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# Laravel Mpdf: Generate PDF Files with ease. Easily generate PDF files using [Laravel's Blade templates]( and the [MPDF library]( This package has been tested since Laravel 5.4. ## Installation Run this composer command in your laravel application: ``` composer require carlos-meneses/laravel-mpdf ``` ## Important Notes: - Always check the [official MPDF documentation]( - mPDF will timeout on [fetching external HTTP resources]( when using single-threaded servers such as `php -S` or `artisan serve`. Use a proper webserver for full functionality. <br/> To start using Laravel, add the Service Provider and the Facade to your `config/app.php`: > **Note:** This package supports auto-discovery features of Laravel 5.5+, You only need to manually add the service provider and alias if working on Laravel version lower then 5.5. ```php 'providers' => [ // ... Mccarlosen\LaravelMpdf\LaravelMpdfServiceProvider::class ] ``` ```php 'aliases' => [ // ... 'PDF' => Mccarlosen\LaravelMpdf\Facades\LaravelMpdf::class ] ``` ## Basic Usage To use Laravel Mpdf add something like this to one of your controllers. You can pass data to a view in `/resources/views`. ```php //.... use PDF; class ReportController extends Controller { public function viewPdf() { $data = [ 'foo' => 'bar' ]; $pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.document', $data); return $pdf->stream('document.pdf'); } } ``` ## Config You can use a custom file to overwrite the default configuration. Just execute `php artisan vendor:publish --tag=mpdf-config` or create `config/pdf.php` and add this: ```php return [ 'mode' => '', 'format' => 'A4', 'default_font_size' => '12', 'default_font' => 'sans-serif', 'margin_left' => 10, 'margin_right' => 10, 'margin_top' => 10, 'margin_bottom' => 10, 'margin_header' => 0, 'margin_footer' => 0, 'orientation' => 'P', 'title' => 'Laravel mPDF', 'author' => '', 'watermark' => '', 'show_watermark' => false, 'show_watermark_image' => false, 'watermark_font' => 'sans-serif', 'display_mode' => 'fullpage', 'watermark_text_alpha' => 0.1, 'watermark_image_path' => '', 'watermark_image_alpha' => 0.2, 'watermark_image_size' => 'D', 'watermark_image_position' => 'P', 'custom_font_dir' => '', 'custom_font_data' => [], 'auto_language_detection' => false, 'temp_dir' => storage_path('app'), 'pdfa' => false, 'pdfaauto' => false, 'use_active_forms' => false, ]; ``` To override this configuration on a per-file basis use the fourth parameter of the initializing call like this: ```php // ... PDF::loadView('pdf', $data, [], [ 'title' => 'Another Title', 'margin_top' => 0 ])->save($pdfFilePath); ``` ## Get instance your Mpdf You can access all mpdf methods through the mpdf instance with `getMpdf` method. ```php use PDF; $pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.document', $data); $pdf->getMpdf()->AddPage(/*...*/); ``` ## Headers and Footers If you want to have headers and footers that appear on every page, add them to your `<body>` tag like this: ```html <htmlpageheader name="page-header"> Your Header Content </htmlpageheader> <htmlpagefooter name="page-footer"> Your Footer Content </htmlpagefooter> ``` Now you just need to define them with the name attribute in your CSS: ```css @page { header: page-header; footer: page-footer; } ``` Inside of headers and footers `{PAGENO}` can be used to display the page number. ## Included Fonts By default you can use all the fonts [shipped with Mpdf]( ## Custom Fonts You can use your own fonts in the generated PDFs. The TTF files have to be located in one folder, e.g. `resources/fonts/`. Add this to your configuration file (`/config/pdf.php`): ```php return [ 'custom_font_dir' => base_path('resources/fonts/'), // don't forget the trailing slash! 'custom_font_data' => [ 'examplefont' => [ // must be lowercase and snake_case 'R' => 'ExampleFont-Regular.ttf', // regular font 'B' => 'ExampleFont-Bold.ttf', // optional: bold font 'I' => 'ExampleFont-Italic.ttf', // optional: italic font 'BI' => 'ExampleFont-Bold-Italic.ttf' // optional: bold-italic font ] // ...add as many as you want. ] ]; ``` Now you can use the font in CSS: ```css body { font-family: 'examplefont', sans-serif; } ``` ## Chunk HTML For big HTML you might get `Uncaught Mpdf\MpdfException: The HTML code size is larger than pcre.backtrack_limit xxx` error, or you might just get [empty or blank result]( In these situations you can use chunk methods while you added a separator to your HTML: ```php //.... use PDF; class ReportController extends Controller { public function generate_pdf() { $data = [ 'foo' => 'hello 1', 'bar' => 'hello 2' ]; $pdf = PDF::chunkLoadView('<html-separator/>', 'pdf.document', $data); return $pdf->stream('document.pdf'); } } ``` ```html <div> <h1>Hello World</h1> <table> <tr><td>{{ $foo }}</td></tr> </table> <html-separator/> <table> <tr><td>{{ $bar }}</td></tr> </table> <html-separator/> </div> ``` ## Added Support for the Macroable Trait You can configure the macro in the `AppServiceProvider` provider file. ```php //... use Mccarlosen\LaravelMpdf\LaravelMpdf; class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { //... public function boot() { LaravelMpdf::macro('hello', function () { return "Hello, World!"; }); } //... } ``` Now ```php PDF::loadView(/* ... */)->hello(); ``` ## License Laravel Mpdf is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](