shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /bin/ [ dr-xr-xr-x ]

name : dtrace
# vim: et sta sts=4 sw=4 ts=8

# This handles the systemtap equivalent of
# $(DTRACE) $(DTRACEFLAGS) -G -s $^ -o $@
# $(DTRACE) $(DTRACEFLAGS) -h -s $^ -o $@
# which is a step that builds DTrace provider and probe definitions

# Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Red Hat Inc.
# This file is part of systemtap, and is free software.  You can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any
# later version.

# ignore line too long, missing docstring, method could be a function,
#        too many public methods
# pylint: disable=C0301
# pylint: disable=C0111
# pylint: disable=R0201
# pylint: disable=R0904

import hashlib
import os
import sys
import time
import atexit
from shlex import split
from subprocess import call
    from pyparsing import alphas, cStyleComment, delimitedList, Group, \
        Keyword, lineno, Literal, nestedExpr, nums, oneOf, OneOrMore, \
        Optional, ParseException, ParserElement, restOfLine, restOfLine, \
        Suppress, SkipTo, Word, ZeroOrMore
    HAVE_PYP = True
except ImportError:
    HAVE_PYP = False

# Common file creation methods for pyparsing and string pattern matching

class _HeaderCreator(object):
    def init_semaphores(self, fdesc):
        # dummy declaration just to make the object file non-empty
        fdesc.write("/* Generated by the Systemtap dtrace wrapper */\n\n")
        fdesc.write("static void __dtrace (void) __attribute__((unused));\n")
        fdesc.write("static void __dtrace (void) {}\n")
        fdesc.write("\n#include <sys/sdt.h>\n\n")

    def init_probes(self, fdesc):
        fdesc.write("/* Generated by the Systemtap dtrace wrapper */\n\n")
        fdesc.write("\n#define _SDT_HAS_SEMAPHORES 1\n\n")
        fdesc.write("\n#define STAP_HAS_SEMAPHORES 1 /* deprecated */\n\n")
        fdesc.write("\n#include <sys/sdt.h>\n\n")

    def add_semaphore(self, this_provider, this_probe):
        # NB: unsigned short is fixed in ABI
        semaphores_def = '\n#if defined STAP_SDT_V1\n'
        semaphores_def += '#define %s_%s_semaphore %s_semaphore\n' % \
                          (this_provider, this_probe, this_probe)
        semaphores_def += '#endif\n'
        semaphores_def += '#if defined STAP_SDT_V1 || defined STAP_SDT_V2 \n'
        semaphores_def += "__extension__ unsigned short %s_%s_semaphore __attribute__ ((unused)) __attribute__ ((section (\".probes\")));\n" % \
            (this_provider, this_probe)
        semaphores_def += '#else\n'
        semaphores_def += "__extension__ unsigned short %s_%s_semaphore __attribute__ ((unused)) __attribute__ ((section (\".probes\"))) __attribute__ ((visibility (\"hidden\")));\n" % \
            (this_provider, this_probe)
        semaphores_def += '#endif\n'
        return semaphores_def

    def add_probe(self, this_provider, this_probe, args):
        stap_str = ""
        this_probe_canon = this_provider.upper() + "_" + this_probe.replace("__", "_").upper()
        define_str = "#define %s(" % (this_probe_canon)
        comment_str = "/* %s (" % (this_probe_canon)

        if len(args) == 0:
            stap_str += "DTRACE_PROBE ("
            stap_str += "DTRACE_PROBE%d (" % len(args)
        stap_str += "%s, %s" % (this_provider, this_probe)
        i = 0
        while i < len(args):
            if i != 0:
                define_str += ", "
                comment_str += ","
            define_str = define_str + "arg%s" % (i + 1)
            stap_str = stap_str + ", arg%s" % (i + 1)
            for argi in args[i]:
                if len(argi) > 0:
                    comment_str += " %s" % argi
            i += 1
        stap_str += ")"
        comment_str += " ) */"
        define_str += ") \\\n"
        probe_def = '%s\n' % (comment_str)
        probe_def += ('#if defined STAP_SDT_V1\n')
        probe_def += ('#define %s_ENABLED() __builtin_expect (%s_semaphore, 0)\n' % \
                      (this_probe_canon, this_probe))
        probe_def += ('#define %s_%s_semaphore %s_semaphore\n' % \
                      (this_provider, this_probe, this_probe))
        probe_def += ('#else\n')
        probe_def += ('#define %s_ENABLED() __builtin_expect (%s_%s_semaphore, 0)\n' % \
                      (this_probe_canon, this_provider, this_probe))
        probe_def += ('#endif\n')
        # NB: unsigned short is fixed in ABI
        probe_def += ("__extension__ extern unsigned short %s_%s_semaphore __attribute__ ((unused)) __attribute__ ((section (\".probes\")));\n" % \
                      (this_provider, this_probe))
        probe_def += (define_str + stap_str + "\n\n")
        return probe_def

# Parse using pyparsing if it is available

class _PypProvider(_HeaderCreator):
    def __init__(self):
        self.ast = []
        self.bnf = None
        self.dtrace_statements = None

    def dtrace_bnf(self):
        self.current_probe = ""
        if self.dtrace_statements is not None:
        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \f\r\n\t\v')
        ident = Word(alphas+"_", alphas+nums+"_$")
        probe_ident = Word(alphas+nums+"_$")
        semi = Literal(";").suppress()
        integer = Word( nums )
        lbrace = Literal("{").suppress()
        rbrace = Literal("}").suppress()
        type_name = ident
        varname = ident
        PROBE = Keyword("probe")
        PROVIDER = Keyword("provider")
        array_size = integer | ident  
        varname_spec = varname + Optional("[" + array_size + "]")
        struct_decl = Group(oneOf("struct union") + varname + Suppress(nestedExpr('{','}')) + semi)
        enum_decl = Group("enum" + varname + Suppress(nestedExpr('{','}')) + semi)
        member_decl = Group((Optional(oneOf("struct unsigned const")) + type_name + Optional(Keyword("const")))
                            + Optional(Word("*"), default="") + Optional(varname_spec))
        struct_typedef = Group(Literal("typedef") + Literal("struct") + varname
                               + Suppress(nestedExpr('{','}'))) + Optional(varname) + semi
        typedef = ZeroOrMore("typedef" + (member_decl)) + semi
        decls = OneOrMore(struct_typedef | struct_decl | typedef | enum_decl)
        def memoize_probe(instring, loc, tokens):
            self.current_probe = tokens[0][1]
            self.current_lineno = lineno(loc,instring)
        probe_decl = Group(PROBE + probe_ident + "(" + Optional(Group(delimitedList(member_decl))) + ")" + Optional(Group(Literal(":") + "(" + Optional(Group(delimitedList(member_decl))) + ")")) + Optional(semi))
        probe_decls = OneOrMore(probe_decl)

        provider_decl = (PROVIDER + Optional(ident)
                         + lbrace + Group(probe_decls) + rbrace + Optional(semi))
        dtrace_statement = Group (SkipTo("provider", include=False) + provider_decl)
        self.dtrace_statements = ZeroOrMore(dtrace_statement)

        cplusplus_linecomment = Literal("//") + restOfLine
        cpp_linecomment = Literal("#") + restOfLine


        self.bnf = self.dtrace_statements

    def semaphore_write(self, fdesc):
        semaphores_def = ""
        for asti in self.ast:
            if len(asti) == 0:
            # ignore SkipTo token
            if asti[0] != "provider":
                del asti[0]
            if asti[0] == "provider":
                # list of probes
                for prb in asti[2]:
                    semaphores_def += self.add_semaphore(asti[1], prb[1])

    def probe_write(self, provider, header):
        hdr = open(header, mode='w')
                self.ast = self.bnf.parseFile(provider, parseAll=True).asList()
            except TypeError:
                # pyparsing-1.5.0 does not support parseAll
                self.ast = self.bnf.parseFile(provider).asList()
        except ParseException:
            err = sys.exc_info()[1]
            if len(self.current_probe):
                print("Warning: %s:%s:%d: syntax error near:\nprobe %s\n" % (sys.argv[0], provider, self.current_lineno, self.current_probe))
                print("Warning: %s:%s:%d syntax error near:\n%s\n" % (sys.argv[0], provider, err.lineno, err.line))
            raise err
        probes_def = ""
        for asti in self.ast:
            if len(asti) == 0:
            # ignore SkipTo token
            if asti[0] != "provider":
                del asti[0]
            if asti[0] == "provider":
                # list of probes
                for prb in asti[2]:
                    if prb[3] == ')': # No parsed argument list
                        alist = []
                        alist = prb[3]
                    probes_def += self.add_probe(asti[1], prb[1], alist)

# Parse using regular expressions if pyparsing is not available

class _ReProvider(_HeaderCreator):
    def __init__(self):
        self.semaphores_def = "\n"
        self.provider = []

    def __semaphore_append(self, this_probe):
        self.semaphores_def += self.add_semaphore(self.provider, this_probe)

    def semaphore_write(self, fdesc):

    def probe_write(self, provider, header):
        have_provider = False
        fdesc = open(provider)
        hdr = open(header, mode='w')
        in_comment = False
        probes_def = ""
        while True:
            line = fdesc.readline()
            if line == "":
            if line.find("/*") != -1:
                in_comment = True
            if line.find("*/") != -1:
                in_comment = False
            if in_comment:
            if line.find("provider") != -1:
                tokens = line.split()
                have_provider = True
                self.provider = tokens[1]
            elif have_provider and line.find("probe ") != -1:
                while line.find(")") < 0:
                    line += fdesc.readline()
                this_probe = line[line.find("probe ")+5:line.find("(")].strip()
                argstr = (line[line.find("(")+1:line.find(")")])
                arg = ""
                i = 0
                args = []
                while i < len(argstr):
                    if argstr[i:i+1] == ",":
                        arg = ""
                        arg = arg + argstr[i]
                    i += 1
                if len(arg) > 0:
                probes_def += self.add_probe(self.provider, this_probe, args)
            elif line.find("}") != -1 and have_provider:
                have_provider = False

def mktemp_determ(sources, suffix):
    # for reproducible-builds purposes, use a predictable tmpfile path
    sha = hashlib.sha256()
    for source in sources:
    fname = ".dtrace-temp." + sha.hexdigest()[:8] + suffix
    tries = 0
    while True:
        tries += 1
        if tries > 100: # if file exists due to previous crash or whatever
            raise Exception("cannot create temporary file \""+fname+"\"")
            wxmode = 'x' if sys.version_info > (3,0) else 'wx'
            fdesc = open(fname, mode=wxmode)
        except FileExistsError:
            time.sleep(0.1) # vague estimate of elapsed time for concurrent identical gcc job
            pass # Try again

    return fdesc, fname

def usage():
    print("Usage " + sys.argv[0] + " [--help] [-h | -G] [-C [-I<Path>]] -s File.d [-o <File>]")

def dtrace_help():
    print("Where -h builds a systemtap header file from the .d file")
    print("      -C when used with -h, also run cpp preprocessor")
    print("      -o specifies an explicit output file name,")
    print("         the default for -G is file.o and -h is file.h")
    print("      -I when running cpp pass through this -I include Path")
    print("      -s specifies the name of the .d input file")
    print("      -G builds a stub file.o from file.d,")
    print("         which is required by some packages that use dtrace.")

# main

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        return 1

    global HAVE_PYP
    i = 1
    build_header = False
    build_source = False
    keep_temps = False
    use_cpp = False
    suffix = ""
    filename = ""
    s_filename = ""
    includes = []
    defines = []
    ignore_options = ["-64", "-32", "-fpic", "-fPIC"]
    ignore_options2 = ["-x"] # with parameter

    while i < len(sys.argv):
        if sys.argv[i] == "-o":
            i += 1
            filename = sys.argv[i]
        elif sys.argv[i] == "-s":
            i += 1
            s_filename = sys.argv[i]
        elif sys.argv[i] == "-C":
            use_cpp = True
        elif sys.argv[i].startswith("-D"):
        elif sys.argv[i] == "-h":
            build_header = True
            suffix = ".h"
        elif sys.argv[i].startswith("-I"):
        elif sys.argv[i] == "-G":
            build_source = True
            suffix = ".o"
        elif sys.argv[i] == "-k":
            keep_temps = True
        elif sys.argv[i] == "--no-pyparsing":
            HAVE_PYP = False
        elif sys.argv[i] == "--types":
            print(sys.argv[0] + ": note: obsolete option --types used")
        elif sys.argv[i] in ignore_options:
            pass                # dtrace users sometimes pass these flags
        elif sys.argv[i] in ignore_options2:
            i += 1
            pass                # dtrace users sometimes pass these flags
        elif sys.argv[i] == "--help":
        elif sys.argv[i][0] == "-":
            print(sys.argv[0], "invalid option", sys.argv[i])
            return 1
        i += 1
    if not build_header and not build_source:
        return 1

    if s_filename != "" and use_cpp:
        (ignore, fname) = mktemp_determ(["use_cpp", s_filename], suffix=".d")
        cpp = os.environ.get("CPP", "cpp")
        retcode = call(split(cpp) + includes + defines + [s_filename, '-o', fname])
        if retcode != 0:
            print("\"cpp includes s_filename\" failed")
            return 1
        s_filename = fname
    if filename == "":
        if s_filename != "":
            (filename, ignore) = os.path.splitext(s_filename)
            filename = os.path.basename(filename)
            return 1
        suffix = ""

    if build_header:
        if HAVE_PYP:
            providers = _PypProvider()
            providers = _ReProvider()
        while True:
                providers.probe_write(s_filename, filename + suffix)
            # complex C declarations can fool the pyparsing grammar.  
            # we could increase the complexity of the grammar
            # instead we fall back to string pattern matching
            except ParseException:
                err = sys.exc_info()[1]
                print("Warning: Proceeding as if --no-pyparsing was given.\n")
                providers = _ReProvider()
    elif build_source:
        if HAVE_PYP:
            providers = _PypProvider()
            providers = _ReProvider()
        (fdesc, fname) = mktemp_determ(["build_source", s_filename], suffix=".h")
        while True:
                providers.probe_write(s_filename, fname)
            except ParseException:
                err = sys.exc_info()[1]
                print("Warning: Proceeding as if --no-pyparsing was given.\n")
                providers = _ReProvider()
        if not keep_temps:
            print("header: " + fname)

        (fdesc, fname) = mktemp_determ(["build_source", s_filename, filename], suffix=".c")
        if not keep_temps:
            atexit.register(os.remove, fname) # delete generated source at exit, even if error
        cc1 = os.environ.get("CC", "gcc")
        cflags = "-g " + os.environ.get("CFLAGS", "").replace('\\\n', ' ').replace('\\\r',' ')
        # sanitize any embedded \n etc. goo; PR21063
        retcode = call(split(cc1) + defines + includes + split(cflags) +
             ["-fPIC", "-I.", "-I/usr/include", "-c", fname, "-o",
              filename + suffix], shell=False)
        if retcode != 0:
            print("\"gcc " + fname + "\" failed")
            return 1
        if keep_temps:
            print("source: " + fname)

    if use_cpp:
        if not keep_temps:
            print("cpp: " + s_filename)

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Local Variables:
# mode: python
# End:

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Python for Beginners

Python for Beginners

in Web Development
Created by Robert Ransdell
3 Users are following this upcoming course

What you will learn?

To learn the python language

To learn the CORE skills to understand any programming language

Course description

This python for beginners course is geared to students who want to know how python works and also to those totally new to programming.

The python language has very simple syntax(way to write it) to learn and it is one of the most powerful languages to learn since it can be used for a variety of things.

Jobs in this field are really lucrative and knowing this language will give you an edge when finding a job and making a lot more money than other developers; python developers are not as many as in other languages since people think is hard. Python is super easy to learn but very powerful since it contains many possibilities.

Python is growing faster and faster every day and it has surpassed many other languages over the years for a lot of reasons, which you will find out soon enough.


NO programming knowledge required


This course starts with explaining what programming really is? Have you ever wondered how things actually work in a program?

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