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<?php declare(strict_types = 1); /* * This file is part of PharIo\Manifest. * * Copyright (c) Arne Blankerts <>, Sebastian Heuer <>, Sebastian Bergmann <> and contributors * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. * */ namespace PharIo\Manifest; use PharIo\Version\Exception as VersionException; use PharIo\Version\Version; use PharIo\Version\VersionConstraintParser; use Throwable; use function sprintf; class ManifestDocumentMapper { public function map(ManifestDocument $document): Manifest { try { $contains = $document->getContainsElement(); $type = $this->mapType($contains); $copyright = $this->mapCopyright($document->getCopyrightElement()); $requirements = $this->mapRequirements($document->getRequiresElement()); $bundledComponents = $this->mapBundledComponents($document); return new Manifest( new ApplicationName($contains->getName()), new Version($contains->getVersion()), $type, $copyright, $requirements, $bundledComponents ); } catch (Throwable $e) { throw new ManifestDocumentMapperException($e->getMessage(), (int)$e->getCode(), $e); } } private function mapType(ContainsElement $contains): Type { switch ($contains->getType()) { case 'application': return Type::application(); case 'library': return Type::library(); case 'extension': return $this->mapExtension($contains->getExtensionElement()); } throw new ManifestDocumentMapperException( sprintf('Unsupported type %s', $contains->getType()) ); } private function mapCopyright(CopyrightElement $copyright): CopyrightInformation { $authors = new AuthorCollection(); foreach ($copyright->getAuthorElements() as $authorElement) { $authors->add( new Author( $authorElement->getName(), $authorElement->hasEMail() ? new Email($authorElement->getEmail()) : null ) ); } $licenseElement = $copyright->getLicenseElement(); $license = new License( $licenseElement->getType(), new Url($licenseElement->getUrl()) ); return new CopyrightInformation( $authors, $license ); } private function mapRequirements(RequiresElement $requires): RequirementCollection { $collection = new RequirementCollection(); $phpElement = $requires->getPHPElement(); $parser = new VersionConstraintParser; try { $versionConstraint = $parser->parse($phpElement->getVersion()); } catch (VersionException $e) { throw new ManifestDocumentMapperException( sprintf('Unsupported version constraint - %s', $e->getMessage()), (int)$e->getCode(), $e ); } $collection->add( new PhpVersionRequirement( $versionConstraint ) ); if (!$phpElement->hasExtElements()) { return $collection; } foreach ($phpElement->getExtElements() as $extElement) { $collection->add( new PhpExtensionRequirement($extElement->getName()) ); } return $collection; } private function mapBundledComponents(ManifestDocument $document): BundledComponentCollection { $collection = new BundledComponentCollection(); if (!$document->hasBundlesElement()) { return $collection; } foreach ($document->getBundlesElement()->getComponentElements() as $componentElement) { $collection->add( new BundledComponent( $componentElement->getName(), new Version( $componentElement->getVersion() ) ) ); } return $collection; } private function mapExtension(ExtensionElement $extension): Extension { try { $versionConstraint = (new VersionConstraintParser)->parse($extension->getCompatible()); return Type::extension( new ApplicationName($extension->getFor()), $versionConstraint ); } catch (VersionException $e) { throw new ManifestDocumentMapperException( sprintf('Unsupported version constraint - %s', $e->getMessage()), (int)$e->getCode(), $e ); } } }