shell bypass 403

UnknownSec Shell

: /scripts/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]

name : shrink_modsec_ip_database

# cpanel - scripts/shrink_modsec_ip_database       Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

package scripts::shrink_modsec_ip_database;

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp                ();
use Cpanel::PwCache           ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Move   ();
use Cpanel::SafetyBits        ();
use Cpanel::SafetyBits::Chown ();
use Cpanel::AccessIds         ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Object   ();
use Cpanel::Imports;

our $MODSEC_SDBM_UTIL    = '/usr/sbin/modsec-sdbm-util';
our $DEFAULT_SECDATADIR  = '/var/cpanel/secdatadir';
our @DB_FILE_SUFFIXES    = qw( .pag .dir );                # Database file suffixes used by modsec-sdbm-util
our $NEW_DB_NAME         = 'new_db';                       # This name is hard-coded in modsec-sdbm-util
our $DB_PERMS            = 0640;                           # S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP
our $OTHER_EXECUTE_PERMS = 01;                             # S_IXOTH

sub new {
    my ( $pkg, $opts ) = @_;
    my $self = ref($opts) eq 'HASH' ? { %{$opts} } : {};
    bless $self, $pkg;
    return $self;

sub as_script {
    my $self = shift;
    logger->die('as_script() is a method call.') unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;

    if ( not $ARGV[0] or $ARGV[0] ne '-x' ) {
        my $msg = 'To execute, use the -x flag.';


    return 1;

sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    logger->die('run() is a method call.') unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;

    return 0 unless $self->_bin_check;    # Bail out early and silently if the util is not installed

    my $databases = $self->_gather_databases();

    while ( my ( $db_path, $uid ) = each %{$databases} ) {
        if ( ( stat($MODSEC_SDBM_UTIL) )[2] & $OTHER_EXECUTE_PERMS ) {    # Can run util as "other" user?
            $self->_shrink_db_as_user( $uid, $db_path );
        else {
            # Will have to settle for doing this as root.
            $self->_shrink_db( $uid, $db_path );

sub _bin_check {
    return -x $MODSEC_SDBM_UTIL ? 1 : 0;

sub _gather_databases {

    # All files that belong to the same database and that match @DB_FILE_SUFFIXES will need to have the same file owner or that database will not be in the final output
    my $self = shift;
    logger->die('_gather_databases() is a method call.') unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;

    return $self->{'databases'} if defined $self->{'databases'};

    my $secdatadir = $self->_secdatadir();

    my %databases;

    if ( opendir( my $dir_fh, $secdatadir ) ) {
      FILE: while ( my $filename = readdir($dir_fh) ) {
          SUFFIX: for my $suffix (@DB_FILE_SUFFIXES) {
                if ( $filename =~ m{ \A (.*) \Q$suffix\E \Z }xms ) {
                    my $short_name = $1;    # Filename without suffix

                    my $db_path = $secdatadir . '/' . $short_name;    # Database path name suitable for passing to modsec-sdbm-util
                    next FILE if exists $databases{$db_path};         # Move along if this belongs to a database already in the collection

                    my $owner = $self->_validate_database_files_owner($db_path);    # Check if there is a full set of files for this database path

                    if ( $self->_allowed_owner($owner) ) {
                        $databases{$db_path} = $owner;                              # Verified, add it to the collection
                        next FILE;

    return $self->{'databases'} = \%databases;

sub _shrink_db_as_user {
    my ( $self, $uid, $db_path ) = @_;
    logger->die('_shrink_db_as_user() is a method call.')                  unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;
    logger->die('_shrink_db_as_user() called without expected arguments.') unless length $uid && length $db_path;
    return Cpanel::AccessIds::do_as_user( $uid, sub { $self->_shrink_db( $uid, $db_path ) } );

sub _shrink_db {
    my ( $self, $uid, $db_path ) = @_;
    logger->die('_shrink_db() is a method call.')                  unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;
    logger->die('_shrink_db() called without expected arguments.') unless length $uid && length $db_path;

    my $secdatadir = $self->_secdatadir();

    my $workdir = File::Temp->newdir( CLEANUP => 1, TEMPLATE => 'shrink_modsec_db_XXXXXXXX', DIR => $secdatadir );
    Cpanel::SafetyBits::Chown::safe_chown_guess_gid( $uid, $workdir ) or logger->warn("Failed to chown $workdir to uid $uid");

    my @original_files = $self->_get_db_files($db_path);

    # modsec-sdbm-util will drop $NEW_DB_NAME * @DB_FILE_SUFFIXES files into $tempdir
    return 0 unless $self->_call_modsec_sdbm_util( $workdir, $db_path );

    # Verify new files exist and adjust perms
    my $new_db_path = $workdir . '/' . $NEW_DB_NAME;
    my @new_files   = map { $new_db_path . $_ } @DB_FILE_SUFFIXES;
    if ( !defined $self->_validate_database_files_owner($new_db_path) ) {    # root owned files = 0
        logger->warn("Failed to verify the database files generated by modsec-sdbm-util in the working directory");
        return 0;
    $self->_set_default_perms( $uid, \@new_files );

    # Move the existing files to the workdir so we can revert if the new-file move fails
    my @revert_files = map { $workdir . '/original' . $_ } @DB_FILE_SUFFIXES;
    my $can_revert   = $self->_move_files( \@original_files, \@revert_files ) or logger->warn("Failed to move original files for $db_path into working dir");

    # Move new files into place
    if ( !$self->_move_files( \@new_files, \@original_files ) ) {
        logger->warn("Failed to move new files into place for $db_path");
        if ($can_revert) {
            $self->_move_files( \@revert_files, \@original_files ) or logger->warn("Failed to move backup files for $db_path from working dir to original location");
            $self->_set_default_perms( $uid, \@original_files );
        else {
            logger->warn("Not able to restore original files for db_path");
        return 0;

    # Fix up final database permissions
    return 0 unless $self->_set_default_perms( $uid, \@original_files );

    return 1;

sub _call_modsec_sdbm_util {
    my ( $self, $tempdir, $db_path ) = @_;
    logger->die('_call_modsec_sdbm_util() is a method call.')                  unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;
    logger->die('_call_modsec_sdbm_util() called without expected arguments.') unless length $tempdir && length $db_path;

    my $run = Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new(
        program => $MODSEC_SDBM_UTIL,
        args    => [ '-D', $tempdir, '-v', '-n', $db_path ],

    # For whatever reason, if the util fails to open the specified db it doesn't exit with an error code, so parse out the error message.
    # It will fail to open if the file is immutable -- which is a crazy thing to do on purpose -- but it doesn't make that obvious.
    if ( $run->stdout() =~ m{ ^ Failed \s to \s open \s sdbm: \s (.*) $ }xms ) {
        logger()->warn("$MODSEC_SDBM_UTIL failed to open database (try checking all file/dir attributes): $1");
        return 0;

    if ( $run->CHILD_ERROR() ) {
        logger()->warn( "$MODSEC_SDBM_UTIL exited with non-zero status: " . join( q{ }, map { $run->$_() // () } qw( autopsy stdout stderr ) ) );
        return 0;

    return 1;

sub _validate_database_files_owner {

    # Expects a database path such as "$secdatadir/$db_name" without a suffix
    # Returns owner (uid) of a full set of database files if they exist, undef otherwise
    # Remember that root has uid 0!
    my ( $self, $db_path ) = @_;
    logger->die('_validate_database_files_owner() is a method call.')                  unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;
    logger->die('_validate_database_files_owner() called without expected arguments.') unless length $db_path;

    my $owner;
    for my $file ( $self->_get_db_files($db_path) ) {
        return unless -f $file;           # All generated filenames must exist
        my $seen = ( stat(_) )[4];
        $owner //= $seen;                 # Record owner of the first file we see
        return unless $owner == $seen;    # Validation fails if any file doesn't match recorded owner
    return $owner;

sub _move_files {

    # Move a new set of files in place.  The indexes of the source and dest lists of files are expected to correlate directly for the rename.
    # For example, $source_files->[0] will be renamed to $dest_files->[0].
    my ( $self, $source_files, $dest_files ) = @_;
    logger->die('_move_files() is a method call.')                         unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;
    logger->die('_move_files() called without expected arguments.')        unless ref($source_files) eq 'ARRAY' && ref($dest_files) eq 'ARRAY';
    logger->die('_move_files() called without file lists of equal count.') unless scalar @$source_files == scalar @$dest_files;

    unlink @$dest_files;    # Though they would be overwritten by safemv, there's less chance for a mixture of old and new files if we remove all now and then something goes wrong later
    my $result = 1;
    while ( my ( $index, $source_file ) = each @$source_files ) {
        my $dest_file = $dest_files->[$index];
        if ( !Cpanel::FileUtils::Move::safemv( '-f', $source_file, $dest_file ) ) {
            logger->warn("Failed to move $source_file to $dest_file");
            $result = 0;    # Overall fail if any file doesn't move

    return $result;

sub _set_default_perms {
    my ( $self, $uid, $files ) = @_;
    logger->die('_set_default_perms() is a method call.')                  unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;
    logger->die('_set_default_perms() called without expected arguments.') unless length $uid && ref($files) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar @$files;
    for my $file (@$files) {
        if ( !-f $file ) {
            logger->warn("Missing expected file $file while trying to update permissions");
            return 0;    # Must bail out if all of the expected files don't exist.

        Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( $DB_PERMS, $uid, $file )       or logger->warn("Failed to chmod $file");
        Cpanel::SafetyBits::Chown::safe_chown_guess_gid( $uid, $file ) or logger->warn("Failed to chown $file to uid $uid");
    return 1;

sub _get_db_files {

    # Expects a database path (i.e. "$secdatadir/$shortname") without a suffix
    # Generates list of files with known suffixes appended to database path (does not verify existence)
    my ( $self, $path ) = @_;
    logger->die('_get_db_files() is a method call.')                  unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;
    logger->die('_get_db_files() called without expected arguments.') unless length $path;

    return map { $path . $_ } @DB_FILE_SUFFIXES;

sub _allowed_owner {

    # If this is expanded to allow any user, ensure that $owner and its gid exists in Cpanel::PwCache to avoid death by Cpanel::SafetyBits::Chown::safe_chown_guess_gid
    my ( $self, $owner ) = @_;
    logger->die('_allowed_owner() is a method call.') unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;

    # undef $owner is not an implementation error here, it simply means the owner couldn't be determined or is intentionally being skipped.
    return unless defined $owner;

    my $nobody_uid = $self->{'nobody_uid'} //= ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam('nobody') )[2];
    return unless defined $nobody_uid;

    return 1 if $owner == $nobody_uid;

    return 0;

sub _secdatadir {
    my $self = shift;
    logger->die('_secdatadir() is a method call.') unless ref $self eq __PACKAGE__;
    $self->{'secdatadir'} //= $DEFAULT_SECDATADIR;
    logger->die('Unable to determine secdatadir.') unless length $self->{'secdatadir'};
    return $self->{'secdatadir'};

if ( not caller() ) {
    my $shrink = scripts::shrink_modsec_ip_database->new();
    exit 0;



=head1 NAME



  /scripts/shrink_modsec_ip_database -x


This script is internally written as a modulino, which means it can be C<require>'d:

  use strict;
  require q{/scripts/shrink_modsec_ip_database};
  my $shrink = scripts::shrink_modsec_ip_database->new();



=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -x

Use this option to actually run the script, otherwise it will warn and return
without doing anything.



This script is called by C<scripts/maintenance>, and its purpose is to shrink
ModSecurity database files by removing expired entries.




Exit status is 0 (success) unless an unexpected error occurs.


This script relies on C</usr/sbin/modsec-sdbm-util> to be installed, and in order to be useful,
C<ModSecurity> must be installed and be enabled.






   Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.

© 2025 UnknownSec
Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
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Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


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