' => 'Save',
    'save_and_publish' => 'Save and Publish',
    'save_and_continue' => 'Save and Continue',
    'yes' => 'Yes',
    'no' => 'No',
    'max' => 'Max',
    'to' => 'To',
    'from' => 'From',
    'total' => 'Total',
    'active' => 'Active',
    'is_draft' => 'Draft',
    'draft' => 'Draft',
    'disable' => 'Disable',
    'add_new' => 'Add New',
    'inactive' => 'Inactive',
    'cancel' => 'Cancel',
    'created_at' => 'Created Date',
    'updated_at' => 'Updated Date',
    'add' => 'Add',
    'remove' => 'Remove',
    'category' => 'Category',
    'all_categories' => 'All Categories',
    'all_users' => 'All Users',
    'user' => 'User',
    'read' => 'Read',
    'unread' => 'Unread',
    'reviews' => 'Reviews',
    'last_update' => 'Last Update',
    'default_commission' => 'Default Commission Rate',
    'created_date' => 'Created Date',
    'delete_confirm_msg' => 'Are you sure? | Do you want to continue?',
    'view_rates_details' => 'Rating Details',
    'show_results' => 'Show Results',
    'export_xls' => 'Export Excel',
    'filter_items' => 'Filter Items',
    'items' => 'Item',
    'filter_type' => 'Filter Type',
    'course' => 'Course',
    'courses' => 'Courses',
    'print' => 'Print',
    'order' => 'Order',
    'attach' => 'Attach',
    'avatar' => 'Profile Image',
    'avatar_hint' => 'Delete the path "/store/number/" from the beginning of the link after selecting the file.',
    'icon' => 'Icon',
    'image' => 'Image',
    'cover_image' => 'Cover image',
    'bestsellers' => 'Best Sellers',
    'newest' => 'Newest',
    'oldest' => 'Oldest',
    'marketing' => 'Marketing',
    'advertising' => 'Advertising',
    'advertising_banners' => 'Advertising Banners',
    'ad_banners' => 'Ad. Banners',
    'advertising_banners_list' => 'Advertising Banners',
    'banners' => 'Banners',
    'banner_size' => 'Banner Size',
    'new_banner' => 'New Banner',
    'position' => 'Position',
    'promotion_sales' => 'Promotion Sales',
    'content_promotion' => 'Content Promotion',
    'newsletters' => 'Email Newsletter',


    'consultant' => 'Consultant',
    'consultants' => 'Consultants',
    'reservatore' => 'Reservatore',
    'total_reservatores' => 'Total Reservatores',
    'cost' => 'Amount',
    'time' => 'Time',
    'date' => 'Date',
    'join_appointment' => 'Join Meeting',
    'Url' => 'URL',
    'join' => 'Join',
    'join_link' => 'Join URL',
    'send_appointment_reminder' => 'Send Reminder',
    'send_reminder' => 'Send Reminder',
    'remind_title' => 'Reminder Title:',
    'remind_message' => 'Reminder Message:',
    'unavailable' => 'Unavailable',
    'available' => 'Available',
    'pending_appointments' => 'Pending Meetings',


    'blog' => 'Blog',
  	'posts' => 'Posts',
    'blog_categories' => 'Blog Categories',
    'create_category' => 'New Category',
    'author' => 'Author',
    'all_authors' => 'All Authors',
    'create_blog' => 'New Blog Post',
    'new_post' => 'New Post',
    'edit_blog' => 'Edit Blog Post',
    'comments_section' => 'Enable Comments',


    'categories_list_page_title' => 'Categories List',
    'categories' => 'Categories',
    'tags_count' => 'Tags',
    'new_page_lead' => 'You can create a new category.',
    'parent_name' => 'Parent',
    'select_parent_name' => 'Write parent title',
    'categories_count' => 'Categories',
    'trends_lists_lead' => 'List of trend categories. You can edit or delete any row.',
    'sub_category' => 'Subcategory',
    'has_sub_category' => 'Includes Subcategories',
    'add_sub_categories' => 'Add Subcategories',
    'admin_categories' => 'Categories',
    'admin_categories_list' => 'Categories List',
    'admin_categories_create' => 'Categories Create',
    'admin_categories_edit' => 'Categories Edit',
    'admin_categories_delete' => 'Categories Delete',
    'trends' => 'Trends',
    'new_trend' => 'New Trend',
    'trend_icon' => 'Icon',
    'trend_color' => 'Background Color',
    'trend_color_placeholder' => 'Example: #3dbca7 or rgb(0,0,0)',
    'create_trend_category' => 'New Trend Category',


    'certificate_list_page_title' => 'Certificates List',
    'certificate' => 'Certificate',
  	'certificate_id' => 'Certificate ID',
    'certificate_count' => 'Certificates',
    'sub_certificate' => 'Sub-certificate',
    'has_sub_certificate' => 'Includes Sub-certificate',
    'add_sub_certificate' => 'New Sub-certificate',
    'admin_certificate' => 'Certificate',
    'admin_certificate_list' => 'Certificates List',
    'admin_certificate_create' => 'Certificates Create',
    'admin_certificate_edit' => 'Certificates Edit',
    'admin_certificate_delete' => 'Certificates Delete',
    'certificate_templates_list_page_title' => 'Certificate Templates',
    'certificate_new_template_page_title' => 'New Certificate Template',
    'certificate_template_edit_page_title' => 'Edit Certificate Template',


    'classes_comments' => 'Class Comments',
    'blog_comments' => 'Blog Comments',
    'comments' => 'Comments',
    'comment' => 'Comment',
    'post' => 'Post',
    'post_or_webinar' => 'Page',
    'enable_comments' => 'Enable Comments',
    'publish_item' => 'Publish item',
    'content_placeholder' => 'Main Content',
    'description_placeholder' => 'Write a short description',
    'main_comment' => 'Main Comment',
    'reply_comment' => 'Reply to comment',
    'reply_comments' => 'Reply to comments',
    'reply_list' => 'Reply list',
    'edit_comment' => 'Edit Comment',
    'reports' => 'Reports',
    'classes_comments_reports' => 'Class Comments',
    'classes_reports' => 'Class Reports',
    'blog_comments_reports' => 'Blog Comments',
    'comments_reports' => 'Comment Reports',
    'reported_comment' => 'Reported Comment',
    'report_detail' => 'Report Details',
    'report_message' => 'Report Message',
    'testimonials' => 'Testimonials',
    'new_testimonial' => 'New Testimonial',
    'edit_testimonial' => 'Edit Testimonial',
    'testimonial_user_avatar_placeholder' => 'Leave it blank to load the default profile image.',
    'testimonial_rate_placeholder' => 'Only Numbers (0 to 5)',


    'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
    'admin_dashboard_show' => 'Show Dashboard',
    'welcome' => 'Welcome',
    'welcome_card_text' => 'Everything is in your control, use quick access buttons to manage related actions easily.',
    'clear_all_cache' => 'Clear Cache',
    'daily_sales_type_statistics' => 'Class Type Daily Sales',
    'today_sales' => 'Today Sales',
    'income_statistics' => 'Platform Income',
    'today' => 'Today',
    'this_month' => 'Month',
    'this_year' => 'Year',
    'total_incomes' => 'Total Income',
  	'salescount' => 'Sales Count',
    'total_sales_statistics' => 'Total Sales Statistics',
    'new_sale' => 'New Sale',
    'new_comment' => 'New Comment',
    'pending_review' => 'Pending Review',
  	'pending_review_classes' => 'Pending Review Classes',
    'sales_statistics' => 'Sales Statistics',
    'month' => 'Month',
    'year' => 'Year',
    'recent_comments' => 'Recent Comments',
    'recent_tickets' => 'Recent Support Tickets',
    'recent_live_classes' => 'Recent Live Classes',
    'recent_courses' => 'Recent Courses',
    'new_registration_statistics' => 'User Registration Statistics',
    'today_income' => 'Today Profit',
    'week_income' => 'Week Profit',
    'month_income' => 'Month Profit',
    'year_income' => 'Year Profit',
    'today_sales' => 'Today Sales',
    'week_sales' => 'Week Sales',
    'month_sales' => 'Month Sales',
    'year_sales' => 'Year Sales',
    'top_selling_classes' => 'Top Selling Classes',
    'top_selling_appointments' => 'Top Selling Meetings',
    'top_selling_instructors' => 'Top Selling Instructors',
    'view_more' => 'View More ',
    'classes_durations' => 'Class Duration',
    'top_selling_organizations' => 'Top Selling Organizations',
    'most_active_students' => 'Most Active Students',
    'reserved_appointments' => 'Reserved Meetings',
    'total_purchased_amount' => 'Total Purchase Amount',
    'classes_statistics' => 'Class Types',


    'discount_list_page_title' => 'Discounts List',
    'discount' => 'Discount',
    'discount_percentage' => 'Discount Percentage',
    'expiration_from' => 'From Expiry Date',
    'expiration_to' => 'To Expiry Date',
    'all_users_discount' => 'All Discounts',
    'remain' => 'Remained',
    'usable_times' => 'Usable Times',
  	'expire_date' => 'Expiry Date',


    'filter' => 'Filter',
    'filters' => 'Filters',
    'add_options' => 'Add Filter Options',
    'option' => 'Option',
    'filter_option' => 'Filter Option',
    'filters_list_page_title' => 'Filters List',
    'admin_filters' => 'Filters',
    'admin_filters_list' => 'Filters List',
    'admin_filters_create' => 'Filters Create',
    'admin_filters_edit' => 'Filters Edit',
    'admin_filters_delete' => 'Filters Delete',

//Filters Types

    'percentage_ascending' => 'Percentage - Ascending',
    'percentage_descending' => 'Percentage - Descending',
    'max_amount_ascending' => 'Max Amount - Ascending',
    'max_amount_descending' => 'Max Amount - Descending',
    'usable_times_ascending' => 'Usable Times - Ascending',
    'usable_times_descending' => 'Usable Times - Descending',
    'usable_times_remain_ascending' => 'Remained Usable Times - Ascending',
    'usable_times_remain_descending' => 'Remained Usable Times - Descending',
    'create_date_ascending' => 'Created Date - Ascending',
    'create_date_descending' => 'Created Date - Descending',
    'expire_date_ascending' => 'Expiry Date - Ascending',
    'expire_date_descending' => 'Expiry Date - Descending',
    'update_date_ascending' => 'Updated Date - Ascending',
    'update_date_descending' => 'Updated Date - Descending',
    'date_ascending' => 'Date - Ascending',
    'date_descending' => 'Date - Descending',
    'amount_ascending' => 'Amount - Ascending',
    'amount_descending' => 'Amount - Descending',
    'Transaction_time_ascending' => 'Transaction Time - Ascending',
    'Transaction_time_descending' => 'Transaction Time - Descending',
    'last_payout_date_ascending' => 'Last Payout Date - Ascending',
    'last_payout_date_descending' => 'Last Payout Date - Descending',
    'quizzes_have_certificate' => 'Quizzes with Certificate',
    'students_ascending' => 'Students - Ascending',
    'students_descending' => 'Students - Descending',
    'passed_students_ascending' => 'Passed Students - Ascending',
    'passes_students_descending' => 'Passed Students - Descending',
    'grades_average_ascending' => 'Average Grade - Ascending',
    'grades_average_descending' => 'Average Grade - Descending',
    'classes_sales_ascending' => 'Class Sales - Ascending',
    'classes_sales_descending' => 'Class Sales - Descending',
    'purchased_classes_ascending' => 'Purchased Classes - Ascending',
    'purchased_classes_descending' => 'Purchased Classes - Descending',
    'purchased_classes_amount_ascending' => 'Purchased Amount - Ascending',
    'purchased_classes_amount_descending' => 'Purchased Amount - Descending',
    'sales_appointments_ascending' => 'Meeting sales - Ascending',
    'sales_appointments_descending' => 'Meeting sales - Descending',
    'appointments_income_ascending' => 'Meetings Income - Ascending',
    'appointments_income_descending' => 'Meetings Income - Descending',
    'pending_appointments_ascending' => 'Pending Meetings - Ascending',
    'pending_appointments_descending' => 'Pending Meetings - Descending',
    'purchased_appointments_ascending' => 'Purchased Mettings - Ascending',
    'purchased_appointments_descending' => 'Purchased Meetings - Descending',
    'purchased_appointments_amount_ascending' => 'Purchased Meetings Amount - Ascending',
    'purchased_appointments_amount_descending' => 'Purchased Meetings Amount - Descending',
    'register_date_ascending' => 'Registeration Date - Ascending',
    'register_date_descending' => 'Registeration Date - Descending',
    'discounted_classes' => 'Discounted Classes',
    'sales_ascending' => 'Sales - Ascending',
    'sales_descending' => 'Sales - Descending',
    'Price_ascending' => 'Price - Ascending',
    'Price_descending' => 'Price - Descending',
    'Income_ascending' => 'Income - Ascending',
    'Income_descending' => 'Income - Descending',
    'cost_ascending' => 'Amount - Ascending',
    'cost_descending' => 'Amount - Descending',
    'discounted_appointments' => 'Discounted Meetings',
    'free_appointments' => 'Free Meetings',


    'financial' => 'Financial',
    'accounting' => 'Accounting',
    'discounts' => 'Discounts',
    'discount_code' => 'Discount Code',
    'discount_codes' => 'Discount Codes',
    'code' => 'Code',
    'count' => 'Count',
    'max_amount' => 'Max Amount',
    'percentage' => 'Percentage',
    'name_placeholder' => 'Write a unique title...',
    'count_placeholder' => 'Maximum times that the discount code could be used (Leave it blank for "1" time.)',
    'expiration' => 'Expiry Date',
    'ext_date' => 'Expiry Date',
    'percent' => 'Percent',
    'amount' => 'Amount',
    'paid_amount' => 'Amount',
    'amount_placeholder' => 'Max discounted amount per an order.',
    'payout' => 'Payout',
    'payouts' => 'Payouts',
    'payout_amount' => 'Payout Amount',
    'account' => 'Account',
    'iban' => 'IBAN',
    'transaction_time' => 'Transaction Time',
    'last_payout_date' => 'Last Payout Date',
    'sale' => 'Sale',
    'sales' => 'Sales',
    'sales_list' => 'Sales List',
    'sale_type' => 'Sales Type',
    'file' => 'File',
    'meeting' => 'Meeting',
    'ticket' => 'Ticket',
    'seller' => 'Seller',
    'buyer' => 'Buyer',
    'waiting_payment' => 'Waiting for Payment',
    'delivered' => 'Delivered',
    'paid_failed' => 'Paid/Failed',
    'paid_waiting' => 'Paid/Pending',
    'paid_successful' => 'Paid/Successful',
    'success' => 'Successful',
    'invoice' => 'Invoice',
  	'purchase_date' => 'Purchased Date',

    'offline_payment' => 'Offline Payment',
    'offline_payments' => 'Offline Payments',
    'off' => 'OFF',
    'bank' => 'Bank',
    'all_banks' => 'All Banks',
    'referral_code' => 'Reference',
    'documents' => 'Documents',
    'new_document' => 'New Document',
    'addiction' => 'Add',
    'deduction' => 'Subtract',
    'creator' => 'Creator',
    'automatic' => 'Automatic',
    'target_account' => 'Target Account',
    'income' => 'Income',
    'user_income' => 'User Income',
    'account_balance' => 'Account Balance',
    'factor' => 'Factor',
    'new_factor' => 'New Factor',
    'sales_page_title' => 'Sales',
    'webinar' => 'Webinar',
    'type_account' => 'Account Type',
    'item_purchased' => 'Item Purchased',
    'asset' => 'Wallet',
    'document_page_title' => 'Financial Documents',
    'financial_settings' => 'Financial Settings',
    'system' => 'System',
    'tax' => 'Tax',
    'new_document_page_title' => 'New Document',
    'bank_name' => 'Bank Title',
    'account_name' => 'Account Title',
    'account_number' => 'Account Number',
    'account_id' => 'Account ID',
    'verify_user' => 'Verify user',
    'financial_approval' => 'Financial Approval',
    'user_commission' => 'User Commission',
    'commission' => 'Commission',
    'user_commission_placeholder' => 'Leave it blank to use system default rate.',
    'offline_payment_page_title' => 'Offline Payment',
    'refund' => 'Refund',
    'manual_document' => 'Manual Document',
    'automatic_document' => 'Automatic Document',
    'new_subscribe' => 'New Subscribe Package',
    'purchased_subscribe' => 'Subscribe Package Purchased',
    'purchased_promotion' => 'Promotion Plan Purchased',
    'subscribe' => 'Subscribe',
    'new_package' => 'New Package',
    'subscribes' => 'Subscribe',
  	'packages' => 'Packages',
  	'subscribe_packages' => 'Subscribe Packages',
    'usable_count' => 'Subscribe Times',
    'short_description' => 'Description',
    'short_description_placeholder' => 'Example: Suggested for Professionals.',
    'promotion' => 'Promotion',
    'promotions' => 'Promotion Plans',
    'is_popular' => 'Popular Badge',
  	'new_plan' => 'New Plan',
  	'plans' => 'Plans',
    'new_promotion' => 'New Promotion Plan',
    'edit_promotion' => 'Edit Promotion Plan',
    'payment_channels' => 'Payment Gateways',
    'special_offers' => 'Class Discounts',
    'special_offers_list_page_title' => 'Class Discounts',
    'from_date' => 'From Date',
    'to_date' => 'To Date',
    'document_number' => 'Document ID',


    'group_list_page_title' => 'Groups List',
    'group' => 'Group',
    'admin_group' => 'Groups',
    'admin_group_list' => 'Groups List',
    'admin_group_create' => 'Groups Create',
    'admin_group_edit' => 'Groups Edit',
    'admin_group_delete' => 'Groups Delete',

//Payment Gateways

    'payment_channel' => 'Payment Gateway',
    'payment_channel_edit' => 'Edit Payment Gateway',
    'payment_channel_count' => 'Categories',
    'admin_payment_channel' => 'Payment Gateway',
    'admin_payment_channel_list' => 'Payment Gateways List',
    'admin_payment_channel_create' => 'Payment Gateways Create',
    'admin_payment_channel_edit' => 'Payment Gateways Edit',
    'admin_payment_channel_delete' => 'Payment Gateways Delete',


    'quizzes' => 'Quizzes',
    'quizzes_list' => 'Quizzes list',
    'quiz_results' => 'Results',
    'question_count' => 'Questions',
    'students_count' => 'Students',
    'average_grade' => 'Average Grade',
    'grade' => 'Grade',
    'quiz_date' => 'Quiz Date',
    'passed' => 'Passed',
    'certificates' => 'Certificates',
    'certificates_templates' => 'Certificate Templates',
    'templates' => 'Templates',
    'new_template' => 'New Template',
    'template_image' => 'Background Image',
    'position_x' => 'Position X',
    'position_y' => 'Position Y',
    'font_size' => 'Font Size',
    'text_color' => 'Text Color',
    'message_body' => 'Text',
    'preview_certificate' => 'Preview',
    'admin_quizzes' => 'Quizzes',
    'admin_quizzes_list' => 'Quizzes List',
    'admin_quizzes_create' => 'Quizzes Create',
    'admin_quizzes_edit' => 'Quizzes Edit',
    'admin_quizzes_delete' => 'Quizzes Delete',

//Quiz Results

    'quiz_result_list_page_title' => 'Quiz Results',
    'admin_quiz_result' => 'Quiz Results',
    'admin_quiz_result_list' => 'Quiz Results List',
    'admin_quiz_result_create' => 'Quiz Results Create',
    'admin_quiz_result_edit' => 'Quiz Results Edit',
    'admin_quiz_result_delete' => 'Quiz Results Delete',

//User Roles

    'role' => 'Role',
    'roles' => 'User Roles',
    'all_roles' => 'All Roles',
    'select_sections_level' => 'Select sections level',
    'page_lists_title' => 'User Roles List',
    'role_new_page_title' => 'New Role',
    'permission' => 'Permissions',
    'permission_description' => 'Check menus, sub-menus and actions that you want to permit the user.',
    'sections' => 'Sections',
    'select_type' => 'Select a type',
    'create_field_name_placeholder' => 'E.g. Financial Staff',
    'is_admin' => 'Admin Panel Access',
    'admin_roles' => 'Roles',
    'admin_roles_list' => 'Roles List',
    'admin_roles_create' => 'Roles Create',
    'admin_roles_edit' => 'Roles Edit',
    'admin_roles_delete' => 'Roles Delete',

// Pages Title
    'webinar_new_page_title' => 'New Class',
    'tag_new_page_title' => 'New Tag',
    'group_new_page_title' => 'New User Group',
    'filter_new_page_title' => 'New Filter',
    'category_new_page_title' => 'New Category',
    'user_new_page_title' => 'New User',


    'setting' => 'Settings',
    'settings' => 'Settings',
    'basic' => 'Basic',
    'offline_banks_credits' => 'Offline Payment Accounts',
    'overview' => 'Control Everything',
    'change_setting' => 'Change Settings',
    'overview_hint' => 'You can change all of the parameters and variables using the following cards.',
    'general_card_title' => 'General',
    'general_card_hint' => 'Change website title, logo, language, RTL, social accounts, design styles, preloading.',
    'financial_card_title' => 'Financial',
    'financial_card_hint' => 'Define momissions, tax, payout, currency, payment gateways, offline payment',
    'personalization_card_title' => 'Personalization',
    'personalization_card_hint' => 'Change page backgrounds, home sections, hero styles, images & texts.',
    'notifications_card_title' => 'Notifications',
    'notifications_card_hint' => 'Assign notification templates to processes.',
    'seo_card_title' => 'SEO',
    'seo_card_hint' => 'Define SEO title, meta description and search engine crawl access for each page.',
    'customization_card_title' => 'Customization',
    'customization_card_hint' => 'Define additional CSS & JS codes.',
    'personalization' => 'Personalization',

// Settings - SEO

    'seo_metas' => 'SEO Meta Settings',
    'seo_metas_home' => 'Home Page',
    'seo_metas_search' => 'Search Page',
    'seo_metas_categories' => 'Categories Page',
    'seo_metas_classes' => 'Classes Page',
    'seo_metas_login' => 'Login Page',
    'seo_metas_register' => 'Register Page',
    'seo_metas_about' => 'About Page',
    'seo_metas_contact' => 'Contact Page',
    'seo_metas_certificate_validation' => 'Certificate Validation',
    'seo_description' => 'SEO Meta Description',
    'seo_metas_blog' => 'Blog',
    'seo_metas_instructors' => 'Instructors',
    'seo_metas_organizations' => 'Organizations',

// Settings-socials

    'settings_socials' => 'Social Accounts Settings',
    'socials' => 'Social Accounts',

// Settings-footer

    'footer' => 'Footer',
    'footer_first_column' => 'First Column',
    'footer_second_column' => 'Second Column',
    'footer_third_column' => 'Third Column',
    'footer_forth_column' => 'Forth Column',
    'content' => 'Content',
    'item_title' => 'Item Title',
    'item_link' => 'Item URL',

// Settings-main

    'main' => 'Main',
    'home_sections' => 'Home Sections',
    'settings_home_sections' => 'Home Sections',
    'settings_main' => 'Main Settings',
    'main_general' => 'General',
    'site_name' => 'Platform Title',
    'site_email' => 'Platform Email',
    'site_phone' => 'Platform Phone',
    'site_language' => 'Default Front Language',
    'default_language_hint' => 'To change the language for the admin or staff go to the "Users" menu and edit the user and select a language for the user.',
    'register_method' => 'Registeration Method',
    'user_languages_lists' => 'Frontend Languages List',
    'rtl_languages' => 'RTL Languages',
    'fav_icon' => 'Favicon',
    'fav_icon_placeholder' => 'Displays on top of the browser (16*16px)',
    'logo' => 'Logo',
    'logo_placeholder' => 'Displays on header (~140*44px)',
    'footer_logo' => 'Footer Logo',
    'webinar_reminder_schedule' => 'Webinar reminder schedule (Hour)',
    'footer_logo_placeholder' => 'Displays on all pages footer (~140*44px)',
    'rtl_layout' => 'Enable RTL Layout',
    'preloading' => 'Enable Preloader',
    'main_financial' => 'Financial',
    'minimum_payout_amount' => 'Minimum Payout Amount',
    'main_payment' => 'Payment',
    'currency' => 'Currency',
    'gateways' => 'Gateways',

    'main_home_hero' => 'Full-width Hero Style',
    'main_home_hero2' => 'Animated Hero Style',
    'home_hero' => 'Full-width Hero Style',
    'home_hero2' => 'Animated Hero Style',
    'background' => 'Background',
    'hero_background' => 'Hero Background',
    'hero_vector' => 'Hero Background (Or .JSON Animation)',
    'has_lottie' => 'Enable Lottie Animation',

    'main_page_background' => 'Pages Background',
    'admin_login_background' => 'Admin Login Page',
    'admin_dashboard_background' => 'Admin Dashboard',
    'login_background' => 'Login',
    'register_background' => 'Registeration',
    'remember_pass_background' => 'Password Recovery',
    'verification_background' => 'Verification Page',
    'search_background' => 'Search Page',
    'categories_background' => 'Categories',
    'become_instructor_background' => 'Become Instructor Page',
    'certificate_validation_background' => 'Certificate Validation Page',
    'blog_background' => 'Blog',
    'instructors_background' => 'Instructors List Page',
    'organizations_background' => 'Organizations List Page',
    'dashboard_background' => 'User Dashboard Top Image',
    'user_avatar_background' => 'Default User Profile Image',
    'user_cover_background' => 'Default User Profile Cover',
    'custom_css_js' => 'Custom CSS & JS',
    'css' => 'CSS',
    'js' => 'JS',
    'account_types' => 'Account types',
    'add_account_types' => 'Add account types',
    'site_bank_accounts' => 'Site bank accounts',
    'add_site_bank_accounts' => 'Add bank accounts',
    'report_reasons' => 'Report Reasons',
    'add_report_reasons' => 'Add Report Reason',
    'notifications' => 'Notifications',
    'notification_admin' => 'Admin',
    'notification_user' => 'Users',
    'notification_course' => 'Classes',
    'notification_financial' => 'Financial',
    'notification_sale_purchase' => 'Sales/Purchases',
    'notification_plans' => 'Subscription',
    'notification_appointment' => 'Meetings',
    'notification_quiz' => 'Quizzes',
    'panel_sidebar' => 'User Panel Sidebar',

    'notification_new_comment_admin' => 'New Comment',
    'notification_support_message_admin' => 'New Support Message',
    'notification_support_message_replied_admin' => 'Support Message Reply',
    'notification_promotion_plan_admin' => 'Promotion Plan Reserved',
    'notification_new_contact_message' => 'New Contact Message',
    'notification_new_badge' => 'New Badge',
    'notification_change_user_group' => 'User Group Change',
    'notification_course_created' => 'Class Submission',
    'notification_course_approve' => 'Class Approval',
    'notification_course_reject' => 'Class Rejection',
    'notification_new_comment' => 'New Comment',
    'notification_support_message' => 'New Support Message',
    'notification_support_message_replied' => 'Support Message Replied',
    'notification_new_rating' => 'New Rating',
    'notification_webinar_reminder' => 'Webinar Reminder',
    'notification_new_financial_document' => 'New Financial Document',
    'notification_payout_request_admin' => 'New Payout Request',
    'notification_payout_request' => 'Payout Request Submition',
    'notification_payout_proceed' => 'Payout Processed',
    'notification_offline_payment_request' => 'New Offline Payment Request',
    'notification_offline_payment_approved' => 'Offline Payment Approved',
    'notification_offline_payment_rejected' => 'Offline Payment Declined',
    'notification_new_sales' => 'New Sales',
    'notification_new_purchase' => 'New Purchase',
    'notification_new_subscribe_plan' => 'New Subscribe Plan',
    'notification_promotion_plan' => 'Promotion Plan Activated',
    'notification_new_appointment' => 'New Meeting',
    'notification_new_appointment_link' => 'Meeting URL Created',
    'notification_appointment_reminder' => 'Meeting Reminder',
    'notification_meeting_finished' => 'Meeting Finished',
    'notification_new_certificate' => 'New Certificate',
    'notification_waiting_quiz' => 'New Waiting Quiz',
    'notification_waiting_quiz_result' => 'Waiting Results',

    'contact_us' => 'Contact',
    'contact_us_edit' => 'Contact Page Edit',
    'contact_us_address' => 'Address',
    'contact_us_phones' => 'Phones',
    'contact_us_emails' => 'Emails',
    'contact_us_background' => 'Contact Page Background',
    'map_position' => 'Map Position (Latitude & Longitude)',
    'map_zoom' => 'Map Zoom Level (15 to 19 Preferred)',
    'map_position_latitude' => 'Map Latitude',
    'map_position_longitude' => 'Map Longitude',
    'contact_us_phones_placeholder' => 'Separate with Commas ","',
    'contact_us_emails_placeholder' => 'Separate with Commas ","',

    '404_page_setting' => '404 Page Setting',
    'error_404' => '404 Page',
    'error_404_image' => '404 Image',
    'error_404_title' => '404 Error Title',
    'error_404_description' => '404 Error Description',

    'pages' => 'Pages',
    'new_page' => 'New Page',
    'new_pages' => 'New Additional Page',
    'edit_pages' => 'Edit Page ',
    'pages_title_placeholder' => 'Displayes on the page header',
    'robot' => 'SEO Robot Access',
    'follow' => 'Follow',
    'no_follow' => 'No Follow',

    'latest_classes' => 'Latest Classes',
    'best_sellers' => 'Best Sellers',
    'free_classes' => 'Free Classes',
    'discount_classes' => 'Discounted Classes',
    'best_rates' => 'Best Rated Classes',
    'trend_categories' => 'Trending Categories',
    'organizations_section' => 'Organizations Section',
    'instructors' => 'Instructors',
    'video_or_image_section' => 'Video/Image Section',
    'settings_navbar_links' => 'Top Navbar Links',
    'navbar_links' => 'Top Navbar Links',
    'top_navbar' => 'Top Navbar',
    'pages_backgrounds' => 'Pages Backgrounds',
    'hero_style_1' => 'Full-width Hero Style',
    'Hero_style_2' => 'Animated Hero Style',
    'video_and_image_sections' => 'Video/Image Section',
    'change_password' => 'Change Password',
	'select_a_partner_hint' => 'Partner instrcutor will have access to the course content and their profile will be displayed on the class page.',


    'tag' => 'Tag',
    'tags' => 'Tags',
    'tags_list_page_title' => 'Tags List',
    'admin_tags' => 'Tags',
    'admin_tags_list' => 'Tags List',
    'admin_tags_create' => 'Tags Create',
    'admin_tags_edit' => 'Tags Edit',
    'admin_tags_delete' => 'Tags Delete',
  	'create_field_title_placeholder' => 'Tags will be displayed on the class page.',


    'users_list' => 'Users',
    'user_or_instructor' => 'User or Instructor',
    'users' => 'Users',
    'classes' => 'Classes',
    'class' => 'Class',
    'classes_sales' => 'Class Sales',
    'purchased_classes' => 'Purchased Classes',
    'appointments' => 'Meetings',
    'appointment' => 'Meeting',
    'appointments_sales' => 'Meeting Sales',
    'purchased_appointments' => 'Purchased Meetings',
    'wallet_charge' => 'Account Balance',
    'user_group' => 'User Group',
    'user_group_commission_rate' => 'Commission Rate (For Instructors & Organizations)',
    'user_group_discount_rate' => 'Discount Rate (For All Users)',
    'instructor' => 'Instructor',
    'students' => 'Students',
    'student' => 'Student',
    'staff' => 'Staff',
    'organization' => 'Organization',
    'organizations' => 'Organizations',
    'organizations_list' => 'Organizations List',
    'select_organization' => 'Select an Organization',
    'all_user_roles' => 'All User Roles',
    'active_verified' => 'Active (with Blue Badge)',
    'verified' => 'with Blue Badge',
    'not_verified' => 'w/o Blue Badge',
    'enable_blue_badge' => 'Enable Blue Badge',
    'active_not_verified' => 'Active (w/o Blue Badge)',
    'role_name' => 'User Role',
    'admin_role' => 'Admin',
    'full_name' => 'Name',
    'users_count' => 'Users Count',
    'create_field_full_name_placeholder' => 'The user name will be displayed on all pages.',
    'select_role' => 'Select a user role',
    'select_status' => 'Select a status',
    'create_field_email_placeholder' => 'Example:',
    'search_user_or_instructor' => 'Search for user or instructor',
    'select_a_instructor' => 'Select an Instructor',
  	'search_instructor' => 'Search for Instructor',
  	'search_student' => 'Search for Student',
  	'search_users' => 'Search Users',

///User Badges

    'select_badge' => 'Select a Badge',
    'badges' => 'Badges',
    'register_date' => 'Registeration Date',
    'course_count' => 'Courses Count',
    'course_rate' => 'Courses Rating',
    'sale_count' => 'Sales Count',
    'support_rate' => 'Support Rating',
    'condition' => 'Condition',
    'condition_register_date' => 'Day',
    'condition_course_count' => 'Courses',
    'condition_course_rate' => 'Stars',
    'condition_sale_count' => 'Sales',
    'condition_support_rate' => 'Stars',
    'groups' => 'Groups',
    'group_name' => 'Group Title',
    'users_groups' => 'User Groups',
    'users_group' => 'User Group',
    'select_users_group' => 'Select a user group',
    'new_user_group' => 'New User Group',
    'admin_users' => 'Users',
    'admin_users_list' => 'Users List',
    'admin_users_create' => 'Users Create',
    'admin_users_edit' => 'Users Edit',
    'admin_users_delete' => 'Users Delete',
    'admin_users_badges' => 'Users Badges',
    'edit_page_title' => 'Edit User',
    'custom_badges' => 'Custom Badges',
    'auto_badges' => 'Automatic Badges',
    'supports' => 'Support',
    'department' => 'Department',
    'support_departments' => 'Support Departments',
    'new_department' => 'New Department',
    'edit_department' => 'Edit Department',
    'departments' => 'Departments',
    'all_departments' => 'All Departments',
    'classes_conversations' => 'Classes Support',
    'course_conversations' => 'Class Conversations',
    'support_conversation' => 'Support Conversation',
    'close_conversation' => 'Close Conversation',
    'open_attach' => 'Open Attachment',
    'send_message_to' => 'Send message to',
    'send_message_to_teacher' => 'Send message to the instructor',
    'user_avatar' => 'Profile Image',
    'user_bio' => 'Job Title',
    'rate' => 'Rating',

//Notification Template

    'notification_single' => 'Single User',
    'notification_all_users' => 'All Users',
    'notification_students' => 'All Students',
    'notification_instructors' => 'All Instructors',
    'notification_organizations' => 'All Organizations',
    'notification_all' => 'All',
    'notification_students_and_instructors' => 'Students & Instructors',
    'notification_group' => 'Specific User Group',
    'mark_all_read' => 'Mark All As Read',
    'use_key_in_title_and_message_body' => 'You can use the above data tags in the template title & body text.',
    'edit_template' => 'Edit Template',
    'real_name' => 'User Full Name',
    'group_title' => 'User Group Title',
    'badge_title' => 'Badge Title',
    'financial_doc_desc' => 'Financial Document Description',
    'financial_doc_type' => 'Financial Document Type',
    'instructor_name' => 'Instructor Name',
    'student_name' => 'Student Name',
    'course_title' => 'Class Title',
    'quiz_title' => 'Quiz Title',
    'quiz_result' => 'Result (Grade)',
    'support_ticket_title' => 'Support Ticket Title',
    'contact_us_title' => 'Contact Message Title',
    'time_and_date' => 'Time & Date',
    'rate_count' => 'Rating (Stars)',
    'payout_account' => 'Payout Account',
    'subscribe_plan_name' => 'Subscribe Package Title',
    'promotion_plan_name' => 'Promotion Plan Title',

//Instructor Requests

    'reject_request' => 'Reject',
    'become_instructor_info' => 'Instructor Request Details',
    'become_instructors' => 'Instructor Requests',
    'instructor_requests' => 'Instructor Requests',
    'accept_request' => 'Accept',
    'check_user_information' => 'Check User Information',
    'become_instructors_list' => 'Instructor Request Details',
    'contacts' => 'Contact Messages',
    'contacts_lists' => 'Contact Messages Lists',
    'contacts_message' => 'Contact Message',
    'user_role_updated' => 'The user role updated.',


    'webinars_list_page_title' => 'Live Classes List',
    'webinars' => 'Live Classes',
    'live_class' => 'Live Class',
    'live_classes' => 'Live Classes',
    'text_courses' => 'Text Courses',
    'webinar_title' => 'Class Title',
    'webinar_status' => 'Class Status',
    'start_date' => 'Start Date',
    'end_date' => 'End Date',
    'capacity' => 'Capacity',
    'price' => 'Price',
    'price_plans' => 'Pricing Plans',
    'add_price_plan' => 'New Pricing Plan',
    'description' => 'Description',
    'course_type' => 'Class Type',
    'type_webinar' => 'Webinar',
    'type_text_lesson' => 'Text Course',
    'type_course' => 'Course',
    'type_webinars' => 'Live Class',
    'type_text_lessons' => 'Text Course',
    'type_courses' => 'Courses',
    'teacher_name' => 'Instructor',
    'category_name' => 'Category',
    'select_category' => 'Select a Category',
    'select_teacher' => 'Select an Instructor',
    'webinars_count' => 'Classes',
    'image_cover' => 'Cover Image',
    'choose_image_cover' => 'Select a Cover Image',
    'choose_video_demo' => 'Select a Demo Video',
    'video_demo' => 'Demo Video',
    'support' => 'Support',
    'partner_instructor' => 'Partner Instructor',
    'search_webinar' => 'Search Class',
    'admin_webinars' => 'Webinars',
    'admin_webinars_list' => 'Classes List',
    'admin_webinars_create' => 'New Class',
    'admin_webinars_edit' => 'Class Edit',
    'admin_webinars_delete' => 'Class Delete',
    'feature_webinars' => 'Featured Classes',
    'feature_webinar_create' => 'New Featured Class',
    'page' => 'Page',
    'select_page' => 'Select a Page',
    'page_home' => 'Home Page',
    'page_categories' => 'Categories',
    'page_home_categories' => 'Home & Categories',
    'file_sale_count' => 'File Sales',
    'session_sale_count' => 'Session Sales',
    'lesson_sale_count' => 'Lesson Sales',
    'not_conducted' => 'Not Conducted',
    'conducted' => 'Conducted',
    'publish_not_conducted' => 'Published (Not Conducted)',
    'publish_inprogress' => 'Published (In Progress)',
    'publish_finished' => 'Published (Finished)',
    'teacher_zoom_jwt_token_invalid' => 'Invalid instructor Zoom credentials!',
    'session_api' => 'Session API',
    'is_not_the_teacher_of_this_organization' => 'The selected instructor does not exist or not related to this organization.',
    'webinars_reports' => 'Class Reports',

  // Noticeboard Page
    'edit_noticeboard' => 'Edit Notice',
    'send_noticeboard_success' => 'Notice sent successfully.',
    'edit_noticeboard_success' => 'Notice edited successfully.',
    'delete_noticeboard_success' => 'Notice deleted successfully.',


    'total_appointments' => 'Total Meetings',
    'open_appointments' => 'Open Meetings',
    'finished_appointments' => 'Finished Meetings',
    'total_consultants' => 'Total Consultants',
    'total_comments' => 'Total Comments',
    'published_comments' => 'Published Comments',
    'pending_comments' => 'Pending Comments',
    'available_consultants' => 'Available Consultants',
    'unavailable_consultants' => 'Unavailable Consultants',
    'consultants_without_appointment' => 'Consultants Without Meetings',
    'total_sales' => 'Total Sales',
    'faild_sales' => 'Faild Sales',
    'total_quizzes' => 'Total Quizzes',
    'total_students' => 'Total Students',
    'total_passed_students' => 'Total Passed Students',
    'active_quizzes' => 'Active Quizzes',
    'total_reviews' => 'Total Reviews',
    'published_reviews' => 'Published Reviews',
    'rates_average' => 'Average Rating',
    'classes_without_review' => 'Classes Without Review',
    'total_conversations' => 'Total Conversations',
    'open_conversations' => 'Open Conversations',
    'closed_conversations' => 'Closed Conversations',
    'closed' => 'Closed',
    'classes_with_support' => 'Classes with Support',
    'total_instructors' => 'Total Instructors',
    'organizations_instructors' => 'Organizations Instructors',
    'inactive_instructors' => 'Inactive Instructors',
    'ban_instructors' => 'Banned Instructors',
  	'banned' => 'Banned',
  	'until' => 'Until',
    'total_organizations' => 'Total Organizations',
    'verified_organizations' => 'Verified Organizations',
    'organizations_students' => 'Organization Students',
    'inprogress_live_classes' => 'Inprogress Live Classes',
    'total_durations' => 'Total Duration',
    'inactive_students' => 'Inactive Students',
    'ban_students' => 'Banned Students',
    'users_without_purchases' => 'Users Without Purchase',
    'teachers_without_class' => 'Instructors Without Class',
    'featured_classes' => 'Featured Classes',
    'active_discounts' => 'Active Discounts',
    'net_profit_statistics' => 'Net Profit Statistics (w/o Tax)',

//Hints & Placeholders

    'hints' => 'Hints',
  	'new_page_link_hint' => 'Start with a "/" and just use small caps. Example: /about so the page URL will be',
    'consultants_hint_title_1' => 'Become a Consultant',
    'consultants_hint_title_2' => 'Pending Meetings',
    'consultants_hint_title_3' => 'Unavailable Consultants',
    'consultants_hint_description_1' => 'Instructors that define their meeting timesheet will be displayed in this list. Instructors can define meeting timesheet from their panel.',
    'consultants_hint_description_2' => 'Meetings that reserved by a student but not conducted yet. Pending might be in progress or not started.',
    'consultants_hint_description_3' => 'The instructor can be temporarily unavailable. They can change the status from the meeting settings in the user panel.',
    'instructors_hint_title_1' => 'Add New Instructor',
    'instructors_hint_title_2' => 'Active Instructors',
    'instructors_hint_title_3' => 'Blue Badge',
    'instructors_hint_description_1' => 'To add an instructor, create a new user with "Organization" role or you can change the user role on the users edit page or approve become instructor requests on the related page. ',
    'instructors_hint_description_2' => 'Instructors that their email or phone number approved after registration process.',
    'instructors_hint_description_3' => 'Turn this option manually for selected instructors. A blue badge will be displayed on their profile.',
    'organizations_hint_title_1' => 'Add New Organization',
    'organizations_hint_title_2' => 'Organization Statuses',
    'organizations_hint_title_3' => 'Organizations Functionality',
    'organizations_hint_description_1' => 'To add a new organization, create a new user with "Organization" role or edit a user from the user list and change the user role to "Organization" and save. The user will be turned to an organization.',
    'organizations_hint_description_2' => 'Organizations that their email or phone number approved after registration process will be considered as "Active". You can also define a blue badge for organizations.',
    'organizations_hint_description_3' => 'Each organization can include related instructors and students. Organizations can create public or private classes.',
    'students_hint_title_1' => 'New Student',
    'students_hint_title_2' => 'Pending/Active',
    'students_hint_title_3' => 'Inactive/Ban',
    'students_hint_description_1' => 'You can add a new student from "Users/New" or fill the registration form in the platform frontend.',
    'students_hint_description_2' => 'Users that verified their email or phone number will be considered as "Active" and not email or phone verified users will be considered as "Pending".',
    'students_hint_description_3' => 'Banned users wont be able to login for specific period. Inactive users wont be able to log in at all.',
    'appointments_hint_title_1' => 'Finished/Pending Meetings',
    'appointments_hint_title_2' => 'Canceled Meetings',
    'appointments_hint_title_3' => 'Open Meetings',
    'appointments_hint_description_1' => 'Meetings that passed their time and the consultant changed the status to finished, will be considered as "Finished" and meetings that reserved but not started will be considered as "Pending".',
    'appointments_hint_description_2' => 'Admin or Staff can cancel a meeting. Meetings couldnt be canceled by consultant or reservatore.',
    'appointments_hint_description_3' => 'Meetings that their "Join URL" defined by consultant and are inprogress.',
    'user_group_discount_rate_placeholder' => 'Leave it blank for 0%',
    'user_group_commission_rate_placeholder' => 'Leave it blank for default value (Defined in Settings)',
    'seo_description_hint' => 'Will be displayed on the search engine result page. 155~160 Characters preferred.',
    'price_plan_modal_capacity_hint' => 'Fill it if you want to limit number of sold tickets. Example: Only 5 students will get 50% discount. ',
    'trend_hint_title_1' => 'Trends Functionality',
    'trend_hint_description_1' => 'Trend categories will be displayed on the home page. You can specify 6 categories to get more views from the home page.',
    'new_role_admin_access_hint' => 'Turn it on for creating admins or staff.',
    'user_group_commission_rate_hint' => 'This value will be considered as instructor comission rate and default rate will be ignored.',
    'user_group_discount_rate_hint' => 'Users will get this rate as extra discount on all purchases.',
    'badges_hint_title_1' => 'Automatic Badges',
    'badges_hint_title_2' => 'Manual Badges',
    'badges_hint_description_1' => 'Badges will be awarded to users when they have badges conditions. Badges will be displayed on the user profile.',
    'badges_hint_description_2' => 'You can also award manual and custom badges to each user. Manual badges could be removed manually by admin or staff.',
    'become_instructor_hint_title_1' => 'Instructor Requests',
    'become_instructor_hint_title_2' => 'Requests Functionality',
    'become_instructor_hint_description_1' => 'If a user fill-out become instructor form, the request will be displayed in this list.',
    'become_instructor_hint_description_2' => 'You can approve instructor requests so the user role will be turned into "Instructor" or you can reject requests so nothing will be changed.',
    'report_reasons_hint' => 'Report resons will be displayed in the report modal so the user can select one of them and report.',
    'new_noticeboards_hint' => 'The notice will be displayed on the noticeboard of these user types.',
    'new_notification_hint' => 'The notification will be received by these users and will be displayed on their panel and email address.',
    'new_notification_template_hint_title_1' => 'Data Tags Functionality',
    'new_notification_template_hint_title_2' => 'Assigning Templates to Processes',
    'new_notification_template_hint_description_1' => 'Data tags could be included in the notification title or body. You can create personalized notifications using data tags.',
    'new_notification_template_hint_description_2' => 'After a notification template is created, go to "Settings/Notifications" and assign templates to related processes.',
    'create_blog_description_hint' => 'A brief description about your blog post that will be displayed on the blog post card (~160 Characters).',
    'create_blog_content_hint' => 'Main blog post content that will be displayed on the blog post page.',
    'offline_payment_hint_title_1' => 'Offile Payments Functionality',
    'offline_payment_hint_title_2' => 'Offline Payment Accounts',
    'offline_payment_hint_description_1' => 'If a user submit an offline payment request, it will be displayed in this list. If the request approved, the amount will be added to the user balance.',
    'offline_payment_hint_description_2' => 'You can define offline payment banks in "Settings/Financial" so they will be accessible for users on the offline payment form.',
    'payout_list_hint_title_1' => 'Payout Requests',
    'payout_list_hint_title_2' => 'Payout Functionality',
    'payout_list_hint_description_1' => 'If an instructor or Organization requested a payout, it will be displayed in this list. They will be able to request payout if their balance be more than the minimum payout amount.',
    'payout_list_hint_description_2' => 'After a payout request is approved by the admin, the user balance will be reset and the admin should transfer money to the user account manually.',
    'subscribes_list_hint_title_1' => 'Subscription Packages',
    'subscribes_list_hint_title_2' => 'Packages Parameters',
    'subscribes_list_hint_description_1' => 'Subscription packages will be displayed on the homepage and user panel and users will be able to purchase them and subscribe to courses that the subscription option is on for them. When the subscription plan date expired, the user wont have access to the content.',
    'subscribes_list_hint_description_2' => 'Subscribe times: Number of classes that the user could subscribe. Days: Subscription plan duration. Popular badge: A badge will be displayed on the package card.',
    'discount_code_hint' => 'Users will use this code to get discount (E.g. Merry_christmas)',
    'new_featured_hint_title_1' => 'Featured Classes Functionality',
    'new_featured_hint_title_2' => 'Featured classes Positions',
    'new_featured_hint_description_1' => 'Featured classes will be displayed different from normal classes to get more views and traffic. All of the featured classes include a "Featured" badge.',
    'new_featured_hint_description_2' => 'They could be displayed at the top of the home page (Featured classes slider) or top of the category page.',
    'is_popular_hint' => 'Turn it on to display "Popular" badge on the card.',
    'promotions_list_hint_title_1' => 'Promotion Plans Functionality',
    'promotions_list_hint_title_2' => 'How to Purchase',
    'promotions_list_hint_title_3' => 'Content Promotion Process',
    'promotions_list_hint_description_1' => 'Instructors will be able to purchase promotion plans for their courses to increase their view by displaying classes in the best viewing positions.',
    'promotions_list_hint_description_2' => 'Instructors can purchase promotion plans from their panel. The instructor should specify the course during the plan purchase process.',
    'promotions_list_hint_description_3' => 'When a user purchased a plan, the admin can add the selected course to best viewing positions using "Featured course" or "Advertising Banners" features.',
    'user_languages_lists_hint' => 'These languages will be displayed for users and they will be able to select one of them.',
    'rtl_languages_hint' => 'Select languages that want to load with RTL style.',
    'minimum_payout_amount_hint' => 'Instructors/Organizations will be able to send payout request when their balance be more than this value.',
    'default_commission_hint' => 'Default comission rate that will be calculated for instructors and organizations.',
    'seo_metas_hint_title_1' => 'SEO Meta Description',
    'seo_metas_hint_title_2' => 'Index/No-index',
    'seo_metas_hint_description_1' => 'Meta description wont be displayed on the page but it will be displayed on the search engine result pages. It should be a 155~160 characters motivational text to encourage users to click on the link.',
    'seo_metas_hint_description_2' => 'Search engine robots and crawlers wont be able to review no-index pages so these pages will be ignored by search engines.',
    'has_lottie_hint' => 'Turn it ON if a Lottie animation file selected (.json)',
    'index' => 'Index',
    'no_index' => 'No Index',
  	'additional_pages_title' => 'Additional Pages',
  	'meetings_list_title' => 'Meetings List',
  	'consultants_list_title' => 'Consultants List',
  	'marketing_dashboard_title' => 'Marketing Dashboard',
  	'general_dashboard_title' => 'Dashboard',
  	'discount_codes_title' => 'Discount Codes',
  	'new_discount_title' => 'New Discount',
  	'edit_discount_title' => 'Edit Discount',
  	'notices_list_title' => 'Notices List',
  	'new_notice_title' => 'New Notice',
  	'offline_payments_title' => 'Offline Payments ',
  	'payouts_title' => 'Payouts ',
   	'reviews_list_title' => 'Reviews List',
   	'settings_title' => 'Settings',
   	'new_product_discount_title' => 'New Class Discount',
   	'edit_product_discount_title' => 'Edit Class Discount',
   	'support_departments_title' => 'Support Departments',
   	'new_support_ticket_title' => 'New Support Ticket',
   	'edit_support_ticket_title' => 'Edit Support Ticket',
   	'staff_list_title' => 'Staff List',

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Sherlock Holmes e-book

Sherlock Holmes e-book

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