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UnknownSec Shell

: /lib64/tcl8.6/Tix8.4.3/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : Tix.tcl
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
#	$Id: Tix.tcl,v 1.14 2008/03/17 23:01:10 hobbs Exp $
# Tix.tcl --
#	This file implements the Tix application context class
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.
# Copyright (c) 2004 ActiveState
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

tixClass tixAppContext {
    -superclass {}
    -classname  TixAppContext
    -method {
	cget configure addbitmapdir filedialog getbitmap getimage
	option platform resetoptions setbitmap initstyle
    -flag {
	-binding -debug -extracmdargs -filedialog -fontset -grabmode
	-haspixmap -libdir -scheme -schemepriority -percentsubst
    -readonly {
    -configspec {
	{-binding    		TK}
	{-debug      		0}
	{-extracmdargs 		1}
	{-filedialog    	""}
	{-fontset    		WmDefault}
	{-grabmode 		global}
	{-haspixmap 		0}
	{-libdir     		""}
	{-percentsubst		0}
	{-scheme     		WmDefault}
	{-schemepriority     	21}
    -alias {

proc tixAppContext:Constructor {w} {
    upvar #0 $w data
    global tix_priv tix_library tixOption

    if {[info exists data(initialized)]} {
	error "tixAppContext has already be initialized"
    } else {
	set data(initialized) 1

    set data(et) [string equal $tix_library ""]
    set data(image) 0

    # These options were set when Tix was loaded
    set data(-binding)		$tix_priv(-binding)
    set data(-debug)		$tix_priv(-debug)
    set data(-fontset)		$tix_priv(-fontset)
    set data(-scheme)		$tix_priv(-scheme)
    set data(-schemepriority)	$tix_priv(-schemepriority)

    if {![info exists tix_priv(isSafe)]} {
	set data(-libdir)	[file normalize $tix_library]
    set tixOption(prioLevel) $tix_priv(-schemepriority)

    # Compatibility stuff: the obsolete name courier_font has been changed to
    # fixed_font
    set tixOption(fixed_font) Courier
    set tixOption(courier_font) $tixOption(fixed_font)

    # Enable/Disable Intrinsics debugging
    set tix_priv(debug) [string is true -strict $data(-debug)]

    tixAppContext:BitmapInit $w
    tixAppContext:FileDialogInit $w

    # Clean up any error message generated by the above loop
    set ::errorInfo ""

proc tixAppContext:initstyle {w} {
    # Do the init stuff here that affects styles

    upvar #0 $w data
    global tix_priv

    if {![info exists tix_priv(isSafe)]} {
	tixAppContext:config-fontset $w $data(-fontset)
	tixAppContext:config-scheme  $w $data(-scheme)

    tixAppContext:BitmapInit $w
    tixAppContext:FileDialogInit $w

    # Force the "." window to accept the new Tix options
    set noconfig [list -class -colormap -container -menu -screen -use -visual]
    set noconfig [lsort $noconfig]
    foreach spec [. configure] {
	set flag [lindex $spec 0]
	if {[llength $spec] != 5
	    || [lsearch -exact -sorted $noconfig $flag] != -1} {
	set name  [lindex $spec 1]
	set class [lindex $spec 2]
	set value [option get . $name $class]
	catch {. configure $flag $value}

#  Configurations
proc tixAppContext:resetoptions {w scheme fontset {schemePrio ""}} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    if {! $data(et)} {
	global tixOption
	option clear

	if {$schemePrio != ""} {
	    set tixOption(prioLevel) $schemePrio
	tixAppContext:config-scheme  $w $scheme
	tixAppContext:config-fontset $w $fontset
proc tixAppContext:StartupError {args} {
    bgerror [join $args "\n"]

proc tixAppContext:config-fontset {w value} {
    upvar #0 $w data
    global tix_priv tixOption

    set data(-fontset) $value

    # Initialization of options database
    # Load the fontset
    if {!$data(et)} {
        set prefDir [file join $data(-libdir) pref]
        set fontSetFile [file join $prefDir $data(-fontset).fsc]
	if {[file exists $fontSetFile]} {
	    source $fontSetFile
	} else {
	    tixAppContext:StartupError \
		"	Error: cannot use fontset \"$data(-fontset)\"" \
		"       Using default fontset "
    } else {
	if [catch {
	}] {
	    # User chose non-existent fontset
	    tixAppContext:StartupError \
		"	Error: cannot use fontset \"$data(-fontset)\"" \
		"       Using default fontset "

proc tixAppContext:config-scheme {w value} {
    upvar #0 $w data
    global tix_priv

    set data(-scheme) $value

    # Load the color scheme
    if {!$data(et)} {
	set schemeName [file join [file join $data(-libdir) pref] \
	if {[file exists $schemeName]} {
	    source $schemeName
	} else {
	    tixAppContext:StartupError \
		"	Error: cannot use color scheme \"$data(-scheme)\"" \
		"       Using default color scheme"
    } else {
	if [catch {tixPref:SetScheme-Color:$data(-scheme)}] {
	    # User chose non-existent color scheme
	    tixAppContext:StartupError \
		"	Error: cannot use color scheme \"$data(-scheme)\"" \
		"       Using default color scheme"

#  Private methods
proc tixAppContext:BitmapInit {w} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    # See whether we have pixmap extension
    set data(-haspixmap) true

    # Dynamically set the bitmap directory
    if {! $data(et)} {
	set data(bitmapdirs) [list [file join $data(-libdir) bitmaps]]
    } else {
	set data(bitmapdirs) ""

proc tixAppContext:FileDialogInit {w} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    if {$data(-filedialog) == ""} {
	set data(-filedialog) [option get . fileDialog FileDialog]
    if {$data(-filedialog) == ""} {
	set data(-filedialog) tixFileSelectDialog

# 	Public methods
proc tixAppContext:addbitmapdir {w bmpdir} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    if {[lsearch $data(bitmapdirs) $bmpdir] == -1} {
	lappend data(bitmapdirs) $bmpdir

proc tixAppContext:getimage {w name} {
    upvar #0 $w data
    global tix_priv

    if {[info exists data(img:$name)]} {
	return $data(img:$name)

    if {![info exists tix_priv(isSafe)]} {
	foreach dir $data(bitmapdirs) {
	    foreach {ext type} {
		.xpm pixmap
		.gif photo
		.ppm photo
		.xbm bitmap
		""  bitmap
	    } {
		set file [file join $dir $name$ext]
		if {[file exists $file]
		    && ![catch {
			set img tiximage$data(image)
			set data(img:$name) \
			    [image create $type $img -file $file]
		    }]} {
		    incr data(image)
	    if {[info exists data(img:$name)]} {
		return $data(img:$name)

    if {![info exists data(img:$name)]} {
	catch {
	    set img tiximage$data(image)
	    # This is for compiled-in images
	    set data(img:$name) [image create pixmap $img -id $name]
	} err
	if {[string match internal* $err]} {
	    error $err
	} else {
	    incr data(image)

    if {[info exists data(img:$name)]} {
	return $data(img:$name)
    } else {
	error "image file \"$name\" cannot be found"

proc tixAppContext:getbitmap {w bitmapname} {
    upvar #0 $w data
    global tix_priv

    if {[info exists data(bmp:$bitmapname)]} {
	return $data(bmp:$bitmapname)
    } else {
	set ext [file extension $bitmapname]
	if {$ext == ""} {
	    set ext .xbm

	# This is the fallback value. If we can't find the bitmap in
	# the bitmap directories, then use the name of the bitmap
	# as the default value.
	set data(bmp:$bitmapname) $bitmapname

	if {[info exists tix_priv(isSafe)]} {
	    return $data(bmp:$bitmapname)

	foreach dir $data(bitmapdirs) {
	    if {$ext eq ".xbm" &&
		[file exists [file join $dir $bitmapname.xbm]]} {
		set data(bmp:$bitmapname) \
		    @[file join $dir $bitmapname.xbm]
	    if {[file exists [file join $dir $bitmapname]]} {
		set data(bmp:$bitmapname) @[file join $dir $bitmapname]

	return $data(bmp:$bitmapname)

proc tixAppContext:filedialog {w {type tixFileSelectDialog}} {
    upvar #0 $w data

    if {$type == ""} {
	set type $data(-filedialog)
    if {![info exists data(filedialog,$type)]} {
	set data(filedialog,$type) ""

    if {$data(filedialog,$type) == "" || \
	    ![winfo exists $data(filedialog,$type)]} {
	set data(filedialog,$type) [$type .tixapp_filedialog_$type]

    return $data(filedialog,$type)

proc tixAppContext:option {w action {option ""} {value ""}} {
    global tixOption

    if {$action eq "get"} {
	if {$option == ""} {return [lsort [array names tixOption]]}
	return $tixOption($option)

proc tixAppContext:platform {w} {
    return $::tcl_platform(platform)

proc tixDebug {message {level "1"}} {
    set debug [tix cget -debug]
    if {![string is true -strict $debug]} { return }

    if {$debug > 0} {
	# use $level here
	if {[catch {fconfigure stderr}]} {
	    # This will happen under PYTHONW.EXE or frozen Windows apps
	    proc tixDebug args {} 
	} else {
	    puts stderr $message

if {![llength [info commands toplevel]]} {
    interp alias {} toplevel {} frame

© 2025 UnknownSec
Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
This course was published already and you can check the main course
Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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