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5q �5�H�=�C�Ϻ��H���w�����������H��H�yE1ɾ�PA�dL��EH�&F�d���H��H�ME1ɾ�PA�dL�"EH��E�8���D��AVAUATUSH����I��A���й��H��H���\�-H���7���H��H�����H�x�
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H�B0�D��SH�OH��H��CH�=�k �1��f���H��[��AUATUSH��H��tTI��H��tkH���H�_L�-�BH��t,�(tH�HH��tL��L��1�����H��H�C�H��u�H��[]A\A]�H�
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���I�H�G=������1�A�����H�=cd H��=��������H�
@�TH�5�:H�=;����SH��tH��H� H��t�e���H��[�\���H�
�>�wH�5(:H�=O:�:���f.���AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%�M UH�-�M SL)�H�����H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���--help--help-all--help---version--list-key-data--check-key-data--list-transforms--check-transforms--keys--sign--verify--sign-tmpl--encrypt--decrypt--encrypt-tmplemptysame-doclocalremoteError: failed to parse "%s"

wb1.0Error: failed to create doc
ref1//*[@Id='object1']intersectobject1This is signed dataError: signature failed 
Error: xml data is null
Error: xml filename is null
Error: reference ctx is null
Hello, World!Error: unknown command "%s"
1.2.25xmlsec1%s %s (%s)
Error: invalid parameters
default	Error: initialization failed
aesdeshmacRegistered key data klasses:
Key data "%s" found
Transforms "%s" found
Error: invalid command %d
--insecure--X509-skip-strict-checks--depth--verification-time--untrusted-der--trusted-der--untrusted-pem--untrusted--trusted-pem--trusted--pubkey-cert-der--pubkey-cert-pem--pubkey-cert--pkcs12--xml-data--binary-data--binary--enable-visa3d-hack--enabled-reference-uris--store-signatures--store-references--ignore-manifests--xxe--id-attr--print-xml-debug--print-debug--dtd-file--node-xpath--node-name--node-id--output-o--session-key--enabled-key-data--pwd--hmackey--deskey--aeskey--pubkey-der--pubkey-pem--pubkey--pkcs8-der--privkey-p8-der--pkcs8-pem--privkey-p8-pem--privkey-der--privkey-pem--privkey--keys-file-k--gen-key-g--print-crypto-error-msgs--disable-error-msgs--repeat-r--crypto-config--crypto-hError: invalid uri type: "%s"
Error: invalid value for option "%s".
Error: key data "%s" is unknown.
Error: failed to enable key data "%s".
Error: failed to prepare key info context
Error: failed to generate a session key "%s"
Error: duplicate ID attribute "%s"
Error: failed to open file "%s"
Error: both result doc and result buffer are null
Error: dsig context initialization failed
Error: dsig context preparation failed
Error: failed to create Signature node
Error: failed to find SignatureMethod node
Error: failed to set hmac length
Error: failed to add Reference node
Error: failed to add XPath transform
Error: failed to set XPath expression
Error: failed to add Object node
Error: failed to add KeyInfo node
Error: failed to add KeyName node
Error: failed to open output file "%s"
Error: failed to create xml data
Error: failed to parse xml file "%s"
Error: failed to parse dtd file "%s"
Error: failed to duplicate string "%s"
Error: failed to add ID attribute "%s" for node "%s"
Error: failed to find node with id="%s"
Error: failed to duplicate node "%s"
Error: failed to find node with name="%s"
Error: failed to find root node
Error: failed to create xpath context
Error: failed to register namespace "%s"
Error: failed to evaluate xpath expression
Error: xpath expression evaluation does not return a single node as expected
Error: failed to get root element
Error: failed to find default node with name="%s"
Error: failed to load template "%s"
Error: failed to load document "%s"
SignedInfo References (ok/all): %d/%d
Manifests References (ok/all): %d/%d
Error: enc context initialization failed
Error: enc context preparation failed
Error: failed to encrypt file "%s"
Error: failed to load file "%s"
Error: failed to encrypt xml file "%s"
Error: encryption data not specified (use "--xml" or "--binary" options)
Error: failed to decrypt file
Error: failed to encryption template
Error: failed to add CipherValue node
Error: failed to encrypt data
Error: <file> parameter is required for this command
Error: xmlsec intialization failed.
Error: loaded xmlsec library version is not compatible.
Error: unable to load xmlsec-%s library. Make sure that you have
this it installed, check shared libraries path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
envornment variable or use "--crypto" option to specify different
crypto engine.
Error: xmlsec crypto intialization failed.
Error: keys manager already initialized.
Error: failed to create keys manager.
Error: failed to initialize keys manager.
Error: failed to generate key "%s".
Error: failed to load xml keys file "%s".
Error: failed to load private key from "%s".
Error: failed to load public key from "%s".
Error: failed to load aes key from "%s".
Error: failed to load des key from "%s".
Error: failed to load hmac key from "%s".
Error: failed to load pkcs12 key from "%s".
Error: failed to load trusted cert from "%s".
Error: failed to load untrusted cert from "%s".
Error: keys manager creation failed
Error: key data "%s" not found
Registered transform klasses:
Error: transform "%s" not found
Error: failed to save keys to file "%s"
Error: failed to sign file "%s"
Error: failed to verify file "%s"
Error: failed to create and sign template
Error: failed to encrypt file with template "%s"
Error: failed to decrypt file "%s"
Error: failed to create and encrypt template
Executed %d tests in %ld msec
Error: xmlsec crypto shutdown failed.
Error: xmlsec shutdown failed.
	do not verify certificates--X509-skip-strict-checks
	skip strict checking of X509 data--depth <number>
	maximum certificates chain depth--verification-time <time>
	the local time in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format
	used certificates verification--untrusted-der <file>
	load untrusted certificate from DER file <file>--trusted-der <file>
	load trusted (root) certificate from DER file <file>--untrusted-pem <file>
	load untrusted certificate from PEM file <file>--trusted-pem <file>
	load trusted (root) certificate from PEM file <file>--pubkey-cert-der[:<name>] <file>
	load public key from DER cert file--pubkey-cert-pem[:<name>] <file>
	load public key from PEM cert file--pkcs12[:<name>] <file>
	load load private key from pkcs12 file <file>--xml-data <file>
	XML <file> to encrypt--binary-data <file>
	binary <file> to encrypt--enabled-cipher-reference-uris--enabled-cipher-reference-uris <list>
	comma separated list of of the following values:
	"empty", "same-doc", "local","remote" to restrict possible URI
	attribute values for the <enc:CipherReference> element--enable-visa3d-hack
	enables Visa3D protocol specific hack for URI attributes processing
	when we are trying not to use XPath/XPointer engine; this is a hack
	and I don't know what else might be broken in your application when
	you use it (also check "--id-attr" option because you might need it)--enabled-reference-uris <list>
	comma separated list of of the following values:
	"empty", "same-doc", "local","remote" to restrict possible URI
	attribute values for the <dsig:Reference> element--store-signatures
	store and print the result of <dsig:Signature> processing
	just before calculating signature--store-references
	store and print the result of <dsig:Reference/> element processing
	just before calculating digest--ignore-manifests
	do not process <dsig:Manifest> elements--xxe
	enable External Entity resolution.
	WARNING: this may allow the reading of arbitrary files and URLs,
	controlled by the input XML document.  Use with caution!--id-attr[:<attr-name>] [<node-namespace-uri>:]<node-name>
	adds attributes <attr-name> (default value "id") from all nodes
	with<node-name> and namespace <node-namespace-uri> to the list of
	known ID attributes; this is a hack and if you can use DTD or schema
	to declare ID attributes instead (see "--dtd-file" option),
	I don't know what else might be broken in your application when
	you use this hack--print-xml-debug
	print debug information to stdout in xml format--print-debug
	print debug information to stdout--dtd-file <file>
	load the specified file as the DTD--node-xpath <expr>
	set the operation start point to the first node
	selected by the specified XPath expression--node-name [<namespace-uri>:]<name>
	set the operation start point to the first node
	with given <name> and <namespace> URI--node-id <id>
	set the operation start point to the node with given <id>--output <filename>
	write result document to file <filename>--session-key <keyKlass>-<keySize>
	generate new session <keyKlass> key of <keySize> bits size
	(for example, "--session des-192" generates a new 192 bits
	DES key for DES3 encryption)--enabled-retrieval-method-uris--enabled-retrieval-uris <list>
	comma separated list of of the following values:
	"empty", "same-doc", "local","remote" to restrict possible URI
	attribute values for the <dsig:RetrievalMethod> element.--enabled-key-data <list>
	comma separated list of enabled key data (list of 
	registered key data klasses is available with "--list-key-data"
	command); by default, all registered key data are enabled--pwd <password>
	the password to use for reading keys and certs--hmackey[:<name>] <file>
	load HMAC key from binary file <file>--deskey[:<name>] <file>
	load DES key from binary file <file>--aeskey[:<name>] <file>
	load AES key from binary file <file>--pubkey-der[:<name>] <file>
	load public key from DER file--pubkey-pem[:<name>] <file>
	load public key from PEM file--pkcs8-der[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
	load private key from PKCS8 DER file and DER certificates
	that verify this key--pkcs8-pem[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
	load private key from PKCS8 PEM file and PEM certificates
	that verify this key--privkey-der[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
	load private key from DER file and certificates
	that verify this key--privkey-pem[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
	load private key from PEM file and certificates
	that verify this key--keys-file <file>
	load keys from XML file--gen-key[:<name>] <keyKlass>-<keySize>
	generate new <keyKlass> key of <keySize> bits size,
	set the key name to <name> and add the result to keys
	manager (for example, "--gen:mykey rsa-1024" generates
	a new 1024 bits RSA key and sets it's name to "mykey")--print-crypto-error-msgs
	print errors stack at the end--disable-error-msgs
	do not print xmlsec error messages--repeat <number>
	repeat the operation <number> times--crypto-config <path>
	path to crypto engine configuration--crypto <name>
	the name of the crypto engine to use from the following
	list: openssl, mscrypto, nss, gnutls, gcrypt (if no crypto engine is
	specified then the default one is used)--help
	print help information about the command��������ǡ��ӡ��ߡ�����������������'���3���Ҡ����������ޑ��/�������P���=�����������o���ʏ��{���b���Usage: xmlsec check-transforms <transform-name> [<transform-name> ... ]
Checks the given transforms against the list of known transform klasses
Usage: xmlsec list-transforms
Prints the list of known transform klasses
Usage: xmlsec check-key-data <key-data-name> [<key-data-name> ... ]
Checks the given key-data against the list of known key-data klasses
Usage: xmlsec list-key-data
Prints the list of known key data klasses
Usage: xmlsec decrypt [<options>] <file>
Decrypts XML Encryption data in the <file>
Usage: xmlsec encrypt [<options>]
Creates a simple dynamic template and calculates XML Encryption
Usage: xmlsec encrypt [<options>] <file>
Encrypts data and creates XML Encryption using template file <file>
Usage: xmlsec sign-tmpl [<options>]
Creates a simple dynamic template and calculates XML Digital Signature
(for testing only).
Usage: xmlsec verify [<options>] <file>
Verifies XML Digital Signature in the <file>
Usage: xmlsec sign [<options>] <file>
Calculates XML Digital Signature using template file <file>
Usage: xmlsec keys [<options>] <file>
Creates a new XML keys file <file>
Usage: xmlsec version
Prints version information and exits
  --sign      	sign data and output XML document
  --verify    	verify signed document
  --sign-tmpl 	create and sign dynamicaly generated signature template
  --encrypt   	encrypt data and output XML document
  --decrypt   	decrypt data from XML document
Usage: xmlsec <command> [<options>] [<files>]

xmlsec is a command line tool for signing, verifying, encrypting and
decrypting XML documents. The allowed <command> values are:
  --help      	display this help information and exit
  --help-all  	display help information for all commands/options and exit
  --help-<cmd>	display help information for command <cmd> and exit
  --version   	print version information and exit
  --keys      	keys XML file manipulation
Report bugs to
Written by Aleksey Sanin <>.

Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Aleksey Sanin <>. All Rights Reserved..
This is free software: see the source for copying information.
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppInit failed
Error: xmlSecCryptoInit failed
Error: xmlSecCryptoShutdown failed
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppShutdown failed
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppKeyLoad failed: file=%s
Error: xmlSecKeySetName failed: name=%s
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppKeyCertLoad failed: file=%s
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrAdoptKey failed
Error: xmlSecCryptoAppKeyLoad failed: filename=%s
Error: xmlSecKeyDataIdListFindByName failed keyKlass=%s
Error: xmlSecKeyReadBinaryFile failed filename=%s
Error: xmlSecStrdupError(keyKlassAndSize) failed
Error: key size is not specified in the key definition "%s"
Error: xmlSecKeyGenerateByName() failed: name=%s;size=%d;type=%d
Error: xmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrKeyGenerate failed: name=%s
mngr != NULLcrypto.c filename != NULLfiles != NULLkeyKlass != NULLkeyKlassAndSize != NULLxmlSecAppCryptoKeyGeneratexmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrKeyGeneratexmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrBinaryKeyLoadxmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrPkcs12KeyLoadxmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrKeyAndCertsLoadxmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrCertLoadxmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrSavexmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrLoadxmlSecAppCryptoSimpleKeysMngrInitcmdline.cargvParam != NULLparamName != NULLparams != NULLoutput != NULL  %s
param != NULLargv != NULLprev->next == NULL%d%4d-%2d-%2d%*c%2d:%2d:%2dvalue != NULLError: parameter "%s" is not string.
Error: parameter "%s" is not string list.
Error: parameter "%s" is not integer.
Error: parameter "%s" is not time.
Error: malloc failed (%d bytes).
Error: only one parameter "%s" is allowed.
Error: failed to create value for parameter "%s".
Error: string argument expected for parameter "%s".
Error: string list argument expected for parameter "%s".
Error: failed to allocate memory (%d bytes).
Error: integer argument expected for parameter "%s".
Error: integer argument "%s" is invalid.
Error: time argument expected for parameter "%s".
Error: time argument "%s" is invalid, expected format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS").
Error: failed to parse parameter "%s".
Error: filename is expected instead of parameter "%s".
Error: parameter "%s" is not supported or the requested
feature might have been disabled during compilation.
xmlSecAppCmdLineValueDestroyxmlSecAppCmdLineValueCreatexmlSecAppCmdLineParamsListPrintxmlSecAppCmdLineParamsListCleanxmlSecAppCmdLineParamReadxmlSecAppCmdLineMatchParamxmlSecAppCmdLineParamsListParse;�0_����f���n��D ���������<0���PP����@������������D���������������P���8p���x������0��� @���p������������0�������������`���������L�������@���80���������� 	����X	��l	@����	�����	��	@����	�
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© 2025 UnknownSec
Python for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Python for Beginners

Python for Beginners

in Web Development
Created by Robert Ransdell
3 Users are following this upcoming course

What you will learn?

To learn the python language

To learn the CORE skills to understand any programming language

Course description

This python for beginners course is geared to students who want to know how python works and also to those totally new to programming.

The python language has very simple syntax(way to write it) to learn and it is one of the most powerful languages to learn since it can be used for a variety of things.

Jobs in this field are really lucrative and knowing this language will give you an edge when finding a job and making a lot more money than other developers; python developers are not as many as in other languages since people think is hard. Python is super easy to learn but very powerful since it contains many possibilities.

Python is growing faster and faster every day and it has surpassed many other languages over the years for a lot of reasons, which you will find out soon enough.


NO programming knowledge required


This course starts with explaining what programming really is? Have you ever wondered how things actually work in a program?

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