shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /bin/ [ dr-xr-xr-x ]

name : sg_persist
ELF>0<@��@8@@@@hh����h�h 0k0k 0k �� �l�l �l ���  ���DDS�td���  P�td�f�f�fTTQ�tdR�td0k0k 0k ��/lib64/�GNUGNUD�]'z?ek��E�أ,�D!�,.0BE���|fUa�qX2�����q� ������$0h��]�V��. N����hWrF;�0= I�7"��v�v �w ��v }�v �v �v
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����1��������H�=	1����1�����D$�E
f��f�E�����fDAWAVAUATUSH���G����L�g@I��E1�1�M���)fD���D9�vA����I��A9]~G��BA���<u�A�F�f��������M���D9�NA��I��A9]�H��D��[]A\A]A^A_�f�Ic��L��L������r����Ic�Hc�L��L������E1���H��H�=�	1����H�=�1�H���|��f.�f���AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%�' UH�-�' SL)�H������H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF%d,%d 	,i,0xiSCSI name too long, alen=%d
maxlenalloc-lengthow%lxbad argument to '--param-rk'
bad argument to '--%s'
file=FILE=%s: unable to open %s
0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF ,	%s: array length exceeded
0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF, %s: error at pos %d
0.66 20180615version: %s
No device name given
      sg_persist  %.8s  %.16s  %.4s
  Peripheral device type: %s
%s: SCSI INQUIRY failed on %sSG_PERSIST_IN_RDONLYservice action=0x%xPR in (%s): %s
Report capabilities response:  Type Mask Valid(TMV): %d
  Allow Commands: %d
      %s: %d
Exclusive AccessWrite Exclusive  PR generation=0x%x, Additional length=%d
Reservation follows:    Key=0x%lx
there is NO reservation held  PR generation=0x%x
  No full status descriptors      scope: LU_SCOPE,       scope: %d       not reservation holderPR out (%s): %s
sg_persist failed: Some error occurred [%d]
close error: %s
obsolete [0]obsolete [2]obsolete [4]obsolete [9]obsolete [0xa]obsolete [0xb]obsolete [0xc]obsolete [0xd]obsolete [0xe]obsolete [0xf]RegisterReserveReleaseClearPreemptPreempt and abortRegister and moveReplace lost reservation[reserved 0x9]Read keysRead reservationReport capabilitiesRead full status[reserved 0x4][reserved 0x5][reserved 0x6][reserved 0x7]alloc_lengthcleardevicehelphexinno-inquiryno_inquiryoutparam-alltgptparam_alltgptparam-aptplparam_aptplparam-rkparam_rkparam-sarkparam_sarkparam-unregparam_unregpreemptpreempt-abortpreempt_abortprout-typeprout_typeread-full-statusread_full_statusread-keysread_keysreadonlyread-reservationread_reservationread-statusread_statusregisterregister-ignoreregister_ignoreregister-moveregister_movereleaserelative-target-portrelative_target_portreplace-lostreplace_lostreport-capabilitiesreport_capabilitiesreservetransport-idtransport_idverboseversionbadly formed symbolic SAS TransportID: %s
badly formed symbolic SPI TransportID: %s
badly formed symbolic FCP TransportID: %s
badly formed symbolic SBP TransportID: %s
badly formed symbolic SRP TransportID: %s
badly formed symbolic SOP TransportID: %s
unable to parse symbolic TransportID: %s
Usage: sg_persist [OPTIONS] [DEVICE]
  where the main OPTIONS are:
    --clear|-C                 PR Out: Clear
    --help|-h                  print usage message, twice for more
    --in|-i                    request PR In command (default)
    --out|-o                   request PR Out command
    --param-rk=RK|-K RK        PR Out parameter reservation key
                               (RK is in hex)
    --param-sark=SARK|-S SARK    PR Out parameter service action
                                 reservation key (SARK is in hex)
    --preempt|-P               PR Out: Preempt
    --preempt-abort|-A         PR Out: Preempt and Abort
    --prout-type=TYPE|-T TYPE    PR Out type field (see '-hh')
    --read-full-status|-s      PR In: Read Full Status
    --read-keys|-k             PR In: Read Keys (default)
    --read-reservation|-r      PR In: Read Reservation
    --read-status|-s           PR In: Read Full Status
    --register|-G              PR Out: Register
    --register-ignore|-I       PR Out: Register and Ignore
    --register-move|-M         PR Out: Register and Move
                               for '--register-move'
    --release|-L               PR Out: Release
    --replace-lost|-x          PR Out: Replace Lost Reservation
    --report-capabilities|-c   PR In: Report Capabilities
    --reserve|-R               PR Out: Reserve
    --unreg|-U                 optional with PR Out Register and Move

Performs a SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVE (IN or OUT) command. Invoking
'sg_persist DEVICE' will do a PR In Read Keys command. Use '-hh'
for more options and TYPE meanings.
AcCd:GHhiIkK:l:Lm:MnoPQ:rRsS:T:UvVX:yYzZ'--%s' argument exceeds maximum value (%d)
bad argument to '--relative-target-port'
argument to '--relative-target-port' 0 to ffff inclusive
bad argument to '--param-sark'
bad argument to '--prout-type'
%s: carry_over error ['%s'] around line %d
%s: syntax error at line %d, pos %d
%s: hex number larger than 0xff in line %d, pos %d
%s: error in line %d, at pos %d
%s: hex number larger than 0xff at pos %d
bad argument to '--transport-id'
unrecognised switch code 0x%x ??
Unexpected extra argument: %s
Usage: sg_persist [OPTIONS] [DEVICE]
  where the other OPTIONS are:
    --alloc-length=LEN|-l LEN    allocation length hex value (used with
                                 PR In only) (default: 8192 (2000 in hex))
    --device=DEVICE|-d DEVICE    supply DEVICE as an option rather than
                                 an argument
    --hex|-H                   output response in hex (for PR In commands)
    --maxlen=LEN|-m LEN        allocation length in decimal, by default.
                               like --alloc-len= (def: 8192, 8k, 2000h)
    --no-inquiry|-n            skip INQUIRY (default: do INQUIRY)
    --param-alltgpt|-Y         PR Out parameter 'ALL_TG_PT'
    --param-aptpl|-Z           PR Out parameter 'APTPL'
    --readonly|-y              open DEVICE read-only (def: read-write)
    --relative-target-port=RTPI|-Q RTPI    relative target port identifier
    --transport-id=TIDS|-X TIDS    one or more TransportIDs can
                                   be given in several forms
    --verbose|-v               output additional debug information
    --version|-V               output version string

For the main options use '--help' or '-h' once.

PR Out TYPE field value meanings:
  0:    obsolete (was 'read shared' in SPC)
  1:    write exclusive
  2:    obsolete (was 'read exclusive')
  3:    exclusive access
  4:    obsolete (was 'shared access')
  5:    write exclusive, registrants only
  6:    exclusive access, registrants only
  7:    write exclusive, all registrants
  8:    exclusive access, all registrants
Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
choose '--in' _or_ '--out' (not both)
>> For Persistent Reserve Out one and only one appropriate
>> service action must be chosen (e.g. '--register')
>> When a service action for Persistent Reserve Out is chosen the
>> '--out' option must be given (as a safeguard)
>> No service action given; assume Persistent Reserve In command
>> with Read Keys service action
Too many service actions given; choose one only
--unreg or --relative-target-port only useful with --register-move
with --register-move one (and only one) --transport-id should be given
warning>>> --prout-type probably needs to be given
number of tranport-ids decoded from command line (or stdin): %d
  Decode given transport-ids:
%s: error opening file (ro): %s: %s
  Peripheral device type: 0x%x
%s: error opening file %s (r%s): %s
%s: unable to allocate %d bytes on heap
PR in (%s): command not supported
PR in (%s): bad field in cdb or parameter list (perhaps unsupported service action)
Unexpected response for PRIN Report Capabilities
  Replace Lost Reservation Capable(RLR_C): %d
  Compatible Reservation Handling(CRH): %d
  Specify Initiator Ports Capable(SIP_C): %d
  All Target Ports Capable(ATP_C): %d
  Persist Through Power Loss Capable(PTPL_C): %d
  Persist Through Power Loss Active(PTPL_A): %d
    Support indicated in Type mask:Write Exclusive, all registrantsExclusive Access, registrants onlyWrite Exclusive, registrants onlyExclusive Access, all registrantsAdditional length too large=%d, truncate
1 registered reservation key follows:%d registered reservation keys follow:
there are NO registered reservation keys  So there are no registered IT nexuses      All target ports bit set      All target ports bit clear      Relative port address: 0x%x
      << Reservation holder >>PR out (register and move): command not supported
PR out (register and move): bad field in cdb or parameter list (perhaps unsupported service action)
PR out (register and move): %s
PR out: 'register and move' command successful
PR out (%s): command not supported
PR out (%s): bad field in cdb or parameter list (perhaps unsupported service action)
PR out: command (%s) successful
Register and ignore existing key����y���d���y���O���y���y���y���:���-������y���ؽ��ý������y���y�������G���2����������������y���9�����������y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���t���c���y���y���y���ٹ��Ϲ��y���N�������,���"���y���y���
�������y���y�����y���y�����������prout_workprout_reg_move_workprin_workdecode_file_tidsbuild_transportid;P	������������\���l|����������D����L��$zRx���/D$4�����FJw�?:*3$"\��p0t���:B�E�D �G0	
 AABAH�����B�B�B �B(�A0�A8�D@�
8D0A(B BBBJ�`��$D[|����{F�B�B �B(�A0�A8�G� L�@L�K'
8A0A(B BBBA*�KB�KW�KA�K�	�KB�KM�KA�KD����eF�E�E �E(�H0�H8�G@n8A0A(B BBB� ��=�<@k �GlF�G[F�G�a�apa�a�G�GHHH.H=HLHUH]HeHkHsHe�H�H�H�H�H�H�H�HII,Ih�
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Python for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Python for Beginners

Python for Beginners

in Web Development
Created by Robert Ransdell
3 Users are following this upcoming course

What you will learn?

To learn the python language

To learn the CORE skills to understand any programming language

Course description

This python for beginners course is geared to students who want to know how python works and also to those totally new to programming.

The python language has very simple syntax(way to write it) to learn and it is one of the most powerful languages to learn since it can be used for a variety of things.

Jobs in this field are really lucrative and knowing this language will give you an edge when finding a job and making a lot more money than other developers; python developers are not as many as in other languages since people think is hard. Python is super easy to learn but very powerful since it contains many possibilities.

Python is growing faster and faster every day and it has surpassed many other languages over the years for a lot of reasons, which you will find out soon enough.


NO programming knowledge required


This course starts with explaining what programming really is? Have you ever wondered how things actually work in a program?

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