shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /sbin/ [ dr-xr-xr-x ]

name : dpkg-fsys-usrunmess
# dpkg-fsys-usrunmess - Undoes the merged-/usr-via-aliased-dirs mess
# Copyright © 2020-2021 Guillem Jover <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(state);

our ($PROGNAME) = $0 =~ m{(?:.*/)?([^/]*)};
our $PROGVERSION = '1.20.9';
our $ADMINDIR = '/var/lib/dpkg';

use POSIX;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config posix_default bundling_values no_ignorecase);

eval q{
    pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.';
    use File::FcntlLock;
if ($@) {
    fatal('missing File::FcntlLock module; please install libfile-fcntllock-perl');

my $opt_noact = length $ENV{DPKG_USRUNMESS_NOACT} ? 1 : 0;
my $opt_prompt = 0;

my @options_spec = (
    'help|?' => sub { usage(); exit 0; },
    'version' => sub { version(); exit 0; },
    'dry-run|no-act|n' => \$opt_noact,
    'prompt|p' => \$opt_prompt,

    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { usageerr($_[0]) };

my @aliased_dirs;

# Scan all dirs under / and check whether any are aliased to /usr.

foreach my $path (glob '/*') {
    debug("checking symlink? $path");
    next unless -l $path;
    debug("checking merged-usr symlink? $path");
    my $symlink = readlink $path;
    next unless $symlink eq "usr$path" or $symlink eq "/usr$path";
    debug("merged-usr breakage, queueing $path");
    push @aliased_dirs, $path;

if (@aliased_dirs == 0) {
    print "System is fine, no aliased directories found, congrats!\n";
    exit 0;

# dpkg consistency checks

debug('checking dpkg database consistency');
system(qw(dpkg --audit)) == 0
    or fatal("cannot audit the dpkg database: $!");

debug('checking whether dpkg has been interrupted');
if (glob "$ADMINDIR/updates/*") {
    fatal('dpkg is in an inconsistent state, please fix that');

my $aliased_regex = '^(' . join('|', @aliased_dirs) . ')/';

# Get a list of all paths (including diversion) under the aliased dirs.

my @search_args;
my %aliased_pathnames;
foreach my $dir (@aliased_dirs) {
    push @search_args, "$dir/*";
open my $fh_paths, '-|', 'dpkg-query', '--search', @search_args
    or fatal("cannot execute dpkg-query --search: $!");
while (<$fh_paths>) {
    if (m/^diversion by [^ ]+ from: .*$/) {
        # Ignore.
    } elsif (m/^diversion by [^ ]+ to: (.*)$/) {
        if (-e $1) {
            add_pathname($1, 'diverted pathname');
    } elsif (m/^.*: (.*)$/) {
        add_pathname($1, 'pathname');
close $fh_paths;

# Get a list of all update-alternatives under the aliased dirs.

my @selections = qx(update-alternatives --get-selections);
foreach my $selection (@selections) {
    my $name = (split(' ', $selection))[0];
    my $slaves = 0;

    open my $fh_alts, '-|', 'update-alternatives', '--query', $name
        or fatal("cannot execute update-alternatives --query: $!");
    while (<$fh_alts>) {
        if (m/^\s*$/) {
        } elsif (m/^Link: (.*)$/) {
            add_pathname($1, 'alternative link');
        } elsif (m/^Slaves:\s*$/) {
            $slaves = 1;
        } elsif ($slaves and m/^\s\S+\s(\S+)$/) {
            add_pathname($1, 'alternative slave');
        } else {
            $slaves = 0;
    close $fh_alts;

my $sroot = '/.usrunmess';
my @relabel;

# Create a shadow hierarchy under / for the new unmessed dir:

debug("creating shadow dir = $sroot");
mkdir $sroot
    or sysfatal("cannot create directory $sroot");
foreach my $dir (@aliased_dirs) {
    debug("creating shadow dir = $sroot$dir");
    mkdir "$sroot$dir"
        or sysfatal("cannot create directory $sroot$dir");
    push @relabel, "$sroot$dir";

# Populate the split dirs with hardlinks or copies of the objects from
# their counter-parts in /usr.

foreach my $pathname (sort keys %aliased_pathnames) {
    my (@meta) = lstat $pathname
        or sysfatal("cannot lstat object $pathname for shadow hierarchy");

    if (-d _) {
        my $mode = $meta[2];
        my ($uid, $gid) = @meta[4, 5];
        my ($atime, $mtime, $ctime) = @meta[8, 9, 10];

        debug("creating shadow dir = $sroot$pathname");
        mkdir "$sroot$pathname"
            or sysfatal("cannot mkdir $sroot$pathname");
        chmod $mode, "$sroot$pathname"
            or sysfatal("cannot chmod $mode $sroot$pathname");
        chown $uid, $gid, "$sroot$pathname"
            or sysfatal("cannot chown $uid $gid $sroot$pathname");
        utime $atime, $mtime, "$sroot$pathname"
            or sysfatal("cannot utime $atime $mtime $sroot$pathname");
        push @relabel, "$sroot$pathname";
    } elsif (-f _) {
        debug("creating shadow file = $sroot$pathname");
        copy("/usr$pathname", "$sroot$pathname");
    } elsif (-l _) {
        my $target = readlink "/usr$pathname";

        debug("creating shadow symlink = $sroot$pathname");
        symlink $target, "$sroot$pathname"
            or sysfatal("cannot symlink $target to $sroot$pathname");
        push @relabel, "$sroot$pathname";
    } else {
        fatal("unhandled object type for '$pathname'");

# Prompt at the point of no return, if the user requested it.

if ($opt_prompt) {
    print "Shadow hierarchy created at '$sroot', ready to proceed (y/N)? ";
    my $reply = <STDIN>;
    chomp $reply;

    if ($reply ne 'y' and $reply ne 'yes') {
        print "Aborting migration, shadow hierarchy left in place.\n";
        exit 0;

# Mark all packages as half-configured so that we can force a mass
# reconfiguration, to trigger any code in maintainer scripts that might
# create files.
# XXX: We do this manually by editing the status file.
# XXX: We do this for packages that might not have maintscripts, or might
#      not involve affected directories.

debug('marking all dpkg packages as half-configured');
if (not $opt_noact) {
    open my $fh_lock, '>', "$ADMINDIR/lock"
        or sysfatal('cannot open dpkg database lock file');
    my $fs = File::FcntlLock->new(l_type => F_WRLCK);
    $fs->lock($fh_lock, F_SETLKW)
        or sysfatal('cannot get a write lock on dpkg database');

    my $file_db = "$ADMINDIR/status";
    my $file_dbnew = $file_db . '.new';

    open my $fh_dbnew, '>', $file_dbnew
        or sysfatal('cannot open new dpkg database');
    open my $fh_db, '<', $file_db
        or sysfatal('cannot open dpkg database');
    while (<$fh_db>) {
        if (m/^Status: /) {
            s/ installed$/ half-configured/;
        print { $fh_dbnew } $_;
    close $fh_db;
    $fh_dbnew->flush() or sysfatal('cannot flush new dpkg database');
    $fh_dbnew->sync() or sysfatal('cannot fsync new dpkg database');
    close $fh_dbnew or sysfatal('cannot close new dpkg database');

    rename $file_dbnew, $file_db
        or sysfatal('cannot rename new dpkg database');

# Replace things as quickly as possible:

foreach my $dir (@aliased_dirs) {
    debug("making dir backup = $dir.aliased");
    if (not $opt_noact) {
        rename $dir, "$dir.aliased"
            or sysfatal("cannot make backup directory $dir.aliased");

    debug("renaming $sroot$dir to $dir");
    if (not $opt_noact) {
        rename "$sroot$dir", $dir
            or sysfatal("cannot install fixed directory $dir");


# Re-configure all packages, so that postinst maintscripts are executed.

debug('reconfigured all packages');
if (not $opt_noact) {
    local $ENV{DEBIAN_FRONTEND} = 'noninteractive';
    system(qw(dpkg --configure --pending)) == 0
        or fatal("cannot reconfigure packages: $!");

# Cleanup backup directories.

foreach my $dir (@aliased_dirs) {
    debug("removing backup = $dir.aliased");
    if (not $opt_noact) {
        unlink "$dir.aliased"
            or sysfatal("cannot cleanup backup directory $dir.aliased");

my %deferred_dirnames;

# Cleanup moved objects.

foreach my $pathname (sort keys %aliased_pathnames) {
    my (@meta) = lstat $pathname
        or sysfatal("cannot lstat object $pathname for cleanup");

    if (-d _) {
        # Skip directories as this might be shared by a proper path under the
        # aliased hierearchy. And so that we can remove them in reverse order.
        debug("deferring merged dir cleanup = /usr$pathname");
        $deferred_dirnames{"/usr$pathname"} = 1;
    } else {
        debug("cleaning up pathname = /usr$pathname");
        next if $opt_noact;
        unlink "/usr$pathname"
            or sysfatal("cannot unlink object /usr$pathname");

# Cleanup deferred directories.

debug("cleaning up shadow deferred dir = $sroot");
my $arg_max = POSIX::sysconf(POSIX::_SC_ARG_MAX) // POSIX::_POSIX_ARG_MAX;
my @batch_dirs;
my $batch_size = 0;

foreach my $dir (keys %deferred_dirnames) {
    my $dir_size = length($dir) + 1;
    if ($batch_size + $dir_size < $arg_max) {
        $batch_size += length($dir) + 1;
        push @batch_dirs, $dir;

    } else {
    next if length $batch_size == 0;

    open my $fh_dirs, '-|', 'dpkg-query', '--search', @batch_dirs
        or fatal("cannot execute dpkg-query --search: $!");
    while (<$fh_dirs>) {
        if (m/^.*: (.*)$/) {
            # If the directory is known by its aliased name, it should not be
            # cleaned up.
            if (exists $deferred_dirnames{$1}) {
                delete $deferred_dirnames{$1};
    close $fh_dirs;

    @batch_dirs = ();
    $batch_size = 0;

if (not $opt_noact) {
    foreach my $dirname (reverse sort keys %deferred_dirnames) {
        rmdir $dirname
            or sysfatal("cannot remove shadow directory $dirname");

if (not $opt_noact) {
    debug("cleaning up shadow root dir = $sroot");
    rmdir $sroot
        or sysfatal("cannot remove shadow directory $sroot");

print "Done, hierarchy unmessed, congrats!\n";

print "(Note: you might need to run 'hash -r' in your shell.)\n";


## Functions

sub debug
    my $msg = shift;

    print { \*STDERR } "D: $msg\n";

sub fatal
    my $msg = shift;

    die "error: $msg\n";

sub sysfatal
    my $msg = shift;

    fatal("$msg: $!");

sub copy
    my ($src, $dst) = @_;

    # Try to hardlink first.
    return if link $src, $dst;

    # If we are on different filesystems, try a copy.
    if ($! == POSIX::EXDEV) {
        # XXX: This will not preserve hardlinks, these would get restored
        # after the next package upgrade.
        system('cp', '-a', $src, $dst) == 0
            or fatal("cannot copy file $src to $dst: $?");
    } else {
        sysfatal("cannot link file $src to $dst");

sub mac_relabel
    my $has_cmd = 0;
    foreach my $path (split /:/, $ENV{PATH}) {
        if (-x "$path/restorecon") {
            $has_cmd = 1;
    return unless $has_cmd;

    foreach my $pathname (@relabel) {
        system('restorecon', $pathname) == 0
            or fatal("cannot restore MAC context for $pathname: $?");

sub add_pathname
    my ($pathname, $origin) = @_;

    if ($pathname =~ m/$aliased_regex/) {
        debug("adding $origin = $pathname");
        $aliased_pathnames{$pathname} = 1;

sub version()
    printf "Debian %s version %s.\n", $PROGNAME, $PROGVERSION;

sub usage
'Usage: %s [<option>...]'
    . "\n\n" .
  -p, --prompt      prompt before the point of no return.
  -n, --no-act      just check and create the new structure, no switch.
      --dry-run     ditto.
  -?, --help        show this help message.
      --version     show the version.'
    . "\n", $PROGNAME;

sub usageerr
    my $msg = shift;

    state $printforhelp = 'Use --help for program usage information.';

    $msg = sprintf $msg, @_ if @_;
    warn "$PROGNAME: error: $msg\n";
    warn "$printforhelp\n";
    exit 2;

© 2025 UnknownSec
Digital Photography | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Digital Photography

Digital Photography

in Design
Created by Waplia
3 Users are following this upcoming course

What you will learn?

How to hold your camera correctly, which helps you to get sharp photos every time.

Which lenses to use for which photos, so that you can best capture a specific subject or scene.

Why and when you should support your camera on tripods and bean bags.

How to take photos in diffused light on overcast days.

Course description

This course is divided into two broad components: first, we cover all the technical aspects, like camera equipment and support, as well as the camera's most important settings. After that we look at the artistic side of photography, which focuses on light, composition, and creativity.

It has been structured in such a way that you won't ever feel overwhelmed by technical jargon, complicated camera functions or obscure principles. The aim is to keep everything as clear and simple as possible, and this was achieved by tackling each important photographic element separately in short and concise lectures that last between 2 and 5 minutes each. The majority of lectures consist of both teacher-style video clips (where I explain a setting, principle or tip) and slides, both of which contain photographic examples and audio (where I interpret each photographic example).


You need a Canon or Nikon DSLR camera (the kind that has interchangable lenses) - any model will do.

You don't need any prior photographic experience.

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