name :
Laravel PayTabs PT2

This Package provides integration with the PayTabs payment gateway.

* Introduction
* what's new
* Requirements
* Installation
* Configuration
* usage

This Package integrates PayTabs online payments into
the Laravel Framework starts from version 5.8 - 10.x.

This Package requires no external dependencies.

- composer require paytabscom/laravel_paytabs

* composer dump-autoload

* Go to _config/app.php_ and in the providers array add


* Create the package config file:

        php artisan vendor:publish --tag=paytabs

* Go to _config/logging.php_ and in the channels array add
      'PayTabs' => [
      'driver' => 'single',
      'path' => storage_path('logs/paytabs.log'),
      'level' => 'info',
* In _config/paytabs.php_ add your merchant info.

**Important Hint:**
  you can pass your merchant info in the environment file with the same key names mentioned in the _config/paytabs.php_ file.
  This value will be returned if no environment variable exists for the given key. 


* create pay page

        use Paytabscom\Laravel_paytabs\Facades\paypage;

        $pay= paypage::sendPaymentCode('all')
               ->sendCustomerDetails('Walaa Elsaeed', '', '0101111111', 'test', 'Nasr City', 'Cairo', 'EG', '1234','')
               ->sendShippingDetails('Walaa Elsaeed', '', '0101111111', 'test', 'Nasr City', 'Cairo', 'EG', '1234','')
               ->sendURLs('return_url', 'callback_url')
        return $pay;
* if you want to pass the shipping address as same as billing address you can use
        and make sure to remove calling 

* if you want to hide the shipping address you can use 

* if you want to use iframe option instead of redirection you can use

* if you want to pass the payment methods you can use


* if you want to pass the Tokenization option you can use


* if you want to make a payment via token you can use

        ->sendToken('transRef returned to you in the same first payment page','token returned from the first payment page created with Tokenization option')

* if you want to make a payment with user defined you can use

        ->sendUserDefined(["udf1"=>"UDF1 Test", "udf2"=>"UDF2 Test", "udf3"=>"UDF3 Test"])

* refund (you can use this function to both refund and partially refund)

        $refund = Paypage::refund('tran_ref','order_id','amount','refund_reason');
        return $refund;

* Auth

        pay= Paypage::sendPaymentCode('all')
               ->sendCustomerDetails('Walaa Elsaeed', '', '0101111111', 'test', 'Nasr City', 'Cairo', 'EG', '1234','')
               ->sendShippingDetails('Walaa Elsaeed', '', '0101111111', 'test', 'Nasr City', 'Cairo', 'EG', '1234','')
               ->sendURLs('return_url', 'callback_url')
        return $pay;

* capture (the tran_ref is the tran_ref of the Auth transaction you need to capture it.
  you can use this function to both capture and partially capture.)

         $capture = Paypage::capture('tran_ref','order_id','amount','capture description'); 
         return $capture;

* void (the tran_ref is the tran_ref of the Auth transaction you need to void it.
  you can use this function to both capture and partially capture)

        $void = Paypage::void('tran_ref','order_id','amount','void description');
        return $void

* transaction details

        $transaction = Paypage::queryTransaction('tran_ref');
        return $transaction;

* if you face any error you will find it logged in: _storage/logs/paytabs.log_


PayTabs payment gateway provides means to notify your system with payment result once transaction processing was completed so that your system can update the transaction respective cart.

To get use of this feature do the following:

1- Defining a route (Optional)
Laravel PayTabs PT2 package comes with a default route for incoming IPN requests. The route URI is  _/paymentIPN_ ,  if you don't like it this URI just ignore it and define your own. Look at _routes/routes.php_ to get a clue.

2- Implementing a means to receive notification

To receive notification, do one of the following:
* While creating a pay page, passed this route as  a Callback URL to _sendURLs_ method, that URL will receive an HTTP Post request with the payment result. For more about callback check: **merchant dashboard** > **Developers** > **Transaction API**.

* Second means is to configure IPN notification from merchant dashboard. For more details about how to configure IPN request and its different formats check: **merchant dashboard** > **Developers** > **Service Types**.

3- Configuring a callback method
Now, you need to configure the plugin with the class\method that will grab the payment details and perform your custom logic (updating cart in DB, notifying the customer ...etc ).

* In your website _config/paytabs.php_ file, add the following:

        'callback' => env('paytabs_ipn_callback', new namespace\your_class() ),

* In your class add new method, it must named: **updateCartByIPN**

        updateCartByIPN( $requestData){
            $cartId= $requestData->getCartId();
            $status= $requestData->getStatus();
            //your logic .. updating cart in DB, notifying the customer ...etc

            //Hold On Reject support
            // if $status = "H" this is mean the transaction is hold on reject.
            // you can't make capture for it from your system.
            // you must make the capture from paytabs dashboard side.
            // make sure to add your ipn value to paytabs dashboard from here:
             "{paytabs portal}/merchant/developers/ipnconfig".
you can also get transaction reference number. To get the list of available properties check: _Paytabscom\Laravel__paytabs\IpnRequest_ class.

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Web Design for Beginners | Anyleson - Learning Platform
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Web Design for Beginners

Web Design for Beginners

in Design
Created by Linda Anderson
5 Users are following this upcoming course
Course Published
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Web Design for Beginners
in Design
1:45 Hours
8 Jul 2021

What you will learn?

Create any website layout you can imagine

Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design

Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3

Course description

You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. 

Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.

In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!


No prerequisite knowledge required

No special software required

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