shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /scripts/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : check_cpanel_pkgs
eval '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fix-cpanel-perl && exec /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl -x -- $0 ${1+"$@"}'    ## no critic qw(ProhibitStringyEval RequireUseStrict RequireUseWarnings)
  if 0;

# cpanel - scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs                 Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

package scripts::check_cpanel_pkgs;

# This script will handle repairing/listing broken RPMs
# -
# Q: What is a broken aka altered RPM?
# A: Any files output by a rpm -V RPM_PACKAGE_NAME that are listed to have a different MD5 sum or permission change indicate a broken RPM.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Cpanel::Usage               ();
use Cpanel::Update::Logger      ();
use Cpanel::RPM::Versions::File ();
use Cpanel::TempFile            ();
use Cpanel::LoadModule          ();

exit __PACKAGE__->script(@ARGV) unless caller();

sub script {
    my ( $class, @argv ) = @_;

    local $| = 1;

    my $list_only         = 0;
    my $long_list         = 0;
    my $fix               = 0;
    my $contact           = 0;
    my $targets           = 0;
    my $nodir             = 0;
    my $skip_digest_check = 0;
    my $skip_broken_check = 0;
    my $download_only     = 0;

    my %opts = (
        'long-list'     => \$long_list,
        'list-only'     => \$list_only,
        'fix'           => \$fix,
        'notify'        => \$contact,
        'targets'       => \$targets,
        'nodir'         => \$nodir,
        'no-digest'     => \$skip_digest_check,
        'no-broken'     => \$skip_broken_check,
        'download-only' => \$download_only,

    my $self = bless {
        'notification_rpms' => [],
    }, $class;

    my $status = Cpanel::Usage::wrap_options( { strict => 1 }, \@argv, \&usage, \%opts ) || 0;
    usage(1) if $status > 2;
    usage(1) if ( $list_only && $fix );

    my $logger = Cpanel::Update::Logger->new( { 'stdout' => 1, 'log_level' => 'info' } );

    my $temp;
    my %directory_options = ();
    if ($nodir) {
        $temp = Cpanel::TempFile->new;
        my $tempdir = $temp->dir;
        $directory_options{'directory'} = $tempdir;

    my $v;
    if ($targets) {
        my @targets = split( /\s*,\s*/, $targets );
        $v = Cpanel::RPM::Versions::File->new( { 'only_targets' => \@targets, logger => $logger, %directory_options } );
    else {
        $v = Cpanel::RPM::Versions::File->new( { logger => $logger, %directory_options } );

    # need to be sure that the update config is saved if we detect an *disable file
    $v->dir_files()->save() if $v->dir_files()->config_changed();

    my $found = 0;

    my $installed_rpms = $v->list_rpms_in_state("installed");
    my $upgraded_rpms  = $v->list_rpms_in_state("upgraded");

    my $missing_rpms = $v->install_hash( $installed_rpms, $upgraded_rpms );

    if (%$missing_rpms) {

        $logger->info("The following packages are missing from your system:");

        foreach my $rpm ( sort keys %$missing_rpms ) {
            $self->_store_rpm_for_notify( "$rpm-$missing_rpms->{$rpm}", 'missing' );

    my $unnecessary_rpms = $v->uninstall_hash($installed_rpms);

    if (%$unnecessary_rpms) {
        $logger->info(" ");
        $logger->info("The following packages are unneeded on your system and should be uninstalled:");

        foreach my $rpm ( sort keys %$unnecessary_rpms ) {
            $self->_store_rpm_for_notify( "$rpm-$unnecessary_rpms->{$rpm}", 'unnecessary' );


    # The hash reference returned by get_dirty_rpms() looks like:
    # {
    #    'nsd,3.2.9-2.cp1136' => [
    #                               '/etc/nsd'
    #                            ]
    # };

    # Delete cached results otherwise this will need to be run twice if a RPM is altered.
    # NOTE: This was changed recently. $v->reinstall is responsible for clearing this cache when appropriate.
    # I will remove these comments in a future commit but leaving it here so the bug is obvious in the short
    # term if it comes up.
    #unless ($skip_broken_check) {
    #    $v->clear_installed_packages_cache;

    # Suppress warnings from get_dirty_rpms call.
    my $broken_rpms = $skip_broken_check ? {} : $v->get_dirty_rpms($skip_digest_check);

    my @broken_rpms_list = sort keys %$broken_rpms;

    if (%$broken_rpms) {

        $logger->info(" ");
        $logger->info("The following files were found to be altered from their original package form:") if ( !$long_list );
        foreach my $rpm ( sort keys %$broken_rpms ) {
            foreach ( @{ $broken_rpms->{$rpm} } ) {
                my ( $broken_file, $reason ) = @$_;
                $logger->info("$rpm,$reason,$broken_file") if $long_list;
                $self->_store_rpm_for_notify( "$rpm-$broken_file", 'broken', $reason );

            $logger->info("$rpm") if !$long_list;

        $logger->info(" ");

    if ($found) {

        # Fix if necessary.
        if ($download_only) {
        elsif ( !$list_only ) {
            if ( !$fix ) {
                $fix = prompt('Do you want to repair these packages?');

            if ($fix) {
                $v->logger->{'stdout'} = 1;
                foreach my $rpm ( @{ $self->{'notification_rpms'} } ) {

                    # TODO: reinstall_rpms assumes success here
                    $rpm->{'status'} = $rpm->{'status'} eq 'broken' ? 'repaired' : $rpm->{'status'};


        $self->notify() if $contact;

    return $logger->get_need_notify ? 2 : 0;

sub _store_rpm_for_notify {
    my ( $self, $rpm, $status, $info ) = @_;

    push @{ $self->{'notification_rpms'} }, {
        'rpm'    => $rpm,
        'status' => $status,    #unnecessary #broken #missing #repaired
        'info'   => $info,

    return 1;

sub notify {
    my ($self) = @_;

    Cpanel::LoadModule::load_perl_module("Cpanel::iContact::Class::Check::CpanelPackages") || return;

    require Cpanel::Notify;
        'class'            => 'Check::CpanelPackages',
        'application'      => 'Check::CpanelPackages',
        'constructor_args' => [
            origin => 'rpmcheck',
            rpms   => $self->{'notification_rpms'},

sub prompt {
    return 0 if ( !-t STDIN );

    print shift @_;

    my $response = '';

    eval { require Term::ReadKey };
    unless ($@) {
        local $SIG{INT} = sub { Term::ReadKey::ReadMode( 'restore', *STDIN ); exit };
        Term::ReadKey::ReadMode( 'noecho', *STDIN );
        Term::ReadKey::ReadMode( 'raw',    *STDIN );

        $response = '';
        while ( $response !~ m{^[ynYN]$} ) {
            print "(y/n):\n";
            $response = getc(*STDIN);

        Term::ReadKey::ReadMode( 'restore', *STDIN );
        print "$response\n";
    else {
        my $response = <>;
        while ( $response !~ m{^[ynYN]$} ) {
            print "(y/n):\n";
            $response = getc(*STDIN);
    return ( $response =~ m{[yY]} ) ? 1 : 0;

    my $_has_header;

    sub log_header {
        return if $_has_header;
        my ($logger) = @_;
        my $header .= <<END;
Problems were detected with cPanel-provided files which are controlled by packages.
If you did not make these changes intentionally, you can correct them by running:

> /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix

        foreach my $line ( split( /\n/, $header ) ) {

        $_has_header = 1;

sub usage {
    my $exit_code    = shift || 0;
    my $program_name = $0;
    $program_name =~ s{/usr/local/cpanel/}{};

    # TODO: Describe the output on Debian-like systems.
    print qq{
      Responsible for validating the integrity of cPanel-managed packages and their corresponding files.
      This script detects if there are any packages that have been unexpectedly altered. Files are
      considered altered:

       - If their ownership has changed,
       - If they contain an MD5 mismatch
       - If they are a symlink, the file points to the wrong path.

      Any packages that should be installed or uninstalled will also be detected.

      $program_name offers the opportunity to repair these issues by reinstalling the package that contains the
      altered file(s).

      $program_name [options]

      --fix       - Show any problems and automatically correct them.
      --list-only - Only list altered packages and then exit.
      --download-only - Downloads packages and exit
      --long-list - Show in a more easily parsed format the altered packages and files.
      --notify    - Send out a notification regarding any altered packages Additionally,
                    it will describe any action that was taken.
      --targets   - Filter packages based on provided targets (comma delimited).
      --nodir     - This option will prevent the directory /var/cpanel/rpm.versions.d from being read.
      --no-digest - This option will speed up “$0” run by skipping file digest checks.
                    Changes to the contents of files will not be detected.
      --no-broken - This option will prevent the system from checking for broken packages
                    and it will only install missing and uninstall unneeded ones.

    Checks Performed:
      On systems which use RPM packages, $program_name runs the rpm -V check on all cPanel-managed RPMs.
      rpm -V determines if the files have changed since their installation; configuration and documentation
      files are ignored in this process. The table below shows the changes detected in the output of rpm -V.

      Note: If the output indicates that only Mode or mTime have changed, then that file will not be
      labeled as "changed."

      Check  | Description
        S    | File Size differs.
        M    | Mode differs (includes permissions and file type).
        5    | MD5 sum differs.
        D    | Device major/minor number mismatch.
        L    | readLink(2) path mismatch.
        U    | User ownership differs.
        G    | Group ownership differs.
        T    | mTime differs.


    exit $exit_code;


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Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
This course was published already and you can check the main course
Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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