<?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Panel |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'new_users' => 'New users', 'user' => 'User', 'users' => 'Users', 'followers' => 'Followers', 'following' => 'Following', 'follow' => 'Follow', 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', 'webinars' => 'Courses', 'webinar' => 'Course', 'webinar_sales' => 'Live class sales', 'content_sales' => 'Sales', 'my_webinars' => 'My courses', 'you_not_have_any_webinar' => 'No Course!', 'no_result_hint' => 'Create your first course and let others learn from you.', 'choose_webinar' => 'Select a course', 'certificates' => 'Certificates', 'quizzes' => 'Quizzes', 'financial' => 'Financial', 'requests' => 'Requests', 'support' => 'Support', 'send_new_support' => 'New support message', 'notifications' => 'Notifications', 'settings' => 'Settings', 'log_out' => 'Log out', 'create_a_class' => 'Create a course', 'create_a_webinar' => 'Create a course', 'invited_classes' => 'Invited courses', 'invited_teacher' => 'Invited instrcutor', 'invited_by' => 'Invited by', 'classes' => 'Courses', 'my_classes' => 'My courses', 'my_activity' => 'My activity', 'download_sales' => 'Download Sales', 'course_sales' => 'Sales', 'only_not_conducted_webinars' => 'Only not conducted live classes', 'conducted' => 'Conducted', 'not_conducted' => 'Not conducted', 'upcoming' => 'Upcoming', 'start_learning' => 'Start learning', 'my_purchases_no_result' => 'No Purchased Course!', 'my_purchases_no_result_hint' => 'Start learning from the best instructors and enjoy...', 'comment' => 'Comment', 'comments' => 'Comments', 'reply' => 'Reply', 'replied' => 'Replied', 'not_replied' => 'Not replied', 'report' => 'Report', 'report_success' => 'Your report has been sent.', 'report_fail' => 'Report failed. Make sure you are logged in.', 'new_comments' => 'New comments', 'my_class_comments' => 'My course comments', 'my_comments' => 'My comments', 'comments_statistics' => 'Comments statistics', 'filter_comments' => 'Filter comments', 'webinar_comments_list' => 'Course comments list', 'comments_no_result' => 'You don\'t have any comments!', 'comments_no_result_hint' => "When a student comment on your courses \n it will be appeared in this list.", 'my_comments_no_result' => 'You didn\'t create any comments!', 'my_comments_no_result_hint' => "Your comments will help to improve community quality...", 'my_purchases' => 'My purchases', 'no_result_purchases' => 'No Purchased Course!', 'no_result_purchases_hint' => 'Start learning from the best instructors and enjoy...', 'purchase_date' => 'Purchase Date', 'purchased' => 'Purchased', 'favorites' => 'Favorites', 'favorite' => 'Favorite', 'favorite_live_classes' => 'Favorite courses', 'no_result_favorites' => 'No Favorite Course!', 'no_result_favorites_hint' => 'You can add a course to your favorites and enroll on later.', 'meeting' => 'Meeting', 'meetings' => 'Meetings', 'open_meetings' => 'Open meetings', 'pending_appointments' => 'Pending meetings', 'total_meetings' => 'Total meetings', 'amount' => 'Amount', 'sales' => 'Sales', 'sales_amount' => 'Sales amount', 'active_hours' => 'Active hours', 'meeting_statistics' => 'Meeting statistics', 'filter_meetings' => 'Filter meetings', 'meeting_list' => 'Meetings list', 'meeting_requests_list' => 'Meeting requests list', 'show_only_open_meetings' => 'Show only open meetings', 'create_link' => 'Create link', 'contact_student' => 'Contact student', 'contact_instructor' => 'Contact instructor', 'finish_meeting' => 'Finish meeting', 'meeting_no_result' => 'No meeting request!', 'meeting_no_result_hint' => 'Reserved meetings will be displayed in this list.', 'student_contact_information' => 'Student contact information', 'instructor_contact_information' => 'Instructor contact information', 'my_timesheet' => 'My timesheet', 'saturday' => 'Saturday', 'sunday' => 'Sunday', 'monday' => 'Monday', 'tuesday' => 'Tuesday', 'wednesday' => 'Wednesday', 'thursday' => 'Thursday', 'friday' => 'Friday', 'join_live_meeting' => 'Join live meeting', 'add_live_meeting_link' => 'Add live meeting link', 'add_live_meeting_link_success' => 'Live meeting link added successfully', 'add_live_meeting_link_fail' => 'Error in adding live meeting link', 'add_live_meeting_link_hint' => 'You can use Zoom, Bigbluebutton, etc links', 'url' => 'URL', 'my_hourly_charge' => 'Hourly charge', 'number_only' => 'Only numbers...', 'temporary_disable_meetings' => 'Temporary disable meetings', 'success_temporary_disable_meetings' => 'Meetings disabled successfully.', 'error_temporary_disable_meetings' => 'Failed to disable meetings.', 'discount' => 'Discount rate', // dashboard 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'i_not_available' => 'Activate offline status', 'hi' => 'Hi', 'have_event' => 'You have :count new events', 'view_all_events' => 'View all events', 'account_balance' => 'Account Balance', 'with_drawable' => 'Withdrawable', 'live_requests' => 'Meeting Requests', 'monthly_sales' => 'Monthly Sales', 'learning_statistics' => 'Learning Statistics', 'support_messages' => 'Support Messages', 'next_badge' => 'Next Badge', 'noticeboard' => 'Noticeboard', 'noticeboards' => 'Notices', 'not_verified_alert' => 'Your identity and financial information not verified so it might cause delay in payout process. Please define them from', 'this_link' => 'settings', // Conversations 'conversations' => 'Conversations', 'create_support_message' => 'New support message', 'course_support' => 'Course support', 'course_type' => 'Course type', 'platform_support' => 'Platform support', 'department' => 'Department', 'attach' => 'Attachment', 'attach_file' => 'Attach a file', 'open_conversations' => 'Open conversations', 'closed_conversations' => 'Closed conversations', 'total_conversations' => 'Total conversations', 'messages_history' => 'Messages History', 'support_summary' => 'Support summary', 'classes_support' => 'Courses support', 'support_tickets' => 'Tickets', 'staff' => 'Staff', 'teacher' => 'Instructor', 'open' => 'Open', 'closed' => 'Closed', 'close_request' => 'Close request', 'reply_to_the_conversation' => 'Reply to the conversation', 'support_no_result' => 'You don\'t have support messages', 'support_no_result_hint' => 'You can contact instructors and platform support team.', 'select_support' => 'Select a conversation', 'select_support_hint' => 'Please select a support conversation to display messages history.', 'message_filters' => 'Filter messages', // notifications 'notification_no_result' => 'No notifications.', 'notification_no_result_hint' => 'Every important event will be noticed to you...', // comments 'show_only_new_comments' => 'Show only new comments', 'reply_to_the_comment' => 'Reply to the comment', 'edit_comment' => 'Edit comment', //Marketing 'marketing' => 'Marketing', 'discounts' => 'Discounts', 'create_a_new_discount' => 'New course discount', 'create_a_new_special_offer' => 'Create a new special offer', 'show_only_active_discounts' => 'Show only active discounts', 'discount_no_result' => 'No discount is available...', 'discount_no_result_hint' => 'You can create discounts and increase your sales.', 'special_offers_no_result' => 'No Discount...', 'special_offers_no_result_hint' => 'You can add discount to your courses and increase your sales.', 'promotion' => 'Promotion', 'promotions' => 'Promotions', 'select_promotion_plan' => 'Select a promotion plan', 'promotions_history' => 'Promotions history', 'promotion_days' => 'For :day days', 'select_course' => 'Select a course', 'show_only_active_promotions' => 'Show only active promotions', 'popular' => 'Popular', 'plan' => 'Plan', 'pay' => 'Pay', 'expired' => 'Expired', 'promote_the_webinar' => 'Promote a course', 'select_webinar_for_promotion' => 'Please select a course that you want to promote.', 'promotion_no_result' => 'No Promotion!', 'promotion_no_result_hint' => 'By activating promotion plans you can increase your courses view and sales.', // Instructors 'filter_instructors' => 'Filter Instructors', 'instructors_list' => 'Instructors List', 'add_an_instructor' => 'New instructor', 'instructors_no_result' => 'No instructor added yet!', 'instructors_no_result_hint' => 'You can create instructors related to the organization.', 'filter_students' => 'Filter Students', 'students_list' => 'Students List', 'add_an_student' => 'New student', 'students_no_result' => 'No student added yet!', 'students_no_result_hint' => 'You can add your organization students easily.', 'meeting_sales' => 'Meeting sales', 'appointment_sales' => 'Meeting sales', 'bio' => 'Biography', 'job_title' => 'Job Title', 'bio_hint_1' => 'The "Job title" will be displayed at the bottom of your name on the profile cards.', 'bio_hint_2' => 'Keep it short (2 or 3 words) Eg "Product designer, Senior software engineer".', 'interests_hint_1' => 'Choosing interest topics (for instructors) will help students to find you for live meetings.', 'interests_hint_2' => 'If you conduct live meetings choosing more accurate topics suggested.', 'not_assign_any_webinar' => 'Not assigned to any course', 'active' => 'Active', 'inactive' => 'Disable', 'name' => 'Name', 'special_offers' => 'Special Offers', 'special_offer' => 'Special Offer', 'show_only_active_special_offers' => 'Show Only Active Special Offers', 'offline_title' => 'Activate offline status', 'offline_message' => 'Offline message', 'offline_success' => 'Your status changed successfully!', 'offline_hint' => 'If you put your account offline, a message will be displayed in your profile and it will be noticed to users. You can type a personalized message in the following input.', // months 'month_1' => 'Jan', 'month_2' => 'Feb', 'month_3' => 'Mar', 'month_4' => 'Apr', 'month_5' => 'May', 'month_6' => 'Jun', 'month_7' => 'Jul', 'month_8' => 'Aug', 'month_9' => 'Sep', 'month_10' => 'Oct', 'month_11' => 'Nov', 'month_12' => 'Dec', 'user_setting_success' => 'Your information successfully updated', 'remaining' => 'Remained', 'organization_classes' => 'Organization courses', 'filter_classes' => 'Filter courses', 'only_not_free_classes' => 'Only paid courses', 'only_free_classes' => 'Only free courses', 'new_noticeboard' => 'New notice', 'noticeboard_success_send' => 'New notice successfully sent', 'noticeboard_success_send_to' => 'New noticeboard successful send for :users_count', 'more_info' => 'More info', 'partner_instructor_hint' => 'The partner instructor will have access to the course content and their profile will be displayed on the course page.', 'affiliate' => 'Affiliate', 'affiliates' => 'Affiliate', 'affiliates_page' => 'Affiliate Marketing', 'affiliate_statistics' => 'Affiliate Statistics', 'affiliate_summary' => 'Affiliate Summary', 'earnings' => 'Earnings', 'referred_users' => 'Referred Users', 'registration_bonus' => 'Registration Bonus', 'affiliate_bonus' => 'Sales Commission', 'registration_date' => 'Registration Date', 'user_registration_reward' => 'Your income from each referred user registration', 'referred_user_purchase_commission' => 'Your commission from referred user purchases', 'referred_user_registration_reward' => 'The referred user income when registers with your affiliate code', 'your_affiliate_code' => 'Your affiliate code', 'affiliate_url' => 'Your Affiliate URL', 'content_defined' => 'Content Defined', 'purchased_courses' => 'Purchased Courses', ];