<?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Shopping cart |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'total' => 'Total', 'go_to_cart' => 'Go to cart', 'checkout' => 'Checkout', 'shopping_cart' => 'Shopping Cart', 'for_items' => 'for :count items', 'cart_items' => 'Cart Items', 'your_cart_empty' => 'Your cart is empty', 'fail_purchase' => 'Purchase failed!', 'course_not_found' => 'Course not found!', 'course_not_capacity' => 'Out of class capacity!', 'course_not_free' => 'The course is not free.', 'course_has_been_purchase' => 'This course has been purchased.', 'cant_purchase_your_course' => 'You can not purchase your course.', 'this_course_has_required_prerequisite' => 'You should pass required prerequisites.', 'item' => 'Item', 'continue_shopping' => 'Continue Shopping', 'coupon_code' => 'Coupon', 'coupon_code_hint' => 'If you have a coupon, insert the code in the following input and click "Validate" button.', 'coupon_valid' => 'The coupon is valid.', 'coupon_invalid' => 'Invalid coupon, make sure it is correct.', 'in_user_group' => 'You are in ":group_name" group and you will get :percent% extra discount.', 'enter_your_code_here' => 'Enter coupon code here', 'validate' => 'Validate', 'cart_totals' => 'Cart Total', 'sub_total' => 'Subtotal', 'tax' => 'Tax', 'success_pay_title' => 'Congratulations!', 'success_pay_msg' => 'Your payment successfully done...', 'success_pay_msg_for_free_course' => 'You enrolled on the course successfully.', 'failed_pay_title' => 'Payment Failed!', 'failed_pay_msg' => "Payment failed. Payment gateway not responding.", 'cart_add_success_title' => 'Added to cart!', 'cart_add_success_msg' => "You can continue shopping or go to cart to finalize your order.", 'gateway_error' => "Payment failed! Please try again.", 'you_not_purchased_this_course' => 'You have not purchased this course.', 'success_pay_msg_for_free_meeting' => 'You reserved the meeting successfully.', 'success_pay_msg_subscribe' => 'You subscribed this course successfully.', ];