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name : ConfigVariables.php

namespace Mpdf\Config;

use Mpdf\Css\DefaultCss;
use Mpdf\Language\LanguageToFont;
use Mpdf\Language\ScriptToLanguage;
use Mpdf\Ucdn;

class ConfigVariables

	private $defaults;

	public function __construct()

		$this->defaults = [

			// PAGING
			'mirrorMargins' => 0,
			'forcePortraitMargins' => false,
			'displayDefaultOrientation' => false,

			// Adds date and page info for printer when using @page and "marks:crop,"
			'printers_info' => false,
			'bleedMargin' => 5,

			// Distance of cross mark from margin in mm
			'crossMarkMargin' => 5,
			// Distance of crop mark from margin in mm
			'cropMarkMargin' => 8,
			// Default length in mm of crop line
			'cropMarkLength' => 18,
			// Non-printable border at edge of paper sheet in mm
			'nonPrintMargin' => 8,

			// 'slice' or 'cloneall' or 'clonebycss' - for forced pagebreaks using <pagebreak />
			// Automatic pagebreaks (flow in text) are always 'slice'
			'defaultPagebreakType' => 'cloneall',

			// Avoid just the border/background-color of the end of a block being moved on to next page
			// Allows an (empty) end of block to extend beyond the bottom margin by this amount (mm)
			'margBuffer' => 2,

			'pagenumPrefix' => '',
			'pagenumSuffix' => '',
			'nbpgPrefix' => '',
			'nbpgSuffix' => '',
			// 1:Decimal, A:uppercase alphabetic etc. (as for list-style shorthands)
			'defaultPageNumStyle' => '1',

			'aliasNbPg' => '{nb}',
			'aliasNbPgGp' => '{nbpg}',

			// Set maximum size of TTF font file to allow non-subsets - in kB
			// Used to avoid a font e.g. Arial Unicode MS (perhaps used for substitutions) ever being fully embedded
			// NB Free serif is 1.5MB, most files are <= 600kB (most 200-400KB)
			'maxTTFFilesize' => 2000,

			// this value determines whether to subset or not
			// 0 - 100' => percent characters
			// i.e. if ==40, mPDF will embed whole font if >40% characters in that font
			// or embed subset if <40% characters
			// 0 will force whole file to be embedded (NO subsetting)
			// 100 will force always to subset
			// This value is overridden if you set new mPDF('s')
			// and/or Can set at runtime
			'percentSubset' => 30,

			// Uses Adobe CJK fonts for CJK languages
			// default TRUE, only set false if you have defined some available fonts that support CJK
			// If true this will not stop use of other CJK fonts if specified by font-family:
			// and vice versa i.e. only dictates behaviour when specified by lang="" incl. AutoFont()
			'useAdobeCJK' => false,

			// When embedding full TTF font files, remakes the font file using only core tables
			// May improve function with some PostScript printers (GhostScript/GSView)
			// Does not work with TTC font collections
			// Slightly smaller file, increased processing time
			'repackageTTF' => false,

			// Allows automatic character set conversion if "charset=xxx" detected in html header (WriteHTML() )
			'allow_charset_conversion' => true,
			// Automatically determine BIDI text in LTR page
			'biDirectional' => false,

			// Based on script and/or language
			// mPDF 6.0 (similar to previously using function SetAutoFont() )
			'autoScriptToLang' => false,
			'baseScript' => Ucdn::SCRIPT_LATIN,
			'autoVietnamese' => true,
			'autoArabic' => true,
			// mPDF 6.0 (similar to old useLang)
			'autoLangToFont' => false,

			// Substitute missing characters in UTF-8(multibyte) documents - from other fonts
			'useSubstitutions' => false,
			// Weight for bold text when using an artificial (outline) bold, value 0 (off) - 10 (rec. max)
			'falseBoldWeight' => 5,

			'allow_output_buffering' => false,

			// Adding mPDFI functions
			'enableImports' => false,

			// Allows top and bottom margins to collapse between block elements
			'collapseBlockMargins' => true,

			// To interpret "px" pixel values in HTML/CSS (see img_dpi below)
			'dpi' => 96,

			// Automatically correct for tags where HTML specifies optional end tags e.g. P,LI,DD,TD
			// If you are confident input html is valid XHTML, turning this off may make it more reliable(?)
			'allow_html_optional_endtags' => true,

			'ignore_invalid_utf8' => false,
			// Converts all entities in Text inputs to UTF-8 before encoding
			'text_input_as_HTML' => false,

			// When writing a block element with position:fixed and overflow:auto, mPDF scales it down to fit in the space
			// by repeatedly rewriting it and making adjustments. These values give the adjustments used, depending how far out
			// the previous guess was. The lower the number, the quicker it will finish, but the less accurate the fit may be.
			// FPR1 is for coarse adjustments, and FPR4 for fine adjustments when it is getting closer.
			'incrementFPR1' => 10, // i.e. will alter by 1/[10]th of width and try again until within closer limits
			'incrementFPR2' => 20,
			'incrementFPR3' => 30,
			'incrementFPR4' => 50, // i.e. will alter by 1/[50]th of width and try again when it nearly fits

			// 1 - allow GRAYSCALE only [convert CMYK/RGB->gray]
			// 2 - allow RGB / SPOT COLOR / Grayscale [convert CMYK->RGB]
			// 3 - allow CMYK / SPOT COLOR / Grayscale [convert RGB->CMYK]
			'restrictColorSpace' => 0,

			// PDFX/1-a Compliant files
			// true=Forces compliance with PDFX-1a spec
			// Cannot be used with 'restrictColorSpace' (i.e. no RGB)
			'PDFX' => false,
			// Overrides warnings making changes when possible to force PDFX1-a compliance
			'PDFXauto' => false,

			// PDFA1-b Compliant files
			// true=Forces compliance with PDFA-1b spec
			// Can use with 'restrictColorSpace'=3 (for a CMYK file)
			// Any other settings, uses RGB profile
			'PDFA' => false,
			// Overrides warnings making changes when possible to force PDFA1-b compliance
			'PDFAauto' => false,

			// Colour profile OutputIntent
			// sRGB_IEC61966-2-1 (=default if blank and PDFA), or other added .icc profile
			// Must be CMYK for PDFX, or appropriate type for PDFA(RGB or CMYK)
			'ICCProfile' => '',

			'spotColors' => [],
			'spotColorIDs' => [],

			'debug' => false,
			// Checks and reports on errors when parsing TTF files - adds significantly to processing time
			'debugfonts' => false,
			'showImageErrors' => false,
			// Die and report error if table is too wide to contain whole words
			'table_error_report' => false,
			// Parameter which can be passed to show in error report i.e. chapter number being processed
			'table_error_report_param' => '',

			'title2annots' => false, // Automatically convert title="" properties in tags, to annotations
			'annotSize' => 0.5, // default mm for Adobe annotations - nominal
			'annotMargin' => null, // default position for Annotations
			'annotOpacity' => 0.5, // default opacity for Annotations

			// makes <a name=""> into a bookmark as well as internal link target, 1' => just name, 2' => name (p.34)
			// Set an optional array to specify appearance of Bookmarks (by level)
			// Default values are Black and normal style
			'anchor2Bookmark' => 0,

				'bookmarkStyles' => array(
					0 => array('color'=> array(0,64,128), 'style'=>'B'),
					1 => array('color'=> array(128,0,0), 'style'=>''),
					2 => array('color'=> array(0,128,0), 'style'=>'I'),
			'bookmarkStyles' => [],

			// Specify whether to automatically generate bookmarks from h1 - h6 tags
				Define arrays with e.g. the tag=>Bookmark-level
				Remember bookmark levels start at 0
				(does not work inside tables)
				H1 - H6 must be uppercase
				'h2bookmarks' => array('H1'=>0, 'H2'=>1, 'H3'=>2),
			'h2bookmarks' => [],


			// Specify whether to automatically generate ToC entries from h1 - h6 tags
				Define arrays with e.g. the tag=>ToC-level
				Remember ToC levels start at 0
				(does not work inside tables)
				Only the default ToC will be used if > 1 ToCs are defined for the document
				H1 - H6 must be uppercase
				'h2toc' => array('H1'=>0, 'H2'=>1, 'H3'=>2),
			'h2toc' => [],

			// INDEX
			/* Specifies whether to repeat the main entry for each subEntry (true suppresses this)
				e.g. Mammal:dog   ...   Mammal:elephant ->
				- dog
				- elephant
				Mammal, dog
				Mammal, elephant
			'indexUseSubentries' => true,

			// CSS & STYLES
			// screen, print, or any other CSS @media type (except "all")
			'CSSselectMedia' => 'print',

			'forcePortraitHeaders' => false,

			// Values used if simple FOOTER/HEADER given i.e. not array
			'defaultheaderfontsize' => 8, // pt
			'defaultheaderfontstyle' => 'BI', // '', or 'B' or 'I' or 'BI'
			'defaultheaderline' => 1, // 1 or 0 - line under the header
			'defaultfooterfontsize' => 8, // pt
			'defaultfooterfontstyle' => 'BI', // '', or 'B' or 'I' or 'BI'
			'defaultfooterline' => 1, // 1 or 0 - line over the footer

			// spacing between bottom of header and line (if present) - function of fontsize
			'header_line_spacing' => 0.25,
			// spacing between bottom of header and line (if present) - function of fontsize
			'footer_line_spacing' => 0.25,
			// If 'pad' margin-top sets fixed distance in mm (padding) between bottom of header and top of text.
			// If 'stretch' margin-top sets a minimum distance in mm between top of page and top of text, which expands if header is too large to fit.
			'setAutoTopMargin' => false,
			'setAutoBottomMargin' => false,
			// distance in mm used as padding if 'stretch' mode is used
			'autoMarginPadding' => 2,

			// TABLES
			// Forces all cells to have same border, background etc. Improves performance
			'simpleTables' => false,
			// Reduce memory usage processing tables (but with increased processing time)
			'packTableData' => false,

			'ignore_table_percents' => false,
			'ignore_table_widths' => false,
			// If table width set > page width, force resizing but keep relative sizes
			// Also forces respect of cell widths set by %
			'keep_table_proportions' => true,
			// automatically reduce fontsize in table if words would have to split ( not in CJK)
			// 0 or false to disable, value (if set) gives maximum factor to reduce fontsize
			'shrink_tables_to_fit' => 1.4,

			// If page-break-inside:avoid but cannot fit on full page without
			// exceeding autosize, setting this value to true will force respect for autosize, and disable the page-break-inside:avoid
			'tableMinSizePriority' => false,

			// "Keep-with-table" Attempts to keep a <h1> to <h6> tagged heading together with a table which comes immediately after it.
			'use_kwt' => false,
			// Set to TRUE to use table Head iteration counter
			'iterationCounter' => false,
			// Use table border (using this width in mm) when table breaks across pages
			// Recommended to use small value e.g. 0.01
			'splitTableBorderWidth' => 0,

			// Allowed characters for text alignment on decimal marks. Additional codes must start with D
			// DM - middot U+00B7
			// DA - arabic decimal mark U+066B
			'decimal_align' => ['DP' => '.', 'DC' => ',', 'DM' => "\xc2\xb7", 'DA' => "\xd9\xab", 'DD' => '-'],

			// IMAGES
			// if image-rendering=='auto', this defines value for image-rendering
			// if true, image interpolation shall be performed by a conforming reader
			'interpolateImages' => false,
			// Default dpi to output images if size not defined
			// See also above "dpi"
			'img_dpi' => 96,
			// Specify whitelisted PHP streams to be used for images
			// Useful to add custom streams like `s3`
			// Note: for security reasons the `phar` stream cannot be used @see
			'whitelistStreamWrappers' => ['http', 'https', 'file'],


			// Specify whether kerning should be used when CSS font-kerning="auto" used for HTML,
			// Also whether kerning should be used in any direct writing e.g. $mpdf->Text(),
			'useKerning' => false,
			// In justified text, <BR> does not cause the preceding text to be justified in browsers
			// Change to true to force justification (as in MS Word)
			'justifyB4br' => false,

			// Number of spaces to replace for a TAB in <pre> sections
			// Notepad uses 6, HTML specification recommends 8
			'tabSpaces' => 8,
			// Proportion (/1) of space (when justifying margins) to allocate to Word vs. Character
			'jSWord' => 0.4,
			// Maximum spacing to allocate to character spacing. (0' => no maximum)
			'jSmaxChar' => 2,

			// Maximum character spacing allowed (carried over) when finishing a last line
			'jSmaxCharLast' => 1,
			// Maximum word spacing allowed (carried over) when finishing a last line
			'jSmaxWordLast' => 2,

			// Use the fixed factor ('normalLineheight') when line-height:normal
			// Compatible with mPDF versions < 6
			'useFixedNormalLineHeight' => false,

			// Use a fixed ratio ('baselineC') to set the text baseline
			// Compatible with mPDF versions < 6
			'useFixedTextBaseline' => false,

			// Default Value used for line-height when CSS specified as 'normal' (default)
			'normalLineheight' => 1.33,

			// Correction factor applied to lineheight values derived from 'win', 'mac', 'winTypo'
			'adjustFontDescLineheight' => 1.14,

			// Small Caps
			// Factor of 1 to scale capital letters
			'smCapsScale' => 0.75,
			// % to stretch small caps horizontally (i.e. 100' => no stretch)
			'smCapsStretch' => 110,

			// Line-breaking
			// The alternative to these next 2 is the use of U+200B Zero-width space
			// These are only effective if using OTL for the fonts
			// Use the dictionaries to determine line-breaking in Lao, Khmer and Thai
			'useDictionaryLBR' => true,
			// Use the inbuilt algorithm to determine line-breaking in Tibetan
			'useTibetanLBR' => true,

			// CJK Line-breaking
			// FALSE=always wrap to next line, TRUE=squeeze or overflow
			'allowCJKorphans' => true,
			// FALSE=squeeze, TRUE=overflow (only some characters, and disabled in tables)
			'allowCJKoverflow' => false,
			// Forces overflowng punctuation to hang outside right margin mPDF 5.6.40
			'CJKforceend' => false,

			'keepColumns' => false, // Set to go to the second column only when the first is full of text etc.
			'max_colH_correction' => 1.15, // Maximum ratio to adjust column height when justifying - too large a value can give ugly results
			'ColGap' => 5,

			// LISTS
			// mPDF 6
			// 'mpdf' or 'browser' - Specify whether to use mPDF custom method of automatic
			'list_auto_mode' => 'browser',
			// indentation of lists, or standard browser-compatible
			// custom mPDF method is ignored if list-style-position: inside, or image used for marker (or custom U+)
			// List Indentation when set to 'auto' if using standard browser-compatible method
			'list_indent_default' => '40px',
			// List Indentation when set to 'auto' if using mPDF custom method
			'list_indent_default_mpdf' => '0em',
			// 1/0 yes/no to indent first level of list, if using mPDF custom method
			'list_indent_first_level' => 0,

			// Content to follow a numbered list marker e.g. '.' gives 1. or IV., ')' gives 1) or a)
			'list_number_suffix' => '.',

			// To specify a bullet size and offset proportional to the list item's font size:
			// Browsers use a fixed bullet size and offset
			// Offset (CSS length) of list marker bullets (disc/circle/square)
			'list_marker_offset' => '5.5pt',
			// Size (CSS) of list marker bullets (disc/circle/square)
			'list_symbol_size' => '3.6pt',

			// Hyphenation
			'SHYlanguages' => ['en', 'de', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'it', 'nl', 'pl', 'ru', 'sv'], // existing defined patterns
			'SHYlang' => "en", // 'en','de','es','fi','fr','it','nl','pl','ru','sv'
			'SHYleftmin' => 2,
			'SHYrightmin' => 2,
			'SHYcharmin' => 2,
			'SHYcharmax' => 10,

			'useActiveForms' => false,

			'watermarkImgBehind' => false,
			'showWatermarkText' => 0,
			'showWatermarkImage' => 0,
			'watermarkText' => '',
			'watermarkAngle' => 45,
			'watermarkImage' => '',
			'watermark_font' => '',
			'watermarkTextAlpha' => 0.2,
			'watermarkImageAlpha' => 0.2,

			// Accepts any PDF spec. value: Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten, ColorDodge, ColorBurn, HardLight, SoftLight, Difference, Exclusion
			// "Multiply" works well for watermark image on top
			'watermarkImgAlphaBlend' => 'Normal',

			'autoPadding' => false, // Automatically increases padding in block elements when border-radius set - if required

			// SVG

			// If you wish to use Automatic Font selection within SVG's. change this definition to true.
			// This selects different fonts for different scripts used in text.
			// This can be enabled/disabled independently of the use of Automatic Font selection within mPDF generally.
			// Choice of font is determined by the LangToFont and ScriptToLang classes, the same as for mPDF generally.
			'svgAutoFont' => false,

			// Enable a limited use of classes within SVG <text> elements by setting this to true.
			// This allows recognition of a "class" attribute on a <text> element.
			// The CSS style for that class should be outside the SVG, and cannot use any other selectors (i.e. only .class {} can be defined)
			// <style> definitions within the SVG code will be recognised if the SVG is included as an inline item within the HTML code passed to mPDF.
			// The style property should be pertinent to SVG e.g. use fill:red rather than color:red
			// Only the properties currently supported for SVG text can be specified:
			// fill, fill-opacity, stroke, stroke-opacity, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-width, stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset
			// font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-variant, font-style, opacity, text-anchor
			'svgClasses' => false,

			// Default values if no style sheet offered	(cf.
			'defaultCSS' => DefaultCss::$definition,
			'defaultCssFile' => __DIR__ . '/../../data/mpdf.css',

			'customProperties' => [],

			'languageToFont' => new LanguageToFont(),
			'scriptToLanguage' => new ScriptToLanguage(),


			'pdf_version' => '1.4',

			'fontDir' => [
				__DIR__ . '/../../ttfonts'

			'tempDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../tmp',

			'cacheCleanupInterval' => 3600,

			'allowAnnotationFiles' => false,

			'hyphenationDictionaryFile' => __DIR__ . '/../../data/patterns/dictionary.txt',

			'default_lineheight_correction' => 1.2, // Value 1 sets lineheight=fontsize height,
			// Value used if line-height not set by CSS (usually is)

			'fontsizes' => ['XX-SMALL' => 0.7, 'X-SMALL' => 0.77, 'SMALL' => 0.86, 'MEDIUM' => 1, 'LARGE' => 1.2, 'X-LARGE' => 1.5, 'XX-LARGE' => 2],

			// pattern used to detect RTL characters -> force RTL
			'pregRTLchars' => "\x{0590}-\x{06FF}\x{0700}-\x{085F}\x{FB00}-\x{FDFD}\x{FE70}-\x{FEFF}", // 085F to include Mandaic
			// Chars which distinguish CJK but not between different
			'pregCJKchars' => "\x{1100}-\x{11FF}\x{2E80}-\x{A4CF}\x{A800}-\x{D7AF}\x{F900}-\x{FAFF}\x{FE30}-\x{FE6F}\x{FF00}-\x{FFEF}\x{20000}-\x{2FA1F}",

			 * References for CJK line-breaking
			 * - listed using charsets
			 * Word wrapping in other langauges -
			 * Word wrapping in Japanese/Korean -
			 * Unicode character types:
			 * ECMA-376 4th edition Part 1

			// Leading characters - Not allowed at end of line
			'CJKleading' => "\$\(\*\[\{\x{00a3}\x{00a5}\x{00ab}\x{00b7}\x{2018}\x{201c}\x{2035}\x{3005}\x{3007}\x{3008}\x{300a}\x{300c}\x{300e}\x{3010}\x{3014}\x{3016}\x{3018}\x{301d}\x{fe34}\x{fe35}\x{fe37}\x{fe39}\x{fe3b}\x{fe3d}\x{fe3f}\x{fe41}\x{fe43}\x{fe57}\x{fe59}\x{fe5b}\x{fe5d}\x{ff04}\x{ff08}\x{ff0e}\x{ff3b}\x{ff5b}\x{ff5f}\x{ff62}\x{ffe1}\x{ffe5}\x{ffe6}",

			// Following characters - Not allowed at start
			'CJKfollowing' => "!%\),\.:,>\?\]\}\x{00a2}\x{00a8}\x{00b0}\x{00b7}\x{00bb}\x{02c7}\x{02c9}\x{2010}\x{2013}-\x{2016}\x{2019}\x{201d}-\x{201f}\x{2020}-\x{2022}\x{2025}-\x{2027}\x{2030}\x{2032}\x{2033}\x{203a}\x{203c}\x{2047}-\x{2049}\x{2103}\x{2236}\x{2574}\x{3001}-\x{3003}\x{3005}\x{3006}\x{3009}\x{300b}\x{300d}\x{300f}\x{3011}\x{3015}\x{3017}\x{3019}\x{301c}\x{301e}\x{301f}\x{303b}\x{3041}\x{3043}\x{3045}\x{3047}\x{3049}\x{3063}\x{3083}\x{3085}\x{3087}\x{308e}\x{3095}\x{3096}\x{309b}-\x{309e}\x{30a0}\x{30a1}\x{30a3}\x{30a5}\x{30a7}\x{30a9}\x{30c3}\x{30e3}\x{30e5}\x{30e7}\x{30ee}\x{30f5}\x{30f6}\x{30fb}-\x{30fd}\x{30fe}\x{31f0}-\x{31ff}\x{fe30}\x{fe31}-\x{fe34}\x{fe36}\x{fe38}\x{fe3a}\x{fe3c}\x{fe3e}\x{fe40}\x{fe42}\x{fe44}\x{fe4f}\x{fe50}-\x{fe58}\x{fe5a}\x{fe5c}-\x{fe5e}\x{ff01}\x{ff02}\x{ff05}\x{ff07}\x{ff09}\x{ff0c}\x{ff0e}\x{ff1a}\x{ff1b}\x{ff1f}\x{ff3d}\x{ff40}\x{ff5c}-\x{ff5e}\x{ff60}\x{ff61}\x{ff63}-\x{ff65}\x{ff9e}\x{ff9f}\x{ffe0}",

			// Characters which are allowed to overflow the right margin (from CSS3
			'CJKoverflow' => "\.,\x{ff61}\x{ff64}\x{3001}\x{3002}\x{fe50}-\x{fe52}\x{ff0c}\x{ff0e}",

			// Used for preventing letter-spacing in cursive scripts
			// NB The following scripts in Unicode 6 are considered to be cursive scripts,
			// and do not allow expansion opportunities between their letters:
			// Arabic, Syriac, Mandaic, Mongolian, N'Ko, Phags Pa
			'pregCURSchars' => "\x{0590}-\x{083E}\x{0900}-\x{0DFF}\x{FB00}-\x{FDFD}\x{FE70}-\x{FEFF}",


			'outerblocktags' => ['DIV', 'FORM', 'CENTER', 'DL', 'FIELDSET', 'ARTICLE', 'ASIDE', 'FIGURE', 'FIGCAPTION', 'FOOTER', 'HEADER', 'HGROUP', 'MAIN', 'NAV', 'SECTION', 'DETAILS', 'SUMMARY', 'UL', 'OL', 'LI'],
			'innerblocktags' => ['P', 'BLOCKQUOTE', 'ADDRESS', 'PRE', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'DT', 'DD', 'CAPTION'],

			// cURL options
			'curlFollowLocation' => false,
			'curlAllowUnsafeSslRequests' => false,
			'curlCaCertificate' => '',
			'curlTimeout' => 5,
			'curlExecutionTimeout' => null,
			'curlProxy' => null,
			'curlProxyAuth' => null,
			'curlUserAgent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0',

			'exposeVersion' => true,

	public function getDefaults()
		return $this->defaults;

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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
This course was published already and you can check the main course
Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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